Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Ispitivanje kvaliteta konzumnih jaja poreklom iz različitih proizvodnih sistema

dc.creatorČobanović, Nikola
dc.creatorTodorović, Nadja
dc.creatorKovandžić, Marija
dc.creatorVićić, Ivan
dc.creatorSuvajdžić, Branko
dc.creatorGrković, Nevena
dc.creatorKarabasil, Nedjeljko
dc.description.abstractThe present study evaluated the quality of marketed table eggs originating from enriched cage, barn, organic or free-range production systems. Table eggs from the free-range production system had the highest diameter, the lowest shape index and the highest frequency of normal-shaped table eggs. In addition, the lightest shell colour was found in table eggs from the free-range production system. The highest shell thickness was found in table eggs from the enriched cage production system, while the lowest shell thickness was found in table eggs from the free-range production system. Table eggs from organic and free-range production systems had better internal quality and freshness (lower albumen and yolk pH values, and a higher albumen and Haugh index) compared to table eggs from enriched cage and barn production systems. Compared to the other production systems, the best physical quality traits were recorded in table eggs from the free-range production system (the highest egg weight, weight and proportion of yolk, but the lowest weight and proportion of shell and albumen). In addition, the lightest yolk colour was found in table eggs from the organic production system. In conclusion, table eggs from organic and free-range production systems are of better overall quality compared to those from enriched cage and barn production
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja ovog rada bio je da se ispita kvalitet konzumnih jaja poreklom iz kaveznog, podnog, organskog i slobodnog proizvodnog sistema. Konzumna jaja iz slobodnog uzgoja imala su najveću dužinu, najmanji indeks oblika i najveću učestalost jaja normalnog oblika. Osim toga, najsvetlija boja ljuske utvrđena je kod konzumnih jaja iz slobodnog uzgoja. Najveća debljina ljuske je utvrđena kod konzumnih jaja iz kaveznog uzgoja, dok su najmanju debljinu ljuske imala konzumna jaja iz slobodnog uzgoja. Konzumna jaja iz organskog i slobodnog uzgoja imala su bolji unutrašnji kvalitet i svežinu (manja pH vrednost belanca i žumanca, a veći indeks belanca) u poređenju sa onim iz kaveznog i podnog uzgoja. U poređenju sa ostalim proizvodnim sistemima, najbolje fizičke karakteristike su utvrđene kod konzumnih jaja iz slobodnog uzgoja (najveća masa jaja i masa i procenat žumanca, a najmanja masa i procenat ljuske i masa belanca). Pored toga, najsvetlija boja žumanca je utvrđena kod konzumnih jaja iz organskog uzgoja. Na osnovu rezultata ovog istraživanja može da se zaključi da su konzumna jaja iz organskog i slobodnog uzgoja boljeg kvaliteta u odnosu na ona iz kaveznog i podnog
dc.publisherInstitute of Meat Hygiene and Technologysr
dc.sourceMeat technologysr
dc.subjectalbumen qualitysr
dc.subjectegg freshnesssr
dc.subjecteggshell coloursr
dc.subjecteggshell qualitysr
dc.subjectyolk qualitysr
dc.subjectboja ljuskesr
dc.subjectboja žumancasr
dc.subjectkvalitet belancasr
dc.subjectkvalitet ljuskesr
dc.subjectkvalitet žumancasr
dc.subjectsvežina jajasr
dc.titleAssessment of marketed table egg quality originating from different production systemssr
dc.titleIspitivanje kvaliteta konzumnih jaja poreklom iz različitih proizvodnih sistemasr



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