Приказ резултата 3645-3664 од 5196

      Production standards and the quality of milk and meat products from cattle and sheep raised in sustainable production systems [1]
      Production-economic results in hatching eggs production for Arbor Acres laying hens [1]
      Profil rezistencije enterokoka izolovanih iz sireva [1]
      Profil steroidnih hormona tokom sinhronizacije estrusa kod različitih kategorija košuta (Cervus elaphus L.) [1]
      Profilaksa i terapija neonatalnih dijareja kod domaćih preživara [1]
      Profilaksa, imunoprofilaksa i terapija stafilokoknih mastitisa [1]
      Profilaxis, immunoprophylaxis and therapy of staphylococcal mastitis [1]
      Profiles of virulence genes in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from suckling piglets in Serbia [1]
      Profiles of virulence genes in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coll Isolates from suckling piglets in Serbia [1]
      Profiling Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Infection in Commercial Pig Farms Using Serology and Lung Lesions Assessment [1]
      Progesterone concentration in milk and blood serum and reproductive efficiency of cows after Ovsynch treatment [1]
      Progesterone concentration, pregnancy and calving rate in simmental dairy cows after oestrus synchronisation and HCG treatment during the early luteal phase [1]
      Prognostic markers significant for therapy of tumours in dogs [1]
      Progresivna pneumonija ovaca Maedi-Visna- rezultati ispitivanja u 2017. godini na Južnobanatskom epizootiološkom području [1]
      Progressive sheep pneumonia Maedi Visna - South Banat epizootiological area test results in 2017 [1]
      Proizvodne karakteristike brojlera hranjenih obrocima različite hranljive vrednosti sa dodatim probiotikom [1]
      Proizvodni i ekonomski problemi stočarske proizvodnje u SRJ [1]
      Proizvodni rezultati u tovu brojlera hybro G+ provenijencije [1]
      Proizvodnja i karakteristike “Banatskog sira” [1]
      Proizvodnja i kvalitet mleka i mesa goveda i ovaca u uslovima održive proizvodnje [1]