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Advances in Nosema ceranae control

dc.contributorGvozdić, Dragan
dc.creatorGlavinić, Uroš
dc.creatorRistanić, Marko
dc.creatorJovanović, Nemanja M.
dc.creatorRajković, Milan
dc.creatorNiketić, Mia
dc.creatorStevanović, Jevrosima
dc.creatorStanimirović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractdonosne pčele (Apis mellifera). Izaziva bolest nozemozu (nozematozu) i u zavisnosti od stepena infekcije i jačine pčelinjih društava, ostavlja značajne posledice na zdravlje, reproduktivne i produktivne sposobnosti pčela. Antibiotik fumagilin je godinama bio jedini lek dostupan za kontrolu ovog patogena. Njegova primena dovedena je u pitanje zbog nedostataka koji prate njegovu primenu (efikasnost, mortalitet pčela i pojava rezidua u pčelinjim proizvodima). Širom sveta se sprovode istraživanja sa ciljem pronalaska alternative za kontrolu nozeme. U ovom radu prikazani su naši rezultati ispitivanja dijetetskih suplemenata na bazi prirodnih/biljnih ekstrakata (Medenko forte i ekstrakti gljiva Agaricus blazei i A. bisporus), timola i vitaminsko-mineralnog aditiva (BEEWELL AminoPlus). Kod pčela tretiranih svim nabrojanim suplementima i fumagilinom kao kontrolnim tretmanom, praćen je broj spora N. ceranae, nivoi ekspresije gena značajnih za imunitet pčela kao i parametri oksidativnog stresa. Svi preparati primenjivani su preventivno (tri dana pre infekcije), u trenutku inficiranja, kao i tri dana nakon infekcije sa N. ceranae, u cilju određivanja najboljeg momenta za primenu. Dokazani su negativni efekti fumagilina kada je preventivno primenjivan kod neinficiranih pčela. Kod inficiranih pčela većina testiranih suplemenata dovela je do smanjenja broja spora N. ceranae, a pokazali su i zaštitni efekat u smislu sprečavanja imunosupresije i oksidativnog stresa.sr
dc.description.abstractThe microsporidian Nosema ceranae is an obligate intestinal parasite of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). It causes nosemosis and, depending on the infection level and the strength of the infected bee colonies, causes significant health disorders, including malfunction of reproductive and productive capabilities of bees. The antibiotic fumagillin was the only drug available for Nosema control for many years. However, use of fumagillin has been questioned due to the drawbacks related to its efficacy, bee mortality and the presence of residues in bee products. Studies aimed to find alternatives for Nosema control are being conducted worldwide. In this paper, our results related to diet supplements based on natural/plant extracts (Medenko forte and extracts of Agaricus blazei and A. bisporus), thymol and vitamin-mineral additive (BEEWELL AminoPlus) are presented. Bees were treated with these supplements and fumagillin (control treatment) and gene expression levels (important for bee immunity), as well as oxidative stress parameters were assessed. In order to determine adequate time for application, all supplements were applied preventively (three days before infection), at the time of infection, as well as three days after N. ceranae infection. In uninfected bees, fumagillin demonstrated adverse effects when applied prophylactically. In Nosema-infected bees, tested supplements mainly contributed to the decrease of N. ceranae spore levels, but also exhibited a protective effect based on level of immune-related gene expression and parameters of oxidative stress.sr
dc.publisherFakultet veterinarske medicine, Centar za izdavačku delatnost i promet učilasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//sr
dc.relationUgovor o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada Fakulteta veterinarske medicine Univerziteta u Beogradu (Ugovor br: 451- 03-9/2021-14)sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova - XLIII seminar inovacija znanja veterinarasr
dc.subjectekspresija genasr
dc.subjectdijetetski suplementisr
dc.subjectmedonosna pčelasr
dc.subjectNosema ceranaesr
dc.subjectoksidativni stressr
dc.subjectgene expressionsr
dc.subjectdiet supplementssr
dc.subjecthoney beesr
dc.subjectoxidative stresssr
dc.titleNovi trendovi u kontroli Nosema ceranaesr
dc.titleAdvances in Nosema ceranae controlsr



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