Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra

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  • Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra (7)

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Epizootiološki i klinički značaj divljih mesojeda u prenošenju parazitoza urinarnog trakta u Srbiji

Ilić, Tamara; Stepanović, Predrag; Gajić, Bojan; Bogunović, Danica; Jovanović, Nemanja M.; Davidov, Ivana; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra; Aleksić Radojković, Jelena

(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2023)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Jovanović, Nemanja M.
AU  - Davidov, Ivana
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
AU  - Aleksić Radojković, Jelena
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Због бројности популације лисица, распрострањености у различитим еколошким
срединама, интензивирања процеса урбанизације, доступности хране и одморишта,
одсуства предатора и компетитивних врста, ови дивљи месоједи могу да представљају
изворе/резервоаре нематода уринарног тракта за све пријемчиве врсте које деле иста
станишта - ловачки пси, невласнички пси и мачке луталице. Висока преваленција
уринарне капилариозе и спорадична преваленција диоктофимозе код лисица у Европи
и колонизација урбаних подручја лисицама може да повећа ризик од настанка
инфекције домаћих паса и мачака овим хелминтима. Дуг препатентни период, учестала
појава асимптоматских и субклиничких инфекција узрокованих малим бројем паразита
и дисконтинуираном елиминацијом малог броја јаја, отежана дијагностика и
идентификација незрелих јаја паразита, клинички симптоми слични знацима уринарних
бактеријских инфекција и непостојање довољне свести ветеринарских клиничара о
могућем присуству Capillaria plica и Dioctophyma renale код паса и мачака, могу
отежати дијагностиковање ових инфекција. Осим новијих извештаја о налазу врсте C.
plica код лисица (која је утврђена 2020. године на подручју Колубарског округа са
преваленцијом од 70,6%) и ревијалног приказа уринарне капилариозе паса, у
досадашњим истраживањима на подручју Србије није посвећено довољно пажње
изучавању паразитоза уринарног тракта код домаћих месоједа. Због опасности коју D.
renale може да представља за здравље људи и чињенице да у Србији постоје предуслови
за појаву, одржавање и ширење диоктофимозе код месоједа, биолозима, паразитолозима
и ветеринарима потребно је пружити корисне информације од значаја за дијагностику и
праћење нематодоза уринарног тракта код дивљих и домаћих месоједа и указати на
потенцијалне изворе/резервоаре инфекције у Србији. С обзиром да је у Грчкој 2019.
године диоктофимоза дијагностикована код паса, интензивирање ефеката глобалног
загревања може да буде значајан предиспонирајући фактор за појаву ове зоонозе и код
месоједа у Србији. Са клиничко-паразитолошког аспекта важно је да се C. plica и D.
renale уврсте у диференцијалну дијагнозу уринарних обољења паса и мачака, посебно
код животиња са хроничним или рекурентним циститисом и животиња које деле
станишта са инфицираним лисицама.
AB  - Due to the size of the fox population, distribution in different ecological environments,
intensification of the urbanisation process, availability of food and resting places, absence of
predators and competing species, these wild carnivores may represent sources/reservoirs of
urinary tract nematodes for all susceptible species sharing the same habitat - hunting dogs,
stray dogs without owners and cats. The high prevalence of urinary capillariasis and sporadic
prevalence of dioctophimosis in foxes in Europe, as well as the colonisation of urban areas by
foxes, may increase the risk of infection of domestic dogs and cats with these helminths. The
long prepatency period, the frequent occurrence of asymptomatic and subclinical infections
caused by small numbers of parasites, and the discontinuous shedding of small numbers of
eggs, the difficult diagnosis and identification of immature parasite eggs, clinical signs
resembling those of bacterial urinary tract infections, and insufficient awareness among
veterinarians of the possible presence of Capillaria plica and Dioctophyma renale in dogs and
cats may complicate the diagnosis of these infections. Apart from the recent reports on the
discovery of the species C. plica in foxes (detected in the area of Kolubara district in 2020
with a prevalence of 70.6%) and the review presentation of urinary capillariosis in dogs, the
previous research in Serbia did not pay enough attention to the study of the urinary parasite
tract in domestic carnivorous animals. Due to the danger that D. renale may pose to human
health and the fact that conditions for the occurrence, maintenance and spread of
dioctophimosis in carnivores are present in Serbia, it is necessary to provide biologists,
parasitologists and veterinarians with useful information relevant to the diagnosis and
monitoring of urinary nematodes in wild and domestic carnivores and to identify potential
sources/reservoirs of infection in Serbia. Considering that dioctophimosis was diagnosed in
dogs in Greece in 2019, the intensification of the effects of global warming could be an
important predisposing factor for the occurrence of this zoonosis in carnivores in Serbia. From
a clinical parasitological point of view, it is important to include C. plica and D. renale in the
differential diagnosis of urinary tract diseases in dogs and cats, especially in animals with
chronic or recurrent cystitis and in animals sharing their habitat with infected foxes.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze
C3  - XXV Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XXV Epizootiološki dani), Novi Sad, 24 - 26. april 2023
T1  - Epizootiološki i klinički značaj divljih mesojeda u prenošenju parazitoza urinarnog trakta u Srbiji
T1  - Epidemiological and clinical importance of wild carnivores in the transmission of parasitosis of the urinary tract in Serbia
SP  - 44
EP  - 45
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Stepanović, Predrag and Gajić, Bojan and Bogunović, Danica and Jovanović, Nemanja M. and Davidov, Ivana and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra and Aleksić Radojković, Jelena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Због бројности популације лисица, распрострањености у различитим еколошким
срединама, интензивирања процеса урбанизације, доступности хране и одморишта,
одсуства предатора и компетитивних врста, ови дивљи месоједи могу да представљају
изворе/резервоаре нематода уринарног тракта за све пријемчиве врсте које деле иста
станишта - ловачки пси, невласнички пси и мачке луталице. Висока преваленција
уринарне капилариозе и спорадична преваленција диоктофимозе код лисица у Европи
и колонизација урбаних подручја лисицама може да повећа ризик од настанка
инфекције домаћих паса и мачака овим хелминтима. Дуг препатентни период, учестала
појава асимптоматских и субклиничких инфекција узрокованих малим бројем паразита
и дисконтинуираном елиминацијом малог броја јаја, отежана дијагностика и
идентификација незрелих јаја паразита, клинички симптоми слични знацима уринарних
бактеријских инфекција и непостојање довољне свести ветеринарских клиничара о
могућем присуству Capillaria plica и Dioctophyma renale код паса и мачака, могу
отежати дијагностиковање ових инфекција. Осим новијих извештаја о налазу врсте C.
plica код лисица (која је утврђена 2020. године на подручју Колубарског округа са
преваленцијом од 70,6%) и ревијалног приказа уринарне капилариозе паса, у
досадашњим истраживањима на подручју Србије није посвећено довољно пажње
изучавању паразитоза уринарног тракта код домаћих месоједа. Због опасности коју D.
renale може да представља за здравље људи и чињенице да у Србији постоје предуслови
за појаву, одржавање и ширење диоктофимозе код месоједа, биолозима, паразитолозима
и ветеринарима потребно је пружити корисне информације од значаја за дијагностику и
праћење нематодоза уринарног тракта код дивљих и домаћих месоједа и указати на
потенцијалне изворе/резервоаре инфекције у Србији. С обзиром да је у Грчкој 2019.
године диоктофимоза дијагностикована код паса, интензивирање ефеката глобалног
загревања може да буде значајан предиспонирајући фактор за појаву ове зоонозе и код
месоједа у Србији. Са клиничко-паразитолошког аспекта важно је да се C. plica и D.
renale уврсте у диференцијалну дијагнозу уринарних обољења паса и мачака, посебно
код животиња са хроничним или рекурентним циститисом и животиња које деле
станишта са инфицираним лисицама., Due to the size of the fox population, distribution in different ecological environments,
intensification of the urbanisation process, availability of food and resting places, absence of
predators and competing species, these wild carnivores may represent sources/reservoirs of
urinary tract nematodes for all susceptible species sharing the same habitat - hunting dogs,
stray dogs without owners and cats. The high prevalence of urinary capillariasis and sporadic
prevalence of dioctophimosis in foxes in Europe, as well as the colonisation of urban areas by
foxes, may increase the risk of infection of domestic dogs and cats with these helminths. The
long prepatency period, the frequent occurrence of asymptomatic and subclinical infections
caused by small numbers of parasites, and the discontinuous shedding of small numbers of
eggs, the difficult diagnosis and identification of immature parasite eggs, clinical signs
resembling those of bacterial urinary tract infections, and insufficient awareness among
veterinarians of the possible presence of Capillaria plica and Dioctophyma renale in dogs and
cats may complicate the diagnosis of these infections. Apart from the recent reports on the
discovery of the species C. plica in foxes (detected in the area of Kolubara district in 2020
with a prevalence of 70.6%) and the review presentation of urinary capillariosis in dogs, the
previous research in Serbia did not pay enough attention to the study of the urinary parasite
tract in domestic carnivorous animals. Due to the danger that D. renale may pose to human
health and the fact that conditions for the occurrence, maintenance and spread of
dioctophimosis in carnivores are present in Serbia, it is necessary to provide biologists,
parasitologists and veterinarians with useful information relevant to the diagnosis and
monitoring of urinary nematodes in wild and domestic carnivores and to identify potential
sources/reservoirs of infection in Serbia. Considering that dioctophimosis was diagnosed in
dogs in Greece in 2019, the intensification of the effects of global warming could be an
important predisposing factor for the occurrence of this zoonosis in carnivores in Serbia. From
a clinical parasitological point of view, it is important to include C. plica and D. renale in the
differential diagnosis of urinary tract diseases in dogs and cats, especially in animals with
chronic or recurrent cystitis and in animals sharing their habitat with infected foxes.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze",
journal = "XXV Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XXV Epizootiološki dani), Novi Sad, 24 - 26. april 2023",
title = "Epizootiološki i klinički značaj divljih mesojeda u prenošenju parazitoza urinarnog trakta u Srbiji, Epidemiological and clinical importance of wild carnivores in the transmission of parasitosis of the urinary tract in Serbia",
pages = "44-45",
url = ""
Ilić, T., Stepanović, P., Gajić, B., Bogunović, D., Jovanović, N. M., Davidov, I., Aleksić-Agelidis, A.,& Aleksić Radojković, J.. (2023). Epizootiološki i klinički značaj divljih mesojeda u prenošenju parazitoza urinarnog trakta u Srbiji. in XXV Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XXV Epizootiološki dani), Novi Sad, 24 - 26. april 2023
Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze., 44-45.
Ilić T, Stepanović P, Gajić B, Bogunović D, Jovanović NM, Davidov I, Aleksić-Agelidis A, Aleksić Radojković J. Epizootiološki i klinički značaj divljih mesojeda u prenošenju parazitoza urinarnog trakta u Srbiji. in XXV Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XXV Epizootiološki dani), Novi Sad, 24 - 26. april 2023. 2023;:44-45. .
Ilić, Tamara, Stepanović, Predrag, Gajić, Bojan, Bogunović, Danica, Jovanović, Nemanja M., Davidov, Ivana, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, Aleksić Radojković, Jelena, "Epizootiološki i klinički značaj divljih mesojeda u prenošenju parazitoza urinarnog trakta u Srbiji" in XXV Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XXV Epizootiološki dani), Novi Sad, 24 - 26. april 2023 (2023):44-45, .

Zakonski propisi u organskoj proizvodnji - Nacionalna i EU regulativa

Savić Radovanović, Radoslava; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra; Aleksić Radojković, Jelena

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku, 2021)

AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
AU  - Aleksić Radojković, Jelena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Organska proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji je kontrolisana i zakonski
uređena proizvodnja definisana Zakonom o organskoj proizvodnji („Službeni
glasnik Republike Srbije“, br. 30/10, 17/2019) i pravilnicima donetim na osnovu
Zakona - Pravilnik o kontroli i sertifikaciji u organskoj proizvodnji i metodama
organske proizvodnje („Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 095/2020) i Pravilnik o dokumentaciji
koja se dostavlja ovlašćenoj kontrolnoj organizaciji radi izdavanja potvrde, kao i o
uslovima i načinu prodaje organskih proizvoda („Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 88/16).
Zakonom o organskoj proizvodnji uređuje se proizvodnja poljoprivrednih i
drugih proizvoda metodama organske proizvodnje, ciljevi, načela i metode
organske proizvodnje, kontrola i sertifikacija, prerada, obeležavanje, skladištenje,
prevoz, promet, uvoz i izvoz organskih proizvoda i druga pitanja od značaja za
organsku proizvodnju. Odredbe Zakona odnose se na proizvode koji potiču iz svih
faza organske proizvodnje - biljne i stočarske, uključujući i akvakulturu kada se
proizvodi stavljaju u promet. Proizvodima organske proizvodnje ne smatraju se
proizvodi dobijeni lovom divljih životinja i ribolovom. Sistem kontrole organskih
proizvoda u Republici Srbiji uspostavljen je po ugledu na sistem kontrole propisan
regulativama Evropske Unije, Uredbom Saveta EU 834/2007 i Uredbom Komisije
EU 886/2008 (Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, Commission Regulation (EC)
No 886/2008). U januaru 2021. godine navedene uredbe prestaju da važe i na
snagu stupa nova Uredba Evropskog Parlamenta i Saveta o organskoj proizvodnji i
obeležavanju organskih proizvoda (Regulation (EU) 2018/848) sa ciljem da se
odgovori na rastuće zahteve i očekivanja potrošača.
AB  - Organic production in the Republic of Serbia is controlled production, officially
regulated by the Law on Organic Production ("Official Gazette of the Republic of
Serbia", No. 30/10, 17/2019) that provided the legal basis for the adoption of
regulations - Rulebook on control and certification in organic production and
methods of organic production ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 095/2020) and the
Rulebook on documentation submitting for certificate issuance by the authorized
organization and organic products trading requirements ("Official Gazette of RS",
No. 88/16). The Law on Organic Production regulates the production of
agricultural and other products, goals, principles and methods of organic
production and control, certification, processing, labeling, storage, transport, trade,
import and export of organic products as well as other issues of importance for
organic production. The provisions of the Act are applied to products originating
from all stages of organic production - plant and livestock, including aquaculture
products for market. Organic products are not considered to be products obtained
by hunting and fishery. The system of organic products control in the Republic of
Serbia was established in accordance to the European Union regulations- Council
Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, Commission Regulation (EC) No 886/2008). On
January 2021, these regulations will expire. The new Regulation of the European
Parliament and the Council on organic production and labeling of organic products
(Regulation (EU) 2018/848) will enter into force in order to respond to growing
consumers demands and expectations.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku
C3  - XXVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji
T1  - Zakonski propisi u organskoj proizvodnji - Nacionalna i EU regulativa
T1  - Regulations in organic production - National and EU legislative
SP  - 459
EP  - 465
DO  - 10.46793/SBT26.459SR
ER  - 
author = "Savić Radovanović, Radoslava and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra and Aleksić Radojković, Jelena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Organska proizvodnja u Republici Srbiji je kontrolisana i zakonski
uređena proizvodnja definisana Zakonom o organskoj proizvodnji („Službeni
glasnik Republike Srbije“, br. 30/10, 17/2019) i pravilnicima donetim na osnovu
Zakona - Pravilnik o kontroli i sertifikaciji u organskoj proizvodnji i metodama
organske proizvodnje („Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 095/2020) i Pravilnik o dokumentaciji
koja se dostavlja ovlašćenoj kontrolnoj organizaciji radi izdavanja potvrde, kao i o
uslovima i načinu prodaje organskih proizvoda („Sl. glasnik RS”, br. 88/16).
Zakonom o organskoj proizvodnji uređuje se proizvodnja poljoprivrednih i
drugih proizvoda metodama organske proizvodnje, ciljevi, načela i metode
organske proizvodnje, kontrola i sertifikacija, prerada, obeležavanje, skladištenje,
prevoz, promet, uvoz i izvoz organskih proizvoda i druga pitanja od značaja za
organsku proizvodnju. Odredbe Zakona odnose se na proizvode koji potiču iz svih
faza organske proizvodnje - biljne i stočarske, uključujući i akvakulturu kada se
proizvodi stavljaju u promet. Proizvodima organske proizvodnje ne smatraju se
proizvodi dobijeni lovom divljih životinja i ribolovom. Sistem kontrole organskih
proizvoda u Republici Srbiji uspostavljen je po ugledu na sistem kontrole propisan
regulativama Evropske Unije, Uredbom Saveta EU 834/2007 i Uredbom Komisije
EU 886/2008 (Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, Commission Regulation (EC)
No 886/2008). U januaru 2021. godine navedene uredbe prestaju da važe i na
snagu stupa nova Uredba Evropskog Parlamenta i Saveta o organskoj proizvodnji i
obeležavanju organskih proizvoda (Regulation (EU) 2018/848) sa ciljem da se
odgovori na rastuće zahteve i očekivanja potrošača., Organic production in the Republic of Serbia is controlled production, officially
regulated by the Law on Organic Production ("Official Gazette of the Republic of
Serbia", No. 30/10, 17/2019) that provided the legal basis for the adoption of
regulations - Rulebook on control and certification in organic production and
methods of organic production ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 095/2020) and the
Rulebook on documentation submitting for certificate issuance by the authorized
organization and organic products trading requirements ("Official Gazette of RS",
No. 88/16). The Law on Organic Production regulates the production of
agricultural and other products, goals, principles and methods of organic
production and control, certification, processing, labeling, storage, transport, trade,
import and export of organic products as well as other issues of importance for
organic production. The provisions of the Act are applied to products originating
from all stages of organic production - plant and livestock, including aquaculture
products for market. Organic products are not considered to be products obtained
by hunting and fishery. The system of organic products control in the Republic of
Serbia was established in accordance to the European Union regulations- Council
Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, Commission Regulation (EC) No 886/2008). On
January 2021, these regulations will expire. The new Regulation of the European
Parliament and the Council on organic production and labeling of organic products
(Regulation (EU) 2018/848) will enter into force in order to respond to growing
consumers demands and expectations.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku",
journal = "XXVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji",
title = "Zakonski propisi u organskoj proizvodnji - Nacionalna i EU regulativa, Regulations in organic production - National and EU legislative",
pages = "459-465",
doi = "10.46793/SBT26.459SR"
Savić Radovanović, R., Aleksić-Agelidis, A.,& Aleksić Radojković, J.. (2021). Zakonski propisi u organskoj proizvodnji - Nacionalna i EU regulativa. in XXVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku., 459-465.
Savić Radovanović R, Aleksić-Agelidis A, Aleksić Radojković J. Zakonski propisi u organskoj proizvodnji - Nacionalna i EU regulativa. in XXVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji. 2021;:459-465.
doi:10.46793/SBT26.459SR .
Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, Aleksić Radojković, Jelena, "Zakonski propisi u organskoj proizvodnji - Nacionalna i EU regulativa" in XXVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji (2021):459-465, . .

Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores

Aleksić, Jelena; Stepanović, Predrag; Dimitrijević, Sanda; Gajić, Bojan; Bogunović, Danica; Davidov, Ivana; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra; Ilić, Tamara

(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)

AU  - Aleksić, Jelena
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Davidov, Ivana
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Purpose: This study aimed to determine the presence of C. plica in red foxes and to point out the possibilities of different diagnostic methods, that could be used for diagnosis of urinary capillariosis in domestic carnivores. Methods: Seventeen red foxes from hunting grounds in the Kolubara District, Republic of Serbia, were examined in February 2019. Animals to be shot were selected based on the criteria of gamekeepers and the permission of the competent Ministry. After hunting, the foxes were examined by ultrasound and autopsied. After the necropsy, biochemical and sediment analysis of urine morphological identification of isolated adult parasites, and macroscopic/microscopic examination of the urinary bladder and kidney tissue were performed. Results: Adults of C. plica were detected in 3/17 foxes (17.6%) by ultrasound imaging and in 6/17 foxes (35.3%) by necropsy examination. Parasite eggs were found in the urinary sediment of 9/17 foxes (52.9%). The predominant histopathologic changes were amyloid degeneration of the renal glomeruli and proximal tubules (8/17 foxes-47%) as well as acute cystitis (7/17 foxes-41.2%). The occurrence of C. plica was determined in 12/17 (70.6%) of the examined foxes. Discussion: This study is the first record of the C. plica in red foxes in the Republic of Serbia. Diagnostic methods used in this study could make possible the early revealing of capillariosis in domestic carnivores and could provide reliable clinical and parasitological screening of suspect animals. Conclusion: The study presents the first report of urinary capillariosis in a fox population in Serbia. The established high prevalence of C. plica in foxes could presume its higher prevalence in domestic and wild carnivores in the future.
PB  - Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores
VL  - 65
IS  - 4
SP  - 954
EP  - 962
DO  - 10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Jelena and Stepanović, Predrag and Dimitrijević, Sanda and Gajić, Bojan and Bogunović, Danica and Davidov, Ivana and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra and Ilić, Tamara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Purpose: This study aimed to determine the presence of C. plica in red foxes and to point out the possibilities of different diagnostic methods, that could be used for diagnosis of urinary capillariosis in domestic carnivores. Methods: Seventeen red foxes from hunting grounds in the Kolubara District, Republic of Serbia, were examined in February 2019. Animals to be shot were selected based on the criteria of gamekeepers and the permission of the competent Ministry. After hunting, the foxes were examined by ultrasound and autopsied. After the necropsy, biochemical and sediment analysis of urine morphological identification of isolated adult parasites, and macroscopic/microscopic examination of the urinary bladder and kidney tissue were performed. Results: Adults of C. plica were detected in 3/17 foxes (17.6%) by ultrasound imaging and in 6/17 foxes (35.3%) by necropsy examination. Parasite eggs were found in the urinary sediment of 9/17 foxes (52.9%). The predominant histopathologic changes were amyloid degeneration of the renal glomeruli and proximal tubules (8/17 foxes-47%) as well as acute cystitis (7/17 foxes-41.2%). The occurrence of C. plica was determined in 12/17 (70.6%) of the examined foxes. Discussion: This study is the first record of the C. plica in red foxes in the Republic of Serbia. Diagnostic methods used in this study could make possible the early revealing of capillariosis in domestic carnivores and could provide reliable clinical and parasitological screening of suspect animals. Conclusion: The study presents the first report of urinary capillariosis in a fox population in Serbia. The established high prevalence of C. plica in foxes could presume its higher prevalence in domestic and wild carnivores in the future.",
publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores",
volume = "65",
number = "4",
pages = "954-962",
doi = "10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9"
Aleksić, J., Stepanović, P., Dimitrijević, S., Gajić, B., Bogunović, D., Davidov, I., Aleksić-Agelidis, A.,& Ilić, T.. (2020). Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH., 65(4), 954-962.
Aleksić J, Stepanović P, Dimitrijević S, Gajić B, Bogunović D, Davidov I, Aleksić-Agelidis A, Ilić T. Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores. in Acta Parasitologica. 2020;65(4):954-962.
doi:10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9 .
Aleksić, Jelena, Stepanović, Predrag, Dimitrijević, Sanda, Gajić, Bojan, Bogunović, Danica, Davidov, Ivana, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, Ilić, Tamara, "Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores" in Acta Parasitologica, 65, no. 4 (2020):954-962, . .

Metaldehyde poisoning in dogs

Aleksić, Jelena; Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana; Jovanović, Milijan; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2016)

AU  - Aleksić, Jelena
AU  - Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana
AU  - Jovanović, Milijan
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Metaldehyde is an active substance used for extermination of slugs and snail population. This paper presents the very first case of metaldehyde intentional poisoning of dogs in Serbia. Three-year-old and a six-year-old Swiss white shepard dogs were poisoned. The owner noticed frequent defecation, skeletal muscles spasms and impossibility to put any weight on their back extremities. The vomit of the younger dog was made of green-turquoise colored gut content. Twenty minutes after the onset of the first clinical symptoms dogs died. Macroscopic examination showed congestion of lungs, in the liver and intestines, as well as chemorage in the pancreas, bladder and intestines. Nonspecific pathological lesions were present in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, gut, intestines and brain. Pathohistological examination showed dystrophic changes and necrosis in kidneys, brain and intestines. According to anamnestic data, clinical signs, macroscopic and microscopic examination as well as characteristic smell of gut content, one could say that metaldehyde poisoning is the case. Toxicological analysis of gut content samples was performed by using gas chromatography with mass spectrophotometry (GC-MS). Used diagnostic methodology and gut content toxicology results obtained was the base for crime case according to article 269. Republic of Serbia Crime law.
AB  - Metaldehid je aktivna supstanca sredstva koje se koristi za kontrolu, odnosno uništavanje populacije štetnih puževa i puževa golaća. U radu je opisan prvi slučaj namernog trovanja pasa metaldehidom u Srbiji. Otrovana su dva psa rase švajcarski beli ovčar, starosti tri i šest godina. Vlasnik je uočio učestalo defeciranje, podrhtavanje skeletne muskulature i nemogućnost životinja da se oslone na zadnje ekstremitete. U povraćenom sadržaju kod mlađeg psa uočeni su zeleno tirkizno prebojeni ostaci hrane. Uginuće oba psa nastupilo je nakon dvadeset minuta od pojave prvih simptoma. Makroskopskim pregledom ustanovljeni su kongestija pluća, jetre, creva i krvavljenja u pankreasu, mokraćnoj bešici i crevima. Patološke lezije su bile nespecifične i zahvatale su pluća, srce, bubrege, jetru, želudac, creva i mozak. Patohistološkom pretragom pored krvavljenja nađene su distrofične i nekrotične promene na crevima, bubrezima i mozgu. Na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka, kliničke slike, makroskopskog i mikroskopskog nalaza i na osnovu mirisa sadržaja želuca postavljena je osnovana sumnja na trovanje. Toksikološko-hemijskom analizom uzoraka želudačnog sadržaja pasa primenom metode gasne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS), sumnja na trovanje metaldehidom je potvrđena. Sprovedene dijagnostičke metode i rezultati toksikološko-hemijske analize uzoraka bile su osnov za pokretanje krivične odgovornosti propisane članom 269. Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Metaldehyde poisoning in dogs
T1  - Otravlenie metal'degidom u sobak
T1  - Trovanje pasa metaldehidom
VL  - 70
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 259
EP  - 268
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL1606259A
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Jelena and Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana and Jovanović, Milijan and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Metaldehyde is an active substance used for extermination of slugs and snail population. This paper presents the very first case of metaldehyde intentional poisoning of dogs in Serbia. Three-year-old and a six-year-old Swiss white shepard dogs were poisoned. The owner noticed frequent defecation, skeletal muscles spasms and impossibility to put any weight on their back extremities. The vomit of the younger dog was made of green-turquoise colored gut content. Twenty minutes after the onset of the first clinical symptoms dogs died. Macroscopic examination showed congestion of lungs, in the liver and intestines, as well as chemorage in the pancreas, bladder and intestines. Nonspecific pathological lesions were present in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, gut, intestines and brain. Pathohistological examination showed dystrophic changes and necrosis in kidneys, brain and intestines. According to anamnestic data, clinical signs, macroscopic and microscopic examination as well as characteristic smell of gut content, one could say that metaldehyde poisoning is the case. Toxicological analysis of gut content samples was performed by using gas chromatography with mass spectrophotometry (GC-MS). Used diagnostic methodology and gut content toxicology results obtained was the base for crime case according to article 269. Republic of Serbia Crime law., Metaldehid je aktivna supstanca sredstva koje se koristi za kontrolu, odnosno uništavanje populacije štetnih puževa i puževa golaća. U radu je opisan prvi slučaj namernog trovanja pasa metaldehidom u Srbiji. Otrovana su dva psa rase švajcarski beli ovčar, starosti tri i šest godina. Vlasnik je uočio učestalo defeciranje, podrhtavanje skeletne muskulature i nemogućnost životinja da se oslone na zadnje ekstremitete. U povraćenom sadržaju kod mlađeg psa uočeni su zeleno tirkizno prebojeni ostaci hrane. Uginuće oba psa nastupilo je nakon dvadeset minuta od pojave prvih simptoma. Makroskopskim pregledom ustanovljeni su kongestija pluća, jetre, creva i krvavljenja u pankreasu, mokraćnoj bešici i crevima. Patološke lezije su bile nespecifične i zahvatale su pluća, srce, bubrege, jetru, želudac, creva i mozak. Patohistološkom pretragom pored krvavljenja nađene su distrofične i nekrotične promene na crevima, bubrezima i mozgu. Na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka, kliničke slike, makroskopskog i mikroskopskog nalaza i na osnovu mirisa sadržaja želuca postavljena je osnovana sumnja na trovanje. Toksikološko-hemijskom analizom uzoraka želudačnog sadržaja pasa primenom metode gasne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS), sumnja na trovanje metaldehidom je potvrđena. Sprovedene dijagnostičke metode i rezultati toksikološko-hemijske analize uzoraka bile su osnov za pokretanje krivične odgovornosti propisane članom 269. Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Metaldehyde poisoning in dogs, Otravlenie metal'degidom u sobak, Trovanje pasa metaldehidom",
volume = "70",
number = "5-6",
pages = "259-268",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL1606259A"
Aleksić, J., Ćupić Miladinović, D., Jovanović, M.,& Aleksić-Agelidis, A.. (2016). Metaldehyde poisoning in dogs. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 70(5-6), 259-268.
Aleksić J, Ćupić Miladinović D, Jovanović M, Aleksić-Agelidis A. Metaldehyde poisoning in dogs. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2016;70(5-6):259-268.
doi:10.2298/VETGL1606259A .
Aleksić, Jelena, Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana, Jovanović, Milijan, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, "Metaldehyde poisoning in dogs" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 70, no. 5-6 (2016):259-268, . .

Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed

Mirilović, Milorad; Teodorović, Vlado; Marković, Radmila; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra; Vejnović, Branislav; Đurić, Spomenka; Jovanović, Dragoljub

(Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad, 2015)

AU  - Mirilović, Milorad
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
AU  - Marković, Radmila
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
AU  - Vejnović, Branislav
AU  - Đurić, Spomenka
AU  - Jovanović, Dragoljub
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - This paper evaluates the effects of two different feeds on production results and economic performance in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming. The first group (O-1) was fed with a standard complete pelleted feed, and the second group (O-2) was fed with combined feed consisting of 75 % pellets and 25 % of sardines. Better results were obtained with the O-2 group, while the O-1 group achieved results characteristic for local farming conditions and feed quality. Experimental group O-2 had significantly higher (p lt 0,01) growth rate when compared to group O-1. Considering current feed and final product (fish) prices in the market, better results in terms of cost-effectiveness were obtained (E>0,00) in O-2 group of trout fed with the combined meal.
AB  - U radu je ispitivan uticaj ishrane kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sa dva obroka različitog sastava na proizvodno-ekonomske rezultate. Eksperiment je postavljen sa dve grupe kalifornijske pastrmke: O-1 hra- njena je standardnom kompletnom peletiranom hranom i O-2 koja je hranjena kombinovanim obrokom. Bolji rezultat je ostvaren kod O-2 grupe, dok je O-1 grupa postigla rezultate karakteristične za kvalitet domaće hrane i uslove držanja u našoj zemlji. Ogledna grupa O-2 imala je signifikantno veći (p lt 0,01) ukupni prirast u odnosu na O-1. Pri važećim tržišnim cenama hraniva i konzumne ribe kao finalnog proizvoda, bolji ekonomski rezultati (E=2,06) postignuti su korišćenjem kombinovanog obroka kod O-2 grupe. .
PB  - Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad
T2  - Arhiv veterinarske medicine
T1  - Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed
T1  - Uporedna analiza proizvodnih i ekonomskih pokazatelja u intenzivnoj proizvodnji kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hranjene obrocima različitog sastava
VL  - 8
IS  - 2
SP  - 55
EP  - 65
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mirilović, Milorad and Teodorović, Vlado and Marković, Radmila and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra and Vejnović, Branislav and Đurić, Spomenka and Jovanović, Dragoljub",
year = "2015",
abstract = "This paper evaluates the effects of two different feeds on production results and economic performance in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming. The first group (O-1) was fed with a standard complete pelleted feed, and the second group (O-2) was fed with combined feed consisting of 75 % pellets and 25 % of sardines. Better results were obtained with the O-2 group, while the O-1 group achieved results characteristic for local farming conditions and feed quality. Experimental group O-2 had significantly higher (p lt 0,01) growth rate when compared to group O-1. Considering current feed and final product (fish) prices in the market, better results in terms of cost-effectiveness were obtained (E>0,00) in O-2 group of trout fed with the combined meal., U radu je ispitivan uticaj ishrane kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sa dva obroka različitog sastava na proizvodno-ekonomske rezultate. Eksperiment je postavljen sa dve grupe kalifornijske pastrmke: O-1 hra- njena je standardnom kompletnom peletiranom hranom i O-2 koja je hranjena kombinovanim obrokom. Bolji rezultat je ostvaren kod O-2 grupe, dok je O-1 grupa postigla rezultate karakteristične za kvalitet domaće hrane i uslove držanja u našoj zemlji. Ogledna grupa O-2 imala je signifikantno veći (p lt 0,01) ukupni prirast u odnosu na O-1. Pri važećim tržišnim cenama hraniva i konzumne ribe kao finalnog proizvoda, bolji ekonomski rezultati (E=2,06) postignuti su korišćenjem kombinovanog obroka kod O-2 grupe. .",
publisher = "Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad",
journal = "Arhiv veterinarske medicine",
title = "Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed, Uporedna analiza proizvodnih i ekonomskih pokazatelja u intenzivnoj proizvodnji kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hranjene obrocima različitog sastava",
volume = "8",
number = "2",
pages = "55-65",
url = ""
Mirilović, M., Teodorović, V., Marković, R., Aleksić-Agelidis, A., Vejnović, B., Đurić, S.,& Jovanović, D.. (2015). Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed. in Arhiv veterinarske medicine
Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad., 8(2), 55-65.
Mirilović M, Teodorović V, Marković R, Aleksić-Agelidis A, Vejnović B, Đurić S, Jovanović D. Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed. in Arhiv veterinarske medicine. 2015;8(2):55-65. .
Mirilović, Milorad, Teodorović, Vlado, Marković, Radmila, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, Vejnović, Branislav, Đurić, Spomenka, Jovanović, Dragoljub, "Economic evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming fed with different composition feed" in Arhiv veterinarske medicine, 8, no. 2 (2015):55-65, .

Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality

Tešić, Milan; Baltić, Milan Ž.; Teodorović, Vlado; Nedić, Drago; Mirilović, Milorad; Marković, Radmila; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Tešić, Milan
AU  - Baltić, Milan Ž.
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
AU  - Nedić, Drago
AU  - Mirilović, Milorad
AU  - Marković, Radmila
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of various dietary meal compositions on production, economic performance and meat quality of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Experimental group (0-I) was fed with a mixture containing 30% fish meal, 35% soybean meal, 30% sardines and 5% fish oil. Experimental group 0-II was fed with a combined meal consisting of 75% of fish food pellets and 25% of sardines. The control group (C) was fed with a standard complete pelleted feed. The best result was obtained in group 0-II, while group C achieved results common for local food quality and farming conditions in Serbia. Group 0-I had less productive results compared to group C and group 0-II. Feed used in group 0-II has its own nutritional, biological and economic justification. Use of different fish meals had no significant influence on trout meat chemical composition, except the fat content which was significantly higher in group 0-II. Considering current market prices of fish feed and fish as a final product, the best economic results were achieved by using the combined feed in group 0-II.
AB  - U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj ishrane obrokom različitog sastava na proizvodnoekonomske rezultate i kvalitet mesa kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Kontrolna grupa (K) hranjena je standardnom kompletnom peletiranom hranom, ogledna grupa (0-I) hranjena je kombinovanom smešom koja sadrži 30% ribljeg brašna, 35% sojine sačme, 30% sardele i 5% ribljeg ulja, a ogledna grupa 0-II hranjena je kombinovanim obrokom koji je sastavljen od 75% peletirane hrane i 25% sardela. Najbolji rezultat je ostvaren kod 0-II grupe, dok je K grupa postigla rezultate karakteristične za kvalitet domaće hrane i uslove držanja u našoj zemlji, a 0-I grupa imala je slabije proizvodne rezultate u odnosu na K i 0-II grupu. Korišćena hrana kod 0-II grupe ima svoje nutritivno, biološko i ekonomsko opravdanje. Različiti tretmani ishrane nisu bitno uticali na hemijski sastav mesa pastrmki, osim sadržaja masti koji je bio signifikantno viši kod 0-II grupe. Pri važećim tržišnim cenama hraniva i konzumne ribe kao finalnog proizvoda, najbolji ekonomski rezultati postignuti su korišćenjem kombinovanog obroka kod 0-II grupe.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Acta Veterinaria-Beograd
T1  - Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality
T1  - Uticaj različitog sastava obroka na proizvodno-ekonomske rezultate i kvalitet mesa ribe
VL  - 64
IS  - 3
SP  - 338
EP  - 348
DO  - 10.2478/acve-2014-0032
ER  - 
author = "Tešić, Milan and Baltić, Milan Ž. and Teodorović, Vlado and Nedić, Drago and Mirilović, Milorad and Marković, Radmila and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of various dietary meal compositions on production, economic performance and meat quality of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Experimental group (0-I) was fed with a mixture containing 30% fish meal, 35% soybean meal, 30% sardines and 5% fish oil. Experimental group 0-II was fed with a combined meal consisting of 75% of fish food pellets and 25% of sardines. The control group (C) was fed with a standard complete pelleted feed. The best result was obtained in group 0-II, while group C achieved results common for local food quality and farming conditions in Serbia. Group 0-I had less productive results compared to group C and group 0-II. Feed used in group 0-II has its own nutritional, biological and economic justification. Use of different fish meals had no significant influence on trout meat chemical composition, except the fat content which was significantly higher in group 0-II. Considering current market prices of fish feed and fish as a final product, the best economic results were achieved by using the combined feed in group 0-II., U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj ishrane obrokom različitog sastava na proizvodnoekonomske rezultate i kvalitet mesa kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Kontrolna grupa (K) hranjena je standardnom kompletnom peletiranom hranom, ogledna grupa (0-I) hranjena je kombinovanom smešom koja sadrži 30% ribljeg brašna, 35% sojine sačme, 30% sardele i 5% ribljeg ulja, a ogledna grupa 0-II hranjena je kombinovanim obrokom koji je sastavljen od 75% peletirane hrane i 25% sardela. Najbolji rezultat je ostvaren kod 0-II grupe, dok je K grupa postigla rezultate karakteristične za kvalitet domaće hrane i uslove držanja u našoj zemlji, a 0-I grupa imala je slabije proizvodne rezultate u odnosu na K i 0-II grupu. Korišćena hrana kod 0-II grupe ima svoje nutritivno, biološko i ekonomsko opravdanje. Različiti tretmani ishrane nisu bitno uticali na hemijski sastav mesa pastrmki, osim sadržaja masti koji je bio signifikantno viši kod 0-II grupe. Pri važećim tržišnim cenama hraniva i konzumne ribe kao finalnog proizvoda, najbolji ekonomski rezultati postignuti su korišćenjem kombinovanog obroka kod 0-II grupe.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Acta Veterinaria-Beograd",
title = "Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality, Uticaj različitog sastava obroka na proizvodno-ekonomske rezultate i kvalitet mesa ribe",
volume = "64",
number = "3",
pages = "338-348",
doi = "10.2478/acve-2014-0032"
Tešić, M., Baltić, M. Ž., Teodorović, V., Nedić, D., Mirilović, M., Marković, R.,& Aleksić-Agelidis, A.. (2014). Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality. in Acta Veterinaria-Beograd
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 64(3), 338-348.
Tešić M, Baltić MŽ, Teodorović V, Nedić D, Mirilović M, Marković R, Aleksić-Agelidis A. Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality. in Acta Veterinaria-Beograd. 2014;64(3):338-348.
doi:10.2478/acve-2014-0032 .
Tešić, Milan, Baltić, Milan Ž., Teodorović, Vlado, Nedić, Drago, Mirilović, Milorad, Marković, Radmila, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, "Effects of various meal compositions on production results, economic performance and fish meat quality" in Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 64, no. 3 (2014):338-348, . .

Tendency in fishing development and fish consumption in Serbia

Tešić, Milan; Baltić, Milan Ž.; Teodorović, Vlado; Mirilović, Milorad; Nedić, Drago; Marković, Todor; Marković, Radmila; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Tešić, Milan
AU  - Baltić, Milan Ž.
AU  - Teodorović, Vlado
AU  - Mirilović, Milorad
AU  - Nedić, Drago
AU  - Marković, Todor
AU  - Marković, Radmila
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Production and catch of fish in Serbia increases from year to year, while in the world it reached its peak at the beginning of this century. Serbia has all the favorable natural and economic conditions for further development of fishing. Out of total production, that is, annual fish catch in Serbia, the greatest part is sold by organized purchase, lower part is exported, and the reminder goes to the market through retail. It is well known that food consumption, therefore fish consumption, depends on several factors such as the production level, retail price, consumers purchasing power and their eating habits. Therefore, when analyzing the tendency of production and consumption of fish in Serbia, it is important to investigate the influence of production, price and purchasing power of consumers on it. In order to investigate the set objective, there were used corresponding quantitative data obtained by Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. On the basis of the original data, there were determined certain parameters, which were used as variables for calculation of correlational-regressive and maginal analysis for determining the elasticity of demand and consummation of fish per capita in Serbia. Production and catch of fish in Serbia tended to increase during the observed period, with annual growth rate of 17.4%. Beside the fact that annual growth rate is 4.8%, fish consumption per capita in Serbia is still quite small (X=4.89kg), what is a consequence of population habit to consume predominantly meat. In our study we have found out that fish consumption in Serbia mostly depend on fish production per capita (rxy=0.6364), as well as on groos (rxy=0.6045) and net (rxy=0.5969) earnings. Also, it is determined that consumption elasticity has the highest growth in regard to fish production per capita.
AB  - Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum početkom ovog veka. Srbija ima povoljne prirodne i privredne uslove za dalji razvoj domaćeg ribarstva. Od ukupne proizvodnje odnosno godišnjeg ulova ribe u Srbiji najveći deo se organizovano otkupi, manji deo se izveze, a ostalo ide u promet putem maloprodaje na pijacama. Poznato je da potrošnja namirnica za ishranu ljudi, pa time i ribe, zavisi od nivoa proizvodnje, maloprodajne cene, kupovne moći potrošača i navika potrošača. Stoga, prilikom analiziranja tendencije kretanja proizvodnje i potrošnje ribe u Srbiji, veoma je značajno ispitati uticaj proizvodnje, cena i kupovne moći potrošača na potrošnju ribe u našoj zemlji. Za ispitivanje postavljenog cilja korišćeni su odgovarajući kvantitativni podaci koje vodi Statistički zavod Srbije. Na osnovu izvornih podataka utvrđeni su određeni parametri koji su poslužili kao varijable za izračunavanje korelaciono-regresione i marginalne analize za utvrđivanje elasticiteta tražnje i potrošnje ribe po stanovniku u Srbiji. Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji beleži tendenciju rasta tokom posmatranog perioda sa godišnjom stopom rasta od 17,4%. Pored toga što ima godišnju stopu rasta od 4,8%, potrošnje ribe po stanovniku u našoj zemlji je dosta mala (X=4,89kg) i posledica je navike potrošača da više troše meso domaćih životinja. U našim istraživanjima utvrdili smo da potrošnja ribe u Srbiji u najvećoj meri zavisi od proizvodnje ribe po stanovniku (rxy=0,6364), kao i od bruto (rxy= 0,6045) i neto zarada (rxy=0,5969), a ujedno je utvrđeno da elastičnost potrošnje najveći rast ima u odnosu na proizvodnju ribe po stanovniku.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Tendency in fishing development and fish consumption in Serbia
T1  - Tendencija razvoja ribarstva i potrošnja ribe u Srbiji
VL  - 67
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 417
EP  - 427
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL1306417T
ER  - 
author = "Tešić, Milan and Baltić, Milan Ž. and Teodorović, Vlado and Mirilović, Milorad and Nedić, Drago and Marković, Todor and Marković, Radmila and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Production and catch of fish in Serbia increases from year to year, while in the world it reached its peak at the beginning of this century. Serbia has all the favorable natural and economic conditions for further development of fishing. Out of total production, that is, annual fish catch in Serbia, the greatest part is sold by organized purchase, lower part is exported, and the reminder goes to the market through retail. It is well known that food consumption, therefore fish consumption, depends on several factors such as the production level, retail price, consumers purchasing power and their eating habits. Therefore, when analyzing the tendency of production and consumption of fish in Serbia, it is important to investigate the influence of production, price and purchasing power of consumers on it. In order to investigate the set objective, there were used corresponding quantitative data obtained by Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. On the basis of the original data, there were determined certain parameters, which were used as variables for calculation of correlational-regressive and maginal analysis for determining the elasticity of demand and consummation of fish per capita in Serbia. Production and catch of fish in Serbia tended to increase during the observed period, with annual growth rate of 17.4%. Beside the fact that annual growth rate is 4.8%, fish consumption per capita in Serbia is still quite small (X=4.89kg), what is a consequence of population habit to consume predominantly meat. In our study we have found out that fish consumption in Serbia mostly depend on fish production per capita (rxy=0.6364), as well as on groos (rxy=0.6045) and net (rxy=0.5969) earnings. Also, it is determined that consumption elasticity has the highest growth in regard to fish production per capita., Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum početkom ovog veka. Srbija ima povoljne prirodne i privredne uslove za dalji razvoj domaćeg ribarstva. Od ukupne proizvodnje odnosno godišnjeg ulova ribe u Srbiji najveći deo se organizovano otkupi, manji deo se izveze, a ostalo ide u promet putem maloprodaje na pijacama. Poznato je da potrošnja namirnica za ishranu ljudi, pa time i ribe, zavisi od nivoa proizvodnje, maloprodajne cene, kupovne moći potrošača i navika potrošača. Stoga, prilikom analiziranja tendencije kretanja proizvodnje i potrošnje ribe u Srbiji, veoma je značajno ispitati uticaj proizvodnje, cena i kupovne moći potrošača na potrošnju ribe u našoj zemlji. Za ispitivanje postavljenog cilja korišćeni su odgovarajući kvantitativni podaci koje vodi Statistički zavod Srbije. Na osnovu izvornih podataka utvrđeni su određeni parametri koji su poslužili kao varijable za izračunavanje korelaciono-regresione i marginalne analize za utvrđivanje elasticiteta tražnje i potrošnje ribe po stanovniku u Srbiji. Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji beleži tendenciju rasta tokom posmatranog perioda sa godišnjom stopom rasta od 17,4%. Pored toga što ima godišnju stopu rasta od 4,8%, potrošnje ribe po stanovniku u našoj zemlji je dosta mala (X=4,89kg) i posledica je navike potrošača da više troše meso domaćih životinja. U našim istraživanjima utvrdili smo da potrošnja ribe u Srbiji u najvećoj meri zavisi od proizvodnje ribe po stanovniku (rxy=0,6364), kao i od bruto (rxy= 0,6045) i neto zarada (rxy=0,5969), a ujedno je utvrđeno da elastičnost potrošnje najveći rast ima u odnosu na proizvodnju ribe po stanovniku.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Tendency in fishing development and fish consumption in Serbia, Tendencija razvoja ribarstva i potrošnja ribe u Srbiji",
volume = "67",
number = "5-6",
pages = "417-427",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL1306417T"
Tešić, M., Baltić, M. Ž., Teodorović, V., Mirilović, M., Nedić, D., Marković, T., Marković, R.,& Aleksić-Agelidis, A.. (2013). Tendency in fishing development and fish consumption in Serbia. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 67(5-6), 417-427.
Tešić M, Baltić MŽ, Teodorović V, Mirilović M, Nedić D, Marković T, Marković R, Aleksić-Agelidis A. Tendency in fishing development and fish consumption in Serbia. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2013;67(5-6):417-427.
doi:10.2298/VETGL1306417T .
Tešić, Milan, Baltić, Milan Ž., Teodorović, Vlado, Mirilović, Milorad, Nedić, Drago, Marković, Todor, Marković, Radmila, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, "Tendency in fishing development and fish consumption in Serbia" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 67, no. 5-6 (2013):417-427, . .