Укупан број посета

Importance of Vlashko Vitoroga sheep in agroecological farming regarding food quality and landscape234502
Evaluation of west nile virus diagnostic capacities in veterinary laboratories of the mediterranean and black sea regions193543
Investigations of variability of morphometric characteristics in Busa and Gatacko cattle in order to preserve autochthonous genome111179
Seroepizootiological-epidemiological investigation and mapping of West Nile infection in the Republic of Serbia109300
Seroprevalence of ehrlichia canis infection in stray dogs from Serbia64644
A case of nerve sheath tumor followed by multicentric high-grade T-cell lymphoma in an African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)54201
Antropogeni uzroci uginuća divljih ptica – metode ispitivanja i patomorfološki nalaz u slučajevima elektrokucije i trovanja53281
Ground red hot pepper agar in the isolation and presumptive identification of Cryptococcus neoformans48711
Comparison of stress level indicators in blood of free-roaming dogs after transportation and housing in the new environment44773
Natural radionuclides in bottled mineral water at the Serbian market30299