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Ispitivanje mikroflore i parametara kvaliteta sremskog kulena proizvedenog u industrijskim i tradicionalnim uslovima

dc.contributor.advisorVasilev, Dragan
dc.contributor.advisorJanković, Vesna
dc.creatorSuvajdžić, Branko
dc.description.abstractrural households of Srem, according to a unique recipe and traditional technology, without the use of starter cultures and additives. The traditional manner of producing Sremski Kulen is being used only in rural households and by craftsmen whose production is insufficient to satisfy the market needs. The adoption of traditional norms by some industrial producers from the territory of Srem would contribute to the improvement of its production. Therefore, the research within this doctoral dissertation aimed to compare the microbiota and quality parameters of Sremski Kulen produced in industrial conditions according to traditional requirements with the microbiota and quality of Sremski Kulen produced on traditional manner in rural household. The results of the microbiological examination in this study showed that the most numerous microorganisms during the ripening of industrial (ISK) and traditional (TSK) Sremski kulen were lactic acid bacteria (LAB) followed by Micrococcaceae and Enterococcaceae. Bacteria from the Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae families died off until the end of the ripening process, while pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes were not isolated at any stage of the microbiological examination of both products from this study. Identification of LAB was performed using the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Out of a total of 180 BMK isolates from ISK, 137 isolates (76.11%) were identified as Lactobacillus sakei, 18 (10%) as Lactobacillus curvatus, 5 (2.78%) as Lactobacillus coryniformis ssp. coryniformis, 2 (1.11%) as Lactobacillus paraplantarum and 2 (1.11%) as Leuconostoc mesenteroides, while 16 isolates (8.89%) were not identified. On the other hand, out of a total of 180 BMK isolates originating from TSK, 161 isolates (89.64%) were identified as Lactobacillus sakei, 13 (7.22%) as Lactobacillus curvatus and 2 (1.11%) as Leuconostoc mesenteroides, while 4 isolates (2.22%) were not identified. During the examination of physicochemical parameters, it was found that the pH value of ISK differed significantly from the pH of TSK during the entire ripening period, at a level of statistical significance of 5% or 0.1%. At the end of ripening, the pH value of the ISK and TSK was 5.64 ± 0.03 and 5.46 ± 0.02, which is in accordance with the requirements of the Official Gazette (2015) and the Elaborate (2013). During the ripening of ISK and TSK, a significant drying was observed. Consequently, weight loss of ISK amounted 54.71% with aw value of 0.800±0.01, while weight loss of TSK was 53.14% with the aw value of 0.815±0.00.en
dc.description.abstractSremski kulen je fermentisana suva kobasica koja se vekovima proizvodi u seoskim domaćinstvima Srema prema jedinstvenoj recepturi i tradicionalnoj tehnologiji, bez upotrebe starter kultura i aditiva. Tradicionalni način proizvodnje sremskog kulena održao se jedino u seoskim domaćinstvima i kod zanatskih proizvođača čiji obim proizvodnje nije dovoljan da zadovolji potrebe tržišta. Usvajanje tradicionalnih normi od strane pojedinih industrijskih proizvođača sa teritorije Srema doprinelo bi unapređenju proizvodnje sremskog kulena. Stoga je istraživanje u okviru ove doktorske disertacije imalo za cilj da se uporedi mikroflora, kao i parametri kvaliteta sremskog kulena proizvedenog u industrijskim uslovima u skladu sa tradicionalnim zahtevima (ISK), sa mikroflorom i kvalitetom sremskog kulena proizvednog u seoskom domaćinstvu na tradicionalni način (TSK). Rezultati mikrobiološkog ispitivanja ove studije pokazuju da su najbrojniji mikroorganizmi tokom zrenja ISK i TSK bile bakterije mlečne kiseline (BMK) praćene mikrokokama i enterokokama. Bakterije iz familija Pseudomonadaceae i Enterobacteriaceae su izmrle do kraja zrenja, dok patogeni mikroorganizmi, kao što su Salmonella spp. i Listeria monocytogenes, nisu izolovani ni u jednoj fazi mikrobiološkog ispitivanja industrijskog i tradicionalnog proizvoda iz ove studije. Identifikacija bakterija mlečne kiseline izvršena je pomoću MALDI-TOF masene spektrometrije. Od ukupno 180 izolata BMK poreklom iz ISK, 137 izolata (76,11%) je identifikovano kao Lactobacillus sakei, 18 (10%) kao Lactobacillus curvatus, 5 (2,78%) kao Lactobacillus coryniformis ssp. coryniformis, 2 (1,11%) kao Lactobacillus paraplantarum i 2 (1,11%) kao Leuconostoc mesenteroides, dok 16 izolata (8,89%) nije identifikovano. Sa druge strane, od ukupno 180 izolata BMK poreklom iz TSK, 161 izolat (89,64%) je identifikovan kao Lactobacillus sakei, 13 (7,22%) kao Lactobacillus curvatus i 2 (1,11%) kao Leuconostoc mesenteroides, a 4 izolata (2,22%) nije identifikovano. Tokom ispitivanja fizičko-hemijskih parametara, utvrđeno je da se pH vrednost sremskog kulena dobijenog u industrijskim uslovima značajno razlikovala od pH vrednosti proizvoda dobijenog u tradicionalnim uslovima tokom celog perioda zrenja, na nivou statističke značajnosti od 5% ili 0,1%. Na kraju zrenja pH vrednost ISK i TSK iznosila je 5,64±0,03 i 5,46±0,02 redom, što je u skladu sa zahtevima važećeg Pravilnika o kvalitetu usitnjenog mesa, poluproizvoda od mesa i proizvoda od mesa (Sl. glasnik RS, 94/2015) i Elaborata o zaštiti geografskog porekla „Sremski kulen” (2013). Tokom zrenja ISK i TSK došlo je do značajnog sušenja proizvoda...sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet veterinarske medicine
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31032/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.subjectSremski Kulenen
dc.subjectdry fermented sausagesen
dc.subjectindustrial and traditional productionen
dc.subjectbiogenic aminesen
dc.subjectsremski kulensr
dc.subjectfermentisane suve kobasicesr
dc.subjectindustrijska i tradicionalna proizvodnjasr
dc.subjectbiogeni aminisr
dc.titleMicrobiota and quality parameters of Sremski kulen produced in industrial and traditional conditionsen
dc.titleIspitivanje mikroflore i parametara kvaliteta sremskog kulena proizvedenog u industrijskim i tradicionalnim uslovimasr
dcterms.abstractСувајджић, Бранко; Испитивање микрофлоре и параметара квалитета сремског кулена произведеног у индустријским и традиционалним условима; Испитивање микрофлоре и параметара квалитета сремског кулена произведеног у индустријским и традиционалним условима;



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