Stajković, Silvana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Stajković, Silvana (39)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200143 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) Selected biological hazards for safety/quality of food of animal origin and control measures from farm to consumer
Improvement and development of hygienic and technological procedures in production of animal originating foodstuffs with the aim of producing high-quality and safe products competetive on the global market Bacterial zoonoses-Development of molecular and immunological diagnostic methods and their standardization
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200050 (Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200134 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology)
Molecular genetic and ecophysiological researches on the protection of autochthonous animal genetic resources, sustaining domestic animals’ welfare, health and reproduction, and safe food production Research on pharmacological characteristics of antimicrobial agents, introduction of new technological solutions and alternative prophylactic methods with the purpose to improve control of infectious animal disease
Management of sustainable farming of organic lamb production as a support to rural development Antioxidative defense, differentiation and regeneration potential of tissue specific mesenchymal stem cells during ageing
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200008 (Institute of European Studies, Belgrade) Novel encapsulation and enzyme technologies for designing of new biocatalysts and biologically active compounds targeting enhancement of food quality, safety and competitiveness
Razvoj i primena proizvoda na bazi mineralnih sirovina u proizvodnji bezbedne hrane An Environmental Approach and the Adoption of Modern Biotechnologies as a Basis for Improvement of Ruminant Breeding Technology
Biotechnology in the regulation of productive and reproductive status and health in dairy cows Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia within the Project Grants No. II 46009, No. 175039.
Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of the Republic of Serbia [1518] Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 1518

Author's Bibliography

Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji

Savić Radovanović, Radoslava; Stajković, Silvana; Kureljušić, Jasna; Cvetković, Anđela

(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2024)

AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Kureljušić, Jasna
AU  - Cvetković, Anđela
PY  - 2024
UR  -
PB  - Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske
C3  - 29. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), Teslić, 5 - 7. jun 2024
T1  - Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji
T1  - Quality assessment of milk and diary products in the Republic of Serbia
SP  - 130
EP  - 131
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Savić Radovanović, Radoslava and Stajković, Silvana and Kureljušić, Jasna and Cvetković, Anđela",
year = "2024",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske",
journal = "29. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), Teslić, 5 - 7. jun 2024",
title = "Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji, Quality assessment of milk and diary products in the Republic of Serbia",
pages = "130-131",
url = ""
Savić Radovanović, R., Stajković, S., Kureljušić, J.,& Cvetković, A.. (2024). Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji. in 29. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), Teslić, 5 - 7. jun 2024
Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske., 130-131.
Savić Radovanović R, Stajković S, Kureljušić J, Cvetković A. Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji. in 29. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), Teslić, 5 - 7. jun 2024. 2024;:130-131. .
Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, Stajković, Silvana, Kureljušić, Jasna, Cvetković, Anđela, "Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji" in 29. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina), Teslić, 5 - 7. jun 2024 (2024):130-131, .

The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs

Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Čobanović, Nikola; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, 2024)

AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Čobanović, Nikola
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - A total of 100 commercial market pigs were randomly allocated to two stunning treatments: carbon dioxide (CO2) and electrical stunning, at a commercial abattoir. The effects of the two stunning methods on pig stress and meat quality were measured. Blood lactate and cortisol, and postmortem pH (pH45 min; pH24 h), temperature (T45 min), drip loss and sensory color for the longissimus dorsi, pars lumbalis, were determined. After electrical stunning, pH45 min and pH24 h was lower than after CO2 stunning (P<0.05), and T45 min was higher (P<0.01). There was no effect (P>0.05) of stunning on drip loss 24 h and 48 h post-mortem, or sensory color, or on stress parameters, lactate and cortisol. However, individual animal variations of stress markers within the slaughter batch were very high, and their average concentrations indicated high levels of stress. From the perspective of animal welfare and protection, both stunning methods should be conducted properly, according to the de ned procedures to minimize stress and to assure adequate meat quality.
AB  - Ukupno 100 svinja iz komercijalnog uzgoja nasumično je podvrgnuto dvama tretmanima omamljivanja u klaonici: ugljikovim dioksidom (CO2) i električnim omamljivanjem. Mjereni su učinci na stres svinja i kvalitetu mesa. Određivani su laktat i kortizol u krvi, te postmortalni pH (pH45 min; pH24 h), temperatura (T45 min), sposobnost vezivanja vode i senzorna boja na longissimus dorsi, pars lumbalis. Nakon električnog omamljivanja, u usporedbi s omamljivanjem CO2, pH45 min i pH24 h su se smanjili (P<0,05), a T45 min je bila viša (P<0,01). Način omamljivanja nije utjecao (P>0,05) na sposobnost vezivanja vode 24 h i 48 h post mortem i senzornu boju, kao ni na pokazatelje stresa, laktat i kortizol. Međutim, kolebanje pokazatelja stresa kod pojedinačnih životinja unutar klaoničke serije bila je vrlo visoka, a njihove prosječne koncentracije upućivale su na visoku razinu stresa. Iz perspektive dobrobiti i zaštite životinja, obje metode omamljivanja treba pravilno provoditi u skladu s de niranim postupcima kako bi se smanjio stres i osigurala odgovarajuća kvaliteta mesa.
PB  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb
T2  - Veterinarski Arhiv
T1  - The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs
T1  - Utjecaj metode omamljivanja na pokazatelje stresa i kvalitete mesa svinja
VL  - 94
IS  - 4
SP  - 297
EP  - 304
DO  - 10.24099/vet.arhiv.2542
ER  - 
author = "Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Čobanović, Nikola and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2024",
abstract = "A total of 100 commercial market pigs were randomly allocated to two stunning treatments: carbon dioxide (CO2) and electrical stunning, at a commercial abattoir. The effects of the two stunning methods on pig stress and meat quality were measured. Blood lactate and cortisol, and postmortem pH (pH45 min; pH24 h), temperature (T45 min), drip loss and sensory color for the longissimus dorsi, pars lumbalis, were determined. After electrical stunning, pH45 min and pH24 h was lower than after CO2 stunning (P<0.05), and T45 min was higher (P<0.01). There was no effect (P>0.05) of stunning on drip loss 24 h and 48 h post-mortem, or sensory color, or on stress parameters, lactate and cortisol. However, individual animal variations of stress markers within the slaughter batch were very high, and their average concentrations indicated high levels of stress. From the perspective of animal welfare and protection, both stunning methods should be conducted properly, according to the de ned procedures to minimize stress and to assure adequate meat quality., Ukupno 100 svinja iz komercijalnog uzgoja nasumično je podvrgnuto dvama tretmanima omamljivanja u klaonici: ugljikovim dioksidom (CO2) i električnim omamljivanjem. Mjereni su učinci na stres svinja i kvalitetu mesa. Određivani su laktat i kortizol u krvi, te postmortalni pH (pH45 min; pH24 h), temperatura (T45 min), sposobnost vezivanja vode i senzorna boja na longissimus dorsi, pars lumbalis. Nakon električnog omamljivanja, u usporedbi s omamljivanjem CO2, pH45 min i pH24 h su se smanjili (P<0,05), a T45 min je bila viša (P<0,01). Način omamljivanja nije utjecao (P>0,05) na sposobnost vezivanja vode 24 h i 48 h post mortem i senzornu boju, kao ni na pokazatelje stresa, laktat i kortizol. Međutim, kolebanje pokazatelja stresa kod pojedinačnih životinja unutar klaoničke serije bila je vrlo visoka, a njihove prosječne koncentracije upućivale su na visoku razinu stresa. Iz perspektive dobrobiti i zaštite životinja, obje metode omamljivanja treba pravilno provoditi u skladu s de niranim postupcima kako bi se smanjio stres i osigurala odgovarajuća kvaliteta mesa.",
publisher = "Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb",
journal = "Veterinarski Arhiv",
title = "The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs, Utjecaj metode omamljivanja na pokazatelje stresa i kvalitete mesa svinja",
volume = "94",
number = "4",
pages = "297-304",
doi = "10.24099/vet.arhiv.2542"
Stajković, S., Vasilev, D., Dimitrijević, M., Čobanović, N.,& Karabasil, N.. (2024). The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs. in Veterinarski Arhiv
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb., 94(4), 297-304.
Stajković S, Vasilev D, Dimitrijević M, Čobanović N, Karabasil N. The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs. in Veterinarski Arhiv. 2024;94(4):297-304.
doi:10.24099/vet.arhiv.2542 .
Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Čobanović, Nikola, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "The effect of stunning methods on stress and meat quality parameters in pigs" in Veterinarski Arhiv, 94, no. 4 (2024):297-304, . .

Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages

Bajčić, Aleksandar; Petronijević, Radivoj; Suvajdžić, Branko; Tomović, Vladimir; Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan

(Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2023)

AU  - Bajčić, Aleksandar
AU  - Petronijević, Radivoj
AU  - Suvajdžić, Branko
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Total replacement of pork backfat with inulin-collagen suspension in the production of cooked-emulsified sausages
was investigated. Four groups of sausages were produced: control sausages (backfat 25 %), Series A (backfat 15 %,
inulin 4 %, and collagen 0.7 %), Series B (backfat 7.5 %, inulin 4 %, and collagen 1.2 %) and Series C (inulin 4 % and
collagen 1.65 %). Physico-chemical properties, chemical composition, fatty acid profile, lipid oxidation parameters,
colour, textural and sensory parameters were determined. The results showed that total replacement of pork backfat
with inulin-collagen suspension is possible, considering that the low-fat Series C sausages had acceptable sensory properties, lower free fat content (8.5 ± 1.8 g∙kg-1), lower cholesterol content (462.3 ± 49.3 mg·kg-1) and higher content
of carbohydrates-prebiotics (74.6 ± 8.4 g∙kg-1) than the control sausages. Series C sausages also had lower polyunsaturated, higher monounsaturated and a similar saturated fatty acids contents compared to the control product. Total
fat replacement led to a decrease in values of lightness and redness but did not influence yellowness or the texture
parameters. Regarding quality parameters, sausages with partially replaced pork backfat were not superior to those
with total fat replacement.
PB  - Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
T2  - Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
T1  - Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages
VL  - 62
IS  - 1
SP  - 35
EP  - 45
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bajčić, Aleksandar and Petronijević, Radivoj and Suvajdžić, Branko and Tomović, Vladimir and Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Total replacement of pork backfat with inulin-collagen suspension in the production of cooked-emulsified sausages
was investigated. Four groups of sausages were produced: control sausages (backfat 25 %), Series A (backfat 15 %,
inulin 4 %, and collagen 0.7 %), Series B (backfat 7.5 %, inulin 4 %, and collagen 1.2 %) and Series C (inulin 4 % and
collagen 1.65 %). Physico-chemical properties, chemical composition, fatty acid profile, lipid oxidation parameters,
colour, textural and sensory parameters were determined. The results showed that total replacement of pork backfat
with inulin-collagen suspension is possible, considering that the low-fat Series C sausages had acceptable sensory properties, lower free fat content (8.5 ± 1.8 g∙kg-1), lower cholesterol content (462.3 ± 49.3 mg·kg-1) and higher content
of carbohydrates-prebiotics (74.6 ± 8.4 g∙kg-1) than the control sausages. Series C sausages also had lower polyunsaturated, higher monounsaturated and a similar saturated fatty acids contents compared to the control product. Total
fat replacement led to a decrease in values of lightness and redness but did not influence yellowness or the texture
parameters. Regarding quality parameters, sausages with partially replaced pork backfat were not superior to those
with total fat replacement.",
publisher = "Journal of Food and Nutrition Research",
journal = "Journal of Food and Nutrition Research",
title = "Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages",
volume = "62",
number = "1",
pages = "35-45",
url = ""
Bajčić, A., Petronijević, R., Suvajdžić, B., Tomović, V., Stajković, S.,& Vasilev, D.. (2023). Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages. in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research., 62(1), 35-45.
Bajčić A, Petronijević R, Suvajdžić B, Tomović V, Stajković S, Vasilev D. Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages. in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2023;62(1):35-45. .
Bajčić, Aleksandar, Petronijević, Radivoj, Suvajdžić, Branko, Tomović, Vladimir, Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, "Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages" in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 62, no. 1 (2023):35-45, .

Perspectives in fat replacement in sausages

Vasilev, Dragan; Suvajdžić, Branko; Bajčić, Aleksandar; Stajković, Silvana

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Suvajdžić, Branko
AU  - Bajčić, Aleksandar
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Fat replacement in meat products has gained in importance during recent decades, ever since
animal fat was recognized as one of the significant causes of chronic non‑infectious diseases
in modern human populations. Meat products with the highest fat contents include different
types of sausages. As fatty tissue plays important roles in sausage quality, fat replacement is
not an easy task. There are different approaches which depend on the sausage type. In fermented
sausages, the fat substitute should successfully imitate the fatty tissue particles, and
in emulsion‑type sausages, the fat substitute should be thoroughly mixed and incorporated
into the meat batter. The fat substitutes can be of protein or carbohydrate nature, and often are
combined with oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, aiming not only to reduce the amount
of animal fat in sausages, but also to improve the fatty acid composition of the products.
However, fat replacement without affecting sausage quality and shelf life was previously
possible only partially and involved a relatively small percentage of replaced fat. Nowadays,
some recent studies have reported 100% fatty tissue replacement without adverse effects on
the products’ properties, opening a new chapter in designing low fat meat products.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Perspectives in fat replacement in sausages
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 140
EP  - 144
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.25
ER  - 
author = "Vasilev, Dragan and Suvajdžić, Branko and Bajčić, Aleksandar and Stajković, Silvana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Fat replacement in meat products has gained in importance during recent decades, ever since
animal fat was recognized as one of the significant causes of chronic non‑infectious diseases
in modern human populations. Meat products with the highest fat contents include different
types of sausages. As fatty tissue plays important roles in sausage quality, fat replacement is
not an easy task. There are different approaches which depend on the sausage type. In fermented
sausages, the fat substitute should successfully imitate the fatty tissue particles, and
in emulsion‑type sausages, the fat substitute should be thoroughly mixed and incorporated
into the meat batter. The fat substitutes can be of protein or carbohydrate nature, and often are
combined with oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, aiming not only to reduce the amount
of animal fat in sausages, but also to improve the fatty acid composition of the products.
However, fat replacement without affecting sausage quality and shelf life was previously
possible only partially and involved a relatively small percentage of replaced fat. Nowadays,
some recent studies have reported 100% fatty tissue replacement without adverse effects on
the products’ properties, opening a new chapter in designing low fat meat products.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Perspectives in fat replacement in sausages",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "140-144",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.25"
Vasilev, D., Suvajdžić, B., Bajčić, A.,& Stajković, S.. (2023). Perspectives in fat replacement in sausages. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 140-144.
Vasilev D, Suvajdžić B, Bajčić A, Stajković S. Perspectives in fat replacement in sausages. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):140-144.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.25 .
Vasilev, Dragan, Suvajdžić, Branko, Bajčić, Aleksandar, Stajković, Silvana, "Perspectives in fat replacement in sausages" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):140-144, . .

Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs

Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Pre-slaughter handling, which include transportation, housing, social stress, heat, and dietary
changes, is one of the main causes that produces stress in pigs. The appropriate biomarkers
and objective laboratory criteria to evaluate pre-slaughter stress are lacking. Behavioral
and physiological markers are commonly used for this reason, but these parameters may
increase for reasons unrelated to stress. Acute phase proteins are considered to be markers of
inflammation that have been proposed as indicators for farm animal stress monitoring. The
major acute phase proteins in swine are haptoglobin, serum amyloid A, c-reactive protein,
and pig major acute phase protein. Serum or plasma obtained from blood are the most used
matrixes for the measurement of acute phase proteins, the collection of which involves an
invasive collection method that is harmful and stressing. The use of saliva and meat juice
instead of blood might overcome these disadvantages, since its collection is non-invasive
and stress-free. For any assay measuring acute phase proteins, adequate analytical validation
must be performed, as well as harmonization and standardization of analytical procedures.
The aim of this paper is to emphasize the possibilities of use of acute phase proteins as
biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress, as well as to provide survey of methodologic assays and
fluids that are presently available to measure acute phase proteins.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 145
EP  - 148
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.26
ER  - 
author = "Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Pre-slaughter handling, which include transportation, housing, social stress, heat, and dietary
changes, is one of the main causes that produces stress in pigs. The appropriate biomarkers
and objective laboratory criteria to evaluate pre-slaughter stress are lacking. Behavioral
and physiological markers are commonly used for this reason, but these parameters may
increase for reasons unrelated to stress. Acute phase proteins are considered to be markers of
inflammation that have been proposed as indicators for farm animal stress monitoring. The
major acute phase proteins in swine are haptoglobin, serum amyloid A, c-reactive protein,
and pig major acute phase protein. Serum or plasma obtained from blood are the most used
matrixes for the measurement of acute phase proteins, the collection of which involves an
invasive collection method that is harmful and stressing. The use of saliva and meat juice
instead of blood might overcome these disadvantages, since its collection is non-invasive
and stress-free. For any assay measuring acute phase proteins, adequate analytical validation
must be performed, as well as harmonization and standardization of analytical procedures.
The aim of this paper is to emphasize the possibilities of use of acute phase proteins as
biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress, as well as to provide survey of methodologic assays and
fluids that are presently available to measure acute phase proteins.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "145-148",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.26"
Stajković, S.,& Vasilev, D.. (2023). Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 145-148.
Stajković S, Vasilev D. Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):145-148.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.26 .
Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, "Acute phase proteins as biomarkers of pre-slaughter stress in pigs" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):145-148, . .

Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products

Spirić, Danka; Stefanović, Srđan; Silađi, Čaba; Petronijević, Radivoj; Gerić, Tamara; Borjan, Nikola; Stajković, Silvana

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Spirić, Danka
AU  - Stefanović, Srđan
AU  - Silađi, Čaba
AU  - Petronijević, Radivoj
AU  - Gerić, Tamara
AU  - Borjan, Nikola
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to develop a quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) method suitable for quantification of synthetic food colors, used as additives
or occurring as adulterants in the food or cosmetics industries. Ten colors were validated
in terms of limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, trueness and
applicability. All tested parameters of the validation were within acceptable values, and
the method was comparable to the existing high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC
UV-PDA) method.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 449
EP  - 452
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.86
ER  - 
author = "Spirić, Danka and Stefanović, Srđan and Silađi, Čaba and Petronijević, Radivoj and Gerić, Tamara and Borjan, Nikola and Stajković, Silvana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to develop a quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) method suitable for quantification of synthetic food colors, used as additives
or occurring as adulterants in the food or cosmetics industries. Ten colors were validated
in terms of limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, trueness and
applicability. All tested parameters of the validation were within acceptable values, and
the method was comparable to the existing high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC
UV-PDA) method.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "449-452",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.86"
Spirić, D., Stefanović, S., Silađi, Č., Petronijević, R., Gerić, T., Borjan, N.,& Stajković, S.. (2023). Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 449-452.
Spirić D, Stefanović S, Silađi Č, Petronijević R, Gerić T, Borjan N, Stajković S. Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):449-452.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.86 .
Spirić, Danka, Stefanović, Srđan, Silađi, Čaba, Petronijević, Radivoj, Gerić, Tamara, Borjan, Nikola, Stajković, Silvana, "Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):449-452, . .

Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages

Mićović, Nathalie; Kurćubić, Vladimir; Tomović, Vladimir; Suvajdžić, Branko; Miletić, Nemanja; Stajković, Silvana; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Vasilev, Dragan

(Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, 2021)

AU  - Mićović, Nathalie
AU  - Kurćubić, Vladimir
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Suvajdžić, Branko
AU  - Miletić, Nemanja
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Nitrites are used in meat processing as a preservative, but there is a need
to reduce their usage because of their potential harmful effects on consumers’ health. The antioxidant potential of different herbs and spices in
nitrite-reduced frankfurter type sausages and their influence on the
products’ sensory properties were investigated. The results show the
nitrite-reduced sausages enriched with individual herbs or spices as a
source of phenolic compounds had significant antioxidant potential,
which was the highest in sausages with rosemary followed by sausages
with thyme, black pepper, turmeric, and red paprika. Spice-enriched
sausages had better sensory properties then the control sausages after
chill storage.
PB  - Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
T2  - Fleischwirtschaft
T1  - Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages
VL  - 101
IS  - 12
SP  - 97
EP  - 104
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mićović, Nathalie and Kurćubić, Vladimir and Tomović, Vladimir and Suvajdžić, Branko and Miletić, Nemanja and Stajković, Silvana and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Vasilev, Dragan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Nitrites are used in meat processing as a preservative, but there is a need
to reduce their usage because of their potential harmful effects on consumers’ health. The antioxidant potential of different herbs and spices in
nitrite-reduced frankfurter type sausages and their influence on the
products’ sensory properties were investigated. The results show the
nitrite-reduced sausages enriched with individual herbs or spices as a
source of phenolic compounds had significant antioxidant potential,
which was the highest in sausages with rosemary followed by sausages
with thyme, black pepper, turmeric, and red paprika. Spice-enriched
sausages had better sensory properties then the control sausages after
chill storage.",
publisher = "Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH",
journal = "Fleischwirtschaft",
title = "Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages",
volume = "101",
number = "12",
pages = "97-104",
url = ""
Mićović, N., Kurćubić, V., Tomović, V., Suvajdžić, B., Miletić, N., Stajković, S., Karabasil, N., Dimitrijević, M.,& Vasilev, D.. (2021). Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages. in Fleischwirtschaft
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH., 101(12), 97-104.
Mićović N, Kurćubić V, Tomović V, Suvajdžić B, Miletić N, Stajković S, Karabasil N, Dimitrijević M, Vasilev D. Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages. in Fleischwirtschaft. 2021;101(12):97-104. .
Mićović, Nathalie, Kurćubić, Vladimir, Tomović, Vladimir, Suvajdžić, Branko, Miletić, Nemanja, Stajković, Silvana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Vasilev, Dragan, "Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages" in Fleischwirtschaft, 101, no. 12 (2021):97-104, .

Biochemical, carcass and meat quality alterations associated with different degree of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs

Čobanović, Nikola; Stajković, Silvana; Kureljušić, Jasna; Žutić, Jadranka; Kureljušić, Branislav; Stanković, Sanja Dj; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Elsevier, 2021)

AU  - Čobanović, Nikola
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Kureljušić, Jasna
AU  - Žutić, Jadranka
AU  - Kureljušić, Branislav
AU  - Stanković, Sanja Dj
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - This study examined the relationship between lung lesion severity and presence of antibodies of various respiratory pathogens, and the effects of lung lesion severity on growth performance, biochemical indicators, total aerobe counts, and carcass and meat quality indicators in total of 240 slaughter pigs originating from two farms with similar rearing conditions. Lung lesion severity was calculated based on the degree of pneumonia and pleurisy in slaughtered pigs. Two-step cluster analysis was used to place individual pigs to four clusters according to pneumonia and pleurisy scores: no lung lesions (cluster 1); mild lung lesions (cluster 2); moderate lung lesions (cluster 3); and severe lung lesions (cluster 4). ANOVA and post hoc pairwise comparisons using Tukey's test were performed to assess the differences between clusters in examined variables. Multivariate linear regression analysis was run to identify associations between lung lesions and examined variables. There was a strong evidence of association between the absence of lung lesions and increased albumin, sodium and chloride levels, daily weight gain, live weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, loin thickness and carcass lean content, and decreased haptoglobin, CK and LDH levels. Also, pigs without lung lesions produced the highest percentage of red, firm and nonexudative pork. Pigs having severe lung lesions had the highest percentage of simultaneously seropositive samples to SIV, PRRSV, PCV-2, PRCV, APP and M. hyopneumoniae. There was a strong evidence of association between the presence of severe lung lesions and decreased lactate, glucose, sodium, chloride and albumine levels, daily weight gain, live weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, loin thickness and carcass lean content, and increased CK, LDH and haptoglobin levels. There was a strong evidence of association between the presence of severe lung lesions in slaughered pigs and increased meat pH and sensory colour scores, and decreased drip, thawing and cooking losses and L* and b* values, which led to the highest occurrence of moderate DFD and DFD pork. There was a strong evidence of association between the presence of mild lung lesions in slaughtered pigs and decreased meat pH and sensory colour scores, and increased drip, thawing and cooking losses, L* and b* values, which led to the highest occurrence of moderate PSE and PSE pork. In conclusion, the presence of lung lesions, irrespective of severity, was significantly associated with alterations in the biochemical indicators, growth performance and carcass and meat quality in slaughtered pigs.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Preventive Veterinary Medicine
T1  - Biochemical, carcass and meat quality alterations associated with different degree of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs
VL  - 188
DO  - 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105269
ER  - 
author = "Čobanović, Nikola and Stajković, Silvana and Kureljušić, Jasna and Žutić, Jadranka and Kureljušić, Branislav and Stanković, Sanja Dj and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "This study examined the relationship between lung lesion severity and presence of antibodies of various respiratory pathogens, and the effects of lung lesion severity on growth performance, biochemical indicators, total aerobe counts, and carcass and meat quality indicators in total of 240 slaughter pigs originating from two farms with similar rearing conditions. Lung lesion severity was calculated based on the degree of pneumonia and pleurisy in slaughtered pigs. Two-step cluster analysis was used to place individual pigs to four clusters according to pneumonia and pleurisy scores: no lung lesions (cluster 1); mild lung lesions (cluster 2); moderate lung lesions (cluster 3); and severe lung lesions (cluster 4). ANOVA and post hoc pairwise comparisons using Tukey's test were performed to assess the differences between clusters in examined variables. Multivariate linear regression analysis was run to identify associations between lung lesions and examined variables. There was a strong evidence of association between the absence of lung lesions and increased albumin, sodium and chloride levels, daily weight gain, live weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, loin thickness and carcass lean content, and decreased haptoglobin, CK and LDH levels. Also, pigs without lung lesions produced the highest percentage of red, firm and nonexudative pork. Pigs having severe lung lesions had the highest percentage of simultaneously seropositive samples to SIV, PRRSV, PCV-2, PRCV, APP and M. hyopneumoniae. There was a strong evidence of association between the presence of severe lung lesions and decreased lactate, glucose, sodium, chloride and albumine levels, daily weight gain, live weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, loin thickness and carcass lean content, and increased CK, LDH and haptoglobin levels. There was a strong evidence of association between the presence of severe lung lesions in slaughered pigs and increased meat pH and sensory colour scores, and decreased drip, thawing and cooking losses and L* and b* values, which led to the highest occurrence of moderate DFD and DFD pork. There was a strong evidence of association between the presence of mild lung lesions in slaughtered pigs and decreased meat pH and sensory colour scores, and increased drip, thawing and cooking losses, L* and b* values, which led to the highest occurrence of moderate PSE and PSE pork. In conclusion, the presence of lung lesions, irrespective of severity, was significantly associated with alterations in the biochemical indicators, growth performance and carcass and meat quality in slaughtered pigs.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Preventive Veterinary Medicine",
title = "Biochemical, carcass and meat quality alterations associated with different degree of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs",
volume = "188",
doi = "10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105269"
Čobanović, N., Stajković, S., Kureljušić, J., Žutić, J., Kureljušić, B., Stanković, S. D.,& Karabasil, N.. (2021). Biochemical, carcass and meat quality alterations associated with different degree of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs. in Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Elsevier., 188.
Čobanović N, Stajković S, Kureljušić J, Žutić J, Kureljušić B, Stanković SD, Karabasil N. Biochemical, carcass and meat quality alterations associated with different degree of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs. in Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2021;188.
doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105269 .
Čobanović, Nikola, Stajković, Silvana, Kureljušić, Jasna, Žutić, Jadranka, Kureljušić, Branislav, Stanković, Sanja Dj, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Biochemical, carcass and meat quality alterations associated with different degree of lung lesions in slaughtered pigs" in Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 188 (2021), . .

Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa – izazovi i nedoumice

Vasilev, Dragan; Stajković, Silvana

(Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Centar za izdavačku delatnost i promet učila, 2021)

AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Parameri kvaliteta, upotreba aditiva i način deklarisanja proizvo- da od mesa propisani su odgovarajućim pravilnicima. Ovi propisi re- lativno često podležu promenama, tako da je 2018. godine stupio na snagu novi Pravilnik o prehrambenim aditivima, 2019. koji definiše kvalitet proizvoda od mesa, a 2020. su napravljene izmene i dopu- ne pravilnika koji definiše deklarisanje hrane. Novine koje donosi je- dan od navedenih propisa često se odražavaju na drugi, što može da otvori nove nedoumice oko tumačenja pojedinih odredbi. Odredbama novog pravilnika koji definiše kvalitet proizvoda od mesa pooštren je niz parametara u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta poluproizvoda i proizvo- da od mesa, što je otvorilo neka pitanja u vezi sa pojedinim odredba- ma pravilnika o aditivima. Sa druge strane, izmene i dopune pravilni- ka o deklarisanju, uslovila su i pitanja koja se tiču propisanih naziva za određene proizvode od mesa. Pored toga, neophodno je i pravilno tumačenje rezultata ispitivanja hemijskih parametara kvaliteta koji su definisani navedenim propisima, što zahteva, ne samo dobro pozna- vanje metodologije ispitivanja, već i merne nesigurnosti dobijenih re- zultata, posebno u slučajevima kada merna nesigurnost utiče na usa- glašenost sa granicama u specifikaciji. U tim slučajevima, ako korisnik zahteva izjavu o usaglašenosti sa specifikacijom, laboratorija mora da dokumentuje pravilo odlučivanja koje primenjuje, da ga saopšti i dogo- vori sa korisnikom. Stoga je za adekvatnu procenu kvaliteta proizvo- da od mesa, nephodno sveobuhvatno sagledavanje navedene pro- blematike.
PB  - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Centar za izdavačku delatnost i promet učila
C3  - Zbornik radova - XLII seminar inovacija znanja veterinara
T1  - Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa – izazovi i nedoumice
SP  - 125
EP  - 131
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vasilev, Dragan and Stajković, Silvana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Parameri kvaliteta, upotreba aditiva i način deklarisanja proizvo- da od mesa propisani su odgovarajućim pravilnicima. Ovi propisi re- lativno često podležu promenama, tako da je 2018. godine stupio na snagu novi Pravilnik o prehrambenim aditivima, 2019. koji definiše kvalitet proizvoda od mesa, a 2020. su napravljene izmene i dopu- ne pravilnika koji definiše deklarisanje hrane. Novine koje donosi je- dan od navedenih propisa često se odražavaju na drugi, što može da otvori nove nedoumice oko tumačenja pojedinih odredbi. Odredbama novog pravilnika koji definiše kvalitet proizvoda od mesa pooštren je niz parametara u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta poluproizvoda i proizvo- da od mesa, što je otvorilo neka pitanja u vezi sa pojedinim odredba- ma pravilnika o aditivima. Sa druge strane, izmene i dopune pravilni- ka o deklarisanju, uslovila su i pitanja koja se tiču propisanih naziva za određene proizvode od mesa. Pored toga, neophodno je i pravilno tumačenje rezultata ispitivanja hemijskih parametara kvaliteta koji su definisani navedenim propisima, što zahteva, ne samo dobro pozna- vanje metodologije ispitivanja, već i merne nesigurnosti dobijenih re- zultata, posebno u slučajevima kada merna nesigurnost utiče na usa- glašenost sa granicama u specifikaciji. U tim slučajevima, ako korisnik zahteva izjavu o usaglašenosti sa specifikacijom, laboratorija mora da dokumentuje pravilo odlučivanja koje primenjuje, da ga saopšti i dogo- vori sa korisnikom. Stoga je za adekvatnu procenu kvaliteta proizvo- da od mesa, nephodno sveobuhvatno sagledavanje navedene pro- blematike.",
publisher = "Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Centar za izdavačku delatnost i promet učila",
journal = "Zbornik radova - XLII seminar inovacija znanja veterinara",
title = "Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa – izazovi i nedoumice",
pages = "125-131",
url = ""
Vasilev, D.,& Stajković, S.. (2021). Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa – izazovi i nedoumice. in Zbornik radova - XLII seminar inovacija znanja veterinara
Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Centar za izdavačku delatnost i promet učila., 125-131.
Vasilev D, Stajković S. Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa – izazovi i nedoumice. in Zbornik radova - XLII seminar inovacija znanja veterinara. 2021;:125-131. .
Vasilev, Dragan, Stajković, Silvana, "Kvalitet proizvoda od mesa – izazovi i nedoumice" in Zbornik radova - XLII seminar inovacija znanja veterinara (2021):125-131, .

Seasonal overview of beef meat quality in a small-scale slaughterhouse

Vicic, I.; Petrovic, M.; Stajković, Silvana; Čobanović, Nikola; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021)

AU  - Vicic, I.
AU  - Petrovic, M.
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Čobanović, Nikola
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The objective of this study was to investigate a possible relationship between blood parameters related to animal welfare and defined beef meat quality characteristics during winter and summer seasons in one small-scale slaughterhouse. At exsanguination, blood samples were collected, and serum concentrations for total proteins (TP), albumin and C-reactive protein (CRP) were evaluated. After 24 h of chilling, ultimate pH was measured and meat samples were used for drip loss and cooking loss determination. Dehydration was not observed during seasons, while elevated concentrations of TP accompanied by higher CRP values pointed to summer as a more stressful season. Analysing the meat quality parameters, it was observed that during the two seasons, ultimate pH values were in the range for normal meat acidification, but values for drip and cooking loss were significantly increased during the summer season. In conclusion, CRP could be used as potential biomarker for beef meat quality estimation, in the first instance drip loss and ultimate pH.
PB  - IOP Publishing Ltd
C3  - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
C3  - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
T1  - Seasonal overview of beef meat quality in a small-scale slaughterhouse
VL  - 854
IS  - 1
SP  - 012103
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012103
ER  - 
author = "Vicic, I. and Petrovic, M. and Stajković, Silvana and Čobanović, Nikola and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The objective of this study was to investigate a possible relationship between blood parameters related to animal welfare and defined beef meat quality characteristics during winter and summer seasons in one small-scale slaughterhouse. At exsanguination, blood samples were collected, and serum concentrations for total proteins (TP), albumin and C-reactive protein (CRP) were evaluated. After 24 h of chilling, ultimate pH was measured and meat samples were used for drip loss and cooking loss determination. Dehydration was not observed during seasons, while elevated concentrations of TP accompanied by higher CRP values pointed to summer as a more stressful season. Analysing the meat quality parameters, it was observed that during the two seasons, ultimate pH values were in the range for normal meat acidification, but values for drip and cooking loss were significantly increased during the summer season. In conclusion, CRP could be used as potential biomarker for beef meat quality estimation, in the first instance drip loss and ultimate pH.",
publisher = "IOP Publishing Ltd",
journal = "IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science",
title = "Seasonal overview of beef meat quality in a small-scale slaughterhouse",
volume = "854",
number = "1",
pages = "012103",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012103"
Vicic, I., Petrovic, M., Stajković, S., Čobanović, N.,& Karabasil, N.. (2021). Seasonal overview of beef meat quality in a small-scale slaughterhouse. in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
IOP Publishing Ltd., 854(1), 012103.
Vicic I, Petrovic M, Stajković S, Čobanović N, Karabasil N. Seasonal overview of beef meat quality in a small-scale slaughterhouse. in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;854(1):012103.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012103 .
Vicic, I., Petrovic, M., Stajković, Silvana, Čobanović, Nikola, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Seasonal overview of beef meat quality in a small-scale slaughterhouse" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 854, no. 1 (2021):012103, . .

Uncertainty of measurement and conformity assessment

Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021)

AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Knowledge of the measurement uncertainty of test results is fundamentally important for laboratories, their customers and all parties using and interpreting these results. In conformity assessment, a measurement result is used to decide if an item of interest conforms to a specified requirement. Because of measurement uncertainty, there is always the risk of incorrectly deciding whether or not an item conforms to a specified requirement based on the measured value of a property of the item. Conformity assessment can be quite challenging when the entity measured is so close to the tolerance limits of the specification that its uncertainty, however estimated, critically affects decision-making. In such cases, different decision rules can be used to make statements of conformity. The aim of this paper is to provide a survey of methods for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in testing, as well as to stress the need for appropriate estimation of measurement uncertainty. This paper also aims to assist testing laboratories in understanding the different decision rules used in conformity assessment and level of risk (such as false accept and false reject) associated with the decision rule employed.
PB  - IOP Publishing Ltd
C3  - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
C3  - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
T1  - Uncertainty of measurement and conformity assessment
VL  - 854
IS  - 1
SP  - 012093
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012093
ER  - 
author = "Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Knowledge of the measurement uncertainty of test results is fundamentally important for laboratories, their customers and all parties using and interpreting these results. In conformity assessment, a measurement result is used to decide if an item of interest conforms to a specified requirement. Because of measurement uncertainty, there is always the risk of incorrectly deciding whether or not an item conforms to a specified requirement based on the measured value of a property of the item. Conformity assessment can be quite challenging when the entity measured is so close to the tolerance limits of the specification that its uncertainty, however estimated, critically affects decision-making. In such cases, different decision rules can be used to make statements of conformity. The aim of this paper is to provide a survey of methods for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in testing, as well as to stress the need for appropriate estimation of measurement uncertainty. This paper also aims to assist testing laboratories in understanding the different decision rules used in conformity assessment and level of risk (such as false accept and false reject) associated with the decision rule employed.",
publisher = "IOP Publishing Ltd",
journal = "IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science",
title = "Uncertainty of measurement and conformity assessment",
volume = "854",
number = "1",
pages = "012093",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012093"
Stajković, S., Vasilev, D., Dimitrijević, M.,& Karabasil, N.. (2021). Uncertainty of measurement and conformity assessment. in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
IOP Publishing Ltd., 854(1), 012093.
Stajković S, Vasilev D, Dimitrijević M, Karabasil N. Uncertainty of measurement and conformity assessment. in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021;854(1):012093.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/854/1/012093 .
Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Uncertainty of measurement and conformity assessment" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 854, no. 1 (2021):012093, . .

Substances with cancerogenic potential in processed meat

Vasilev, Dragan; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Stajković, Silvana; Savić Radovanović, Radoslava; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Serbian Nutrition Society, 2021)

AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Meat represents an important food in human nutrition as a source of essential amino
acids, fatty acids, and micronutrients, but in recent years the emphasis is given to
the carcinogenic potential of red meat and processed meat. Red meat includes the meat of
pigs, ruminants, and horses, and its color is proportional to the iron-rich myoglobin content.
Hem-iron is attributed to show pro-carcinogenic effect due to N-nitroso compounds
catalysis, food lipids oxidation, and pro-oxidative action in the body. But these reactions
could be reduced by slowing its resorption, nitrosylation, and oxidation with calcium (milk
products) and antioxidant (plants) rich food. As meat is consumed after the heat treatment
which could lead, to a greater or lesser extent, to the formation of heterocyclic aromatic
amines (HAA) as potentially carcinogenic substances, which occurs extensively during baking and roasting, but negligible during boiling. So, it is important to choose an appropriate
method for meat heating, but also is it possible to reduce the bioavailability of HAA and
modify their metabolism in the body after ingestion through plant antioxidants, dietary
fiber, fermented food (yogurt, sauerkraut) intake, as well as the bioactive substances from
the meat itself (conjugated linoleic acid), which can significantly reduce harmful effects
of HAA. By meat products, the most important harmful substances are N-nitrosamines
(NN) in cured (preserved with nitrate/nitrite), as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH) in smoked meat products. NN content differs in meat products and is influenced by
the nitrate/nitrite amount used, but also by the heat treatment and ripening process. Frying
and baking of cured meat products lead to the highest NN content, especially in fried
cured bacon. Although there are many studies about nitrite replacement in meat products
with plant-based ingredients, nitrites are still indispensable, especially because of their antimicrobial
effect on Clostridium botulinum. PAH content could be controlled by adequate
wood pyrolysis temperature, construction of the smoking chamber, smoke density and purification,
the product composition (fat reduction, artificial casings), and even reduced by
the activity of some lactic acid bacteria strains as well as some spices. Considering that the
formation of carcinogenic ingredients could be reduced during production, and their availability,
absorption, and expression reduced by well-balanced meals during consumption,
red meat and meat products should not always and unconditionally be characterized as
harmful, especially if we are aware of the valuable nutritive and bioactive compounds originating
from the meat itself.
PB  - Serbian Nutrition Society
C3  - 14th international congress on nutrition: "A place where science meets practice"
T1  - Substances with cancerogenic potential in processed meat
SP  - 58
EP  - 59
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vasilev, Dragan and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Stajković, Silvana and Savić Radovanović, Radoslava and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Meat represents an important food in human nutrition as a source of essential amino
acids, fatty acids, and micronutrients, but in recent years the emphasis is given to
the carcinogenic potential of red meat and processed meat. Red meat includes the meat of
pigs, ruminants, and horses, and its color is proportional to the iron-rich myoglobin content.
Hem-iron is attributed to show pro-carcinogenic effect due to N-nitroso compounds
catalysis, food lipids oxidation, and pro-oxidative action in the body. But these reactions
could be reduced by slowing its resorption, nitrosylation, and oxidation with calcium (milk
products) and antioxidant (plants) rich food. As meat is consumed after the heat treatment
which could lead, to a greater or lesser extent, to the formation of heterocyclic aromatic
amines (HAA) as potentially carcinogenic substances, which occurs extensively during baking and roasting, but negligible during boiling. So, it is important to choose an appropriate
method for meat heating, but also is it possible to reduce the bioavailability of HAA and
modify their metabolism in the body after ingestion through plant antioxidants, dietary
fiber, fermented food (yogurt, sauerkraut) intake, as well as the bioactive substances from
the meat itself (conjugated linoleic acid), which can significantly reduce harmful effects
of HAA. By meat products, the most important harmful substances are N-nitrosamines
(NN) in cured (preserved with nitrate/nitrite), as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH) in smoked meat products. NN content differs in meat products and is influenced by
the nitrate/nitrite amount used, but also by the heat treatment and ripening process. Frying
and baking of cured meat products lead to the highest NN content, especially in fried
cured bacon. Although there are many studies about nitrite replacement in meat products
with plant-based ingredients, nitrites are still indispensable, especially because of their antimicrobial
effect on Clostridium botulinum. PAH content could be controlled by adequate
wood pyrolysis temperature, construction of the smoking chamber, smoke density and purification,
the product composition (fat reduction, artificial casings), and even reduced by
the activity of some lactic acid bacteria strains as well as some spices. Considering that the
formation of carcinogenic ingredients could be reduced during production, and their availability,
absorption, and expression reduced by well-balanced meals during consumption,
red meat and meat products should not always and unconditionally be characterized as
harmful, especially if we are aware of the valuable nutritive and bioactive compounds originating
from the meat itself.",
publisher = "Serbian Nutrition Society",
journal = "14th international congress on nutrition: "A place where science meets practice"",
title = "Substances with cancerogenic potential in processed meat",
pages = "58-59",
url = ""
Vasilev, D., Dimitrijević, M., Stajković, S., Savić Radovanović, R.,& Karabasil, N.. (2021). Substances with cancerogenic potential in processed meat. in 14th international congress on nutrition: "A place where science meets practice"
Serbian Nutrition Society., 58-59.
Vasilev D, Dimitrijević M, Stajković S, Savić Radovanović R, Karabasil N. Substances with cancerogenic potential in processed meat. in 14th international congress on nutrition: "A place where science meets practice". 2021;:58-59. .
Vasilev, Dragan, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Stajković, Silvana, Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Substances with cancerogenic potential in processed meat" in 14th international congress on nutrition: "A place where science meets practice" (2021):58-59, .

Histological and histochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage of kulen composition

Gajdov, Vladimir; Radovanović, Anita; Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana; Marković, Danica; Stajković, Silvana; Milošević, Ivan

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2021)

AU  - Gajdov, Vladimir
AU  - Radovanović, Anita
AU  - Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana
AU  - Marković, Danica
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Milošević, Ivan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The application of histological methods in meat composition analysis and identification of prohibited tissues and organs added to meat and meat products is still in the research phase, although there have been some promising results. The aim of this work was to assess the possibility of using histological and histochemical methods for analysis of kulen composition. In this research, six samples of kulen were examined, one of which was produced in domestic conditions, while the rest were commercial products sampled from local markets. The samples were carried through classical histological preparation. The obtained slides were stained with haematoxylin/eosin, Masson-Goldner, toluidine blue and periodic acid-Schiff/alcian blue. The content of muscle, fat and connective tissue was evaluated using histomorphometric analysis. Histological analysis of kulen composition determined the presence of the following structures: muscle, adipose and connective tissues, blood vessels, glandular epithelium, peripheral nerve, cartilage and plant tissue. The histomorphometric analysis showed that the kulen products contained on average 56±2.52% muscle tissue, 7.27±1.38% connective tissue and 19.82±3.24% adipose tissue. The results show that by applying histological methods it is possible to identify different permitted and prohibited animal tissues in kulen, and hence, it is possible to analyse the composition of kulen. It is also possible to confirm the presence of various plant tissues, but for their precise identification, additional histological methods are needed.
AB  - Primena histoloških metoda u analizi sastava mesa i utvrđivanju prisustva nedozvoljenih tkiva u mesu i proizvodima od mesa je još uvek u fazi istraživanja, iako su postojeći rezultati u ovoj oblasti obeć avajuć i. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitivanje moguć nosti korišć enja histoloških i histohemijskih metoda u analizi sastava fermentisane kobasice u tipu kulena. U ovom istraživanju ispitano je šest uzoraka kulena, od kojih je jedan proizveden u domać im uslovima, dok su ostali komercijalni proizvodi poticali iz lokalnih marketa. Uzorci su sprovedeni klasičnom histološkom procedurom. Dobijeni isečci bojeni su metodama: hematoksilin/ eosin,Masson-Goldner, toluidin plavo i perjodna kiselina/Schiff/alcijan plavo. Sadržaj mišić nog, masnog i vezivnog tkiva procenjen je primenom histomorfometrijskih analiza. Histološkom analizom sastava kulena utvrđeno je prisustvo sledeć ih struktura: mišić no, masno i vezivno tkivo, krvni sudovi, epitel žlezdanog tipa, periferni nerv, hrskavica i biljno tkivo. Histomorfometrijska analiza je pokazala da proizvodi sadrže u proseku 56±2,52% mišić nog tkiva, 7,27±1,38% vezivnog tkiva i 19,82±3,24% masnog tkiva. Rezultati pokazuju da je primenom histoloških metoda moguć e identifikovati različita dozvoljena i nedozvoljena životinjska tkiva u kulenu, pa je samim tim moguće analizirati sastav kulena. Takođe je moguć e potvrditi prisustvo različitih biljnih tkiva, ali je za njihovu preciznu identifikaciju neophodno primeniti dodatne metode.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Histological and histochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage of kulen composition
T1  - Histološka i histohemijska analiza sastava fermentisane kobasice u tipu kulena
VL  - 62
IS  - 2
SP  - 104
EP  - 112
DO  - 10.18485/MEATTECH.2021.62.2.3
ER  - 
author = "Gajdov, Vladimir and Radovanović, Anita and Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana and Marković, Danica and Stajković, Silvana and Milošević, Ivan",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The application of histological methods in meat composition analysis and identification of prohibited tissues and organs added to meat and meat products is still in the research phase, although there have been some promising results. The aim of this work was to assess the possibility of using histological and histochemical methods for analysis of kulen composition. In this research, six samples of kulen were examined, one of which was produced in domestic conditions, while the rest were commercial products sampled from local markets. The samples were carried through classical histological preparation. The obtained slides were stained with haematoxylin/eosin, Masson-Goldner, toluidine blue and periodic acid-Schiff/alcian blue. The content of muscle, fat and connective tissue was evaluated using histomorphometric analysis. Histological analysis of kulen composition determined the presence of the following structures: muscle, adipose and connective tissues, blood vessels, glandular epithelium, peripheral nerve, cartilage and plant tissue. The histomorphometric analysis showed that the kulen products contained on average 56±2.52% muscle tissue, 7.27±1.38% connective tissue and 19.82±3.24% adipose tissue. The results show that by applying histological methods it is possible to identify different permitted and prohibited animal tissues in kulen, and hence, it is possible to analyse the composition of kulen. It is also possible to confirm the presence of various plant tissues, but for their precise identification, additional histological methods are needed., Primena histoloških metoda u analizi sastava mesa i utvrđivanju prisustva nedozvoljenih tkiva u mesu i proizvodima od mesa je još uvek u fazi istraživanja, iako su postojeći rezultati u ovoj oblasti obeć avajuć i. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitivanje moguć nosti korišć enja histoloških i histohemijskih metoda u analizi sastava fermentisane kobasice u tipu kulena. U ovom istraživanju ispitano je šest uzoraka kulena, od kojih je jedan proizveden u domać im uslovima, dok su ostali komercijalni proizvodi poticali iz lokalnih marketa. Uzorci su sprovedeni klasičnom histološkom procedurom. Dobijeni isečci bojeni su metodama: hematoksilin/ eosin,Masson-Goldner, toluidin plavo i perjodna kiselina/Schiff/alcijan plavo. Sadržaj mišić nog, masnog i vezivnog tkiva procenjen je primenom histomorfometrijskih analiza. Histološkom analizom sastava kulena utvrđeno je prisustvo sledeć ih struktura: mišić no, masno i vezivno tkivo, krvni sudovi, epitel žlezdanog tipa, periferni nerv, hrskavica i biljno tkivo. Histomorfometrijska analiza je pokazala da proizvodi sadrže u proseku 56±2,52% mišić nog tkiva, 7,27±1,38% vezivnog tkiva i 19,82±3,24% masnog tkiva. Rezultati pokazuju da je primenom histoloških metoda moguć e identifikovati različita dozvoljena i nedozvoljena životinjska tkiva u kulenu, pa je samim tim moguće analizirati sastav kulena. Takođe je moguć e potvrditi prisustvo različitih biljnih tkiva, ali je za njihovu preciznu identifikaciju neophodno primeniti dodatne metode.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Histological and histochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage of kulen composition, Histološka i histohemijska analiza sastava fermentisane kobasice u tipu kulena",
volume = "62",
number = "2",
pages = "104-112",
doi = "10.18485/MEATTECH.2021.62.2.3"
Gajdov, V., Radovanović, A., Lužajić Božinovski, T., Marković, D., Stajković, S.,& Milošević, I.. (2021). Histological and histochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage of kulen composition. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 62(2), 104-112.
Gajdov V, Radovanović A, Lužajić Božinovski T, Marković D, Stajković S, Milošević I. Histological and histochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage of kulen composition. in Meat Technology. 2021;62(2):104-112.
doi:10.18485/MEATTECH.2021.62.2.3 .
Gajdov, Vladimir, Radovanović, Anita, Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana, Marković, Danica, Stajković, Silvana, Milošević, Ivan, "Histological and histochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage of kulen composition" in Meat Technology, 62, no. 2 (2021):104-112, . .

Application of histological and histochemical methods in kulen composition analysis

Gajdov, Vladimir; Radovanović, Anita; Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana; Marković, Danica; Stajković, Silvana; Milošević, Ivan

(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, 2021)

AU  - Gajdov, Vladimir
AU  - Radovanović, Anita
AU  - Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana
AU  - Marković, Danica
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Milošević, Ivan
PY  - 2021
UR  -
PB  - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb
C3  - 9th International Congress, Veterinary science and  profession, Zagreb
T1  - Application of histological and histochemical methods in kulen composition analysis
SP  - 52
EP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Gajdov, Vladimir and Radovanović, Anita and Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana and Marković, Danica and Stajković, Silvana and Milošević, Ivan",
year = "2021",
publisher = "Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb",
journal = "9th International Congress, Veterinary science and  profession, Zagreb",
title = "Application of histological and histochemical methods in kulen composition analysis",
pages = "52-52",
url = ""
Gajdov, V., Radovanović, A., Lužajić Božinovski, T., Marković, D., Stajković, S.,& Milošević, I.. (2021). Application of histological and histochemical methods in kulen composition analysis. in 9th International Congress, Veterinary science and  profession, Zagreb
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb., 52-52.
Gajdov V, Radovanović A, Lužajić Božinovski T, Marković D, Stajković S, Milošević I. Application of histological and histochemical methods in kulen composition analysis. in 9th International Congress, Veterinary science and  profession, Zagreb. 2021;:52-52. .
Gajdov, Vladimir, Radovanović, Anita, Lužajić Božinovski, Tijana, Marković, Danica, Stajković, Silvana, Milošević, Ivan, "Application of histological and histochemical methods in kulen composition analysis" in 9th International Congress, Veterinary science and  profession, Zagreb (2021):52-52, .

Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea

Grković, Nevena; Teodorović, Vlado; Đorđević, Vesna; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan; Bogdanović, Zuber; Janković, Saša; Velebit, Branko; Dimitrijević, Mirjana

(Hellenic Veterinary Medical Soc, Athens, 2020)

AU  - Grković, Nevena
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Bogdanović, Zuber
AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Velebit, Branko
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This study reports, for the first time, different physico-chemical analyses, of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from harvesting areas in the Montenegro coast of the Adriatic Sea, in order to evaluate the influence of origin on different parameters and assessed the quality of shellfish grown in this area. The Boka Kotorska Bay is situated in Montenegro, in the southeastern part of the Adriatic Sea The mussel samples were collected at the same time in the spring of 2019 at six locations in Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro: Kotor and Tivat Bays. Biomet-ric parameters, percentage of meat, condition index, proximate composition, sensory evaluation and lipid profiles of mussels were studied. The concentrations of some micro and macro elements and heavy metals in mussels, were also analyzed. Significant differences were found between mussels from different locations. Mean biometric parameters of mussels grown in Sv.Nedjelja, were considerably higher than in mussels grown elsewhere.. Protein, lipid, ash and gly-cogen content were varied from 7.80 to 10.26%; 1.36 to 2.18%; 1.73 to 3.34% and 12.81 to 15.38%, respectively. Gas chromatographic analysis showed that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were dominant lipids in mussels (37.56 to 41.08%), followed by monounsaturated (MUFAs) (30.52 to 38.31%) and saturated (SFAs) (21.89 to 29.45%) fatty acids. Fatty acid profiles were investigated and revealed high contents of n-3 PUFAs and high n-3/n-6 ratios in all mussels from Montenegro In the mussel samples high concentrations of K, Mg, Ca, and Na, and much lower concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were found. Some of toxic elements (As, Pb, Hg and Cd) were determined also.. The qualitative sensory assessment showed that all mussels were acceptable. All mussels in the current study achieved scores of 3 or more out of 5 in the qualitative category. Data on biochemical composition and quality indices of the mussels cultured in the Boka Kotorska Bay demonstrated that these products could be accepted well by consumers and could compete with other currently available mussels from other locations in Adriatic Sea.
PB  - Hellenic Veterinary Medical Soc, Athens
T2  - Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society
T1  - Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea
VL  - 71
SP  - 2338
EP  - 2348
DO  - 10.12681/jhvms.25095
ER  - 
author = "Grković, Nevena and Teodorović, Vlado and Đorđević, Vesna and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan and Bogdanović, Zuber and Janković, Saša and Velebit, Branko and Dimitrijević, Mirjana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This study reports, for the first time, different physico-chemical analyses, of Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from harvesting areas in the Montenegro coast of the Adriatic Sea, in order to evaluate the influence of origin on different parameters and assessed the quality of shellfish grown in this area. The Boka Kotorska Bay is situated in Montenegro, in the southeastern part of the Adriatic Sea The mussel samples were collected at the same time in the spring of 2019 at six locations in Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro: Kotor and Tivat Bays. Biomet-ric parameters, percentage of meat, condition index, proximate composition, sensory evaluation and lipid profiles of mussels were studied. The concentrations of some micro and macro elements and heavy metals in mussels, were also analyzed. Significant differences were found between mussels from different locations. Mean biometric parameters of mussels grown in Sv.Nedjelja, were considerably higher than in mussels grown elsewhere.. Protein, lipid, ash and gly-cogen content were varied from 7.80 to 10.26%; 1.36 to 2.18%; 1.73 to 3.34% and 12.81 to 15.38%, respectively. Gas chromatographic analysis showed that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were dominant lipids in mussels (37.56 to 41.08%), followed by monounsaturated (MUFAs) (30.52 to 38.31%) and saturated (SFAs) (21.89 to 29.45%) fatty acids. Fatty acid profiles were investigated and revealed high contents of n-3 PUFAs and high n-3/n-6 ratios in all mussels from Montenegro In the mussel samples high concentrations of K, Mg, Ca, and Na, and much lower concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were found. Some of toxic elements (As, Pb, Hg and Cd) were determined also.. The qualitative sensory assessment showed that all mussels were acceptable. All mussels in the current study achieved scores of 3 or more out of 5 in the qualitative category. Data on biochemical composition and quality indices of the mussels cultured in the Boka Kotorska Bay demonstrated that these products could be accepted well by consumers and could compete with other currently available mussels from other locations in Adriatic Sea.",
publisher = "Hellenic Veterinary Medical Soc, Athens",
journal = "Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society",
title = "Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea",
volume = "71",
pages = "2338-2348",
doi = "10.12681/jhvms.25095"
Grković, N., Teodorović, V., Đorđević, V., Karabasil, N., Stajković, S., Vasilev, D., Bogdanović, Z., Janković, S., Velebit, B.,& Dimitrijević, M.. (2020). Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea. in Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society
Hellenic Veterinary Medical Soc, Athens., 71, 2338-2348.
Grković N, Teodorović V, Đorđević V, Karabasil N, Stajković S, Vasilev D, Bogdanović Z, Janković S, Velebit B, Dimitrijević M. Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea. in Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society. 2020;71:2338-2348.
doi:10.12681/jhvms.25095 .
Grković, Nevena, Teodorović, Vlado, Đorđević, Vesna, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, Bogdanović, Zuber, Janković, Saša, Velebit, Branko, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, "Biochemical composition and biometric parameters of Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay in Southern Adriatic Sea" in Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 71 (2020):2338-2348, . .

The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs

Čobanović, Nikola; Stajković, Silvana; Blagojević, Bojan; Betić, Nikola; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Vasilev, Dragan; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Springer, 2020)

AU  - Čobanović, Nikola
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Blagojević, Bojan
AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This study assessed the effects of season on health, behaviour, physiological stress parameters, and carcass and meat quality in a total of 480 slaughter pigs. The following health indicators were recorded: pneumonia, pleurisy, milk spots, and pericarditis. Behaviour was monitored during unloading (slipping, falling, turning back, reluctance to move, panting, shivering) and lairaging (panting, shivering, huddling). Blood lactate and glucose concentrations were determined at exsanguination. Performance indices (live weight, daily weight gain), carcass (carcass weight, backfat and loin thickness, lean meat content, carcass lesion score), and meat quality (pH, temperature, drip, thawing and cooking losses, colour, marbling) traits were measured postmortem. Pigs slaughtered in winter had the highest live weight, carcass weight, loin thickness, and carcass lesion score, while the lowest live weight, carcass weight, and backfat thickness were recorded in pigs slaughtered in summer. The highest lactate and glucose concentrations were recorded in pigs slaughtered in summer. The highest prevalence of red, soft, and exudative meat was recorded in pigs slaughtered in winter. Pigs slaughtered in summer had the lowest pH, the highest thawing loss, L* value, b* value, and occurrence of pale, soft, and exudative meat. Pigs slaughtered in autumn had the lowest drip loss, cooking loss, L* value, b* value, and the greatest percentage of red, firm, and nonexudative meat. In conclusion, the summer and winter temperatures compromised health and welfare and reduced carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs, indicating that protection against heat and cold stress is not yet effective.
PB  - Springer
T2  - International Journal of Biometeorology
T1  - The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs
VL  - 64
IS  - 11
SP  - 1899
EP  - 1909
DO  - 10.1007/s00484-020-01977-y
ER  - 
author = "Čobanović, Nikola and Stajković, Silvana and Blagojević, Bojan and Betić, Nikola and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Vasilev, Dragan and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This study assessed the effects of season on health, behaviour, physiological stress parameters, and carcass and meat quality in a total of 480 slaughter pigs. The following health indicators were recorded: pneumonia, pleurisy, milk spots, and pericarditis. Behaviour was monitored during unloading (slipping, falling, turning back, reluctance to move, panting, shivering) and lairaging (panting, shivering, huddling). Blood lactate and glucose concentrations were determined at exsanguination. Performance indices (live weight, daily weight gain), carcass (carcass weight, backfat and loin thickness, lean meat content, carcass lesion score), and meat quality (pH, temperature, drip, thawing and cooking losses, colour, marbling) traits were measured postmortem. Pigs slaughtered in winter had the highest live weight, carcass weight, loin thickness, and carcass lesion score, while the lowest live weight, carcass weight, and backfat thickness were recorded in pigs slaughtered in summer. The highest lactate and glucose concentrations were recorded in pigs slaughtered in summer. The highest prevalence of red, soft, and exudative meat was recorded in pigs slaughtered in winter. Pigs slaughtered in summer had the lowest pH, the highest thawing loss, L* value, b* value, and occurrence of pale, soft, and exudative meat. Pigs slaughtered in autumn had the lowest drip loss, cooking loss, L* value, b* value, and the greatest percentage of red, firm, and nonexudative meat. In conclusion, the summer and winter temperatures compromised health and welfare and reduced carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs, indicating that protection against heat and cold stress is not yet effective.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "International Journal of Biometeorology",
title = "The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs",
volume = "64",
number = "11",
pages = "1899-1909",
doi = "10.1007/s00484-020-01977-y"
Čobanović, N., Stajković, S., Blagojević, B., Betić, N., Dimitrijević, M., Vasilev, D.,& Karabasil, N.. (2020). The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs. in International Journal of Biometeorology
Springer., 64(11), 1899-1909.
Čobanović N, Stajković S, Blagojević B, Betić N, Dimitrijević M, Vasilev D, Karabasil N. The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs. in International Journal of Biometeorology. 2020;64(11):1899-1909.
doi:10.1007/s00484-020-01977-y .
Čobanović, Nikola, Stajković, Silvana, Blagojević, Bojan, Betić, Nikola, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Vasilev, Dragan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "The effects of season on health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality of slaughter pigs" in International Journal of Biometeorology, 64, no. 11 (2020):1899-1909, . .

Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows

Stojić, Milica; Ilić, Vesna; Kovačić, Marijana; Gvozdić, Dragan; Stajković, Silvana; Vejnović, Branislav; Savić, Olivera; Fratrić, Natalija

(Cambridge University Press, 2020)


Stojić, M., Ilić, V., Kovačić, M., Gvozdić, D., Stajković, S., Vejnović, B., Savić, O.,& Fratrić, N.. (2020). Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows. in Journal of Dairy Research
Cambridge University Press., 87(4), 429-435.
Stojić M, Ilić V, Kovačić M, Gvozdić D, Stajković S, Vejnović B, Savić O, Fratrić N. Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows. in Journal of Dairy Research. 2020;87(4):429-435. .
Stojić, Milica, Ilić, Vesna, Kovačić, Marijana, Gvozdić, Dragan, Stajković, Silvana, Vejnović, Branislav, Savić, Olivera, Fratrić, Natalija, "Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows" in Journal of Dairy Research, 87, no. 4 (2020):429-435, .

Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs

Čobanović, Nikola; Stajković, Silvana; Grković, Nevena; Suvajdžić, Branko; Vasilev, Dragan; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol, 2019)

AU  - Čobanović, Nikola
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Grković, Nevena
AU  - Suvajdžić, Branko
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This study assessed the effects of RYR1 mutation on the health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs. Any signs of pneumonia, pleurisy, pericarditis, and liver milk spots were recorded as present or absent. At exsanguination, blood samples were collected and RYR1 genotype, blood lactate and glucose concentrations were determined. The following carcass quality traits were measured: live, hot and cold carcass weights, backfat thickness, loin muscle thickness, lean meat content and skin lesion score. pH and temperature of M. longissimus dorsi and M. semimembranosus were measured 45 minutes postmortem. Nn pigs were more affected by pneumonia, had higher blood lactate and glucose concentrations and more developed rigor mortis than NN pigs. NN pigs had lower daily weight gain, produced lighter carcasses, more fat and less meat than Nn pigs. Meat obtained from Nn pigs was of a lower quality class than meat obtained from NN pigs, as shown by the lower pH and higher temperatures measured 45 minutes post mortem in both muscles and higher prevalence of pale, soft and exudative meat. In conclusion, the presence of a mutant n allele in pigs positively affected carcass quality traits, but had a deleterious effect on health, welfare and meat quality.
PB  - Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol
C3  - 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
T1  - Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs
VL  - 333
SP  - UNSP 012051
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012051
ER  - 
author = "Čobanović, Nikola and Stajković, Silvana and Grković, Nevena and Suvajdžić, Branko and Vasilev, Dragan and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This study assessed the effects of RYR1 mutation on the health, welfare, and carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs. Any signs of pneumonia, pleurisy, pericarditis, and liver milk spots were recorded as present or absent. At exsanguination, blood samples were collected and RYR1 genotype, blood lactate and glucose concentrations were determined. The following carcass quality traits were measured: live, hot and cold carcass weights, backfat thickness, loin muscle thickness, lean meat content and skin lesion score. pH and temperature of M. longissimus dorsi and M. semimembranosus were measured 45 minutes postmortem. Nn pigs were more affected by pneumonia, had higher blood lactate and glucose concentrations and more developed rigor mortis than NN pigs. NN pigs had lower daily weight gain, produced lighter carcasses, more fat and less meat than Nn pigs. Meat obtained from Nn pigs was of a lower quality class than meat obtained from NN pigs, as shown by the lower pH and higher temperatures measured 45 minutes post mortem in both muscles and higher prevalence of pale, soft and exudative meat. In conclusion, the presence of a mutant n allele in pigs positively affected carcass quality traits, but had a deleterious effect on health, welfare and meat quality.",
publisher = "Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol",
journal = "60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)",
title = "Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs",
volume = "333",
pages = "UNSP 012051",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012051"
Čobanović, N., Stajković, S., Grković, N., Suvajdžić, B., Vasilev, D.,& Karabasil, N.. (2019). Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol., 333, UNSP 012051.
Čobanović N, Stajković S, Grković N, Suvajdžić B, Vasilev D, Karabasil N. Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019). 2019;333:UNSP 012051.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012051 .
Čobanović, Nikola, Stajković, Silvana, Grković, Nevena, Suvajdžić, Branko, Vasilev, Dragan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Effects of RYR1 gene mutation on the health, welfare, carcass and meat quality in slaughter pigs" in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019), 333 (2019):UNSP 012051, . .

Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality

Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan; Teodorović, Vlado; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol, 2019)

AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - After an animal is harvested for meat, the skeletal muscle initiates a myriad of biochemical pathways in an attempt to maintain energy homeostasis. Anaerobic glycolysis is responsible for the generation of ATP to help meet energy demand and for the decrease in pH by generating H+. Both the rate and the extent of the post-mortem pH decline are paramount in the context of the development of pork quality attributes, such as color, water holding capacity, and texture. Pale, soft and exudative meat and dark, firm, and dry meat are two of the major quality defects facing the pork meat industry. Because glycolysis has the potential to affect meat quality attributes either positively or negatively, evaluating its regulation post-mortem is fundamental to understanding meat quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate factors that affect mechanism of glycolysis. Special consideration will be given to meat quality attributes and development of pork quality defects.
PB  - Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol
C3  - 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
T1  - Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality
VL  - 333
SP  - UNSP 012032
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012032
ER  - 
author = "Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan and Teodorović, Vlado and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "After an animal is harvested for meat, the skeletal muscle initiates a myriad of biochemical pathways in an attempt to maintain energy homeostasis. Anaerobic glycolysis is responsible for the generation of ATP to help meet energy demand and for the decrease in pH by generating H+. Both the rate and the extent of the post-mortem pH decline are paramount in the context of the development of pork quality attributes, such as color, water holding capacity, and texture. Pale, soft and exudative meat and dark, firm, and dry meat are two of the major quality defects facing the pork meat industry. Because glycolysis has the potential to affect meat quality attributes either positively or negatively, evaluating its regulation post-mortem is fundamental to understanding meat quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate factors that affect mechanism of glycolysis. Special consideration will be given to meat quality attributes and development of pork quality defects.",
publisher = "Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol",
journal = "60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)",
title = "Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality",
volume = "333",
pages = "UNSP 012032",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012032"
Stajković, S., Vasilev, D., Teodorović, V.,& Karabasil, N.. (2019). Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol., 333, UNSP 012032.
Stajković S, Vasilev D, Teodorović V, Karabasil N. Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019). 2019;333:UNSP 012032.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012032 .
Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, Teodorović, Vlado, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Postmortem glycolysis and pork quality" in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019), 333 (2019):UNSP 012032, . .

Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality

Grković, Nevena; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Teodorović, Vlado; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Vasilev, Dragan; Stajković, Silvana; Velebit, Branko

(Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol, 2019)

AU  - Grković, Nevena
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Velebit, Branko
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Mussels display interesting nutritional characteristics as they are a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals and provide an almost unlimited variety of fatty acids with beneficial roles in human health. The quality characteristics of Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels harvested at seasonal intervals reflect the different environmental conditions met by the animals during their growth. Their chemical composition is strictly dependent on the phytoplankton resources available and, therefore, on the season of harvest. Parameters such as water temperature, food availability and the gametogenesis cycle can influence the meat yields and the biochemical composition of the mussels, conditioning their commercial quality and organoleptic characteristics. In order to determine the nutritional value of blue mussels, it is of great relevance to identify their biochemical composition as well as the most favourable season and geographical location for mussel-harvesting. That data could be useful to indicate the periods of the year more suitable for the marketing and consumption of mussels.
PB  - Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol
C3  - 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
T1  - Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality
VL  - 333
SP  - UNSP 012062
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012062
ER  - 
author = "Grković, Nevena and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Teodorović, Vlado and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Vasilev, Dragan and Stajković, Silvana and Velebit, Branko",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Mussels display interesting nutritional characteristics as they are a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals and provide an almost unlimited variety of fatty acids with beneficial roles in human health. The quality characteristics of Mytilus galloprovincialis mussels harvested at seasonal intervals reflect the different environmental conditions met by the animals during their growth. Their chemical composition is strictly dependent on the phytoplankton resources available and, therefore, on the season of harvest. Parameters such as water temperature, food availability and the gametogenesis cycle can influence the meat yields and the biochemical composition of the mussels, conditioning their commercial quality and organoleptic characteristics. In order to determine the nutritional value of blue mussels, it is of great relevance to identify their biochemical composition as well as the most favourable season and geographical location for mussel-harvesting. That data could be useful to indicate the periods of the year more suitable for the marketing and consumption of mussels.",
publisher = "Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol",
journal = "60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)",
title = "Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality",
volume = "333",
pages = "UNSP 012062",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012062"
Grković, N., Dimitrijević, M., Teodorović, V., Karabasil, N., Vasilev, D., Stajković, S.,& Velebit, B.. (2019). Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol., 333, UNSP 012062.
Grković N, Dimitrijević M, Teodorović V, Karabasil N, Vasilev D, Stajković S, Velebit B. Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019). 2019;333:UNSP 012062.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012062 .
Grković, Nevena, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Teodorović, Vlado, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vasilev, Dragan, Stajković, Silvana, Velebit, Branko, "Factors influencing mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) nutritional quality" in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019), 333 (2019):UNSP 012062, . .

Perspectives in meat processing

Vasilev, Dragan; Stajković, Silvana; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Teodorović, Vlado

(Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol, 2019)

AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Meat technology includes all steps from animal handling and slaughtering to production of different meat products. During animal handling, special attention is paid to animal welfare, not only to protect animals from suffering but also because of animal welfares importance for meat quality. The oldest processing methods (chilling, freezing, salting, smoking and drying) are being readjusted with respect to equipment and consumers health issues. Special attention is given to preservation of meats nutritive value (milder heat treatment) and health promoting properties of the products (functional foods). Novel methods (irradiation, high pressure, pulsed electric field, pulsed light and cold plasma) struggle with some issues such as acceptance by consumers, expensive equipment and effects on foods sensory properties. Along with novel products, demand for traditional meat products is still increasing which requires the the uniqueness and quality of these products to be preserved, along with increased production capacity.
PB  - Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol
C3  - 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
T1  - Perspectives in meat processing
VL  - 333
SP  - UNSP 012024
DO  - 10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012024
ER  - 
author = "Vasilev, Dragan and Stajković, Silvana and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Teodorović, Vlado",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Meat technology includes all steps from animal handling and slaughtering to production of different meat products. During animal handling, special attention is paid to animal welfare, not only to protect animals from suffering but also because of animal welfares importance for meat quality. The oldest processing methods (chilling, freezing, salting, smoking and drying) are being readjusted with respect to equipment and consumers health issues. Special attention is given to preservation of meats nutritive value (milder heat treatment) and health promoting properties of the products (functional foods). Novel methods (irradiation, high pressure, pulsed electric field, pulsed light and cold plasma) struggle with some issues such as acceptance by consumers, expensive equipment and effects on foods sensory properties. Along with novel products, demand for traditional meat products is still increasing which requires the the uniqueness and quality of these products to be preserved, along with increased production capacity.",
publisher = "Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol",
journal = "60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)",
title = "Perspectives in meat processing",
volume = "333",
pages = "UNSP 012024",
doi = "10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012024"
Vasilev, D., Stajković, S., Karabasil, N., Dimitrijević, M.,& Teodorović, V.. (2019). Perspectives in meat processing. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019)
Iop Publishing Ltd, Bristol., 333, UNSP 012024.
Vasilev D, Stajković S, Karabasil N, Dimitrijević M, Teodorović V. Perspectives in meat processing. in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019). 2019;333:UNSP 012024.
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/333/1/012024 .
Vasilev, Dragan, Stajković, Silvana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Teodorović, Vlado, "Perspectives in meat processing" in 60th International Meat Industry Conference (MEATCON2019), 333 (2019):UNSP 012024, . .

Hemijski sastav mleka autohtonih rasa ovaca sa Stare planine

Babić, Milijana; Stajković, Silvana; Savić Radovanović, Radoslava; Nikolić, Aleksandra

(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2018)

AU  - Babić, Milijana
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
AU  - Nikolić, Aleksandra
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Велики број генетских и парагенетских фактора, делује првенствено на принос
млека, док у знатноj мери утиче и на хемијски састав млека. Расне
карактеристике оваца битно утичу не само на принос, него и на хемијски састав
млека, поготово на садржај протеина и млечне масти. С обзиром на то да
хемијски састав овчијег млека утиче и на количину и квалитет добијених
производа од млека, истраживање је имало за циљ да утврди разлике у
хемијском саставу млека пореклом од различитих аутохтоних раса оваца које
су узгајане на обронцима Старе Планине. Истраживање је спроведено на
следећим аутохтоним расама оваца: пиротска праменка, сврљишка праменка,
каракачанска овца и бардока. У циљу испитивања хемијског састава млека,
узето је укупно 24 узорка млека (по 6 од сваке расе оваца) током последњег
месеца лактације. Узорци овчијег млека узети су посудом за сакупљање течних
узорака из канте за мужу. Анализа хемијског састава млека је укључивала:
одређивање суве материје, одређивање садржаја млечне масти, одређивање
садржаја протеина, одређивање садржаја лактозе, одређивање садржаја пепела
и одређивање садржаја суве материје без масти. Није утврђена статистички
значајна разлика (P>0,05) између аутохтоних раса оваца у сувој материји,
садржају млечне масти и пепела, као ни у садржају суве материје без масти.
Анализом резултата утврђен је статистички значајно већи (P<0,01) садржај
протеина у млеку оваца каракачанске расе (7,36±0,66) у поређењу са млеком
расе пиротска праменка (5,68±0,49). Поред тога, утврђен је статистички
значајно мањи (P<0,05) садржај лактозе у млеку оваца каракачанске расе
(3,46±0,53) у поређењу са млеком расе пиротска праменка (4,28 ± 0,33). На
основу резултата овог истраживања може да се закључи да расне
карактеристике оваца утичу на садржај протеина у млеку, што је веома значајно
са аспекта квалитета производа од млека.
AB  - A number of genetic and paragenetic factors have an impact, primarily on milk
yield, but also on the chemical composition of milk. It has been reported that sheep
breed characteristics affect milk yield, but also have effects on the chemical
composition of the milk, especially on milk protein and fat content. Since the
chemical composition of sheep milk affects the quantity and quality of dairy
products, the aim of this study was to determine the differences in the chemical
composition of milk from various autochthonous sheep breeds originated from the
Stara Planina mountain. The research was carried out on four autochthonous
sheep breeds: pirotska pramenka, svrljiška pramenka, karakačanska sheep and
bardoka. In order to examine the chemical composition of milk, a total of 24
samples of milk were taken (6 per each sheep breed) during the last month of
lactation. Sheep milk samples were taken from each individual after milking with a
container for collecting liquid specimens. Chemical analyses of sheep milk
included determination of the content of dry matter, fat, protein, lactose, ash, and
dry matter without fat. No significant difference (P>0,05) was found between
autochthonous sheep breeds for the content of dry matter, fat, ash, and dry matter
without fat. Milk obtained from karakačanska sheep (7.36 ± 0.66) had a
significantly higher (P<0.01) protein content compared to milk obtained from
pirotska pramenka (5.68 ± 0.49). In addition, milk obtained from karakačanska
sheep (3.46 ± 0.53) had a significantly lower (P<0.05) lactose content compared to
milk obtained from pirotska pramenka (4.28 ± 0.33). Based on the results of this
study, it can be concluded that sheep breed characteristics affected the milk
protein content, which is very important from the aspect of dairy product quality.
PB  - Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske
C3  - 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.
T1  - Hemijski sastav mleka autohtonih rasa ovaca sa Stare planine
T1  - Chemical composition of milk of autochthonous sheep breeds from Stara planina
SP  - 129
EP  - 130
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Babić, Milijana and Stajković, Silvana and Savić Radovanović, Radoslava and Nikolić, Aleksandra",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Велики број генетских и парагенетских фактора, делује првенствено на принос
млека, док у знатноj мери утиче и на хемијски састав млека. Расне
карактеристике оваца битно утичу не само на принос, него и на хемијски састав
млека, поготово на садржај протеина и млечне масти. С обзиром на то да
хемијски састав овчијег млека утиче и на количину и квалитет добијених
производа од млека, истраживање је имало за циљ да утврди разлике у
хемијском саставу млека пореклом од различитих аутохтоних раса оваца које
су узгајане на обронцима Старе Планине. Истраживање је спроведено на
следећим аутохтоним расама оваца: пиротска праменка, сврљишка праменка,
каракачанска овца и бардока. У циљу испитивања хемијског састава млека,
узето је укупно 24 узорка млека (по 6 од сваке расе оваца) током последњег
месеца лактације. Узорци овчијег млека узети су посудом за сакупљање течних
узорака из канте за мужу. Анализа хемијског састава млека је укључивала:
одређивање суве материје, одређивање садржаја млечне масти, одређивање
садржаја протеина, одређивање садржаја лактозе, одређивање садржаја пепела
и одређивање садржаја суве материје без масти. Није утврђена статистички
значајна разлика (P>0,05) између аутохтоних раса оваца у сувој материји,
садржају млечне масти и пепела, као ни у садржају суве материје без масти.
Анализом резултата утврђен је статистички значајно већи (P<0,01) садржај
протеина у млеку оваца каракачанске расе (7,36±0,66) у поређењу са млеком
расе пиротска праменка (5,68±0,49). Поред тога, утврђен је статистички
значајно мањи (P<0,05) садржај лактозе у млеку оваца каракачанске расе
(3,46±0,53) у поређењу са млеком расе пиротска праменка (4,28 ± 0,33). На
основу резултата овог истраживања може да се закључи да расне
карактеристике оваца утичу на садржај протеина у млеку, што је веома значајно
са аспекта квалитета производа од млека., A number of genetic and paragenetic factors have an impact, primarily on milk
yield, but also on the chemical composition of milk. It has been reported that sheep
breed characteristics affect milk yield, but also have effects on the chemical
composition of the milk, especially on milk protein and fat content. Since the
chemical composition of sheep milk affects the quantity and quality of dairy
products, the aim of this study was to determine the differences in the chemical
composition of milk from various autochthonous sheep breeds originated from the
Stara Planina mountain. The research was carried out on four autochthonous
sheep breeds: pirotska pramenka, svrljiška pramenka, karakačanska sheep and
bardoka. In order to examine the chemical composition of milk, a total of 24
samples of milk were taken (6 per each sheep breed) during the last month of
lactation. Sheep milk samples were taken from each individual after milking with a
container for collecting liquid specimens. Chemical analyses of sheep milk
included determination of the content of dry matter, fat, protein, lactose, ash, and
dry matter without fat. No significant difference (P>0,05) was found between
autochthonous sheep breeds for the content of dry matter, fat, ash, and dry matter
without fat. Milk obtained from karakačanska sheep (7.36 ± 0.66) had a
significantly higher (P<0.01) protein content compared to milk obtained from
pirotska pramenka (5.68 ± 0.49). In addition, milk obtained from karakačanska
sheep (3.46 ± 0.53) had a significantly lower (P<0.05) lactose content compared to
milk obtained from pirotska pramenka (4.28 ± 0.33). Based on the results of this
study, it can be concluded that sheep breed characteristics affected the milk
protein content, which is very important from the aspect of dairy product quality.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske",
journal = "23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.",
title = "Hemijski sastav mleka autohtonih rasa ovaca sa Stare planine, Chemical composition of milk of autochthonous sheep breeds from Stara planina",
pages = "129-130",
url = ""
Babić, M., Stajković, S., Savić Radovanović, R.,& Nikolić, A.. (2018). Hemijski sastav mleka autohtonih rasa ovaca sa Stare planine. in 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.
Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske., 129-130.
Babić M, Stajković S, Savić Radovanović R, Nikolić A. Hemijski sastav mleka autohtonih rasa ovaca sa Stare planine. in 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.. 2018;:129-130. .
Babić, Milijana, Stajković, Silvana, Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, Nikolić, Aleksandra, "Hemijski sastav mleka autohtonih rasa ovaca sa Stare planine" in 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018. (2018):129-130, .

Validacija metoda ispitivanja hrane i procena merne nesigurnosti – značaj i principi

Stajković, Silvana; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Vasilev, Dragan; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Savić Radovanović, Radoslava; Teodorović, Vlado

(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2018)

AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Валидација метода је кључан и неропходан елемент за примену метода
испитивања у лабораторији и представља процес верификације да су
специфицирани захтеви адекватни за предвиђено коришћење. Резултати
спроведене валидације метода могу се користити за процену квалитета,
поузданости и тачности аналитичких резултата; то је саставни део добре
аналитичке праксе. Лабораторија мора да валидује нестандардне методе,
методе развијене у лабораторији и стандардне методе које се користе изван
њиховог предвиђеног предмета и подручја примене, или су модификоване на
неки други начин. Укључивање одређених параметара валидације зависи од
примене методе, врсте узорака, циља методе и домаћих или међународних
смерница или прописа. Већина аналитичара је свесна значаја валидације, али
које параметре би требало укључити у протокол валидације представља
недоумицу. Поступак акредитације и контрола квалитета наглашавају
неопходност одговарајућих метода за процену несигурности мерења.
Препозната је важност процене мерне несигурности и следљивости како би се
осигурала поузданост аналитичких испитивања. Када се вреднује мерна
несигурност, сви доприноси који су значајни, морају да се узму у обзир,
коришћењем одговарајућих метода анализе. Стога је неопходно да постоји
процедура која се може лако имплементирати, која је разумљива и опште
прихваћена за карактеризацију квалитета резултата мерења, односно за
оцењивање и изражавање њене несигурности. Циљ овог рада је да се нагласи
важност валидације метода испитивања и процене мерне несигурности и да се
опишу неопходни елементи који су опште прихваћени у поступку валидације и
процене мерне несигурности.
AB  - Method validation is an essential and necessary element in the implementation of
any laboratory analytical method and reprezent a process of verification where the
specified requirements are adequate for an intended use. Results from method
validation can be used to judge the quality, reliability and consistency of analytical
results; it is an integral part of any good analytical practice. The laboratory shall
validate non-standard methods, laboratory-developed methods and standard
methods used outside their intended scope or otherwise modified. The inclusion of
particular validation parameters in a validation protocol depends on the
application, the test samples, the goal of the method, and domestic or international
guidelines or regulations, as applicable. Most analysts are aware of its importance,
but what parameters needs to be included in validation protocol is not always clear.
The implementation of accreditation and quality control procedures emphasizes
the necessity of suitable methods for estimating the measurement uncertainty.
It is well recognized the importance of measurement uncertainty and traceability
to ensure the reliability of analytical assays. When evaluating measurement
uncertainty, all contributions that are of significance, shall be taken into account
using appropriate methods of analysis. It is therefore necessary that there be a
readily implemented, easily understood, and generally accepted procedure for
characterizing the quality of a result of a measurement, that is, for evaluating and
expressing its
uncertainty. The goal of this paper is to emphasize the importance of validation of
analytical methods and estimating the measurement uncertainty and to describe
set of elements that are generally accepted as critical for an analytical method
validation and for estimating the measurement uncertainty
PB  - Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske
C3  - 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.
T1  - Validacija metoda ispitivanja hrane i procena merne nesigurnosti – značaj i principi
T1  - Validation of food analytical methods and measurement uncertainty – singficance and principles
SP  - 105
EP  - 106
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stajković, Silvana and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Vasilev, Dragan and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Savić Radovanović, Radoslava and Teodorović, Vlado",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Валидација метода је кључан и неропходан елемент за примену метода
испитивања у лабораторији и представља процес верификације да су
специфицирани захтеви адекватни за предвиђено коришћење. Резултати
спроведене валидације метода могу се користити за процену квалитета,
поузданости и тачности аналитичких резултата; то је саставни део добре
аналитичке праксе. Лабораторија мора да валидује нестандардне методе,
методе развијене у лабораторији и стандардне методе које се користе изван
њиховог предвиђеног предмета и подручја примене, или су модификоване на
неки други начин. Укључивање одређених параметара валидације зависи од
примене методе, врсте узорака, циља методе и домаћих или међународних
смерница или прописа. Већина аналитичара је свесна значаја валидације, али
које параметре би требало укључити у протокол валидације представља
недоумицу. Поступак акредитације и контрола квалитета наглашавају
неопходност одговарајућих метода за процену несигурности мерења.
Препозната је важност процене мерне несигурности и следљивости како би се
осигурала поузданост аналитичких испитивања. Када се вреднује мерна
несигурност, сви доприноси који су значајни, морају да се узму у обзир,
коришћењем одговарајућих метода анализе. Стога је неопходно да постоји
процедура која се може лако имплементирати, која је разумљива и опште
прихваћена за карактеризацију квалитета резултата мерења, односно за
оцењивање и изражавање њене несигурности. Циљ овог рада је да се нагласи
важност валидације метода испитивања и процене мерне несигурности и да се
опишу неопходни елементи који су опште прихваћени у поступку валидације и
процене мерне несигурности., Method validation is an essential and necessary element in the implementation of
any laboratory analytical method and reprezent a process of verification where the
specified requirements are adequate for an intended use. Results from method
validation can be used to judge the quality, reliability and consistency of analytical
results; it is an integral part of any good analytical practice. The laboratory shall
validate non-standard methods, laboratory-developed methods and standard
methods used outside their intended scope or otherwise modified. The inclusion of
particular validation parameters in a validation protocol depends on the
application, the test samples, the goal of the method, and domestic or international
guidelines or regulations, as applicable. Most analysts are aware of its importance,
but what parameters needs to be included in validation protocol is not always clear.
The implementation of accreditation and quality control procedures emphasizes
the necessity of suitable methods for estimating the measurement uncertainty.
It is well recognized the importance of measurement uncertainty and traceability
to ensure the reliability of analytical assays. When evaluating measurement
uncertainty, all contributions that are of significance, shall be taken into account
using appropriate methods of analysis. It is therefore necessary that there be a
readily implemented, easily understood, and generally accepted procedure for
characterizing the quality of a result of a measurement, that is, for evaluating and
expressing its
uncertainty. The goal of this paper is to emphasize the importance of validation of
analytical methods and estimating the measurement uncertainty and to describe
set of elements that are generally accepted as critical for an analytical method
validation and for estimating the measurement uncertainty",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske",
journal = "23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.",
title = "Validacija metoda ispitivanja hrane i procena merne nesigurnosti – značaj i principi, Validation of food analytical methods and measurement uncertainty – singficance and principles",
pages = "105-106",
url = ""
Stajković, S., Karabasil, N., Vasilev, D., Dimitrijević, M., Savić Radovanović, R.,& Teodorović, V.. (2018). Validacija metoda ispitivanja hrane i procena merne nesigurnosti – značaj i principi. in 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.
Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske., 105-106.
Stajković S, Karabasil N, Vasilev D, Dimitrijević M, Savić Radovanović R, Teodorović V. Validacija metoda ispitivanja hrane i procena merne nesigurnosti – značaj i principi. in 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018.. 2018;:105-106. .
Stajković, Silvana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vasilev, Dragan, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, Teodorović, Vlado, "Validacija metoda ispitivanja hrane i procena merne nesigurnosti – značaj i principi" in 23. godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 6-9. jun 2018. (2018):105-106, .

Analysis of beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raška district

Petrović, Miloš Z.; Đoković, Radojica; Vasilev, Dragan; Đorđević, Vesna; Dimitrijević, Mirjana; Stajković, Silvana; Karabasil, Nedjeljko

(Institute of meat hygiene and technology, Belgrade, 2018)

AU  - Petrović, Miloš Z.
AU  - Đoković, Radojica
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The quality of slaughtered animals is a subject of interest, for both primary production and the meat industry. Classification of the carcasses is performed in slaughterhouses immediately after a veterinary examination and measurement of the carcasses weight. The present study examined the quality of young cattle carcasses in a slaughterhouse in the Raska district, according to the standard applied in the EU but not in Serbia. In total, 100 cattle carcasses (young bulls) were examined. For meat quality evaluation and grading, the following parameters according to the European standard for the classification of cattle carcasses SEUROP were used: slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass yield, I.e. the carcass conformation, development of the muscles of the carcass as well as the development of basic parts (round, back and shoulder) and the degree of carcass fat tissue coverage.
PB  - Institute of meat hygiene and technology, Belgrade
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Analysis of beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raška district
VL  - 59
IS  - 1
SP  - 23
EP  - 27
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2018.59.1.3
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Miloš Z. and Đoković, Radojica and Vasilev, Dragan and Đorđević, Vesna and Dimitrijević, Mirjana and Stajković, Silvana and Karabasil, Nedjeljko",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The quality of slaughtered animals is a subject of interest, for both primary production and the meat industry. Classification of the carcasses is performed in slaughterhouses immediately after a veterinary examination and measurement of the carcasses weight. The present study examined the quality of young cattle carcasses in a slaughterhouse in the Raska district, according to the standard applied in the EU but not in Serbia. In total, 100 cattle carcasses (young bulls) were examined. For meat quality evaluation and grading, the following parameters according to the European standard for the classification of cattle carcasses SEUROP were used: slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass yield, I.e. the carcass conformation, development of the muscles of the carcass as well as the development of basic parts (round, back and shoulder) and the degree of carcass fat tissue coverage.",
publisher = "Institute of meat hygiene and technology, Belgrade",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Analysis of beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raška district",
volume = "59",
number = "1",
pages = "23-27",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2018.59.1.3"
Petrović, M. Z., Đoković, R., Vasilev, D., Đorđević, V., Dimitrijević, M., Stajković, S.,& Karabasil, N.. (2018). Analysis of beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raška district. in Meat Technology
Institute of meat hygiene and technology, Belgrade., 59(1), 23-27.
Petrović MZ, Đoković R, Vasilev D, Đorđević V, Dimitrijević M, Stajković S, Karabasil N. Analysis of beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raška district. in Meat Technology. 2018;59(1):23-27.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2018.59.1.3 .
Petrović, Miloš Z., Đoković, Radojica, Vasilev, Dragan, Đorđević, Vesna, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, Stajković, Silvana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, "Analysis of beef meat quality in a slaughterhouse in Raška district" in Meat Technology, 59, no. 1 (2018):23-27, . .

Karakteristike tradicionalne proizvodnje sira na području opštine Teslić

Savić Radovanović, Radoslava; Bulajić, Snežana; Stajković, Silvana; Babić, Milijana; Mikić, Lazar; Bošković, Saša; Nedić, Drago

(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2017)

AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
AU  - Bulajić, Snežana
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Babić, Milijana
AU  - Mikić, Lazar
AU  - Bošković, Saša
AU  - Nedić, Drago
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Циљ овог рада је био да се опише традиционална производња сира на територији општине Теслић, Република Српска и испита безбедност и квалитет узорака сира, који се производе од сировог и куваног млека. Снимање технологије је изведено помоћу анкете састављене од више питања, која обједињују основне елементе и технолошке поступке производње сира. Сиреви су испитани на присуство L. monocytogenes, коагулаза позитивних стафилокока, одређиван је број бактерија млечне киселине, ентеробактерија, као и  физичкохемијски параметри (сува материја, маст, маст у сувој материји, вода, вода у безмасној материји, киселост, садржај укупних протеина, степен киселости, pH вредност, садржај NaCl,). Доминантну микрофлору су чиниле бактерије млечне киселине. Средња вредност броја Lactococcus spp. је била  ,50 log cfu/g и Lactobacillus spp. 7,18 log cfu/g. У испитаним узорцима није доказано присуство L. monocytogenes и каогулаза позитивних стафилокока, док je средња вредноста броја Enterobacteriaceae била 2,99 cfu/g. Сува материја сира се кретала од  33,86 до 52,49%, маст у сувој материји сира од 11,57 до 50.20%, садржај протеина од 14,90 до 20,71%, вода у безмасној материји сира од 60,91 до 79,68%, киселост од 13,60 до 36,80°SH, pH вредност od 4,50 до 6,07, садржај NaCl од 0,64 до 1,62%.
AB  - The aim of this study was to describe the production of cheese in the region of municipality Teslić. The cheese samples were examined for the presence of L. monocytogenes, coagulase-positive staphylococci, the number of lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and physico-chemical parameters (total solids, fat, fat in total solids, moisture, moisture on a free-fat basis, acidity, content of proteins, acidity, pH value, content of NaCl) were determined. The observation of technology was carried out by the survey consisting of questions, which combines the basic elements and technological operations of cheese production. The lactic acid bacteria represented the dominant microbita of cheese. The mean value for the number of Lactococcus spp. was 7.50 log CFU/g and Lactobacillus spp. 7.18 log cfu/g. L. monocytogenes and coagulase-positive staphylococci were not detected in the examined samples, whereas the mean value for the number of Enterobacteriaceae was 2.99 cfu/g. The total solids of cheese ranged from 33.86 to 52.49%, fat in total solids of cheese ranged from 11.67 to 50.20%, content of total proteins from 14.90 to 20.71%, moisture in free-fat basis from 60.91 to 79.68%, acidity from 13.60 to 36.80 °SH,  pH value  from 4.50 to 6.07 and content of NaCl from 0.64 tо 1.62%.
PB  - Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske
C3  - 22. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 7-10.jun 2017
T1  - Karakteristike tradicionalne proizvodnje sira na području opštine Teslić
T1  - Characteristics of traditional production of cheese in the region of municipality Teslić
SP  - 89
EP  - 90
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Savić Radovanović, Radoslava and Bulajić, Snežana and Stajković, Silvana and Babić, Milijana and Mikić, Lazar and Bošković, Saša and Nedić, Drago",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Циљ овог рада је био да се опише традиционална производња сира на територији општине Теслић, Република Српска и испита безбедност и квалитет узорака сира, који се производе од сировог и куваног млека. Снимање технологије је изведено помоћу анкете састављене од више питања, која обједињују основне елементе и технолошке поступке производње сира. Сиреви су испитани на присуство L. monocytogenes, коагулаза позитивних стафилокока, одређиван је број бактерија млечне киселине, ентеробактерија, као и  физичкохемијски параметри (сува материја, маст, маст у сувој материји, вода, вода у безмасној материји, киселост, садржај укупних протеина, степен киселости, pH вредност, садржај NaCl,). Доминантну микрофлору су чиниле бактерије млечне киселине. Средња вредност броја Lactococcus spp. је била  ,50 log cfu/g и Lactobacillus spp. 7,18 log cfu/g. У испитаним узорцима није доказано присуство L. monocytogenes и каогулаза позитивних стафилокока, док je средња вредноста броја Enterobacteriaceae била 2,99 cfu/g. Сува материја сира се кретала од  33,86 до 52,49%, маст у сувој материји сира од 11,57 до 50.20%, садржај протеина од 14,90 до 20,71%, вода у безмасној материји сира од 60,91 до 79,68%, киселост од 13,60 до 36,80°SH, pH вредност od 4,50 до 6,07, садржај NaCl од 0,64 до 1,62%., The aim of this study was to describe the production of cheese in the region of municipality Teslić. The cheese samples were examined for the presence of L. monocytogenes, coagulase-positive staphylococci, the number of lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and physico-chemical parameters (total solids, fat, fat in total solids, moisture, moisture on a free-fat basis, acidity, content of proteins, acidity, pH value, content of NaCl) were determined. The observation of technology was carried out by the survey consisting of questions, which combines the basic elements and technological operations of cheese production. The lactic acid bacteria represented the dominant microbita of cheese. The mean value for the number of Lactococcus spp. was 7.50 log CFU/g and Lactobacillus spp. 7.18 log cfu/g. L. monocytogenes and coagulase-positive staphylococci were not detected in the examined samples, whereas the mean value for the number of Enterobacteriaceae was 2.99 cfu/g. The total solids of cheese ranged from 33.86 to 52.49%, fat in total solids of cheese ranged from 11.67 to 50.20%, content of total proteins from 14.90 to 20.71%, moisture in free-fat basis from 60.91 to 79.68%, acidity from 13.60 to 36.80 °SH,  pH value  from 4.50 to 6.07 and content of NaCl from 0.64 tо 1.62%.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske",
journal = "22. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 7-10.jun 2017",
title = "Karakteristike tradicionalne proizvodnje sira na području opštine Teslić, Characteristics of traditional production of cheese in the region of municipality Teslić",
pages = "89-90",
url = ""
Savić Radovanović, R., Bulajić, S., Stajković, S., Babić, M., Mikić, L., Bošković, S.,& Nedić, D.. (2017). Karakteristike tradicionalne proizvodnje sira na području opštine Teslić. in 22. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 7-10.jun 2017
Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske., 89-90.
Savić Radovanović R, Bulajić S, Stajković S, Babić M, Mikić L, Bošković S, Nedić D. Karakteristike tradicionalne proizvodnje sira na području opštine Teslić. in 22. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 7-10.jun 2017. 2017;:89-90. .
Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, Bulajić, Snežana, Stajković, Silvana, Babić, Milijana, Mikić, Lazar, Bošković, Saša, Nedić, Drago, "Karakteristike tradicionalne proizvodnje sira na području opštine Teslić" in 22. Godišnje savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske (Bosna i Hercegovina) sa međunarodnim učešćem, Teslić, 7-10.jun 2017 (2017):89-90, .