Dimitrijević, Sanda

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Dimitrijević, Sanda (52)
Wild animal health monitoring and introduction of new biotechnology procedures in detection of infectious and zoonotic agents - risk analysis for human health, domestic and wild animal health and for environmental contamination Application of the EIIP/ISM bioinformatics platform in discovery of novel therapeutic targets and potential therapeutic molecules
Bacterial zoonoses-Development of molecular and immunological diagnostic methods and their standardization Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200143 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Molecular genetic and ecophysiological researches on the protection of autochthonous animal genetic resources, sustaining domestic animals’ welfare, health and reproduction, and safe food production Detection of early laboratory fungal biomarkers and it's importance for outcome of invasive fungal infections in Serbia
Identifikacija i karakterizacija ćelijskih kofaktora HIV-a i njihova moguća primena u preventivi i terapiji Infekcije intercelularnim mikroorganizmima rastućeg značaja: transmisija, odnos patogen-domaćin, molekularna epidemiologija i klinički značaj
Difuzni sistem zvezdastih (stellata) ćelija i njihova uloga u oštećenju tkiva, reparaciji i neoplastičnim procesima kod sisara Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia
Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije

Author's Bibliography

Epidemiološki značaj kontaminacije javnih gradskih površina zoonoznim parazitima iz fecesa pasa

Ristić, Marko; Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša; Dimitrijević, Sanda; Nenadović, Katarina; Bogunović, Danica; Stepanović, Predrag; Ilić, Tamara

(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2021)

AU  - Ristić, Marko
AU  - Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
AU  - Nenadović, Katarina
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3026
AB  - У погледу географске дистрибуције и клиничког значаја најраспрострањенији
геохелминти паса су Toxocara canis, анкилостоматиде и Trichuris vulpis. Пошто се дуго
одржавају у земљишту чине га потенцијалним резервоаром инфекције за људе. Циљ
истраживања је утврђивање степена контаминације земљишта и песка зоонозним
паразитима из фецеса паса и ризика који они представљају за здравље људи на јавним
местима и дечјим игралиштима града Ниша. Паразитолошким испитивањем
анализирано je 200 узорака земљишта и 50 узорака песка из три јавна парка града Ниша.
У складу са показатељима биоклиматских услова, узорковано је око 100g земљишта и
100g песка. Паразитолошка дијагностика је обављена конвенционалним квалитативним
и квантитативним копролошким методама, у складу са међународним препорукама
везаним за дијагностику обољења паразитске етиологије. Статистичка обрада резултата
извршена је применом дескриптивних тестова и аналитичких непараметарских тестова.
Нулта хипотеза је тестирана са прагом значајности <0,05. На подручју јавних паркова
града Ниша утврђена је контаминација ендопаразитима у 26-36% узорака земљишта и
40% узорака песка. У узорцима земљишта доминирала је контаминација аскаридидом
T. canis (средњи и висок степен) и анкилостоматидама (низак и средњи степен), а у
узорцима песка различит степен контаминације T. canis и A. аlata. Овакав налаз
представља висок степен ризика за здравље људи, с обзиром да су наведени
геохелминти етиолошки агенс синдрома висцералне, окуларне и кутане larve migrans,
као и хумане ларвалне алариозе. Налаз трематоде A. alata у узорцима земљишта (2%) и
песка (16%), указује да на подручју јавних паркова града Ниша циркулише велики број
паса луталица. За власничке псе и људе они представљају изворе/резервоаре зоонозних
паразита који гравитирају у земљишту и песку испитиваних јавних површина. Зато је
неопходно приступити решавању овог јавноздравственог проблема кроз Предлог мера
који подразумева: контролу трансмисије паразита у животној средини, пружање
смерница власницима паса у спречавању појаве, одржавања и ширења зоонозних
обољења и едукацију особља медицинске и ветеринарске струке, власника кућних
љубимаца и друштвене заједнице.
AB  - In terms of geographical distribution and clinical significance, the most widespread canine
geohelminths are Toxocara canis, ancylostomatids and Trichuris vulpis. Being maintained
in the soil for a long time makes it a potential reservoir of infection for humans. The aim
of the study is to determine the extent of soil and sand contamination by zoonotic parasites
from the faeces of dogs and the risks they pose to human health in public places and
playgrounds in the city of Niš. The parasitological study analysed 200 soil samples and
50 sand samples from three public parks in the city of Niš. According to the indicators of
bioclimatic conditions, about 100g of soil and 100g of sand were sampled. Parasitological
diagnosis was performed by conventional qualitative and quantitative coprological
methods, in accordance with international recommendations regarding the diagnosis of
parasitic etiology. Statistical processing of the results was performed using descriptive
tests and analytical non-parametric tests. The null hypothesis was tested with a
significance threshold <0.05. In the area of public parks in the city of Nis, contamination
with endoparasites was determined in 26-36% of soil samples and in 40% of sand samples.
Contamination with T. canis (medium and high grade) and ancylostomatids (low and
medium grade) was dominant in the soil samples, while different levels of T. canis and A.
аlata contamination were found in the sand samples. Such a finding represents a high
degree of risk to human health, given that these geohelminthes are the etiological agent of
the visceral, ocular, and cutaneous migrans larvae syndromes, as well as human larval
alariosis. The finding of A. alata trematode in soil samples (2%) and sand samples (16%)
indicates that a large number of stray dogs are circulating in the public parks of the city
of Niš. For dogs that have owners and humans, they represent the sources / reservoirs of
zoonotic parasites that gravitate into the soil and sand of the tested public areas. Therefore,
it is necessary to address this public health problem through the Proposal of measures,
which includes: transmission control of parasites in the environment, providing guidance
to dog owners in preventing the occurrence, maintenance and spread of zoonotic diseases,
and education of medical and veterinary professionals, pet owners and the community.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze
C3  - XXII / XXIII Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa / XXII / XXIII Epizootiološki dani, Beograd, 26 - 28. april, 2021
T1  - Epidemiološki značaj kontaminacije javnih gradskih površina zoonoznim parazitima iz fecesa pasa
T1  - Epidemiological significance of contamination of public urban surfaces by zoonotic parasites from dogs feces
SP  - 60
EP  - 61
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3026
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Marko and Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša and Dimitrijević, Sanda and Nenadović, Katarina and Bogunović, Danica and Stepanović, Predrag and Ilić, Tamara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "У погледу географске дистрибуције и клиничког значаја најраспрострањенији
геохелминти паса су Toxocara canis, анкилостоматиде и Trichuris vulpis. Пошто се дуго
одржавају у земљишту чине га потенцијалним резервоаром инфекције за људе. Циљ
истраживања је утврђивање степена контаминације земљишта и песка зоонозним
паразитима из фецеса паса и ризика који они представљају за здравље људи на јавним
местима и дечјим игралиштима града Ниша. Паразитолошким испитивањем
анализирано je 200 узорака земљишта и 50 узорака песка из три јавна парка града Ниша.
У складу са показатељима биоклиматских услова, узорковано је око 100g земљишта и
100g песка. Паразитолошка дијагностика је обављена конвенционалним квалитативним
и квантитативним копролошким методама, у складу са међународним препорукама
везаним за дијагностику обољења паразитске етиологије. Статистичка обрада резултата
извршена је применом дескриптивних тестова и аналитичких непараметарских тестова.
Нулта хипотеза је тестирана са прагом значајности <0,05. На подручју јавних паркова
града Ниша утврђена је контаминација ендопаразитима у 26-36% узорака земљишта и
40% узорака песка. У узорцима земљишта доминирала је контаминација аскаридидом
T. canis (средњи и висок степен) и анкилостоматидама (низак и средњи степен), а у
узорцима песка различит степен контаминације T. canis и A. аlata. Овакав налаз
представља висок степен ризика за здравље људи, с обзиром да су наведени
геохелминти етиолошки агенс синдрома висцералне, окуларне и кутане larve migrans,
као и хумане ларвалне алариозе. Налаз трематоде A. alata у узорцима земљишта (2%) и
песка (16%), указује да на подручју јавних паркова града Ниша циркулише велики број
паса луталица. За власничке псе и људе они представљају изворе/резервоаре зоонозних
паразита који гравитирају у земљишту и песку испитиваних јавних површина. Зато је
неопходно приступити решавању овог јавноздравственог проблема кроз Предлог мера
који подразумева: контролу трансмисије паразита у животној средини, пружање
смерница власницима паса у спречавању појаве, одржавања и ширења зоонозних
обољења и едукацију особља медицинске и ветеринарске струке, власника кућних
љубимаца и друштвене заједнице., In terms of geographical distribution and clinical significance, the most widespread canine
geohelminths are Toxocara canis, ancylostomatids and Trichuris vulpis. Being maintained
in the soil for a long time makes it a potential reservoir of infection for humans. The aim
of the study is to determine the extent of soil and sand contamination by zoonotic parasites
from the faeces of dogs and the risks they pose to human health in public places and
playgrounds in the city of Niš. The parasitological study analysed 200 soil samples and
50 sand samples from three public parks in the city of Niš. According to the indicators of
bioclimatic conditions, about 100g of soil and 100g of sand were sampled. Parasitological
diagnosis was performed by conventional qualitative and quantitative coprological
methods, in accordance with international recommendations regarding the diagnosis of
parasitic etiology. Statistical processing of the results was performed using descriptive
tests and analytical non-parametric tests. The null hypothesis was tested with a
significance threshold <0.05. In the area of public parks in the city of Nis, contamination
with endoparasites was determined in 26-36% of soil samples and in 40% of sand samples.
Contamination with T. canis (medium and high grade) and ancylostomatids (low and
medium grade) was dominant in the soil samples, while different levels of T. canis and A.
аlata contamination were found in the sand samples. Such a finding represents a high
degree of risk to human health, given that these geohelminthes are the etiological agent of
the visceral, ocular, and cutaneous migrans larvae syndromes, as well as human larval
alariosis. The finding of A. alata trematode in soil samples (2%) and sand samples (16%)
indicates that a large number of stray dogs are circulating in the public parks of the city
of Niš. For dogs that have owners and humans, they represent the sources / reservoirs of
zoonotic parasites that gravitate into the soil and sand of the tested public areas. Therefore,
it is necessary to address this public health problem through the Proposal of measures,
which includes: transmission control of parasites in the environment, providing guidance
to dog owners in preventing the occurrence, maintenance and spread of zoonotic diseases,
and education of medical and veterinary professionals, pet owners and the community.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze",
journal = "XXII / XXIII Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa / XXII / XXIII Epizootiološki dani, Beograd, 26 - 28. april, 2021",
title = "Epidemiološki značaj kontaminacije javnih gradskih površina zoonoznim parazitima iz fecesa pasa, Epidemiological significance of contamination of public urban surfaces by zoonotic parasites from dogs feces",
pages = "60-61",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3026"
Ristić, M., Miladinović-Tasić, N., Dimitrijević, S., Nenadović, K., Bogunović, D., Stepanović, P.,& Ilić, T.. (2021). Epidemiološki značaj kontaminacije javnih gradskih površina zoonoznim parazitima iz fecesa pasa. in XXII / XXIII Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa / XXII / XXIII Epizootiološki dani, Beograd, 26 - 28. april, 2021
Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze., 60-61.
Ristić M, Miladinović-Tasić N, Dimitrijević S, Nenadović K, Bogunović D, Stepanović P, Ilić T. Epidemiološki značaj kontaminacije javnih gradskih površina zoonoznim parazitima iz fecesa pasa. in XXII / XXIII Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa / XXII / XXIII Epizootiološki dani, Beograd, 26 - 28. april, 2021. 2021;:60-61.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3026 .
Ristić, Marko, Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša, Dimitrijević, Sanda, Nenadović, Katarina, Bogunović, Danica, Stepanović, Predrag, Ilić, Tamara, "Epidemiološki značaj kontaminacije javnih gradskih površina zoonoznim parazitima iz fecesa pasa" in XXII / XXIII Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa / XXII / XXIII Epizootiološki dani, Beograd, 26 - 28. april, 2021 (2021):60-61,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3026 .

Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public shelters in Serbia

Ilić, Tamara; Nišavić, Uroš; Gajić, Bojan; Nenadović, Katarina; Ristić, Marko; Stanojević, Dejan; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Elsevier, 2021)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Nišavić, Uroš
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Nenadović, Katarina
AU  - Ristić, Marko
AU  - Stanojević, Dejan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2062
AB  - Data on endoparasitic infections in dogs from dog shelters in Southeastern Europe are limited; thus, this study aimed to add to the existing knowledge on this topic by reporting on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public dog shelters in the Republic of Serbia. In 2017 and 2018, individual and pooled fecal samples, were collected from 1267 dogs from six shelters. All samples were qualitatively examined for parasites using flotation tests. Seven taxa of intestinal parasites were identified: Cystoisospora spp., ascarids: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina, hookworms, Trichuris vulpis, taeniids and Dipylidium caninum. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 58. 3 % (78. 1 % in young dogs and 53.1 % in adult dogs). The parasites detected in both young (1 year old) were Cystoisospora spp. (20 % and 4.9 %), T. canis (33.5 % and 14.7 %), T. leonina (7.7 % and 2.3 %), and hookworms (16.9 % and 15 %), respectively. However, T. vulpis (9.6 %), taeniids (1.3 %), and D. caninum (5.4 %) were detected only in adult dogs. In the Belgrade shelter, young dogs had a higher prevalence of endoparasitic infections (18.9 %, 49/260) than adult dogs (14.8 %, 149/1007). In the Subotica, Jagodina and Niš shelters, young dogs had significantly higher (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively) prevalence of endoparasitic infections (10 %, 12.3 % and 14.6 %) than adult dogs (5.3 %, 8 % and 7.2 %). These results will be useful for establishing health care programs in dog shelters and implementing effective strategies for the control of intestinal parasites.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
T1  - Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public shelters in Serbia
VL  - 76
SP  - 101653
DO  - 10.1016/j.cimid.2021.101653
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Nišavić, Uroš and Gajić, Bojan and Nenadović, Katarina and Ristić, Marko and Stanojević, Dejan and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Data on endoparasitic infections in dogs from dog shelters in Southeastern Europe are limited; thus, this study aimed to add to the existing knowledge on this topic by reporting on the prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public dog shelters in the Republic of Serbia. In 2017 and 2018, individual and pooled fecal samples, were collected from 1267 dogs from six shelters. All samples were qualitatively examined for parasites using flotation tests. Seven taxa of intestinal parasites were identified: Cystoisospora spp., ascarids: Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina, hookworms, Trichuris vulpis, taeniids and Dipylidium caninum. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 58. 3 % (78. 1 % in young dogs and 53.1 % in adult dogs). The parasites detected in both young (1 year old) were Cystoisospora spp. (20 % and 4.9 %), T. canis (33.5 % and 14.7 %), T. leonina (7.7 % and 2.3 %), and hookworms (16.9 % and 15 %), respectively. However, T. vulpis (9.6 %), taeniids (1.3 %), and D. caninum (5.4 %) were detected only in adult dogs. In the Belgrade shelter, young dogs had a higher prevalence of endoparasitic infections (18.9 %, 49/260) than adult dogs (14.8 %, 149/1007). In the Subotica, Jagodina and Niš shelters, young dogs had significantly higher (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively) prevalence of endoparasitic infections (10 %, 12.3 % and 14.6 %) than adult dogs (5.3 %, 8 % and 7.2 %). These results will be useful for establishing health care programs in dog shelters and implementing effective strategies for the control of intestinal parasites.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases",
title = "Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public shelters in Serbia",
volume = "76",
pages = "101653",
doi = "10.1016/j.cimid.2021.101653"
Ilić, T., Nišavić, U., Gajić, B., Nenadović, K., Ristić, M., Stanojević, D.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2021). Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public shelters in Serbia. in Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Elsevier., 76, 101653.
Ilić T, Nišavić U, Gajić B, Nenadović K, Ristić M, Stanojević D, Dimitrijević S. Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public shelters in Serbia. in Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2021;76:101653.
doi:10.1016/j.cimid.2021.101653 .
Ilić, Tamara, Nišavić, Uroš, Gajić, Bojan, Nenadović, Katarina, Ristić, Marko, Stanojević, Dejan, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs from public shelters in Serbia" in Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 76 (2021):101653,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cimid.2021.101653 . .

Soil and sand contamination with canine intestinal parasite eggs as a risk factor for human health in public parks in Niš (Serbia)

Ristić, Marko; Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša; Dimitrijević, Sanda; Nenadović, Katarina; Bogunović, Danica; Stepanović, Predrag; Ilić, Tamara

(Sciendo, 2020)

AU  - Ristić, Marko
AU  - Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
AU  - Nenadović, Katarina
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1964
AB  - Regarding geographical distribution and clinical relevance, the most common canine geohelminths are Toxocara canis, ancylostomatids, and Trichuris vulpis. Canine intestinal parasites from the soil and sand present an important potential serious human health hazard, especially for the children preschool and school – age. This paper aimed to establish the degree of contamination of soil and sand with zoonotic parasites from the canine feces and the degree of risk they could pose for human health in public places and playgrounds in the city of Niš. Our parasitological study involved 200 soil samples and 50 sand samples from the public parks in the city of Niš in southeastern Serbia (43°19′15″N, 21°53′45″ E). From several locations, about 100 g of soil and sand was collected based on the bioclimatic indices. Parasitological diagnosis was performed using conventional qualitative and quantitative coprological methods, abiding by the recommendations about the diagnosis of parasitic diseases. In 38 – 46 % of soil samples and 40 % of sand samples seven species of endoparasites were diagnosed. In the samples of soil, a medium and high degree of contamination with the ascarid T. canis (14 – 22 %) was detected, as well as a low and medium degree of contamination with ancylostomatids (4 – 12 %), and in the samples of sand, a variable degree of contamination with the helminths T. canis (26 %) and A. alata (16 %) was found. A statistically significant difference was found in the contamination with A. alata eggs between the samples of sand and samples of soil. The studied public surfaces represent the reservoir of zoonotic parasites, which is a public health problem requiring a synergistic action of several factors to be successfully resolved, i.e. the implementation of prevention, surveillance, and control measures.
PB  - Sciendo
T2  - Helminthologia
T1  - Soil and sand contamination with canine intestinal parasite eggs as a risk factor for human health in public parks in Niš (Serbia)
VL  - 57
IS  - 2
SP  - 109
EP  - 119
DO  - 10.2478/helm-2020-0018
ER  - 
author = "Ristić, Marko and Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša and Dimitrijević, Sanda and Nenadović, Katarina and Bogunović, Danica and Stepanović, Predrag and Ilić, Tamara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Regarding geographical distribution and clinical relevance, the most common canine geohelminths are Toxocara canis, ancylostomatids, and Trichuris vulpis. Canine intestinal parasites from the soil and sand present an important potential serious human health hazard, especially for the children preschool and school – age. This paper aimed to establish the degree of contamination of soil and sand with zoonotic parasites from the canine feces and the degree of risk they could pose for human health in public places and playgrounds in the city of Niš. Our parasitological study involved 200 soil samples and 50 sand samples from the public parks in the city of Niš in southeastern Serbia (43°19′15″N, 21°53′45″ E). From several locations, about 100 g of soil and sand was collected based on the bioclimatic indices. Parasitological diagnosis was performed using conventional qualitative and quantitative coprological methods, abiding by the recommendations about the diagnosis of parasitic diseases. In 38 – 46 % of soil samples and 40 % of sand samples seven species of endoparasites were diagnosed. In the samples of soil, a medium and high degree of contamination with the ascarid T. canis (14 – 22 %) was detected, as well as a low and medium degree of contamination with ancylostomatids (4 – 12 %), and in the samples of sand, a variable degree of contamination with the helminths T. canis (26 %) and A. alata (16 %) was found. A statistically significant difference was found in the contamination with A. alata eggs between the samples of sand and samples of soil. The studied public surfaces represent the reservoir of zoonotic parasites, which is a public health problem requiring a synergistic action of several factors to be successfully resolved, i.e. the implementation of prevention, surveillance, and control measures.",
publisher = "Sciendo",
journal = "Helminthologia",
title = "Soil and sand contamination with canine intestinal parasite eggs as a risk factor for human health in public parks in Niš (Serbia)",
volume = "57",
number = "2",
pages = "109-119",
doi = "10.2478/helm-2020-0018"
Ristić, M., Miladinović-Tasić, N., Dimitrijević, S., Nenadović, K., Bogunović, D., Stepanović, P.,& Ilić, T.. (2020). Soil and sand contamination with canine intestinal parasite eggs as a risk factor for human health in public parks in Niš (Serbia). in Helminthologia
Sciendo., 57(2), 109-119.
Ristić M, Miladinović-Tasić N, Dimitrijević S, Nenadović K, Bogunović D, Stepanović P, Ilić T. Soil and sand contamination with canine intestinal parasite eggs as a risk factor for human health in public parks in Niš (Serbia). in Helminthologia. 2020;57(2):109-119.
doi:10.2478/helm-2020-0018 .
Ristić, Marko, Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša, Dimitrijević, Sanda, Nenadović, Katarina, Bogunović, Danica, Stepanović, Predrag, Ilić, Tamara, "Soil and sand contamination with canine intestinal parasite eggs as a risk factor for human health in public parks in Niš (Serbia)" in Helminthologia, 57, no. 2 (2020):109-119,
https://doi.org/10.2478/helm-2020-0018 . .

Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores

Aleksić, Jelena; Stepanović, Predrag; Dimitrijević, Sanda; Gajić, Bojan; Bogunović, Danica; Davidov, Ivana; Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra; Ilić, Tamara

(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)

AU  - Aleksić, Jelena
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Davidov, Ivana
AU  - Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1971
AB  - Purpose: This study aimed to determine the presence of C. plica in red foxes and to point out the possibilities of different diagnostic methods, that could be used for diagnosis of urinary capillariosis in domestic carnivores. Methods: Seventeen red foxes from hunting grounds in the Kolubara District, Republic of Serbia, were examined in February 2019. Animals to be shot were selected based on the criteria of gamekeepers and the permission of the competent Ministry. After hunting, the foxes were examined by ultrasound and autopsied. After the necropsy, biochemical and sediment analysis of urine morphological identification of isolated adult parasites, and macroscopic/microscopic examination of the urinary bladder and kidney tissue were performed. Results: Adults of C. plica were detected in 3/17 foxes (17.6%) by ultrasound imaging and in 6/17 foxes (35.3%) by necropsy examination. Parasite eggs were found in the urinary sediment of 9/17 foxes (52.9%). The predominant histopathologic changes were amyloid degeneration of the renal glomeruli and proximal tubules (8/17 foxes-47%) as well as acute cystitis (7/17 foxes-41.2%). The occurrence of C. plica was determined in 12/17 (70.6%) of the examined foxes. Discussion: This study is the first record of the C. plica in red foxes in the Republic of Serbia. Diagnostic methods used in this study could make possible the early revealing of capillariosis in domestic carnivores and could provide reliable clinical and parasitological screening of suspect animals. Conclusion: The study presents the first report of urinary capillariosis in a fox population in Serbia. The established high prevalence of C. plica in foxes could presume its higher prevalence in domestic and wild carnivores in the future.
PB  - Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores
VL  - 65
IS  - 4
SP  - 954
EP  - 962
DO  - 10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Jelena and Stepanović, Predrag and Dimitrijević, Sanda and Gajić, Bojan and Bogunović, Danica and Davidov, Ivana and Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra and Ilić, Tamara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Purpose: This study aimed to determine the presence of C. plica in red foxes and to point out the possibilities of different diagnostic methods, that could be used for diagnosis of urinary capillariosis in domestic carnivores. Methods: Seventeen red foxes from hunting grounds in the Kolubara District, Republic of Serbia, were examined in February 2019. Animals to be shot were selected based on the criteria of gamekeepers and the permission of the competent Ministry. After hunting, the foxes were examined by ultrasound and autopsied. After the necropsy, biochemical and sediment analysis of urine morphological identification of isolated adult parasites, and macroscopic/microscopic examination of the urinary bladder and kidney tissue were performed. Results: Adults of C. plica were detected in 3/17 foxes (17.6%) by ultrasound imaging and in 6/17 foxes (35.3%) by necropsy examination. Parasite eggs were found in the urinary sediment of 9/17 foxes (52.9%). The predominant histopathologic changes were amyloid degeneration of the renal glomeruli and proximal tubules (8/17 foxes-47%) as well as acute cystitis (7/17 foxes-41.2%). The occurrence of C. plica was determined in 12/17 (70.6%) of the examined foxes. Discussion: This study is the first record of the C. plica in red foxes in the Republic of Serbia. Diagnostic methods used in this study could make possible the early revealing of capillariosis in domestic carnivores and could provide reliable clinical and parasitological screening of suspect animals. Conclusion: The study presents the first report of urinary capillariosis in a fox population in Serbia. The established high prevalence of C. plica in foxes could presume its higher prevalence in domestic and wild carnivores in the future.",
publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores",
volume = "65",
number = "4",
pages = "954-962",
doi = "10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9"
Aleksić, J., Stepanović, P., Dimitrijević, S., Gajić, B., Bogunović, D., Davidov, I., Aleksić-Agelidis, A.,& Ilić, T.. (2020). Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH., 65(4), 954-962.
Aleksić J, Stepanović P, Dimitrijević S, Gajić B, Bogunović D, Davidov I, Aleksić-Agelidis A, Ilić T. Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores. in Acta Parasitologica. 2020;65(4):954-962.
doi:10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9 .
Aleksić, Jelena, Stepanović, Predrag, Dimitrijević, Sanda, Gajić, Bojan, Bogunović, Danica, Davidov, Ivana, Aleksić-Agelidis, Aleksandra, Ilić, Tamara, "Capillaria plica in Red Foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from Serbia: Epidemiology and Diagnostic Approaches to Urinary Capillariosis in Domestic Carnivores" in Acta Parasitologica, 65, no. 4 (2020):954-962,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11686-020-00244-9 . .

Zoonotic helminthosis of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiologic territory of Serbia

Ilić, Tamara; Petrović, Tamaš; Stepanović, Predrag; Bogunović, Danica; Gajić, Bojan; Kulišić, Zoran; Ristić, Marko; Hadži-Milić, Milan; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Novi Sad : Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine, 2020)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Petrović, Tamaš
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Kulišić, Zoran
AU  - Ristić, Marko
AU  - Hadži-Milić, Milan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3293
AB  - In the last decade, as the result of climate changes, there have been considerable
changes in the parasitofauna of domestic and wild carnivores. Th e
prevalence of the existing parasitic species has varied signifi cantly, showing
an increasing tendency, and some parasitic species not present before
in this epizootiologic territory have been diagnosed as well. It is thought
that the reason for such an epizootiological situation is increased presence
of owners with their pet animals in the regions endemic for particular
zoonotic helminthoses during summer holidays and touristic visits. Th is
tendency has become especially conspicuous in the last several years characterized
by warm winters and very hot summers due to global warming
eff ects, with abundant atmospheric precipitation. Oral vaccination of foxes
against rabies, regulated in Serbia by appropriate laws since 2010, has led to
an increased number of foxes and rise of prevalence of the parasitic diseases for which foxes represent the infection source/reservoir. Continued urbanization
of Serbian cities, with the extension of urban belts into the suburbia
and recreational (“weekend”) settlements, lead to a closer contact of street
dogs and owned dogs with foxes, which results in a signifi cant change in
the parasitic fauna of dogs. It is an additional factor, which in the chain
fox - street dog - owned dog - human increases the risk and tendency for
the occurrence of human infections with zoonotic endoparasites of wild
and domestic carnivores. In order to reliably predict the degree of spread of
particular zoonotic helminthoses in particular regions in Serbia, for which
wild carnivores represent the infection source, it is necessary to institute
continued monitoring of the parasitic fauna in this type of wild animals.
PB  - Novi Sad : Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine
T2  - Arhiv veterinarske medicine
T1  - Zoonotic helminthosis of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiologic territory of Serbia
VL  - 13
IS  - 1
SP  - 5
EP  - 28
DO  - 10.46784/e-avm.v13i1.238
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Petrović, Tamaš and Stepanović, Predrag and Bogunović, Danica and Gajić, Bojan and Kulišić, Zoran and Ristić, Marko and Hadži-Milić, Milan and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In the last decade, as the result of climate changes, there have been considerable
changes in the parasitofauna of domestic and wild carnivores. Th e
prevalence of the existing parasitic species has varied signifi cantly, showing
an increasing tendency, and some parasitic species not present before
in this epizootiologic territory have been diagnosed as well. It is thought
that the reason for such an epizootiological situation is increased presence
of owners with their pet animals in the regions endemic for particular
zoonotic helminthoses during summer holidays and touristic visits. Th is
tendency has become especially conspicuous in the last several years characterized
by warm winters and very hot summers due to global warming
eff ects, with abundant atmospheric precipitation. Oral vaccination of foxes
against rabies, regulated in Serbia by appropriate laws since 2010, has led to
an increased number of foxes and rise of prevalence of the parasitic diseases for which foxes represent the infection source/reservoir. Continued urbanization
of Serbian cities, with the extension of urban belts into the suburbia
and recreational (“weekend”) settlements, lead to a closer contact of street
dogs and owned dogs with foxes, which results in a signifi cant change in
the parasitic fauna of dogs. It is an additional factor, which in the chain
fox - street dog - owned dog - human increases the risk and tendency for
the occurrence of human infections with zoonotic endoparasites of wild
and domestic carnivores. In order to reliably predict the degree of spread of
particular zoonotic helminthoses in particular regions in Serbia, for which
wild carnivores represent the infection source, it is necessary to institute
continued monitoring of the parasitic fauna in this type of wild animals.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine",
journal = "Arhiv veterinarske medicine",
title = "Zoonotic helminthosis of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiologic territory of Serbia",
volume = "13",
number = "1",
pages = "5-28",
doi = "10.46784/e-avm.v13i1.238"
Ilić, T., Petrović, T., Stepanović, P., Bogunović, D., Gajić, B., Kulišić, Z., Ristić, M., Hadži-Milić, M.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2020). Zoonotic helminthosis of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiologic territory of Serbia. in Arhiv veterinarske medicine
Novi Sad : Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine., 13(1), 5-28.
Ilić T, Petrović T, Stepanović P, Bogunović D, Gajić B, Kulišić Z, Ristić M, Hadži-Milić M, Dimitrijević S. Zoonotic helminthosis of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiologic territory of Serbia. in Arhiv veterinarske medicine. 2020;13(1):5-28.
doi:10.46784/e-avm.v13i1.238 .
Ilić, Tamara, Petrović, Tamaš, Stepanović, Predrag, Bogunović, Danica, Gajić, Bojan, Kulišić, Zoran, Ristić, Marko, Hadži-Milić, Milan, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Zoonotic helminthosis of domestic and wild carnivores in the epizootiologic territory of Serbia" in Arhiv veterinarske medicine, 13, no. 1 (2020):5-28,
https://doi.org/10.46784/e-avm.v13i1.238 . .

Molecular detection of Babesia divergens and Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle from Bosnia And Herzegovina

Stevanović, Oliver; Jurković, Daria; Polkinghorne, Adam; Celes, Amna; Ilić, Tamara; Dimitrijević, Sanda; Nedić, Drago; Beck, Relja

(Springer, New York, 2020)

AU  - Stevanović, Oliver
AU  - Jurković, Daria
AU  - Polkinghorne, Adam
AU  - Celes, Amna
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
AU  - Nedić, Drago
AU  - Beck, Relja
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1806
AB  - We report two cases of bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia divergens in a region of central Bosnia and Herzegovina. The cases were detected in June 2017 and July 2018 from two small backyard farms. Routine clinical assessments, including physical examination and haematology, revealed lethargy, fever, anaemia, leukopenia and haemoglobinuria in the affected animals. Serum alterations included an elevation of aspartate aminotransferase and a decrease of serum phosphate or hypophosphatemia. Thrombocytopenia was detected in the first clinical case. Microscopic examination of blood smears revealed intracytoplasmic protozoan parasites from the genus Babesia. Molecular screening of both animals confirmed the presence of Babesia divergens, the causative agent of bovine babesiosis. B. divergens DNA was also detected in two engorged female Ixodes ricinus ticks removed from these animals. In addition, Mycoplasma wenyonii DNA was identified by molecular screening in the animal examined in June 2017, and in I. ricinus ticks feeding on this animal. This study provides molecular confirmation of B. divergens as a cause of piroplasmosis in cattle in South-East Europe. The detection of M. wenyonii DNA ain I. ricinus also provides the first evidence of this bacterium in ticks in Europe.
PB  - Springer, New York
T2  - Parasitology Research
T1  - Molecular detection of Babesia divergens and Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle from Bosnia And Herzegovina
VL  - 119
IS  - 4
SP  - 1423
EP  - 1427
DO  - 10.1007/s00436-020-06630-6
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Oliver and Jurković, Daria and Polkinghorne, Adam and Celes, Amna and Ilić, Tamara and Dimitrijević, Sanda and Nedić, Drago and Beck, Relja",
year = "2020",
abstract = "We report two cases of bovine babesiosis caused by Babesia divergens in a region of central Bosnia and Herzegovina. The cases were detected in June 2017 and July 2018 from two small backyard farms. Routine clinical assessments, including physical examination and haematology, revealed lethargy, fever, anaemia, leukopenia and haemoglobinuria in the affected animals. Serum alterations included an elevation of aspartate aminotransferase and a decrease of serum phosphate or hypophosphatemia. Thrombocytopenia was detected in the first clinical case. Microscopic examination of blood smears revealed intracytoplasmic protozoan parasites from the genus Babesia. Molecular screening of both animals confirmed the presence of Babesia divergens, the causative agent of bovine babesiosis. B. divergens DNA was also detected in two engorged female Ixodes ricinus ticks removed from these animals. In addition, Mycoplasma wenyonii DNA was identified by molecular screening in the animal examined in June 2017, and in I. ricinus ticks feeding on this animal. This study provides molecular confirmation of B. divergens as a cause of piroplasmosis in cattle in South-East Europe. The detection of M. wenyonii DNA ain I. ricinus also provides the first evidence of this bacterium in ticks in Europe.",
publisher = "Springer, New York",
journal = "Parasitology Research",
title = "Molecular detection of Babesia divergens and Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle from Bosnia And Herzegovina",
volume = "119",
number = "4",
pages = "1423-1427",
doi = "10.1007/s00436-020-06630-6"
Stevanović, O., Jurković, D., Polkinghorne, A., Celes, A., Ilić, T., Dimitrijević, S., Nedić, D.,& Beck, R.. (2020). Molecular detection of Babesia divergens and Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle from Bosnia And Herzegovina. in Parasitology Research
Springer, New York., 119(4), 1423-1427.
Stevanović O, Jurković D, Polkinghorne A, Celes A, Ilić T, Dimitrijević S, Nedić D, Beck R. Molecular detection of Babesia divergens and Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle from Bosnia And Herzegovina. in Parasitology Research. 2020;119(4):1423-1427.
doi:10.1007/s00436-020-06630-6 .
Stevanović, Oliver, Jurković, Daria, Polkinghorne, Adam, Celes, Amna, Ilić, Tamara, Dimitrijević, Sanda, Nedić, Drago, Beck, Relja, "Molecular detection of Babesia divergens and Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle from Bosnia And Herzegovina" in Parasitology Research, 119, no. 4 (2020):1423-1427,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-020-06630-6 . .

Importance of Parasitological Screening in Extensive Poultry Farming Based on Organic Production

Ilić, Tamara; Dondović, Novica; Nenadović, Katarina; Bogunović, Danica; Aleksić, Jelena; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 2019)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Dondović, Novica
AU  - Nenadović, Katarina
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Aleksić, Jelena
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1715
AB  - IntroductionTimely and valid diagnostic of parasitic diseases are prerequisites for profitable traditional poultry breeding, which enables adequate prophylaxis and effective therapy. This research is retrospective of the prevalence of endoparasites in 880 hens, 291 ducks, 171 geese and 302 turkeys in extensive poultry breeding in the Republic of Serbia.Materials and MethodsQualitative parasitological examination was done by conventional gravitational flotation method and sedimentation method. In rare cases of animal death, an autopsy was performed.ResultsIn the period from 2012 to 2017, in 12 examined localities in the Republic of Serbia, single or mixed infections with endoparasites Eimeria spp., Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria contorta, Amidostomum anseris and Syngamus trachea were diagnosed. The highest prevalence of ascaridiosis was detected in hens (15.69-24.05%), trichostrongylidosis in ducks (20.53-30.19%), heterakiosis (20.89- 25.86%) and capillariosis (20.68-26.08%) in geese, and syngamosis (23.39%) and capillariosis (14.28- 24.17%) in turkeys. Endoparasites were the most prevalent in hens in south Serbia (63.21%), in ducks in central Serbia (54.71%) and in geese (46.55%) and turkeys (58.24%) in north Serbia. Among mixed infections predominant was polyparasitism of Heterakis spp. and Capillaria spp.ConclusionsAn epizootiological and clinical diagnostic approach based on the results of parasitological screening is very important from the aspect of organic poultry farming.
PB  - Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Importance of Parasitological Screening in Extensive Poultry Farming Based on Organic Production
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 336
EP  - 346
DO  - 10.2478/s11686-019-00042-y
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Dondović, Novica and Nenadović, Katarina and Bogunović, Danica and Aleksić, Jelena and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2019",
abstract = "IntroductionTimely and valid diagnostic of parasitic diseases are prerequisites for profitable traditional poultry breeding, which enables adequate prophylaxis and effective therapy. This research is retrospective of the prevalence of endoparasites in 880 hens, 291 ducks, 171 geese and 302 turkeys in extensive poultry breeding in the Republic of Serbia.Materials and MethodsQualitative parasitological examination was done by conventional gravitational flotation method and sedimentation method. In rare cases of animal death, an autopsy was performed.ResultsIn the period from 2012 to 2017, in 12 examined localities in the Republic of Serbia, single or mixed infections with endoparasites Eimeria spp., Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria contorta, Amidostomum anseris and Syngamus trachea were diagnosed. The highest prevalence of ascaridiosis was detected in hens (15.69-24.05%), trichostrongylidosis in ducks (20.53-30.19%), heterakiosis (20.89- 25.86%) and capillariosis (20.68-26.08%) in geese, and syngamosis (23.39%) and capillariosis (14.28- 24.17%) in turkeys. Endoparasites were the most prevalent in hens in south Serbia (63.21%), in ducks in central Serbia (54.71%) and in geese (46.55%) and turkeys (58.24%) in north Serbia. Among mixed infections predominant was polyparasitism of Heterakis spp. and Capillaria spp.ConclusionsAn epizootiological and clinical diagnostic approach based on the results of parasitological screening is very important from the aspect of organic poultry farming.",
publisher = "Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Importance of Parasitological Screening in Extensive Poultry Farming Based on Organic Production",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "336-346",
doi = "10.2478/s11686-019-00042-y"
Ilić, T., Dondović, N., Nenadović, K., Bogunović, D., Aleksić, J.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2019). Importance of Parasitological Screening in Extensive Poultry Farming Based on Organic Production. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham., 64(2), 336-346.
Ilić T, Dondović N, Nenadović K, Bogunović D, Aleksić J, Dimitrijević S. Importance of Parasitological Screening in Extensive Poultry Farming Based on Organic Production. in Acta Parasitologica. 2019;64(2):336-346.
doi:10.2478/s11686-019-00042-y .
Ilić, Tamara, Dondović, Novica, Nenadović, Katarina, Bogunović, Danica, Aleksić, Jelena, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Importance of Parasitological Screening in Extensive Poultry Farming Based on Organic Production" in Acta Parasitologica, 64, no. 2 (2019):336-346,
https://doi.org/10.2478/s11686-019-00042-y . .

Značaj diferencijalne dijagnostike rezistencije i rezilijencije kod preživara

Ilić, Tamara; Kulišić, Zoran; Despotović, Darko; Gajić, Bojan; Bogunović, Danica; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“, 2019)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Kulišić, Zoran
AU  - Despotović, Darko
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2178
AB  - Kontrola gastrointestinalnih parazita u različitim sistemima uzgoja preživara zasnivana je na vakcinaciji, hemoterapiji, poboljšanju kvaliteta menadžmenta stada i korišćenju genetskih potencijala domaćina. Širom sveta dominira strategija kontrole helminata zasnovana na čestoj upotrebi antihelmintika, koja se smatra neodrživom, s obzirom na pojavu sve većeg broja i vrsta parazita koji su otporni na lekove. Razvoj rezistencije na sve tri grupe antihelmintika širokog spektra (nikotinski antihelmintici, benzimidazoli i makrolidni laktoni) i povećana briga za zdravlje potrošača uslovljene pojavom rezidua primijenjenih lijekova u hrani, dodatno komplikuju kontrolu ovih nematoda. U cilju smanjenja brzine pojave rezistencije na antihelmintike kod gastrointestinalnih nematoda malih preživara i organizacije procesa odživog integrisanog upravljanja parazitima, globalno je prihvaćen princip ciljanog selektivnog tretmana. Sprovođenje ove strategije je tek odnedavno postalo izvodljivo, sa razvojem i praktičnom primenom sistema koji služi za kliničku procjenu anemije kod malih preživara obolelih od hemonhoze. Pored toga, kratkotrajne promene telesne težine i određivanje telesne kondicije mogu biti pokazatelji endoparazitoza, što omogućava brzu identifikaciju životinja koje će verovatno imati koristi od tretmana. Dobijeni rezultati kvantitativne koprološke dijagnostike i rezultati procene anemije su kriterijumi koji omogućavaju diferencijalnu dijagnostiku između zdravih i rezilijentnih životinja i lakšu dijagnostiku rezistencije parazita. S obzirom na to da rezilijentne životinje igraju važnu ulogu u kontaminaciji pašnjaka, razumljiv je kliničko-parazitološki značaj njihovog pravovremenog otkrivanja.
AB  - Control of the gastrointestinal parasites in different systems of ruminant breeding is based on vaccination, chemotherapy, improved herd management and use of genetic potentials of host animals. Strategy of the helminths control based on frequent anthelmintics usage is dominant among the world, although it is considered unsustainable due to the appearance of increased number and species of parasites that are resistance to drugs. Development of resistance on all three groups of broad-spectrum anthelmintics (nicotinic anthelmintics, benzimidazoles and macrolides lactones) as well as increased care for consumers health caused by appearance of used drugs residues in food, additionally complicate overall nematode control. With the aim to decrease appearance of anthelmintics resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants and in order to organize process of sustainable integrated parasite management, principle of targeted selective treatment is globally accepted. Implementing of this strategy has only recently become feasible, with development and practical use of systems that serve for clinical assessment of anemia in small ruminants which suffer from hemonchosis. Besides that, short term changes in body weight and body condition scoring may be indicators of diseases caused by endoparasites, as it can provide rapid identification of aminals that will probably have benefits from therapy. Obtained results of quantitative coprological diagnostic tests and results for anemia assessment are criteria that provide differential diagnosis between healthy and resilient animals and easier diseases diagnostic. Since resilient animals play important role in pasture contamination, the significance of their detection in understandable.
PB  - Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“
T2  - Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske
T1  - Značaj diferencijalne dijagnostike rezistencije i rezilijencije kod preživara
T1  - The importance of differntial diagnosis of resistance and resilience in ruminants
VL  - 19
IS  - 2
SP  - 228
EP  - 250
DO  - 10.7251/VETJSR1902228I
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Kulišić, Zoran and Despotović, Darko and Gajić, Bojan and Bogunović, Danica and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Kontrola gastrointestinalnih parazita u različitim sistemima uzgoja preživara zasnivana je na vakcinaciji, hemoterapiji, poboljšanju kvaliteta menadžmenta stada i korišćenju genetskih potencijala domaćina. Širom sveta dominira strategija kontrole helminata zasnovana na čestoj upotrebi antihelmintika, koja se smatra neodrživom, s obzirom na pojavu sve većeg broja i vrsta parazita koji su otporni na lekove. Razvoj rezistencije na sve tri grupe antihelmintika širokog spektra (nikotinski antihelmintici, benzimidazoli i makrolidni laktoni) i povećana briga za zdravlje potrošača uslovljene pojavom rezidua primijenjenih lijekova u hrani, dodatno komplikuju kontrolu ovih nematoda. U cilju smanjenja brzine pojave rezistencije na antihelmintike kod gastrointestinalnih nematoda malih preživara i organizacije procesa odživog integrisanog upravljanja parazitima, globalno je prihvaćen princip ciljanog selektivnog tretmana. Sprovođenje ove strategije je tek odnedavno postalo izvodljivo, sa razvojem i praktičnom primenom sistema koji služi za kliničku procjenu anemije kod malih preživara obolelih od hemonhoze. Pored toga, kratkotrajne promene telesne težine i određivanje telesne kondicije mogu biti pokazatelji endoparazitoza, što omogućava brzu identifikaciju životinja koje će verovatno imati koristi od tretmana. Dobijeni rezultati kvantitativne koprološke dijagnostike i rezultati procene anemije su kriterijumi koji omogućavaju diferencijalnu dijagnostiku između zdravih i rezilijentnih životinja i lakšu dijagnostiku rezistencije parazita. S obzirom na to da rezilijentne životinje igraju važnu ulogu u kontaminaciji pašnjaka, razumljiv je kliničko-parazitološki značaj njihovog pravovremenog otkrivanja., Control of the gastrointestinal parasites in different systems of ruminant breeding is based on vaccination, chemotherapy, improved herd management and use of genetic potentials of host animals. Strategy of the helminths control based on frequent anthelmintics usage is dominant among the world, although it is considered unsustainable due to the appearance of increased number and species of parasites that are resistance to drugs. Development of resistance on all three groups of broad-spectrum anthelmintics (nicotinic anthelmintics, benzimidazoles and macrolides lactones) as well as increased care for consumers health caused by appearance of used drugs residues in food, additionally complicate overall nematode control. With the aim to decrease appearance of anthelmintics resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes of small ruminants and in order to organize process of sustainable integrated parasite management, principle of targeted selective treatment is globally accepted. Implementing of this strategy has only recently become feasible, with development and practical use of systems that serve for clinical assessment of anemia in small ruminants which suffer from hemonchosis. Besides that, short term changes in body weight and body condition scoring may be indicators of diseases caused by endoparasites, as it can provide rapid identification of aminals that will probably have benefits from therapy. Obtained results of quantitative coprological diagnostic tests and results for anemia assessment are criteria that provide differential diagnosis between healthy and resilient animals and easier diseases diagnostic. Since resilient animals play important role in pasture contamination, the significance of their detection in understandable.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“",
journal = "Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske",
title = "Značaj diferencijalne dijagnostike rezistencije i rezilijencije kod preživara, The importance of differntial diagnosis of resistance and resilience in ruminants",
volume = "19",
number = "2",
pages = "228-250",
doi = "10.7251/VETJSR1902228I"
Ilić, T., Kulišić, Z., Despotović, D., Gajić, B., Bogunović, D.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2019). Značaj diferencijalne dijagnostike rezistencije i rezilijencije kod preživara. in Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske
Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“., 19(2), 228-250.
Ilić T, Kulišić Z, Despotović D, Gajić B, Bogunović D, Dimitrijević S. Značaj diferencijalne dijagnostike rezistencije i rezilijencije kod preživara. in Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske. 2019;19(2):228-250.
doi:10.7251/VETJSR1902228I .
Ilić, Tamara, Kulišić, Zoran, Despotović, Darko, Gajić, Bojan, Bogunović, Danica, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Značaj diferencijalne dijagnostike rezistencije i rezilijencije kod preživara" in Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, 19, no. 2 (2019):228-250,
https://doi.org/10.7251/VETJSR1902228I . .

Primena sistemske terapije u kliničkom tretmanu okularne demodikoze pasa

Stepanović, Predrag; Ilić, Tamara; Dimitrijević, Sanda; Mandić, Maja; Hadži-Milić, Milan

(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze, 2018)

AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
AU  - Mandić, Maja
AU  - Hadži-Milić, Milan
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3300
AB  - Сврха истраживања је клиничка процена исхода терапије лезија у околини очију
насталих деловањем акарине Demodex canis, након примене амитраза, милбемицина и
орално апликованог ивермектина. Ово је некомпаративна студија, обрађених и
третираних клиничких случајева у периоду од пет година.
Испитано је 25 пацијената са лезијама на оба ока; и то 13 мужјака и 12 женки, просечне
старости 5,4-12 година. Регистровано је присуство: алопеције, малих раница на кожи,
постериорни блефаритис, а у узорцима кожних скарификата је изолован D. canis. Шест
пацијената је раније безуспешно третирано антибиотицима и антиинфламаторном
терапијом (кортизон и NSAIL). Преосталих 19 пацијената су безуспешно лечени
антиинфламаторном терапијом (кортизон и NSAIL). Након дерматолошког и
офталмолошког прегледа на Хирургији и Интерној Клиници Факултета ветеринарске
медицине у Београду, сви пацијенти су подвргнути терапији амитразом, милбемицином
и ивермектином. Доза милбемицина је износила 0,5-2 mg/kg једанпут дневно орално
током 90 дана, јер је у овој дози безбеднији за примену на псима расе Коли (Collie) и
другим расама осетљивим на ивермектин и амитраз. Пет пацијената, од укупно 25,
добијало је ивермектин перорално, у дози од 400-600 µg/kg, зависно од интензитета
инфекције а понављана је на 14 дана. Власницима свих паса је саветовано да пероралну
терапију понове за седам дана. Резултати су тумачени на основу: висине сузног
менискуса, резултата Шример I теста, BUT теста (тест за утврђивање времена прекида
прекорнеалног сузног филма), утврђивања апсолутног броја D. canis на трепавицама,
резултата бојења окуларне површине и сузног филма флуоресцеином и rose bengal - ом
у периоду од 1. до 28. дана терапије код свих пацијената.
Значајније смањење бројности D. canis изолованог са трепавица је постигнуто
ивермектином. Разлике у средњим вредностима добијене Шример I тестом и BUT
тестом пре и након пероралне примене ивермектина су биле значајне, са побољшањем
стања пацијената. Милбемицин се препоручује код животиња преосетљивих на друге
лекове јер у дози од 1mg/kg опоравак наступа код 50% пацијената, а током примене у
дози од 2 mg/kg излечење наступа код 85% пацијената. Нису уочене статистички
значајне разлике у висини сузног менискуса или вредностима добијеним бојењем
окуларне површине и сузног филма флуоресеином или rose bengal бојењем пре и након
пероралне примене ивермектина.
Ивермектин ефикасно смањује број D. canis на трепавицама код пацијената са
рекурентним блефаритисом. Примена ивермектина се показала као веома успешна у
терапији пацијената инфицираних D. canis са лезијама на очима паса.
AB  - The purpose of this study is to report clinical outcomes of the treatment of ocular Demodex
canis in dogs with amitraz, milbemicin and oral ivermectin. The study is designed as no
comparative, interventional case series from 5 year period.
Fifty eyes of 25 patients (13 male –dogs and 12 female; mean age standard deviation, 5.4
- 12.0 years) with alopecia, small skin wounds, refractory posterior blepharitis with the
presence of D. canis examination in our Clinic were treated with antibiotics and antiinflammatory therapy without results, Other patients (19) were treated with antiinflammatory therapy (cortisons or NSAID-NSAIL), but after ocular and dermatology
examination all of them were subjected to amitraz, ivermectin or milbemycin in adequate
dose. The dose of Milbemycin is 0.5 to 2 mg/kg orally once daily for 90 days. At this dose,
milbemycin is considered safer for Collies and other breeds that are sensitive to ivermectin
or amitraz. Five patients of 25, were subjected to oral application of ivermectin.The dose
of oral ivermectin for dogs was 400-600 ug/kg (depends of intensity of infection) for
treatment of demodectic mange once, then repeat in 14 days. All patient owners with oral
treatment were instructed to repeat the treatment after 7 days. The results were interpreted
on the basis of: tear meniscus height, Schirmer I test results, non-invasive tear film breakup time (BUT), quantification of the absolute number of D. canis found in the lashes, and
corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining scores were obtained from all patients 1 day
before and 28 days after treatment.
Statistical improvement was observed in the absolute number of D. canis found in the
lashes after the treatment with oral ivermectin. Average values of Schirmer I test results
and tear film break-up time improved statistically after the treatment of oral ivermectin.
The use of milbemycin should be reserved for Pets with specific sensitivity to other
treatments. At 1 mg/kg orally daily, 50 percent of Pets may be cured, whereas at 2 mg/kg
daily, 85 percent may be cured. No statistical improvement was observed in average
lacrimal meniscus height or value of corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining after
treatment with oral ivermectin.
Ivermectin successfully reduced the number of D. canis found in the lashes of patients
with refractory blepharitis. Oral ivermectin may be very useful as a complement in the
treatment of D. canis infestation with ocular manifestation, especially in cases of
unsuccessful treatment related to patient compliance.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze
C3  - XX Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XX Epizootiološki dani), Vrnjačka banja, 18 - 20. april 2018
T1  - Primena sistemske terapije u kliničkom tretmanu okularne demodikoze pasa
T1  - Clinical treatment of ocular demodex canis by systemic therapy in dogs
SP  - 176
EP  - 177
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3300
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović, Predrag and Ilić, Tamara and Dimitrijević, Sanda and Mandić, Maja and Hadži-Milić, Milan",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Сврха истраживања је клиничка процена исхода терапије лезија у околини очију
насталих деловањем акарине Demodex canis, након примене амитраза, милбемицина и
орално апликованог ивермектина. Ово је некомпаративна студија, обрађених и
третираних клиничких случајева у периоду од пет година.
Испитано је 25 пацијената са лезијама на оба ока; и то 13 мужјака и 12 женки, просечне
старости 5,4-12 година. Регистровано је присуство: алопеције, малих раница на кожи,
постериорни блефаритис, а у узорцима кожних скарификата је изолован D. canis. Шест
пацијената је раније безуспешно третирано антибиотицима и антиинфламаторном
терапијом (кортизон и NSAIL). Преосталих 19 пацијената су безуспешно лечени
антиинфламаторном терапијом (кортизон и NSAIL). Након дерматолошког и
офталмолошког прегледа на Хирургији и Интерној Клиници Факултета ветеринарске
медицине у Београду, сви пацијенти су подвргнути терапији амитразом, милбемицином
и ивермектином. Доза милбемицина је износила 0,5-2 mg/kg једанпут дневно орално
током 90 дана, јер је у овој дози безбеднији за примену на псима расе Коли (Collie) и
другим расама осетљивим на ивермектин и амитраз. Пет пацијената, од укупно 25,
добијало је ивермектин перорално, у дози од 400-600 µg/kg, зависно од интензитета
инфекције а понављана је на 14 дана. Власницима свих паса је саветовано да пероралну
терапију понове за седам дана. Резултати су тумачени на основу: висине сузног
менискуса, резултата Шример I теста, BUT теста (тест за утврђивање времена прекида
прекорнеалног сузног филма), утврђивања апсолутног броја D. canis на трепавицама,
резултата бојења окуларне површине и сузног филма флуоресцеином и rose bengal - ом
у периоду од 1. до 28. дана терапије код свих пацијената.
Значајније смањење бројности D. canis изолованог са трепавица је постигнуто
ивермектином. Разлике у средњим вредностима добијене Шример I тестом и BUT
тестом пре и након пероралне примене ивермектина су биле значајне, са побољшањем
стања пацијената. Милбемицин се препоручује код животиња преосетљивих на друге
лекове јер у дози од 1mg/kg опоравак наступа код 50% пацијената, а током примене у
дози од 2 mg/kg излечење наступа код 85% пацијената. Нису уочене статистички
значајне разлике у висини сузног менискуса или вредностима добијеним бојењем
окуларне површине и сузног филма флуоресеином или rose bengal бојењем пре и након
пероралне примене ивермектина.
Ивермектин ефикасно смањује број D. canis на трепавицама код пацијената са
рекурентним блефаритисом. Примена ивермектина се показала као веома успешна у
терапији пацијената инфицираних D. canis са лезијама на очима паса., The purpose of this study is to report clinical outcomes of the treatment of ocular Demodex
canis in dogs with amitraz, milbemicin and oral ivermectin. The study is designed as no
comparative, interventional case series from 5 year period.
Fifty eyes of 25 patients (13 male –dogs and 12 female; mean age standard deviation, 5.4
- 12.0 years) with alopecia, small skin wounds, refractory posterior blepharitis with the
presence of D. canis examination in our Clinic were treated with antibiotics and antiinflammatory therapy without results, Other patients (19) were treated with antiinflammatory therapy (cortisons or NSAID-NSAIL), but after ocular and dermatology
examination all of them were subjected to amitraz, ivermectin or milbemycin in adequate
dose. The dose of Milbemycin is 0.5 to 2 mg/kg orally once daily for 90 days. At this dose,
milbemycin is considered safer for Collies and other breeds that are sensitive to ivermectin
or amitraz. Five patients of 25, were subjected to oral application of ivermectin.The dose
of oral ivermectin for dogs was 400-600 ug/kg (depends of intensity of infection) for
treatment of demodectic mange once, then repeat in 14 days. All patient owners with oral
treatment were instructed to repeat the treatment after 7 days. The results were interpreted
on the basis of: tear meniscus height, Schirmer I test results, non-invasive tear film breakup time (BUT), quantification of the absolute number of D. canis found in the lashes, and
corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining scores were obtained from all patients 1 day
before and 28 days after treatment.
Statistical improvement was observed in the absolute number of D. canis found in the
lashes after the treatment with oral ivermectin. Average values of Schirmer I test results
and tear film break-up time improved statistically after the treatment of oral ivermectin.
The use of milbemycin should be reserved for Pets with specific sensitivity to other
treatments. At 1 mg/kg orally daily, 50 percent of Pets may be cured, whereas at 2 mg/kg
daily, 85 percent may be cured. No statistical improvement was observed in average
lacrimal meniscus height or value of corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining after
treatment with oral ivermectin.
Ivermectin successfully reduced the number of D. canis found in the lashes of patients
with refractory blepharitis. Oral ivermectin may be very useful as a complement in the
treatment of D. canis infestation with ocular manifestation, especially in cases of
unsuccessful treatment related to patient compliance.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze",
journal = "XX Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XX Epizootiološki dani), Vrnjačka banja, 18 - 20. april 2018",
title = "Primena sistemske terapije u kliničkom tretmanu okularne demodikoze pasa, Clinical treatment of ocular demodex canis by systemic therapy in dogs",
pages = "176-177",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3300"
Stepanović, P., Ilić, T., Dimitrijević, S., Mandić, M.,& Hadži-Milić, M.. (2018). Primena sistemske terapije u kliničkom tretmanu okularne demodikoze pasa. in XX Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XX Epizootiološki dani), Vrnjačka banja, 18 - 20. april 2018
Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za zoonoze., 176-177.
Stepanović P, Ilić T, Dimitrijević S, Mandić M, Hadži-Milić M. Primena sistemske terapije u kliničkom tretmanu okularne demodikoze pasa. in XX Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XX Epizootiološki dani), Vrnjačka banja, 18 - 20. april 2018. 2018;:176-177.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3300 .
Stepanović, Predrag, Ilić, Tamara, Dimitrijević, Sanda, Mandić, Maja, Hadži-Milić, Milan, "Primena sistemske terapije u kliničkom tretmanu okularne demodikoze pasa" in XX Simpozijum epizootiologa i epidemiologa (XX Epizootiološki dani), Vrnjačka banja, 18 - 20. april 2018 (2018):176-177,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_3300 .

Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections

Ilić, Tamara; Stepanović, Predrag; Nenadović, Katarina; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Shiraz Univ, Shiraz, 2018)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Nenadović, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1569
AB  - A study was made on the prevalence of some parasitic infections appearing in domestic rabbits obtained from individual breeders in Serbia in order to improve the agricultural production of these animals. Aside from economic reasons (meat production and reproduction) rabbits are bred for the research purposes, and races are kept as household pets. For these reasons, among others, it is important to gain knowledge of medical culprits including causes of parasitic diseases that compromise their health, well-being and cause economic losses. This parasitological research was conducted in the period from 2010 to 2015 in 8 epidemiological regions of Serbia, on 433 rabbits as representative samples of different races (154 individuals up to 1 years of age and 279 individuals older than 5). Out of the total number of examined rabbits parasitic infections were established in 82.68% of animals. We detected 3 species of endoparasites (Eimeria spp., Trichostrongylus spp., and Passalurus ambiguus) and 3 species of ectoparasites (Scabies from genera Sarcoptes, Psoroptes and Notoedres). In “kits” (small rabbits) coccidiosis was the most prevalent disease (50.65%), while in older animals trichostrongilidosis was common (39.07%). The most represented scabies infection was with the species Psoroptes cuniculi (12.01%). Aiming at better control on the health of rabbits, there is a growing need for continual monitoring of parasitic infections including appropriate diagnosis, application efficient therapeutic protocols and control measures.
PB  - Shiraz Univ, Shiraz
T2  - Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research
T1  - Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections
VL  - 19
IS  - 4
SP  - 290
EP  - 297
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1569
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Stepanović, Predrag and Nenadović, Katarina and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2018",
abstract = "A study was made on the prevalence of some parasitic infections appearing in domestic rabbits obtained from individual breeders in Serbia in order to improve the agricultural production of these animals. Aside from economic reasons (meat production and reproduction) rabbits are bred for the research purposes, and races are kept as household pets. For these reasons, among others, it is important to gain knowledge of medical culprits including causes of parasitic diseases that compromise their health, well-being and cause economic losses. This parasitological research was conducted in the period from 2010 to 2015 in 8 epidemiological regions of Serbia, on 433 rabbits as representative samples of different races (154 individuals up to 1 years of age and 279 individuals older than 5). Out of the total number of examined rabbits parasitic infections were established in 82.68% of animals. We detected 3 species of endoparasites (Eimeria spp., Trichostrongylus spp., and Passalurus ambiguus) and 3 species of ectoparasites (Scabies from genera Sarcoptes, Psoroptes and Notoedres). In “kits” (small rabbits) coccidiosis was the most prevalent disease (50.65%), while in older animals trichostrongilidosis was common (39.07%). The most represented scabies infection was with the species Psoroptes cuniculi (12.01%). Aiming at better control on the health of rabbits, there is a growing need for continual monitoring of parasitic infections including appropriate diagnosis, application efficient therapeutic protocols and control measures.",
publisher = "Shiraz Univ, Shiraz",
journal = "Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research",
title = "Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections",
volume = "19",
number = "4",
pages = "290-297",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1569"
Ilić, T., Stepanović, P., Nenadović, K.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2018). Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections. in Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research
Shiraz Univ, Shiraz., 19(4), 290-297.
Ilić T, Stepanović P, Nenadović K, Dimitrijević S. Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections. in Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research. 2018;19(4):290-297.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1569 .
Ilić, Tamara, Stepanović, Predrag, Nenadović, Katarina, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections" in Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, 19, no. 4 (2018):290-297,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1569 .

Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia

Ilić, Tamara; Becskei, Zsolt; Gajić, Bojan; Ozvegy, Jozsef; Stepanović, Predrag; Nenadović, Katarina; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 2018)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Gajić, Bojan
AU  - Ozvegy, Jozsef
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Nenadović, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1646
AB  - This report represents the prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoological gardens in Serbia. Coprological examination conducted during 2015 and 2016, involved samples from 318 individual birds belonging to 112 species, in three zoo gardens (Belgrade, Palic and Bor). Individual faeces samples were analysed by the flotation method in salt solution. The presence of endoparasites was established in 51.96% (Belgrade), 46.16% (Palic) and 16.66% (Bor) of the tested birds. We diagnosed coccidian oocysts, eggs of Capillaria spp, Heterakis spp, Trichostrongylus spp, Ascaridia spp, Syngamus trachea and eggs of yet unidentified trematode. There were no detection of parasites from the class of cestodes. Prevalence of infection with coccidia, depending on location, was in the ranges between 8.33% and 32.84%, capillariosis 2.77% and 29.41%, heterakiosis 2.56% and 12.74%, trichostrongylidosis 5.55% and 25.64%, askaridiosis 10.25% and 10.78%, syngamosis 2.94% and trematodes of unknown etiology 2.45%. Coinfections with two or three parasitic species were detected in Belgrade and Palic Zoo Gardens, while quadruple infection was established in birds of Belgrade Zoo Garden. Obtained results can be used in establishing programs for health protection of endangered bird species.
PB  - Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia
VL  - 63
IS  - 1
SP  - 134
EP  - 146
DO  - 10.1515/ap-2018-0015
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Becskei, Zsolt and Gajić, Bojan and Ozvegy, Jozsef and Stepanović, Predrag and Nenadović, Katarina and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2018",
abstract = "This report represents the prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoological gardens in Serbia. Coprological examination conducted during 2015 and 2016, involved samples from 318 individual birds belonging to 112 species, in three zoo gardens (Belgrade, Palic and Bor). Individual faeces samples were analysed by the flotation method in salt solution. The presence of endoparasites was established in 51.96% (Belgrade), 46.16% (Palic) and 16.66% (Bor) of the tested birds. We diagnosed coccidian oocysts, eggs of Capillaria spp, Heterakis spp, Trichostrongylus spp, Ascaridia spp, Syngamus trachea and eggs of yet unidentified trematode. There were no detection of parasites from the class of cestodes. Prevalence of infection with coccidia, depending on location, was in the ranges between 8.33% and 32.84%, capillariosis 2.77% and 29.41%, heterakiosis 2.56% and 12.74%, trichostrongylidosis 5.55% and 25.64%, askaridiosis 10.25% and 10.78%, syngamosis 2.94% and trematodes of unknown etiology 2.45%. Coinfections with two or three parasitic species were detected in Belgrade and Palic Zoo Gardens, while quadruple infection was established in birds of Belgrade Zoo Garden. Obtained results can be used in establishing programs for health protection of endangered bird species.",
publisher = "Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia",
volume = "63",
number = "1",
pages = "134-146",
doi = "10.1515/ap-2018-0015"
Ilić, T., Becskei, Z., Gajić, B., Ozvegy, J., Stepanović, P., Nenadović, K.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2018). Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham., 63(1), 134-146.
Ilić T, Becskei Z, Gajić B, Ozvegy J, Stepanović P, Nenadović K, Dimitrijević S. Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica. 2018;63(1):134-146.
doi:10.1515/ap-2018-0015 .
Ilić, Tamara, Becskei, Zsolt, Gajić, Bojan, Ozvegy, Jozsef, Stepanović, Predrag, Nenadović, Katarina, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Prevalence of endoparasitic infections of birds in zoo gardens in Serbia" in Acta Parasitologica, 63, no. 1 (2018):134-146,
https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2018-0015 . .

Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area

Ilić, Tamara; Kulišić, Zoran; Antić, Natasa; Radisavljević, Katarina; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, 2017)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Kulišić, Zoran
AU  - Antić, Natasa
AU  - Radisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1493
AB  - The research was conducted in dogs and cats kept as pets on the territory of the city of Belgrade (Serbia), between 2011 and 2014. Its aim was to examine the prevalence of intestinal helminths and to point out their zoonotic potential. Coprological tests were carried out on samples from 528 household pets (421 dogs and 107 cats). The research included specimens from both gender, the dogs were between 2 months and 14 years old and the cats were from 1 month to 15 years old. The diagnosed parasites included: toxocarosis (Toxocora canis 16.62% and Toxocora mystax 15.88%), ancylostomatidosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 1.87%), trichuriosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 0.93%) and dipilidiosis (in dogs 24.70% and in cats 21.49%). Most of the examined cats and dogs that were found positive for intestinal helminths were 1-8 years old. For the effective planning and conducting of preventive strategies, the most important is to know the epizootiology of intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, including the possibilities of transferring these helminths to people. The priorities include the continued education of pet owners by veterinarians, and also the close cooperation between the veterinary and the human health service.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon
T2  - Journal of Applied Animal Research
T1  - Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area
VL  - 45
IS  - 1
SP  - 204
EP  - 208
DO  - 10.1080/09712119.2016.1141779
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Kulišić, Zoran and Antić, Natasa and Radisavljević, Katarina and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The research was conducted in dogs and cats kept as pets on the territory of the city of Belgrade (Serbia), between 2011 and 2014. Its aim was to examine the prevalence of intestinal helminths and to point out their zoonotic potential. Coprological tests were carried out on samples from 528 household pets (421 dogs and 107 cats). The research included specimens from both gender, the dogs were between 2 months and 14 years old and the cats were from 1 month to 15 years old. The diagnosed parasites included: toxocarosis (Toxocora canis 16.62% and Toxocora mystax 15.88%), ancylostomatidosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 1.87%), trichuriosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 0.93%) and dipilidiosis (in dogs 24.70% and in cats 21.49%). Most of the examined cats and dogs that were found positive for intestinal helminths were 1-8 years old. For the effective planning and conducting of preventive strategies, the most important is to know the epizootiology of intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, including the possibilities of transferring these helminths to people. The priorities include the continued education of pet owners by veterinarians, and also the close cooperation between the veterinary and the human health service.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon",
journal = "Journal of Applied Animal Research",
title = "Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area",
volume = "45",
number = "1",
pages = "204-208",
doi = "10.1080/09712119.2016.1141779"
Ilić, T., Kulišić, Z., Antić, N., Radisavljević, K.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2017). Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area. in Journal of Applied Animal Research
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon., 45(1), 204-208.
Ilić T, Kulišić Z, Antić N, Radisavljević K, Dimitrijević S. Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area. in Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2017;45(1):204-208.
doi:10.1080/09712119.2016.1141779 .
Ilić, Tamara, Kulišić, Zoran, Antić, Natasa, Radisavljević, Katarina, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area" in Journal of Applied Animal Research, 45, no. 1 (2017):204-208,
https://doi.org/10.1080/09712119.2016.1141779 . .

Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis of dogs and cats contribution to diagnose

Ilić, Tamara; Mandić, Maja; Stepanović, Predrag; Obrenović, Sonja; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Mandić, Maja
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Obrenović, Sonja
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1443
AB  - Background. In the last fifteen years on the European continent and also worldwide, the prevalence of cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis in dogs and cats has increased significantly, especially cases involving those parasites which are the most important for veterinary practice (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis). Scope and Approach. The aim of this study is to present a detailed clinical-parasitological approach to highlight the importance of these helminths, and to display the newest findings concerning the diagnostic possibilities in dogs and cats Key Findings and Conclusions. The effects of global warming, vector range shift, the frequent transportation and movement of animals to other epizootic areas, as well as the intensification of merchandise transportation and movement of people are just some of the potential factors which could impact the dynamics of incidence, upkeep and spread of cardiopulmonary nematodoses in carnivores. For the timely implementation of effective treatment of sick animals, it essential to accurately diagnose these parasitoses. Accurate, timely diagnosis can, in the end, significantly contribute to the prognostic course of disease in infected carnivores. Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidoses in dogs and cats have great clinical-parasitological significance because of their high degree of pathogenicity, their spread outside endemic areas, the difficulties encountered in establishing their diagnosis, and the fact that they represent a potential danger to human health.
AB  - Uvod. U poslednjih petnaest godina, na evropskom kontinentu i širom sveta značajno se povećala prevalencija kardiopulmonalnih metastrongilidoza kod pasa i mačaka, naročito onih uzročnika koji imaju najveći značaj za veterinarsku praksu (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus i Crenosoma vulpis). Cilj i pristup. Cilj ovog rada je da se detaljnim kliničko-parazitološkim osvrtom istakne značaj ove grupe helmintoza i da se prikažu najnovija saznanja vezana za mogućnosti njihove dijagnostike kod pasa i mačaka. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Efekti globalnog zagrevanja, pomeranje granica habitacije vektora, učestalo kretanje i transport životinja u druga epizootiološka područja, intenziviran promet robe i velika fluktuacija ljudi, samo su neki od potencijalnih faktora koji bi mogli uticati na ovakvu dinamiku pojavljivanja, održavanja i širenja kardiopulmonalnih nematodoza kod mesojeda. Za blagovremeno sprovođenje efikasnog tretmana obolelih jedinki neophodna je precizna dijagnostika ovih parazitoza, što u krajnjem ishodu značajno može uticati na prognostički tok oboljenja kod inficiranih mesojeda. S obzirom na stepen njihove patogenosti, poteškoće koje se javljaju u postavljanju dijagnoze, kao i činjenicu da neke od njih predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, navedena oboljenja imaju izuzetan klinički i epizootiološki značaj.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis of dogs and cats contribution to diagnose
T1  - Kardiopulmonarna metastrongiliodoza pasa i mačaka doprinos za postavljanje dijagnoze
VL  - 71
IS  - 2
SP  - 69
EP  - 86
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL170310010I
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Mandić, Maja and Stepanović, Predrag and Obrenović, Sonja and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Background. In the last fifteen years on the European continent and also worldwide, the prevalence of cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis in dogs and cats has increased significantly, especially cases involving those parasites which are the most important for veterinary practice (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis). Scope and Approach. The aim of this study is to present a detailed clinical-parasitological approach to highlight the importance of these helminths, and to display the newest findings concerning the diagnostic possibilities in dogs and cats Key Findings and Conclusions. The effects of global warming, vector range shift, the frequent transportation and movement of animals to other epizootic areas, as well as the intensification of merchandise transportation and movement of people are just some of the potential factors which could impact the dynamics of incidence, upkeep and spread of cardiopulmonary nematodoses in carnivores. For the timely implementation of effective treatment of sick animals, it essential to accurately diagnose these parasitoses. Accurate, timely diagnosis can, in the end, significantly contribute to the prognostic course of disease in infected carnivores. Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidoses in dogs and cats have great clinical-parasitological significance because of their high degree of pathogenicity, their spread outside endemic areas, the difficulties encountered in establishing their diagnosis, and the fact that they represent a potential danger to human health., Uvod. U poslednjih petnaest godina, na evropskom kontinentu i širom sveta značajno se povećala prevalencija kardiopulmonalnih metastrongilidoza kod pasa i mačaka, naročito onih uzročnika koji imaju najveći značaj za veterinarsku praksu (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus i Crenosoma vulpis). Cilj i pristup. Cilj ovog rada je da se detaljnim kliničko-parazitološkim osvrtom istakne značaj ove grupe helmintoza i da se prikažu najnovija saznanja vezana za mogućnosti njihove dijagnostike kod pasa i mačaka. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Efekti globalnog zagrevanja, pomeranje granica habitacije vektora, učestalo kretanje i transport životinja u druga epizootiološka područja, intenziviran promet robe i velika fluktuacija ljudi, samo su neki od potencijalnih faktora koji bi mogli uticati na ovakvu dinamiku pojavljivanja, održavanja i širenja kardiopulmonalnih nematodoza kod mesojeda. Za blagovremeno sprovođenje efikasnog tretmana obolelih jedinki neophodna je precizna dijagnostika ovih parazitoza, što u krajnjem ishodu značajno može uticati na prognostički tok oboljenja kod inficiranih mesojeda. S obzirom na stepen njihove patogenosti, poteškoće koje se javljaju u postavljanju dijagnoze, kao i činjenicu da neke od njih predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, navedena oboljenja imaju izuzetan klinički i epizootiološki značaj.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis of dogs and cats contribution to diagnose, Kardiopulmonarna metastrongiliodoza pasa i mačaka doprinos za postavljanje dijagnoze",
volume = "71",
number = "2",
pages = "69-86",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL170310010I"
Ilić, T., Mandić, M., Stepanović, P., Obrenović, S.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2017). Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis of dogs and cats contribution to diagnose. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 71(2), 69-86.
Ilić T, Mandić M, Stepanović P, Obrenović S, Dimitrijević S. Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis of dogs and cats contribution to diagnose. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2017;71(2):69-86.
doi:10.2298/VETGL170310010I .
Ilić, Tamara, Mandić, Maja, Stepanović, Predrag, Obrenović, Sonja, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis of dogs and cats contribution to diagnose" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 71, no. 2 (2017):69-86,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL170310010I . .

Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis

Hadži-Milić, Milan; Ilić, Tamara; Stepanović, Predrag; Đorđević, Jelena; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, Lublin, 2016)

AU  - Hadži-Milić, Milan
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Đorđević, Jelena
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1394
AB  - Canine thelaziosis is widely distributed in Far Eastern countries and considered endemic in many European countries, between latitudes 39 and 46 N. Because of the unique relationship between the causer and its intermediate and final hosts, the genus Thelazia is one of the most specialized nematodes in the taxon. Thelazia callipaeda (superfamily: Thelazioidea) infects the conjunctivas of several mammalians, including dogs and humans. Since dogs may also represent a reservoir of infection for humans, the aim of the study was to show the epidemiological situation of thelaziosis in dogs in the Republic of Serbia, after it was first diagnosed in 2014, which is crucial for the successful treatment, control, and prevention of the disease. The research was performed on privately owned dogs in the period from the end of April 2013 to the end of October 2015 in 7 different regions in Serbia. Adult parasites were mechanically removed from dogs with manifested ocular disorders, and thelaziosis was diagnosed in 178 out of 501 animals. The high prevalence of T. callipaeda in dogs (35.52%) in the analyzed areas of Serbia indicates the endemicity of eyeworm infestation in these areas.
PB  - Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, Lublin
T2  - Medycyna Weterynaryjna-Veterinary Medicine-Science and Practice
T1  - Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis
VL  - 72
IS  - 9
SP  - 558
EP  - 563
DO  - 10.21521/mw.5561
ER  - 
author = "Hadži-Milić, Milan and Ilić, Tamara and Stepanović, Predrag and Đorđević, Jelena and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Canine thelaziosis is widely distributed in Far Eastern countries and considered endemic in many European countries, between latitudes 39 and 46 N. Because of the unique relationship between the causer and its intermediate and final hosts, the genus Thelazia is one of the most specialized nematodes in the taxon. Thelazia callipaeda (superfamily: Thelazioidea) infects the conjunctivas of several mammalians, including dogs and humans. Since dogs may also represent a reservoir of infection for humans, the aim of the study was to show the epidemiological situation of thelaziosis in dogs in the Republic of Serbia, after it was first diagnosed in 2014, which is crucial for the successful treatment, control, and prevention of the disease. The research was performed on privately owned dogs in the period from the end of April 2013 to the end of October 2015 in 7 different regions in Serbia. Adult parasites were mechanically removed from dogs with manifested ocular disorders, and thelaziosis was diagnosed in 178 out of 501 animals. The high prevalence of T. callipaeda in dogs (35.52%) in the analyzed areas of Serbia indicates the endemicity of eyeworm infestation in these areas.",
publisher = "Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, Lublin",
journal = "Medycyna Weterynaryjna-Veterinary Medicine-Science and Practice",
title = "Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis",
volume = "72",
number = "9",
pages = "558-563",
doi = "10.21521/mw.5561"
Hadži-Milić, M., Ilić, T., Stepanović, P., Đorđević, J.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2016). Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis. in Medycyna Weterynaryjna-Veterinary Medicine-Science and Practice
Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, Lublin., 72(9), 558-563.
Hadži-Milić M, Ilić T, Stepanović P, Đorđević J, Dimitrijević S. Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis. in Medycyna Weterynaryjna-Veterinary Medicine-Science and Practice. 2016;72(9):558-563.
doi:10.21521/mw.5561 .
Hadži-Milić, Milan, Ilić, Tamara, Stepanović, Predrag, Đorđević, Jelena, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis" in Medycyna Weterynaryjna-Veterinary Medicine-Science and Practice, 72, no. 9 (2016):558-563,
https://doi.org/10.21521/mw.5561 . .

Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia

Ilić, Tamara; Becskei, Zsolt; Petrović, Tamaš; Polaček, Vladimir; Ristić, Bojan; Milić, Sinisa; Stepanović, Predrag; Radisavljević, Katarina; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 2016)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Petrović, Tamaš
AU  - Polaček, Vladimir
AU  - Ristić, Bojan
AU  - Milić, Sinisa
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Radisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1395
AB  - Wild canides have a high epizootiological - epidemiological significance, considering that they are hosts for some parasites which spread vector born diseases. Increased frequency of certain interactions between domestic and wild canides increases the risk of occurrence, spreading and maintaining the infection of parasitic etiology in domestic canides. The research was conducted in 232 wild canides (172 red foxes and 60 golden jackals). The examined material was sampled from foxes and jackals, which were hunted down between 2010 and 2014, from 8 epizootiological areas of Serbia (North-Backa, West-Backa, Southern-Banat, Moravicki, Zlatiborski, Raski, Rasinski and Zajecarski district). On completing the parasitological dissection and the coprological diagnostics, in wild canides protozoa from the genus Isospora were identified, 3 species of trematoda (Alaria alata, Pseudamphistomum truncatum and Metagonimus yokogawai), cestods from the genus Taenia and 5 species of nematodes (Toxocara canis, Ancylostomatidae, Trichuris vulpis and Capillaria aerophila). The finding of M. yokogawai in golden jackals were, to the best of our knowledge, one of the first diagnosed cases of metagonimosis in golden jackals in Serbia. The continued monitoring of the parasitic fauna of wild canides is needed to establish the widespread of the zoonoses in different regions of Serbia, because they present the reservoirs and/or sources of these infections.
PB  - Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia
VL  - 61
IS  - 2
SP  - 389
EP  - 396
DO  - 10.1515/ap-2016-0051
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Becskei, Zsolt and Petrović, Tamaš and Polaček, Vladimir and Ristić, Bojan and Milić, Sinisa and Stepanović, Predrag and Radisavljević, Katarina and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Wild canides have a high epizootiological - epidemiological significance, considering that they are hosts for some parasites which spread vector born diseases. Increased frequency of certain interactions between domestic and wild canides increases the risk of occurrence, spreading and maintaining the infection of parasitic etiology in domestic canides. The research was conducted in 232 wild canides (172 red foxes and 60 golden jackals). The examined material was sampled from foxes and jackals, which were hunted down between 2010 and 2014, from 8 epizootiological areas of Serbia (North-Backa, West-Backa, Southern-Banat, Moravicki, Zlatiborski, Raski, Rasinski and Zajecarski district). On completing the parasitological dissection and the coprological diagnostics, in wild canides protozoa from the genus Isospora were identified, 3 species of trematoda (Alaria alata, Pseudamphistomum truncatum and Metagonimus yokogawai), cestods from the genus Taenia and 5 species of nematodes (Toxocara canis, Ancylostomatidae, Trichuris vulpis and Capillaria aerophila). The finding of M. yokogawai in golden jackals were, to the best of our knowledge, one of the first diagnosed cases of metagonimosis in golden jackals in Serbia. The continued monitoring of the parasitic fauna of wild canides is needed to establish the widespread of the zoonoses in different regions of Serbia, because they present the reservoirs and/or sources of these infections.",
publisher = "Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia",
volume = "61",
number = "2",
pages = "389-396",
doi = "10.1515/ap-2016-0051"
Ilić, T., Becskei, Z., Petrović, T., Polaček, V., Ristić, B., Milić, S., Stepanović, P., Radisavljević, K.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2016). Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham., 61(2), 389-396.
Ilić T, Becskei Z, Petrović T, Polaček V, Ristić B, Milić S, Stepanović P, Radisavljević K, Dimitrijević S. Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica. 2016;61(2):389-396.
doi:10.1515/ap-2016-0051 .
Ilić, Tamara, Becskei, Zsolt, Petrović, Tamaš, Polaček, Vladimir, Ristić, Bojan, Milić, Sinisa, Stepanović, Predrag, Radisavljević, Katarina, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Endoparasitic fauna of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Serbia" in Acta Parasitologica, 61, no. 2 (2016):389-396,
https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2016-0051 . .

Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia

Ilić, Tamara; Becskei, Zsolt; Tasić, Aleksandar; Stepanović, Predrag; Radisavljević, Katarina; Durić, Boban; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, Berlin, 2016)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Tasić, Aleksandar
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Radisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Durić, Boban
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1402
AB  - Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory capillariosis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in some regions of Serbia. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 102 foxes in six epizootiological regions of Serbia, during the hunting season between 2008 and 2012. Results: The presence of respiratory capillariosis in all tested epizootiological regions was confirmed. The E. aerophilus nematode was detected with overall prevalence of 49.02%. The diagnosis of E. aerophilus infection was confirmed by the determination of morphological characteristics of adult parasites found at necropsy and the trichurid egg types collected from the bronchial lavage and the content of the intestine. Conclusion: The presented results contribute to better understanding of the epidemiology of this nematodosis in Serbia. However, the high prevalence of capillaries in tested foxes, demonstrated in all explored areas, might suggest that foxes from other regions in Serbia may also be infected. The fact that domestic carnivores and humans can also be infected enhances the importance of the overall epidemiological status. To establish the relevant prevalence of respiratory capillariosis, further investigations and continous monitoring of parasitic fauna of carnivores are needed in the whole country.
PB  - Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, Berlin
T2  - Journal of Veterinary Research
T1  - Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia
VL  - 60
IS  - 2
SP  - 153
EP  - 157
DO  - 10.1515/jvetres-2016-0022
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Becskei, Zsolt and Tasić, Aleksandar and Stepanović, Predrag and Radisavljević, Katarina and Durić, Boban and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory capillariosis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in some regions of Serbia. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 102 foxes in six epizootiological regions of Serbia, during the hunting season between 2008 and 2012. Results: The presence of respiratory capillariosis in all tested epizootiological regions was confirmed. The E. aerophilus nematode was detected with overall prevalence of 49.02%. The diagnosis of E. aerophilus infection was confirmed by the determination of morphological characteristics of adult parasites found at necropsy and the trichurid egg types collected from the bronchial lavage and the content of the intestine. Conclusion: The presented results contribute to better understanding of the epidemiology of this nematodosis in Serbia. However, the high prevalence of capillaries in tested foxes, demonstrated in all explored areas, might suggest that foxes from other regions in Serbia may also be infected. The fact that domestic carnivores and humans can also be infected enhances the importance of the overall epidemiological status. To establish the relevant prevalence of respiratory capillariosis, further investigations and continous monitoring of parasitic fauna of carnivores are needed in the whole country.",
publisher = "Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, Berlin",
journal = "Journal of Veterinary Research",
title = "Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia",
volume = "60",
number = "2",
pages = "153-157",
doi = "10.1515/jvetres-2016-0022"
Ilić, T., Becskei, Z., Tasić, A., Stepanović, P., Radisavljević, K., Durić, B.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2016). Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia. in Journal of Veterinary Research
Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, Berlin., 60(2), 153-157.
Ilić T, Becskei Z, Tasić A, Stepanović P, Radisavljević K, Durić B, Dimitrijević S. Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia. in Journal of Veterinary Research. 2016;60(2):153-157.
doi:10.1515/jvetres-2016-0022 .
Ilić, Tamara, Becskei, Zsolt, Tasić, Aleksandar, Stepanović, Predrag, Radisavljević, Katarina, Durić, Boban, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) as reservoirs of respiratory capillariosis in Serbia" in Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, no. 2 (2016):153-157,
https://doi.org/10.1515/jvetres-2016-0022 . .

Hypodermosis in northern Serbia (Vojvodina)

Becskei, Zsolt; Ilić, Tamara; Pavlicević, Natasa; Kiskároly, Ferenc; Petrović, Tamaš; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Univ Sv Kiril & Metodij Skopje, Fak Veterinarna Medicina, Skopje, 2016)

AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Pavlicević, Natasa
AU  - Kiskároly, Ferenc
AU  - Petrović, Tamaš
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1384
AB  - This paper describes the first documented case of cattle grub (hypodermosis) in Northern Serbia (Vojvodina). Subcutaneous warbles were determined in a six year old Simmental cow, at nine places along the spine. After the extirpation of larvae, based on the morphological characterisation, larvae of the third stage of Hypoderma bovis were diagnosed. The cow was administered therapeutic treatment, which had a favorable outcome, with no signs of recurrence. To the authors best knowledge, the case described in this paper is the first documented case of hypodermosis in cattle in Northern Serbia (Vojvodina). As the climate changed in the past few decades, it is important to pursue detailed investigations of the prevalence of this parasitic myiasis, as there are few such literature data for the Southern region of Serbia. One should also not ignore the fact that species of the genus Hypoderma can cause myiasis in humans as well.
PB  - Univ Sv Kiril & Metodij Skopje, Fak Veterinarna Medicina, Skopje
T2  - Macedonian Veterinary Review
T1  - Hypodermosis in northern Serbia (Vojvodina)
VL  - 39
IS  - 1
SP  - 129
EP  - 133
DO  - 10.1515/macvetrev-2016-0072
ER  - 
author = "Becskei, Zsolt and Ilić, Tamara and Pavlicević, Natasa and Kiskároly, Ferenc and Petrović, Tamaš and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper describes the first documented case of cattle grub (hypodermosis) in Northern Serbia (Vojvodina). Subcutaneous warbles were determined in a six year old Simmental cow, at nine places along the spine. After the extirpation of larvae, based on the morphological characterisation, larvae of the third stage of Hypoderma bovis were diagnosed. The cow was administered therapeutic treatment, which had a favorable outcome, with no signs of recurrence. To the authors best knowledge, the case described in this paper is the first documented case of hypodermosis in cattle in Northern Serbia (Vojvodina). As the climate changed in the past few decades, it is important to pursue detailed investigations of the prevalence of this parasitic myiasis, as there are few such literature data for the Southern region of Serbia. One should also not ignore the fact that species of the genus Hypoderma can cause myiasis in humans as well.",
publisher = "Univ Sv Kiril & Metodij Skopje, Fak Veterinarna Medicina, Skopje",
journal = "Macedonian Veterinary Review",
title = "Hypodermosis in northern Serbia (Vojvodina)",
volume = "39",
number = "1",
pages = "129-133",
doi = "10.1515/macvetrev-2016-0072"
Becskei, Z., Ilić, T., Pavlicević, N., Kiskároly, F., Petrović, T.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2016). Hypodermosis in northern Serbia (Vojvodina). in Macedonian Veterinary Review
Univ Sv Kiril & Metodij Skopje, Fak Veterinarna Medicina, Skopje., 39(1), 129-133.
Becskei Z, Ilić T, Pavlicević N, Kiskároly F, Petrović T, Dimitrijević S. Hypodermosis in northern Serbia (Vojvodina). in Macedonian Veterinary Review. 2016;39(1):129-133.
doi:10.1515/macvetrev-2016-0072 .
Becskei, Zsolt, Ilić, Tamara, Pavlicević, Natasa, Kiskároly, Ferenc, Petrović, Tamaš, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Hypodermosis in northern Serbia (Vojvodina)" in Macedonian Veterinary Review, 39, no. 1 (2016):129-133,
https://doi.org/10.1515/macvetrev-2016-0072 . .

Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis

Stepanović, Predrag; Ilić, Tamara; Krstić, Nikola; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Natl Veterinary Research Inst, Pulawy, 2015)

AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Krstić, Nikola
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1306
AB  - The paper presents clinical diagnostic approaches and therapeutic effects of a specific protocol for the treatment of dogs with cardiovascular dirofilariasis in the Belgrade City (Serbia) territory. The study involved 50 privately owned dogs of different breeds, gender, and age, all showing signs of cardio respiratory disorders. In addition to a general physical examination, blood tests were done to detect microfilaria and adult forms, and X-ray, ECG, and echocardiography were performed as well. At the first examination, 34 out of 50 examined dogs were positive for microfilaria and adult forms. Because of a lack of drug used as the golden standard in dirofilariasis treatment, it involved a combination of doxycycline (10 mg/kg) and ivermectin (6 mu g/kg) supported with Advocate Bayer spot-on. After six months, the first control was performed while continuing treatment with the aforesaid protocol, and the second control was performed after 12 months. Of the 34 treated dogs, all were negative for microfilaria, as early as after the first six months of the treatment (100%). One dog was positive for adult forms of the parasite after six and 12 months. In echocardiography and X-ray examination after 12 months, six dogs showed evident chronic changes. At controls conducted at sixth month and at one year, the implemented therapy was successful in 97.05% (33/34) of primarily infected dogs.
PB  - Natl Veterinary Research Inst, Pulawy
T2  - Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in Pulawy
T1  - Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis
VL  - 59
IS  - 4
SP  - 505
EP  - 509
DO  - 10.1515/bvip-2015-0075
ER  - 
author = "Stepanović, Predrag and Ilić, Tamara and Krstić, Nikola and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The paper presents clinical diagnostic approaches and therapeutic effects of a specific protocol for the treatment of dogs with cardiovascular dirofilariasis in the Belgrade City (Serbia) territory. The study involved 50 privately owned dogs of different breeds, gender, and age, all showing signs of cardio respiratory disorders. In addition to a general physical examination, blood tests were done to detect microfilaria and adult forms, and X-ray, ECG, and echocardiography were performed as well. At the first examination, 34 out of 50 examined dogs were positive for microfilaria and adult forms. Because of a lack of drug used as the golden standard in dirofilariasis treatment, it involved a combination of doxycycline (10 mg/kg) and ivermectin (6 mu g/kg) supported with Advocate Bayer spot-on. After six months, the first control was performed while continuing treatment with the aforesaid protocol, and the second control was performed after 12 months. Of the 34 treated dogs, all were negative for microfilaria, as early as after the first six months of the treatment (100%). One dog was positive for adult forms of the parasite after six and 12 months. In echocardiography and X-ray examination after 12 months, six dogs showed evident chronic changes. At controls conducted at sixth month and at one year, the implemented therapy was successful in 97.05% (33/34) of primarily infected dogs.",
publisher = "Natl Veterinary Research Inst, Pulawy",
journal = "Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in Pulawy",
title = "Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis",
volume = "59",
number = "4",
pages = "505-509",
doi = "10.1515/bvip-2015-0075"
Stepanović, P., Ilić, T., Krstić, N.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2015). Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis. in Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in Pulawy
Natl Veterinary Research Inst, Pulawy., 59(4), 505-509.
Stepanović P, Ilić T, Krstić N, Dimitrijević S. Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis. in Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2015;59(4):505-509.
doi:10.1515/bvip-2015-0075 .
Stepanović, Predrag, Ilić, Tamara, Krstić, Nikola, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis" in Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 59, no. 4 (2015):505-509,
https://doi.org/10.1515/bvip-2015-0075 . .

Dog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significance

Ilić, Tamara; Mandić, Maja; Stepanović, Predrag; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Mandić, Maja
AU  - Stepanović, Predrag
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1198
AB  - Respiratory capillariasis is a disease of domestic and wild carnivores as well as of people, caused by nematode Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, which lives as a parasite in mucosa of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, rarely in nasal and frontal sinuses of the host. This parasite has either direct or indirect development cycle which includes optional transition hosts - earthworms. Clinical picture is manifested in the form of a very severe respiratory disease, which is accompanied by an increased bronchovesicular sound, sneezing, gasping and chronic dry cough. Despite the fact that this nematode is widespread in all the parts of the world, that it causes a disease followed by a severe clinical picture and has a zoonotic potential as well, it has been insufficiently investigated and moreover from clinical and parasitological aspect it has not been given enough attention so far. The reason for this is the fact that C. aerophila had been considered to be a strain of very low level of pathogenicity causing only sporadic respiratory infections in dogs and cats. The interest of scientific community for this parasitosis increased the moment when its causative agent spread outside the endemic areas. From the standpoint of monitoring and health protection of both carnivores and peorle, knowledge of basic epizootiological and epidemiological characteristics of these nematodes is of crucial importance, having in mind that its prevalence has significantly increased in dogs and cats in the last ten years, both in Europe and worldwide.
AB  - Respiratorna kapilarioza je oboljenje domaćih, divljih mesojeda i ljudi, prouzrokovano nematodom Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, koja parazitira u mukozi traheje, bronhija i bronhiola, retko u nazalnim i frontalnim sinusima domaćina. Parazit ima direktan ili indirektan razvojni ciklus, u koji su uključeni fakultativni prelazni domaćini - kišne gliste. Klinička slika se manifestuje u vidu vrlo teškog respiratornog oboljenja, koje je praćeno pojačanim bronho-vezikularnim šumom, kijanjem, hroptanjem i hroničnim suvim kašljem. I pored toga što je rasprostranjena u skoro svim delovima sveta, prouzrokuje oboljenje praćeno teškom kliničkom slikom i poseduje zoonozni potencijal, ova nematodoza nije dovoljno istražena, a sa kliničko-parazitološkog aspekta joj nije posvećeno dovoljno pažnje. Razlog za to je i činjenica, što se dugo smatralo da je C. aerophila vrsta niskog stepena patogenosti i da prouzrokuje respiratorne infekcije pasa i mačaka koje se javljaju sporadično. Interesovanje naučne javnosti za ovu parazitozu se povećalo od onog trenutka, kada se njen uzročnik proširio izvan endemskih područja. Sa stanovišta praćenja i zaštite zdravstvenog stanja mesojeda i ljudi, od izuzetnog je značaja poznavanje osnovnih epizootiološko-epidemioloških karakteristika ove nematodoze, čija se prevalencija značajno povećala u poslednjih deset godina, kod pasa i mačaka kako u Evropi, tako i širom sveta.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Dog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significance
T1  - Respiratorna kapilarioza pasa i mačaka - klinički, parazitološki i epidemiološki značaj
VL  - 69
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 417
EP  - 428
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL1506417I
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Mandić, Maja and Stepanović, Predrag and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Respiratory capillariasis is a disease of domestic and wild carnivores as well as of people, caused by nematode Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, which lives as a parasite in mucosa of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, rarely in nasal and frontal sinuses of the host. This parasite has either direct or indirect development cycle which includes optional transition hosts - earthworms. Clinical picture is manifested in the form of a very severe respiratory disease, which is accompanied by an increased bronchovesicular sound, sneezing, gasping and chronic dry cough. Despite the fact that this nematode is widespread in all the parts of the world, that it causes a disease followed by a severe clinical picture and has a zoonotic potential as well, it has been insufficiently investigated and moreover from clinical and parasitological aspect it has not been given enough attention so far. The reason for this is the fact that C. aerophila had been considered to be a strain of very low level of pathogenicity causing only sporadic respiratory infections in dogs and cats. The interest of scientific community for this parasitosis increased the moment when its causative agent spread outside the endemic areas. From the standpoint of monitoring and health protection of both carnivores and peorle, knowledge of basic epizootiological and epidemiological characteristics of these nematodes is of crucial importance, having in mind that its prevalence has significantly increased in dogs and cats in the last ten years, both in Europe and worldwide., Respiratorna kapilarioza je oboljenje domaćih, divljih mesojeda i ljudi, prouzrokovano nematodom Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, koja parazitira u mukozi traheje, bronhija i bronhiola, retko u nazalnim i frontalnim sinusima domaćina. Parazit ima direktan ili indirektan razvojni ciklus, u koji su uključeni fakultativni prelazni domaćini - kišne gliste. Klinička slika se manifestuje u vidu vrlo teškog respiratornog oboljenja, koje je praćeno pojačanim bronho-vezikularnim šumom, kijanjem, hroptanjem i hroničnim suvim kašljem. I pored toga što je rasprostranjena u skoro svim delovima sveta, prouzrokuje oboljenje praćeno teškom kliničkom slikom i poseduje zoonozni potencijal, ova nematodoza nije dovoljno istražena, a sa kliničko-parazitološkog aspekta joj nije posvećeno dovoljno pažnje. Razlog za to je i činjenica, što se dugo smatralo da je C. aerophila vrsta niskog stepena patogenosti i da prouzrokuje respiratorne infekcije pasa i mačaka koje se javljaju sporadično. Interesovanje naučne javnosti za ovu parazitozu se povećalo od onog trenutka, kada se njen uzročnik proširio izvan endemskih područja. Sa stanovišta praćenja i zaštite zdravstvenog stanja mesojeda i ljudi, od izuzetnog je značaja poznavanje osnovnih epizootiološko-epidemioloških karakteristika ove nematodoze, čija se prevalencija značajno povećala u poslednjih deset godina, kod pasa i mačaka kako u Evropi, tako i širom sveta.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Dog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significance, Respiratorna kapilarioza pasa i mačaka - klinički, parazitološki i epidemiološki značaj",
volume = "69",
number = "5-6",
pages = "417-428",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL1506417I"
Ilić, T., Mandić, M., Stepanović, P.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2015). Dog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significance. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 69(5-6), 417-428.
Ilić T, Mandić M, Stepanović P, Dimitrijević S. Dog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significance. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2015;69(5-6):417-428.
doi:10.2298/VETGL1506417I .
Ilić, Tamara, Mandić, Maja, Stepanović, Predrag, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Dog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significance" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 69, no. 5-6 (2015):417-428,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL1506417I . .

Buxtonellosis and coccidiosis of cattles in Northern Serbia

Kocis, Jozef; Ilić, Tamara; Becskei, Zsolt; Radisavljević, Katarina; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 2015)

AU  - Kocis, Jozef
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Radisavljević, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1228
AB  - The study presents the results of a two-year research of protozoan infections of cattles from the Northern-Backa district (Vojvodina, Serbia). The research was conducted on cow-farms and in private cattle-breeding households, with variuos levels of hygenie. The study included 224 specimens (71 calves, 48 hifers and 105 cows). 22.91% of examined heifers and 15.23% of cows were infected with the ciliate Buxtonella sulcata. The presence of coccidiosis was detected in 45.07% of the calves, 14.58% of the heifers and 6.67% of the cows. The clinical signs of diarrhoea were established in all of the specimens which had more than 1,500 cysts of B. sulcata in 1g of faeces. In the examined calves the number of oocysts was less than 1500 in 1g of faeces, so the coccidiosis did not influence the incidence of the diarrhoea. The results show the first diagnostic record of the ciliate B. sulcata of bovines in Serbia, and this finding contributes to the existing knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of protozoan disease of cattle in this area.
PB  - Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Buxtonellosis and coccidiosis of cattles in Northern Serbia
VL  - 60
IS  - 1
SP  - 158
EP  - 163
DO  - 10.1515/ap-2015-0022
ER  - 
author = "Kocis, Jozef and Ilić, Tamara and Becskei, Zsolt and Radisavljević, Katarina and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The study presents the results of a two-year research of protozoan infections of cattles from the Northern-Backa district (Vojvodina, Serbia). The research was conducted on cow-farms and in private cattle-breeding households, with variuos levels of hygenie. The study included 224 specimens (71 calves, 48 hifers and 105 cows). 22.91% of examined heifers and 15.23% of cows were infected with the ciliate Buxtonella sulcata. The presence of coccidiosis was detected in 45.07% of the calves, 14.58% of the heifers and 6.67% of the cows. The clinical signs of diarrhoea were established in all of the specimens which had more than 1,500 cysts of B. sulcata in 1g of faeces. In the examined calves the number of oocysts was less than 1500 in 1g of faeces, so the coccidiosis did not influence the incidence of the diarrhoea. The results show the first diagnostic record of the ciliate B. sulcata of bovines in Serbia, and this finding contributes to the existing knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of protozoan disease of cattle in this area.",
publisher = "Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Buxtonellosis and coccidiosis of cattles in Northern Serbia",
volume = "60",
number = "1",
pages = "158-163",
doi = "10.1515/ap-2015-0022"
Kocis, J., Ilić, T., Becskei, Z., Radisavljević, K.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2015). Buxtonellosis and coccidiosis of cattles in Northern Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham., 60(1), 158-163.
Kocis J, Ilić T, Becskei Z, Radisavljević K, Dimitrijević S. Buxtonellosis and coccidiosis of cattles in Northern Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica. 2015;60(1):158-163.
doi:10.1515/ap-2015-0022 .
Kocis, Jozef, Ilić, Tamara, Becskei, Zsolt, Radisavljević, Katarina, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Buxtonellosis and coccidiosis of cattles in Northern Serbia" in Acta Parasitologica, 60, no. 1 (2015):158-163,
https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2015-0022 . .

Parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares

Ilić, Tamara; Petrović, Tamaš; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Petrović, Tamaš
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1132
AB  - The paper presents the most important parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares, which harmful effect in this animal population is manifested as a gradual weakening of the immune system, reduction in fertility, weight loss and constant exhaustion. Order of Lagomorpha (hares or lagomorphs) belongs to superorder of higher mammals which includes the family of rabbits (Leporidae) which are represented in Europe as well as the family of whistleblowers (Ochotonidae) which live only in North America and Northern regions of Asia. The most important representatives of Leporidae family are European hare (Lepus europeus) and wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The most important endoparasitosis of hares and wild rabbits are: coccidiosis, encephalitozoonosis (nosemosis), toxoplasmosis, sarcocystosis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, protostrongylosis, trichostrngylodosis, passalurosis, anoplocephalidosis, cysticercosis and fasciolosis. The most frequent ectoparasites of rabbits and wild hares are fleas, lice and ticks. Reduction in hare population, which is noticed in whole Europe including Serbia, is caused by changed living conditions, quantitatively and qualitatively insufficient nutrition, increased use of herbicides as well as various infectious diseases and the diseases of parasitic etiology. Since wild rabbits and hares pose a threat to health of domestic rabbits and people, knowledge of parasitic fauna of these wild animals is of extreme epizootiological and epidemiological importance.
AB  - U radu su prikazane najznačajnije parazitske infekcije divljih kunića i zečeva, čiji se štetan uticaj kod ove populacije divljači manifestuje kao postepeno slabljenje imuniteta, smanjenje plodnosti, gubitak telesne mase i konstantna iscrpljenost organizma. Red Lagomorpha (zečevi ili dvojezupci) pripada nadredu viših sisara i obuhvata porodicu zečeva (Leporidae), koji su zastupljeni u Evropi i porodicu zečeva zviždača (Ochotonidae), koji žive samo u Severnoj Americi i severnim predelima Azije. Najznačajniji predstavnici familije Leporidae su evropski zec (Lepus europeus) i divlji kunić (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Najznačajnije endoparazitoze žečeva i divljih kunića su: kokcidioza, encefalitozoonoza (nozemoza), toksoplazmoza, sarkocistioza, đardioza, kriptosporidioza, protostrongiloza, trihostrongilidoza, pasaluroza, anoplocefalidoza, cisticerkoza i fascioloza. Najčešći ektoparaziti zečeva i divljih kunića su vaši, buve, krpelji, grinje i šugarci. Na smanjenje brojnosti populacije zečeva, koje je poslednjih godina utvrđeno u celoj Evropi i Srbiji, odgovorni su izmenjeni životni uslovi, kvalitativno i kvantitativno nezadovoljavajuća ishrana, sve veća upotreba herbicida, kao i različita oboljenja zarazne i parazitske etiologije. Pošto divlji kunići i zečevi predstavljaju rizik za zdravlje domaćih kunića i ljudi, od izuzetnog je epizootiološko/epidemiološkog značaja poznavanje parazitske faune ove vrste divljih životinja.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares
T1  - Parazitarnye infekcii dikih krolikov i zajcev
T1  - Parazitske infekcije divljih kunića i zečeva
VL  - 68
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 241
EP  - 250
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL1404241I
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Petrović, Tamaš and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The paper presents the most important parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares, which harmful effect in this animal population is manifested as a gradual weakening of the immune system, reduction in fertility, weight loss and constant exhaustion. Order of Lagomorpha (hares or lagomorphs) belongs to superorder of higher mammals which includes the family of rabbits (Leporidae) which are represented in Europe as well as the family of whistleblowers (Ochotonidae) which live only in North America and Northern regions of Asia. The most important representatives of Leporidae family are European hare (Lepus europeus) and wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The most important endoparasitosis of hares and wild rabbits are: coccidiosis, encephalitozoonosis (nosemosis), toxoplasmosis, sarcocystosis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, protostrongylosis, trichostrngylodosis, passalurosis, anoplocephalidosis, cysticercosis and fasciolosis. The most frequent ectoparasites of rabbits and wild hares are fleas, lice and ticks. Reduction in hare population, which is noticed in whole Europe including Serbia, is caused by changed living conditions, quantitatively and qualitatively insufficient nutrition, increased use of herbicides as well as various infectious diseases and the diseases of parasitic etiology. Since wild rabbits and hares pose a threat to health of domestic rabbits and people, knowledge of parasitic fauna of these wild animals is of extreme epizootiological and epidemiological importance., U radu su prikazane najznačajnije parazitske infekcije divljih kunića i zečeva, čiji se štetan uticaj kod ove populacije divljači manifestuje kao postepeno slabljenje imuniteta, smanjenje plodnosti, gubitak telesne mase i konstantna iscrpljenost organizma. Red Lagomorpha (zečevi ili dvojezupci) pripada nadredu viših sisara i obuhvata porodicu zečeva (Leporidae), koji su zastupljeni u Evropi i porodicu zečeva zviždača (Ochotonidae), koji žive samo u Severnoj Americi i severnim predelima Azije. Najznačajniji predstavnici familije Leporidae su evropski zec (Lepus europeus) i divlji kunić (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Najznačajnije endoparazitoze žečeva i divljih kunića su: kokcidioza, encefalitozoonoza (nozemoza), toksoplazmoza, sarkocistioza, đardioza, kriptosporidioza, protostrongiloza, trihostrongilidoza, pasaluroza, anoplocefalidoza, cisticerkoza i fascioloza. Najčešći ektoparaziti zečeva i divljih kunića su vaši, buve, krpelji, grinje i šugarci. Na smanjenje brojnosti populacije zečeva, koje je poslednjih godina utvrđeno u celoj Evropi i Srbiji, odgovorni su izmenjeni životni uslovi, kvalitativno i kvantitativno nezadovoljavajuća ishrana, sve veća upotreba herbicida, kao i različita oboljenja zarazne i parazitske etiologije. Pošto divlji kunići i zečevi predstavljaju rizik za zdravlje domaćih kunića i ljudi, od izuzetnog je epizootiološko/epidemiološkog značaja poznavanje parazitske faune ove vrste divljih životinja.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares, Parazitarnye infekcii dikih krolikov i zajcev, Parazitske infekcije divljih kunića i zečeva",
volume = "68",
number = "3-4",
pages = "241-250",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL1404241I"
Ilić, T., Petrović, T.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2014). Parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 68(3-4), 241-250.
Ilić T, Petrović T, Dimitrijević S. Parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2014;68(3-4):241-250.
doi:10.2298/VETGL1404241I .
Ilić, Tamara, Petrović, Tamaš, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Parasitic infections of wild rabbits and hares" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 68, no. 3-4 (2014):241-250,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL1404241I . .

Epizootiological characteristics of trichinellosis of domestic pigs in the Republic of Srpska

Despotović, Darko; Ilić, Tamara; Trailović, Dragiša; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad, 2013)

AU  - Despotović, Darko
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Trailović, Dragiša
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1080
AB  - Trichinellosis is parasitic disease affecting wildlife, domestic animals and humans, caused by the nematode of the genus Trichinella. Primary infection route is consumption of infected meat, thus trichinellosis represents a considerable health and economic problem. In the Republic of Srpska, the most common source of human infection is the meat of domestic pigs. Since recently, an increasing number of trichinellosis outbreaks have been attributed to consumption of meat of wild animals, which corresponds with the situation in other countries. During the last decade of the 20th century, numerous outbreaks involving large number of infected people have been reported. In the period 2001-2010, 1256 cases of animal trichinellosis were reported, 1166 of which were identified in domestic swine. In the municipality of Bijeljina, 656 cases were reported, which makes 56.26% of the total number of domestic pig infections recorded in the Republic of Srpska. The latest findings about the incidence of various Trichinella species in wild and domestic animals in Europe indicate that, regardless of application of preventive measures such as proper animal management and veterinary control of meat after slaughter, this disease remains the major health problem in this area.
AB  - Trihineloza je parazitsko oboljenje različitih vrsta divljih, domaćih životinja i ljudi, prouzrokovano nematodama iz roda Trichinella. Put prenosa bolesti je konzumacija inficiranog mesa, zbog čega trihineloza predstavlja značajan zdravstveni i ekonomski problem. U Republici Srpskoj najčešći izvor infekcije ljudi je meso domaće svinje, a u poslednje vreme sve veći broj epidemija je, kao i u svetu, uzrokovan mesom divljih životinja. Tokom poslednje decenije 20. veka zabeležene su brojne epidemije ljudi sa velikim brojem obolelih. U periodu od 2001. do 2010. godine prijavljeno je 1256 slučajeva trihineloze životinja, od čega 1166 slučajeva trihineloze domaćih svinja. Na teritoriji opštine Bijeljina prijavljeno je 656 slučajeva, odnosno 56,26% od ukupnog broja infekcija domaćih svinja u Republici Srpskoj. Najnovija saznanja o rasprostranjenosti različitih vrsta iz roda Trichinella kod divljih i domaćih životinja Evrope ukazuju da će i pored preduzimanja preventivnih mera, kao što su odgovarajuće držanje životinja i veterinarska kontrola mesa nakon klanja, ovo oboljenje još dugo predstavljati značajan zdravstveni problem na ovom području.
PB  - Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad
T2  - Arhiv veterinarske medicine
T1  - Epizootiological characteristics of trichinellosis of domestic pigs in the Republic of Srpska
T1  - Epizootiološke karakteristike trihineloze domaćih svinja na području Republike Srpske
VL  - 6
IS  - 1
SP  - 89
EP  - 101
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1080
ER  - 
author = "Despotović, Darko and Ilić, Tamara and Trailović, Dragiša and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Trichinellosis is parasitic disease affecting wildlife, domestic animals and humans, caused by the nematode of the genus Trichinella. Primary infection route is consumption of infected meat, thus trichinellosis represents a considerable health and economic problem. In the Republic of Srpska, the most common source of human infection is the meat of domestic pigs. Since recently, an increasing number of trichinellosis outbreaks have been attributed to consumption of meat of wild animals, which corresponds with the situation in other countries. During the last decade of the 20th century, numerous outbreaks involving large number of infected people have been reported. In the period 2001-2010, 1256 cases of animal trichinellosis were reported, 1166 of which were identified in domestic swine. In the municipality of Bijeljina, 656 cases were reported, which makes 56.26% of the total number of domestic pig infections recorded in the Republic of Srpska. The latest findings about the incidence of various Trichinella species in wild and domestic animals in Europe indicate that, regardless of application of preventive measures such as proper animal management and veterinary control of meat after slaughter, this disease remains the major health problem in this area., Trihineloza je parazitsko oboljenje različitih vrsta divljih, domaćih životinja i ljudi, prouzrokovano nematodama iz roda Trichinella. Put prenosa bolesti je konzumacija inficiranog mesa, zbog čega trihineloza predstavlja značajan zdravstveni i ekonomski problem. U Republici Srpskoj najčešći izvor infekcije ljudi je meso domaće svinje, a u poslednje vreme sve veći broj epidemija je, kao i u svetu, uzrokovan mesom divljih životinja. Tokom poslednje decenije 20. veka zabeležene su brojne epidemije ljudi sa velikim brojem obolelih. U periodu od 2001. do 2010. godine prijavljeno je 1256 slučajeva trihineloze životinja, od čega 1166 slučajeva trihineloze domaćih svinja. Na teritoriji opštine Bijeljina prijavljeno je 656 slučajeva, odnosno 56,26% od ukupnog broja infekcija domaćih svinja u Republici Srpskoj. Najnovija saznanja o rasprostranjenosti različitih vrsta iz roda Trichinella kod divljih i domaćih životinja Evrope ukazuju da će i pored preduzimanja preventivnih mera, kao što su odgovarajuće držanje životinja i veterinarska kontrola mesa nakon klanja, ovo oboljenje još dugo predstavljati značajan zdravstveni problem na ovom području.",
publisher = "Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad",
journal = "Arhiv veterinarske medicine",
title = "Epizootiological characteristics of trichinellosis of domestic pigs in the Republic of Srpska, Epizootiološke karakteristike trihineloze domaćih svinja na području Republike Srpske",
volume = "6",
number = "1",
pages = "89-101",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1080"
Despotović, D., Ilić, T., Trailović, D.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2013). Epizootiological characteristics of trichinellosis of domestic pigs in the Republic of Srpska. in Arhiv veterinarske medicine
Naučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad., 6(1), 89-101.
Despotović D, Ilić T, Trailović D, Dimitrijević S. Epizootiological characteristics of trichinellosis of domestic pigs in the Republic of Srpska. in Arhiv veterinarske medicine. 2013;6(1):89-101.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1080 .
Despotović, Darko, Ilić, Tamara, Trailović, Dragiša, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Epizootiological characteristics of trichinellosis of domestic pigs in the Republic of Srpska" in Arhiv veterinarske medicine, 6, no. 1 (2013):89-101,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_1080 .

Significance of wildfowl populations and their parasite fauna

Ilić, Tamara; Petrović, Tamaš; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Petrović, Tamaš
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/964
AB  - Populations of wildfowl have been categorised taxonomically into five families: Phasianidae, Tetraonidae, Scolopacidae, Otidae and Anatidae. They are of particular importance for agriculture, forestry and the game economy, and certain species also have an important role in the epizootiology of parasitic infections in domestic fowl and fish. That is why it is extremely important for the process of promoting the system of animal health protection to have knowledge regarding the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wildfowl. Diseases in wildfowl caused by protozoa are histomoniasis, trichomoniasis, malaria, coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, sarcocystosis, toxoplasmosis, and giardiasis. The most represented helminthiases in wildfowl are singamosis, capillariasis, trichostrongyliasis, ascaridiosis, heteraciosis, nematodosis of the glandular stomach, cestodoses and trematodoses. The most significant ectoparasites in wildfowl are mites, ticks, and fleas. The reduction of populations of certain widlfowl species in nature could present a major problem, having in mind the important role of these birds in ecosystems and biocenosis. The incidence, maintaining and spreading of parasitic infections among widlfowl are just some of the factors that affect the numbers of their populations.
AB  - Populacije divljih ptica su taksonomski kategorisane u pet familija - Phasianidae, Tetraonidae, Scolopacidae, Otidae i Anatidae. One su od posebnog značaja za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i lovnu privredu, a pojedine vrste imaju važnu ulogu i u epizootiologiji parazitskih infekcija domaćih ptica i riba. Zato je poznavanje etiologije i epizootiologije parazitskih infekcija divljih ptica od izuzetnog značaja za proces unapređenja sistema zaštite zdravlja životinja. Oboljenja divljih ptica prouzrokovana protozoama su histomonoza, trihomonoza, malarija, kokcidioza, kriptosporidioza, sarkocistioza, toksoplazmoza i đardioza. Najzastupljenije helmintoze divljih ptica su singamoza, kapilarioza, trihostrongilidoza, askaridioza, heterakioza, nematodoze žlezdanog želuca, cestodoze i trematodoze. Najznačajniji ektoparaziti divljih ptica su šugarci, buve, pavaši, grinje i krpelji. Smanjenje populacija pojedinih vrsta divljih ptica u prirodi može predstavljati značajan problem, s obzirom na važnu ulogu ovih jedinki u ekosistemima i biocenozama. Pojava, održavanje i širenje parazitskih infekcija divljih ptica su samo neki od činilaca koji utiču na brojnost njihovih populacija.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Significance of wildfowl populations and their parasite fauna
T1  - Značaj populacija divljih ptica i njihova parazitofauna
VL  - 67
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 105
EP  - 116
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL1302105I
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Petrović, Tamaš and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Populations of wildfowl have been categorised taxonomically into five families: Phasianidae, Tetraonidae, Scolopacidae, Otidae and Anatidae. They are of particular importance for agriculture, forestry and the game economy, and certain species also have an important role in the epizootiology of parasitic infections in domestic fowl and fish. That is why it is extremely important for the process of promoting the system of animal health protection to have knowledge regarding the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wildfowl. Diseases in wildfowl caused by protozoa are histomoniasis, trichomoniasis, malaria, coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, sarcocystosis, toxoplasmosis, and giardiasis. The most represented helminthiases in wildfowl are singamosis, capillariasis, trichostrongyliasis, ascaridiosis, heteraciosis, nematodosis of the glandular stomach, cestodoses and trematodoses. The most significant ectoparasites in wildfowl are mites, ticks, and fleas. The reduction of populations of certain widlfowl species in nature could present a major problem, having in mind the important role of these birds in ecosystems and biocenosis. The incidence, maintaining and spreading of parasitic infections among widlfowl are just some of the factors that affect the numbers of their populations., Populacije divljih ptica su taksonomski kategorisane u pet familija - Phasianidae, Tetraonidae, Scolopacidae, Otidae i Anatidae. One su od posebnog značaja za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i lovnu privredu, a pojedine vrste imaju važnu ulogu i u epizootiologiji parazitskih infekcija domaćih ptica i riba. Zato je poznavanje etiologije i epizootiologije parazitskih infekcija divljih ptica od izuzetnog značaja za proces unapređenja sistema zaštite zdravlja životinja. Oboljenja divljih ptica prouzrokovana protozoama su histomonoza, trihomonoza, malarija, kokcidioza, kriptosporidioza, sarkocistioza, toksoplazmoza i đardioza. Najzastupljenije helmintoze divljih ptica su singamoza, kapilarioza, trihostrongilidoza, askaridioza, heterakioza, nematodoze žlezdanog želuca, cestodoze i trematodoze. Najznačajniji ektoparaziti divljih ptica su šugarci, buve, pavaši, grinje i krpelji. Smanjenje populacija pojedinih vrsta divljih ptica u prirodi može predstavljati značajan problem, s obzirom na važnu ulogu ovih jedinki u ekosistemima i biocenozama. Pojava, održavanje i širenje parazitskih infekcija divljih ptica su samo neki od činilaca koji utiču na brojnost njihovih populacija.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Significance of wildfowl populations and their parasite fauna, Značaj populacija divljih ptica i njihova parazitofauna",
volume = "67",
number = "1-2",
pages = "105-116",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL1302105I"
Ilić, T., Petrović, T.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2013). Significance of wildfowl populations and their parasite fauna. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 67(1-2), 105-116.
Ilić T, Petrović T, Dimitrijević S. Significance of wildfowl populations and their parasite fauna. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2013;67(1-2):105-116.
doi:10.2298/VETGL1302105I .
Ilić, Tamara, Petrović, Tamaš, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Significance of wildfowl populations and their parasite fauna" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 67, no. 1-2 (2013):105-116,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL1302105I . .

Parasitic infections in cattle in North-Bačka District

Kočiš, J.; Ilić, Tamara; Šamanc, Horea; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Kočiš, J.
AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Šamanc, Horea
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/996
AB  - Because of indirect and direct damages, parasitic infections of cattle pose a threat to animals, so it is necessary to suppress them continuously. In order to carry out the action successfully, it is of crucial importance to deal with current data on their presence. The investigation was carried out in the region of North Bačka District during 2009. and 2010., in 224 heads of cattle grown at farms of various hygienic status and housing conditions. In this study, there are presented the results relating to helminthosis and mange prevalence in different age categories of cattle. Positive parasitological findings were determined in 43.30% of tested animals. There were diagnosed cestodes of Moniezia and Dicrocoelium dendriticum strain, gastro intestinal strongilides as well as mites of Psoroptes strain. During two years' investigation, there was found out the greatest prevalence of infections caused by gastro intestinal strongilides (19.78% and 29.32%). On the basis of the obtained results, it will be possible to use modern antihelmintics more effectively, as well as to implement measures in order to prevent both growth and survival of preparasitic stadiums in the environment and animal infection. The ultimate goal is to help providing more economical cattle production in the investigated region.
AB  - Zbog indirektnih i direktnih šteta parazitske infekcije goveda predstavljaju opasnost za životinje i potrebno ih je kontinuirano suzbijati, a da bi se taj proces uspešno sproveo neophodno je imati na raspolaganju realne podatke o njihovoj zastupljenosti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na području Severnobačkog okruga, tokom 2009. i 2010. godine, kod 224 govečeta, uzgajana na farmama različitog higijenskog statusa i u različitim uslovima držanja. U radu su prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na prevalenciju helmintoza i šuge kod različitih starosnih kategorija goveda. Pozitivan parazitološki nalaz je ustanovljen kod 43,30% pregledanih životinja. Dijagnostikovane su cestode iz roda Moniezia, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, želudačno-crevne strongilide i šugarci roda Psoroptes. Tokom obe godine istraživanja ustanovljena je najveća prevalencija infekcije želudačno-crevnim strongilidama (19,78% i 29,32%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata biće omogućena efikasnija primena modernih antihelmintika, sprovođenje mera u cilju sprečavanja razvoja i preživljavanja preparazitskih stadijuma u spoljašnjoj sredini i sprečavanje infekcije životinja, a sve sa ciljem da se obezbedi ekonomičnija govedarska proizvodnja u ispitivanom području.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
T2  - Veterinarski Glasnik
T1  - Parasitic infections in cattle in North-Bačka District
T1  - Parazitske infekcije goveda Severnobačkog okruga
VL  - 67
IS  - 5-6
SP  - 405
EP  - 416
DO  - 10.2298/VETGL1306405K
ER  - 
author = "Kočiš, J. and Ilić, Tamara and Šamanc, Horea and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Because of indirect and direct damages, parasitic infections of cattle pose a threat to animals, so it is necessary to suppress them continuously. In order to carry out the action successfully, it is of crucial importance to deal with current data on their presence. The investigation was carried out in the region of North Bačka District during 2009. and 2010., in 224 heads of cattle grown at farms of various hygienic status and housing conditions. In this study, there are presented the results relating to helminthosis and mange prevalence in different age categories of cattle. Positive parasitological findings were determined in 43.30% of tested animals. There were diagnosed cestodes of Moniezia and Dicrocoelium dendriticum strain, gastro intestinal strongilides as well as mites of Psoroptes strain. During two years' investigation, there was found out the greatest prevalence of infections caused by gastro intestinal strongilides (19.78% and 29.32%). On the basis of the obtained results, it will be possible to use modern antihelmintics more effectively, as well as to implement measures in order to prevent both growth and survival of preparasitic stadiums in the environment and animal infection. The ultimate goal is to help providing more economical cattle production in the investigated region., Zbog indirektnih i direktnih šteta parazitske infekcije goveda predstavljaju opasnost za životinje i potrebno ih je kontinuirano suzbijati, a da bi se taj proces uspešno sproveo neophodno je imati na raspolaganju realne podatke o njihovoj zastupljenosti. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na području Severnobačkog okruga, tokom 2009. i 2010. godine, kod 224 govečeta, uzgajana na farmama različitog higijenskog statusa i u različitim uslovima držanja. U radu su prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na prevalenciju helmintoza i šuge kod različitih starosnih kategorija goveda. Pozitivan parazitološki nalaz je ustanovljen kod 43,30% pregledanih životinja. Dijagnostikovane su cestode iz roda Moniezia, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, želudačno-crevne strongilide i šugarci roda Psoroptes. Tokom obe godine istraživanja ustanovljena je najveća prevalencija infekcije želudačno-crevnim strongilidama (19,78% i 29,32%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata biće omogućena efikasnija primena modernih antihelmintika, sprovođenje mera u cilju sprečavanja razvoja i preživljavanja preparazitskih stadijuma u spoljašnjoj sredini i sprečavanje infekcije životinja, a sve sa ciljem da se obezbedi ekonomičnija govedarska proizvodnja u ispitivanom području.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd",
journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik",
title = "Parasitic infections in cattle in North-Bačka District, Parazitske infekcije goveda Severnobačkog okruga",
volume = "67",
number = "5-6",
pages = "405-416",
doi = "10.2298/VETGL1306405K"
Kočiš, J., Ilić, T., Šamanc, H.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2013). Parasitic infections in cattle in North-Bačka District. in Veterinarski Glasnik
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 67(5-6), 405-416.
Kočiš J, Ilić T, Šamanc H, Dimitrijević S. Parasitic infections in cattle in North-Bačka District. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2013;67(5-6):405-416.
doi:10.2298/VETGL1306405K .
Kočiš, J., Ilić, Tamara, Šamanc, Horea, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Parasitic infections in cattle in North-Bačka District" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 67, no. 5-6 (2013):405-416,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL1306405K . .

Follow-up study of prevalence and control of ascariasis in swine populations in Serbia

Ilić, Tamara; Becskei, Zsolt; Tasić, Aleksandar; Dimitrijević, Sanda

(Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, 2013)

AU  - Ilić, Tamara
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
AU  - Tasić, Aleksandar
AU  - Dimitrijević, Sanda
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1009
AB  - The cause of the most significant helminth diseases in swine - Ascaris suum, can also causes infections in humans. The use of swine manure in agriculture renders the eggs of this ascaridida an accessible source of infection, thus posing a significant risk factor for human health. With the objective of proving the prevalence of infection with A. suum nematodes in the territory of Serbia, investigations were carried out in the period between 2007-2011 in the territories of five districts: North Baka, South Banat, Branievo, Zlatibor and Niava. The investigations covered coprological examinations of 1031 feces samples of swine originating from farms owned by individual breeders. The samples were examined using the standard flotation method with a saturated water solution of NaCl. The established prevalence of ascariasis infection amounted to 47.62% (1031/491). The biggest prevalence of infection was determined in the territory of the Branievo District, 65.78% (301/198), and the smallest in the territory of the Niava District, 32.24% (183/59). In spite of its prevalence and vast economic importance, there is still insufficient information about the key aspects of the biology and epidemiology of A. suum. Viewed from the aspect of epizootiology, it is very important to know the prevalence of swine infections with Ascaris because of the possible infection of humans by its migrating larvae.
PB  - Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham
T2  - Acta Parasitologica
T1  - Follow-up study of prevalence and control of ascariasis in swine populations in Serbia
VL  - 58
IS  - 3
SP  - 278
EP  - 283
DO  - 10.2478/s11686-013-0132-z
ER  - 
author = "Ilić, Tamara and Becskei, Zsolt and Tasić, Aleksandar and Dimitrijević, Sanda",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The cause of the most significant helminth diseases in swine - Ascaris suum, can also causes infections in humans. The use of swine manure in agriculture renders the eggs of this ascaridida an accessible source of infection, thus posing a significant risk factor for human health. With the objective of proving the prevalence of infection with A. suum nematodes in the territory of Serbia, investigations were carried out in the period between 2007-2011 in the territories of five districts: North Baka, South Banat, Branievo, Zlatibor and Niava. The investigations covered coprological examinations of 1031 feces samples of swine originating from farms owned by individual breeders. The samples were examined using the standard flotation method with a saturated water solution of NaCl. The established prevalence of ascariasis infection amounted to 47.62% (1031/491). The biggest prevalence of infection was determined in the territory of the Branievo District, 65.78% (301/198), and the smallest in the territory of the Niava District, 32.24% (183/59). In spite of its prevalence and vast economic importance, there is still insufficient information about the key aspects of the biology and epidemiology of A. suum. Viewed from the aspect of epizootiology, it is very important to know the prevalence of swine infections with Ascaris because of the possible infection of humans by its migrating larvae.",
publisher = "Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham",
journal = "Acta Parasitologica",
title = "Follow-up study of prevalence and control of ascariasis in swine populations in Serbia",
volume = "58",
number = "3",
pages = "278-283",
doi = "10.2478/s11686-013-0132-z"
Ilić, T., Becskei, Z., Tasić, A.,& Dimitrijević, S.. (2013). Follow-up study of prevalence and control of ascariasis in swine populations in Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham., 58(3), 278-283.
Ilić T, Becskei Z, Tasić A, Dimitrijević S. Follow-up study of prevalence and control of ascariasis in swine populations in Serbia. in Acta Parasitologica. 2013;58(3):278-283.
doi:10.2478/s11686-013-0132-z .
Ilić, Tamara, Becskei, Zsolt, Tasić, Aleksandar, Dimitrijević, Sanda, "Follow-up study of prevalence and control of ascariasis in swine populations in Serbia" in Acta Parasitologica, 58, no. 3 (2013):278-283,
https://doi.org/10.2478/s11686-013-0132-z . .