Приказ резултата 1632-1651 од 5212

      Forenzička analiza nasilnih uginuća pasa i mačaka u periodu od 2018. do 2022. godine [1]
      Forenzička ispitivanja u maloj praksi [1]
      Forenzički aspekti zlostavljanja životinja [1]
      Forenzičko ispitivanje uginulih životinja [1]
      Fosfati i nitriti - najčešće korišćeni aditivi u industriji mesa [1]
      Fowl Adenovirus Infection-Potential Cause of a Suppressed Humoral Immune Response of Broilers to Newcastle Disease Vaccination [1]
      Fractality of observed solar radiation data [1]
      Free-radical scavenging activity and antibacterial impact of Greek oregano isolates obtained by SFE [1]
      Frequency of antimicrobial resistance in thermophilic campylobacter strains from humans, poultry and pigs [1]
      Frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the evaluation of genotoxic potential of dicyclohexylamine (fumagillin) in vivo [1]
      Frequency of determination of parenchymal organs disturbances during ultrasound examination of reproductive tract [1]
      Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in dogs and cats: Results of a retrospective serological survey in Šumadija District, Serbia [1]
      Frequency of some acropodium diseases in dairy cows in Serbia [1]
      Frequency of White line disease and Sole ulcers and impact of hoof trimming in examined herds of Simmental cows [1]
      From designing diets for animals to designing food of animal origin – overview [1]
      Fumagillin-induced chromosome aberrations in mouse bone-marrow cells [1]
      Fumonizini u hrani za svinje - predisponirajući faktor za nastanak respiratornih oboljenja [1]
      Function and importance of HSP 70 in metabolic stress in dairy cows in peripartal period [1]
      Functional and histological changes of the pancreas and the liver in the rats after the acute and subacute administration of diazinon [1]
      Functional food market in Serbia through the prism of new regulation [1]