Veterinar - Repository of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinar – Repository of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is the institutional digital repository of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. It provides open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
The software platform of the repository is adapted to the modern standards applied in the dissemination of scientific publications and is compatible with international infrastructure in this field.
You may use the external application Authors, Projects, Publications (APP) to browse and search authors and funding information. APP also enables metadata export and displays Altmetric scores and Dimensions, Scopus and Web of Science citation counts.
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Recently Added
Uloga fotokatalitičkih sistema u prečišćavanju i dezinfekciji vazduha
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, 2024) -
Microscopic identification of active phagocytes in the blood of the European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis)
(Zagreb : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 2024) -
Torakalna radiografija i ehokardiografija pasa sa kardiorespiratornim i digestivnim poremećajima
(Beograd : Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Centar za izdavačku delatnost i promet učila, 2024) -
Procjena mikrobiološke čistoće kod subjekata u poslovanju hranom za period 2017-2023. / Assessment of microbiological purity in food business operators for the period 2017-2023.
(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2024) -
Uticaj faktora rizika na pojavu urinarne kapilarioze kod lovačkih pasa u Srbiji / The influence of risk factors on the appearance of urinary capillariosis in hunting dogs in Serbia
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2024) -
Biodiversity of lumbricidae intermedial hosts of Metastrongylides of pigs in the Belgrade area
(Timisoara : Agroprint, 2024) -
Uticaj parazitizma na ponašanje životinja / Effect of parasitism on animal behaviour
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2024) -
Biomarkeri stresa, inflamacije i imuniteta u oralnoj tečnosti nazimica sa reproduktivnim i respiratornim sindromom / Stress, inflammation and immunity oral fluid biomarkers in gilts with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2024) -
Perspektive i pravci razvoja novih antihelmintika u veterinarskoj medicini / Perspectives and directions of the development of new anthelmintic drugs in veterinary medicine
(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2024) -
Uloga DDD mera u prevenciji afričke kuge svinja
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, 2024) -
Dirofilaria immitis kod divljih karnivora u Republici Srpskoj – preliminarni rezultati epizootiološkog istraživanja / Dirofilaria immitis in wild carnivores in the Republic of Srpska – preliminary results of the episootiological research
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2024) -
Einfluss der region auf die Fleischqualität von Rot-und Damhirsche und Rehwild
(Fleischwirtschaft, 2024) -
Molekularna prevalencija meticilin-rezistentnih koagulaza-pozitivnih stafilokoka izolovanih iz kože i ušiju pasa / Molecular prevalence of methicillin-resistant coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from canine skin and ears
(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2024) -
Platelet-to-lymphocyte and mean platelet volume-to-platelet ratios in babesia infected dogs
(XXI International Society for Animal Clinical Pathology Congress, ISACP 2024, Heraklion, 14 - 18 May 2024, 2024) -
Morfološke odlike kostiju prednjeg ekstremiteta afričkog lava (Panthera leo) / Morphological features of the forelimb bones of the african lion (Panthera leo)
(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2024) -
Procena kvaliteta mleka i proizvoda od mleka u Republici Srbiji / Quality assessment of milk and diary products in the Republic of Serbia
(Banja Luka : Veterinarska komora Republike Srpske, 2024)