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A. Mesenterica Cranialis in the ground squirrel (citellus citellus)

dc.creatorBlagojević, Miloš
dc.creatorVitorović, Duško
dc.creatorZdravković, Marija
dc.creatorNešić, Ivana
dc.creatorAdamović, Ivana
dc.description.abstractTekunica je prezimar, čija hibernacija traje u zavisnosti od uzrasta i pola, od kraja leta do proleća. Kada nastanu hladni dani tekunica se zavlači u svoje jazbine i hladi se, tako da telesna temperatura, koja u normalnim uslovima iznosi 37°C, padne na 10°, 7° ili 3°C, što zavisi od spoljašnje sredine. Pored toga, kod tekunice se smanjuje i broj srčanih otkucaja na 1-2, a disanje na 3-4 puta u minuti.Sve ovo pokazuje da u organizmu ove životinje, kao i kod ostalih prezimara, nastupa veliko snižavanje intenziteta svih životnih funkcija, što je dokazano mnogobrojnim fiziološkim, biohemijskim i histološkim ispitivanjima pojedinih organskih sistema kod tekunice. Za ispitivanje je upotrebljeno 6 tekunica, oba pola, telesne mase 200-300 grama. Posle iskrvavljenja, u trbušnu aortu su ubrizgane različite kontrastne mase, želatin obojen slikarskom temperom ili minijumom. Posle injiciranja, krvni sudovi su preparisani i forografisani. A. mesenterica cranialis predstavlja neparan i prilično jak krvni sud koji izbija iz ventralnog zida trbušne aorte, 4-5 mm kaudalnije od A. celiaca. Vaskulariše tanka creva i veći deo kolona. Njene grane su : A. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis, Aa. jejunales, A. colica dextra i A. colica media. Kada se od A. mesenterica cranialis odvoji poslednja jejunalna grana, njen završni deo predstavlja A. ileocecocolica. Za razliku od tekunice, pored nevedenih krvnih sudova, kod slepog kučeta grane od A. mesenterica cranialis su i A. pancreaticoduodenalis media, A. cecalis, A. cecocolica i A. ileocolica. Kod zamorca A. celiaca i A. mesenterica cranialis se spajaju i obrazuju zajedničko stablo Truncus
dc.description.abstractThe ground squirrel is hibernators, whose hibernation lasts depending on the age and sex, from late summer to spring. During the cold days the ground squirrel enters its lair and cooled, so that the body temperature, which in normal conditions is 37 ° C, falling to 10 ° , 7 ° or 3 ° C, depending on the external environment. In addition, the heart rate slows to a 1-2 beats per minute, and breathing to 3-4 times per minute. All this shows that in the ground squirrel, as well as in other hibernators, reduces the intensity of all vital functions, as evidenced numerous by many physiological, biochemical and histological studies of some organic system in these animals. The investigation wasperfomed on six ground squirrel, of both sexes, body weight 200-300 g. After bleeding, the abdominal aorta were injected with various contrasting masses, gelatin colored painting with watercolors or red lead. After the injection, the blood vessels were prepared and photographed. The cranial mesenteric artery (A. mesentericacranialis) represent unpaired and quite large blood vessel which arises from the ventral wall of the abdominal aorta, about 4-5 mm caudally to the origin of the the celiac artery. It supplies small intestine and most part of the colon. Its branches are: A. pancreaticoduodenaliscaudalis, Aa. jejunales, A. colicadextra and A. colica media. After giving off the last jejunal artery, the cranial mesenteric artery terminate as A. ileocecocolica. For difference of the ground squirrel, in the mole rat branches of the cranial mesenteric artery are yet A. pancreaticoduodenalis media, A. cecalis, A. cecocolica and A. ileocolica. In the guinea pig the cranial mesenteric artery form a common trunk with the celiac artery – Truncusceliacomesentericuswhich arises from the abdominal
dc.publisherBanja Luka : Veterinarska Komora Republike Srpske i Društvo Veterinara Republike Srpskesr
dc.source20. Jubilarno godišnje Savjetovanje doktora veterinarske medicine Republike Srpske/BIH sa međunarodnim učešćem, Banja Luka, 11 - 14. jun, 2015sr
dc.subjectground squirrelsr
dc.titleA. Mesenterica Cranialis код текунице (citellus citellus)sr
dc.titleA. Mesenterica Cranialis in the ground squirrel (citellus citellus)sr
dc.description.otherZbornik kratkih sadržajasr



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