Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200050 (Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade)

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Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200050 (Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade) (en)
Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ugovor br. 451-03-68/2020-14/200050 (Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd) (sr_RS)
Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије, Уговор бр. 451-03-68/2020-14/200050 (Институт за хигијену и технологију меса, Београд) (sr)


Prevalence, genetic diversity, and quantification of the RNA genome of the hepatitis E virus in slaughtered pigs in Serbia

Milojević, Lazar; Velebit, Branko; Janković, Vesna; Mitrović, Radmila; Betić, Nikola; Simunović, Sara; Dimitrijević, Mirjana

(MDPI, 2024)

AU  - Milojević, Lazar
AU  - Velebit, Branko
AU  - Janković, Vesna
AU  - Mitrović, Radmila
AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Simunović, Sara
AU  - Dimitrijević, Mirjana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The goal of this study conducted in Serbia was to detect HEV in pig liver samples from
slaughterhouses, retail outlets, and environmental swabs over the course of a year. All positive
HEV samples were measured and expressed as HEV gene copy numbers per gram of sample, and a
representative number of samples were sequenced using the Sanger approach. A total of 45 HEVpositive samples were re-amplified using nested RT-PCR employing CODEHOP primers targeting
ORF2 (493 nucleotides). The average prevalence of the HEV genotype 3 in all pig liver samples from
the slaughterhouses was 29%, while HEV prevalence was 44% in liver samples from animals younger
than 3 months. HEV RNA was found in thirteen out of sixty (22%) environmental swab samples
that were taken from different surfaces along the slaughter line. Our findings confirmed seasonal
patterns in HEV prevalence, with two picks (summer and winter periods) during the one-year
examination. Among HEV-positive samples, the average viral particles for all positive liver samples
was 4.41 ± 1.69 log10 genome copies per gram. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the majority of HEV
strains (43/45) from Serbia were grouped in the HEV-3a subtype, while two strains were classified
into the HEV-3c subtype, and one strain could not be classified into any of the HEV-3 subtypes.
T2  - Animals
T1  - Prevalence, genetic diversity, and quantification of the RNA genome of the hepatitis E virus in slaughtered pigs in Serbia
VL  - 14
IS  - 4
SP  - 586
DO  - 10.3390/ani14040586
ER  - 
author = "Milojević, Lazar and Velebit, Branko and Janković, Vesna and Mitrović, Radmila and Betić, Nikola and Simunović, Sara and Dimitrijević, Mirjana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The goal of this study conducted in Serbia was to detect HEV in pig liver samples from
slaughterhouses, retail outlets, and environmental swabs over the course of a year. All positive
HEV samples were measured and expressed as HEV gene copy numbers per gram of sample, and a
representative number of samples were sequenced using the Sanger approach. A total of 45 HEVpositive samples were re-amplified using nested RT-PCR employing CODEHOP primers targeting
ORF2 (493 nucleotides). The average prevalence of the HEV genotype 3 in all pig liver samples from
the slaughterhouses was 29%, while HEV prevalence was 44% in liver samples from animals younger
than 3 months. HEV RNA was found in thirteen out of sixty (22%) environmental swab samples
that were taken from different surfaces along the slaughter line. Our findings confirmed seasonal
patterns in HEV prevalence, with two picks (summer and winter periods) during the one-year
examination. Among HEV-positive samples, the average viral particles for all positive liver samples
was 4.41 ± 1.69 log10 genome copies per gram. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the majority of HEV
strains (43/45) from Serbia were grouped in the HEV-3a subtype, while two strains were classified
into the HEV-3c subtype, and one strain could not be classified into any of the HEV-3 subtypes.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Animals",
title = "Prevalence, genetic diversity, and quantification of the RNA genome of the hepatitis E virus in slaughtered pigs in Serbia",
volume = "14",
number = "4",
pages = "586",
doi = "10.3390/ani14040586"
Milojević, L., Velebit, B., Janković, V., Mitrović, R., Betić, N., Simunović, S.,& Dimitrijević, M.. (2024). Prevalence, genetic diversity, and quantification of the RNA genome of the hepatitis E virus in slaughtered pigs in Serbia. in Animals
MDPI., 14(4), 586.
Milojević L, Velebit B, Janković V, Mitrović R, Betić N, Simunović S, Dimitrijević M. Prevalence, genetic diversity, and quantification of the RNA genome of the hepatitis E virus in slaughtered pigs in Serbia. in Animals. 2024;14(4):586.
doi:10.3390/ani14040586 .
Milojević, Lazar, Velebit, Branko, Janković, Vesna, Mitrović, Radmila, Betić, Nikola, Simunović, Sara, Dimitrijević, Mirjana, "Prevalence, genetic diversity, and quantification of the RNA genome of the hepatitis E virus in slaughtered pigs in Serbia" in Animals, 14, no. 4 (2024):586, . .

Uticaj infekcije parazitom Toxoplasma gondii na bezbednost mesa svinja u Srbiji

Betić, Nikola Z.

(Beograd : Fakultet veterinarske medicine, 2023)

AU  - Betić, Nikola Z.
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Паразити су веома значајни патогени који се преносе путем хране. Њихови специфични животни циклуси, путеви преношења и углавном дугачак период између инфекције и првих симптома болести, чине их значајним ризиком по јавно здравље. Такође, постоје изазови у детекцији, дијагностици и терапији. Токсоплазмоза се сматра најраспрострањенијом паразитском инфекцијом на глобалном нивоу. Изазива је протозоа Тoxoplasma gondii, један од најуспешнијих паразита животиња и људи с обзиром на способност паразитирања у свим ћелијама са једром великог броја домаћина. Због свог значаја како за ветеринарску тако и за хуману медицину, T. gondii представља један од највише проучаваних паразита. Постојећи подаци о серопреваленцији варирају између континената, држава, па и унутар самих држава и између појединих заједница. Конзумирање недовољно термички обрађеног (НТО) меса представља један од највећих фактора ризика за инфекцију људи паразитом T. gondii, при чему је месо свиња препознато као доминантан извор инфекције.
У Србији је спроведено више истраживања која су имала за циљ испитивање присуства паразита T. gondii код свиња. Ово истраживање, спроведено у периоду од маја 2017. до октобра 2019. године, имало је за циљ да на репрезентативном узорку свиња са територије целе земље утврди серопреваленцију и анализира факторе ризика за настанак инфекције код свиња на нивоу фарме одн. домаћинства, као и да се покуша изолација паразита из серопозитивних животиња и изврши генотипизација добијених изолата. На основу испитаних 825 узорака крви свиња помоћу методe теста аглутинације високе осетљивости (HSDA) утврђена је серопреваленција од 16,5%. Методом логистичке регресионе анализе утврђено је да су старост и неадекватна контрола глодара представљали независне факторе ризика за инфекцију. Од укупног броја испитаних свиња, за 581 свињу је урађена комплетна анкета везана за биосигурност на фармама, на основу које је статистички утврђено да поред старости као фактора ризика, већу вероватноћу за инфекцију T. gondii имају и јединке пореклом са малих фарми где се врши само тов свиња, затим са фарми где се гаји више различитих врста животиња, као и оне из региона западне и централно-југоисточне Србије.
Директно доказивање паразита вршено је помоћу биолошког огледа на мишевима, приликом чијег постављања је коришћено срце као модел јестивог органа. Од укупно 68 излучених крмача испитаних на присуство антитела, 33 је било серопозитивно, од којих је за 31 финализован биолошки оглед. Чак 13/31 (41,9%) биолошких огледа је имало позитиван исход, од којих су у седам случајева микроскопски детектоване ткивне цисте T. gondii, у још четири детектована је ДНК T. gondii, а у додатна два случаја мишеви су били серолошки позитивни.
Генотипизацијом помоћу пет стандарднних маркера Alt Sag2, BTUB, GRA6, C22-8 и PК-1, деловањем рестрикционих ензима на Mn-PCR продукте, било је могуће одредити генотип шест изолата. Утврђено је да сви ови изолати припадају клонском типу II T. gondii.
Резултати ове студије јасно показују ризик по јавно здравље од конзумирања НТО свињског меса и указују на потребу обавезног коришћења професионалних услуга
дератизације на фармама, затим уздржавања од гајења више различитих врста животиња, одржавања дезинфекционих баријера чистим и свеже напуњеним, као и бољег спровођења зоохигијенских мера на малим газдинствима.
PB  - Beograd : Fakultet veterinarske medicine
T2  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2023
T1  - Uticaj infekcije parazitom Toxoplasma gondii na bezbednost mesa svinja u Srbiji
T1  - Impact of Toxoplasma gondii infection on the safety of pork in Serbia
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Betić, Nikola Z.",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Паразити су веома значајни патогени који се преносе путем хране. Њихови специфични животни циклуси, путеви преношења и углавном дугачак период између инфекције и првих симптома болести, чине их значајним ризиком по јавно здравље. Такође, постоје изазови у детекцији, дијагностици и терапији. Токсоплазмоза се сматра најраспрострањенијом паразитском инфекцијом на глобалном нивоу. Изазива је протозоа Тoxoplasma gondii, један од најуспешнијих паразита животиња и људи с обзиром на способност паразитирања у свим ћелијама са једром великог броја домаћина. Због свог значаја како за ветеринарску тако и за хуману медицину, T. gondii представља један од највише проучаваних паразита. Постојећи подаци о серопреваленцији варирају између континената, држава, па и унутар самих држава и између појединих заједница. Конзумирање недовољно термички обрађеног (НТО) меса представља један од највећих фактора ризика за инфекцију људи паразитом T. gondii, при чему је месо свиња препознато као доминантан извор инфекције.
У Србији је спроведено више истраживања која су имала за циљ испитивање присуства паразита T. gondii код свиња. Ово истраживање, спроведено у периоду од маја 2017. до октобра 2019. године, имало је за циљ да на репрезентативном узорку свиња са територије целе земље утврди серопреваленцију и анализира факторе ризика за настанак инфекције код свиња на нивоу фарме одн. домаћинства, као и да се покуша изолација паразита из серопозитивних животиња и изврши генотипизација добијених изолата. На основу испитаних 825 узорака крви свиња помоћу методe теста аглутинације високе осетљивости (HSDA) утврђена је серопреваленција од 16,5%. Методом логистичке регресионе анализе утврђено је да су старост и неадекватна контрола глодара представљали независне факторе ризика за инфекцију. Од укупног броја испитаних свиња, за 581 свињу је урађена комплетна анкета везана за биосигурност на фармама, на основу које је статистички утврђено да поред старости као фактора ризика, већу вероватноћу за инфекцију T. gondii имају и јединке пореклом са малих фарми где се врши само тов свиња, затим са фарми где се гаји више различитих врста животиња, као и оне из региона западне и централно-југоисточне Србије.
Директно доказивање паразита вршено је помоћу биолошког огледа на мишевима, приликом чијег постављања је коришћено срце као модел јестивог органа. Од укупно 68 излучених крмача испитаних на присуство антитела, 33 је било серопозитивно, од којих је за 31 финализован биолошки оглед. Чак 13/31 (41,9%) биолошких огледа је имало позитиван исход, од којих су у седам случајева микроскопски детектоване ткивне цисте T. gondii, у још четири детектована је ДНК T. gondii, а у додатна два случаја мишеви су били серолошки позитивни.
Генотипизацијом помоћу пет стандарднних маркера Alt Sag2, BTUB, GRA6, C22-8 и PК-1, деловањем рестрикционих ензима на Mn-PCR продукте, било је могуће одредити генотип шест изолата. Утврђено је да сви ови изолати припадају клонском типу II T. gondii.
Резултати ове студије јасно показују ризик по јавно здравље од конзумирања НТО свињског меса и указују на потребу обавезног коришћења професионалних услуга
дератизације на фармама, затим уздржавања од гајења више различитих врста животиња, одржавања дезинфекционих баријера чистим и свеже напуњеним, као и бољег спровођења зоохигијенских мера на малим газдинствима.",
publisher = "Beograd : Fakultet veterinarske medicine",
journal = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2023",
title = "Uticaj infekcije parazitom Toxoplasma gondii na bezbednost mesa svinja u Srbiji, Impact of Toxoplasma gondii infection on the safety of pork in Serbia",
url = ""
Betić, N. Z.. (2023). Uticaj infekcije parazitom Toxoplasma gondii na bezbednost mesa svinja u Srbiji. in Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2023
Beograd : Fakultet veterinarske medicine..
Betić NZ. Uticaj infekcije parazitom Toxoplasma gondii na bezbednost mesa svinja u Srbiji. in Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2023. 2023;. .
Betić, Nikola Z., "Uticaj infekcije parazitom Toxoplasma gondii na bezbednost mesa svinja u Srbiji" in Univerzitet u Beogradu, 2023 (2023), .

Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages

Bajčić, Aleksandar; Petronijević, Radivoj; Suvajdžić, Branko; Tomović, Vladimir; Stajković, Silvana; Vasilev, Dragan

(Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2023)

AU  - Bajčić, Aleksandar
AU  - Petronijević, Radivoj
AU  - Suvajdžić, Branko
AU  - Tomović, Vladimir
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Total replacement of pork backfat with inulin-collagen suspension in the production of cooked-emulsified sausages
was investigated. Four groups of sausages were produced: control sausages (backfat 25 %), Series A (backfat 15 %,
inulin 4 %, and collagen 0.7 %), Series B (backfat 7.5 %, inulin 4 %, and collagen 1.2 %) and Series C (inulin 4 % and
collagen 1.65 %). Physico-chemical properties, chemical composition, fatty acid profile, lipid oxidation parameters,
colour, textural and sensory parameters were determined. The results showed that total replacement of pork backfat
with inulin-collagen suspension is possible, considering that the low-fat Series C sausages had acceptable sensory properties, lower free fat content (8.5 ± 1.8 g∙kg-1), lower cholesterol content (462.3 ± 49.3 mg·kg-1) and higher content
of carbohydrates-prebiotics (74.6 ± 8.4 g∙kg-1) than the control sausages. Series C sausages also had lower polyunsaturated, higher monounsaturated and a similar saturated fatty acids contents compared to the control product. Total
fat replacement led to a decrease in values of lightness and redness but did not influence yellowness or the texture
parameters. Regarding quality parameters, sausages with partially replaced pork backfat were not superior to those
with total fat replacement.
PB  - Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
T2  - Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
T1  - Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages
VL  - 62
IS  - 1
SP  - 35
EP  - 45
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bajčić, Aleksandar and Petronijević, Radivoj and Suvajdžić, Branko and Tomović, Vladimir and Stajković, Silvana and Vasilev, Dragan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Total replacement of pork backfat with inulin-collagen suspension in the production of cooked-emulsified sausages
was investigated. Four groups of sausages were produced: control sausages (backfat 25 %), Series A (backfat 15 %,
inulin 4 %, and collagen 0.7 %), Series B (backfat 7.5 %, inulin 4 %, and collagen 1.2 %) and Series C (inulin 4 % and
collagen 1.65 %). Physico-chemical properties, chemical composition, fatty acid profile, lipid oxidation parameters,
colour, textural and sensory parameters were determined. The results showed that total replacement of pork backfat
with inulin-collagen suspension is possible, considering that the low-fat Series C sausages had acceptable sensory properties, lower free fat content (8.5 ± 1.8 g∙kg-1), lower cholesterol content (462.3 ± 49.3 mg·kg-1) and higher content
of carbohydrates-prebiotics (74.6 ± 8.4 g∙kg-1) than the control sausages. Series C sausages also had lower polyunsaturated, higher monounsaturated and a similar saturated fatty acids contents compared to the control product. Total
fat replacement led to a decrease in values of lightness and redness but did not influence yellowness or the texture
parameters. Regarding quality parameters, sausages with partially replaced pork backfat were not superior to those
with total fat replacement.",
publisher = "Journal of Food and Nutrition Research",
journal = "Journal of Food and Nutrition Research",
title = "Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages",
volume = "62",
number = "1",
pages = "35-45",
url = ""
Bajčić, A., Petronijević, R., Suvajdžić, B., Tomović, V., Stajković, S.,& Vasilev, D.. (2023). Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages. in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research., 62(1), 35-45.
Bajčić A, Petronijević R, Suvajdžić B, Tomović V, Stajković S, Vasilev D. Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages. in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2023;62(1):35-45. .
Bajčić, Aleksandar, Petronijević, Radivoj, Suvajdžić, Branko, Tomović, Vladimir, Stajković, Silvana, Vasilev, Dragan, "Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages" in Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 62, no. 1 (2023):35-45, .

Toxoplasma gondii — control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain

Betić, Nikola; Branković Lazić, Ivana; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Vasilev, Dragan; Uzelac, Aleksandra; Klun, Ivana

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Branković Lazić, Ivana
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Uzelac, Aleksandra
AU  - Klun, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Parasites are highly significant pathogens that are transmitted through food. Their specific
life cycles, transmission routes, and usually a lengthy period between infection and the first
symptoms of the disease make them a substantial risk to public health. Additionally, there
are challenges in detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Toxoplasmosis is considered the most
widespread parasitic infection on a global scale. It is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma
gondii, one of the most successful parasites of animals and humans due to its ability to parasitize
within the nuclei of a wide range of hosts. Because of its importance in both veterinary
and human medicine, T. gondii is one of the most extensively studied parasites. Existing data
show seroprevalences differ across continents, countries, and even within states and among
specific communities. Consuming undercooked meat presents one of the greatest risk factors
for human infection with the T. gondii parasite, with pork being recognized as a dominant
source of infection.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Toxoplasma gondii — control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 129
EP  - 132
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.22
ER  - 
author = "Betić, Nikola and Branković Lazić, Ivana and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Vasilev, Dragan and Uzelac, Aleksandra and Klun, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Parasites are highly significant pathogens that are transmitted through food. Their specific
life cycles, transmission routes, and usually a lengthy period between infection and the first
symptoms of the disease make them a substantial risk to public health. Additionally, there
are challenges in detection, diagnosis, and treatment. Toxoplasmosis is considered the most
widespread parasitic infection on a global scale. It is caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma
gondii, one of the most successful parasites of animals and humans due to its ability to parasitize
within the nuclei of a wide range of hosts. Because of its importance in both veterinary
and human medicine, T. gondii is one of the most extensively studied parasites. Existing data
show seroprevalences differ across continents, countries, and even within states and among
specific communities. Consuming undercooked meat presents one of the greatest risk factors
for human infection with the T. gondii parasite, with pork being recognized as a dominant
source of infection.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Toxoplasma gondii — control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "129-132",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.22"
Betić, N., Branković Lazić, I., Karabasil, N., Vasilev, D., Uzelac, A.,& Klun, I.. (2023). Toxoplasma gondii — control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 129-132.
Betić N, Branković Lazić I, Karabasil N, Vasilev D, Uzelac A, Klun I. Toxoplasma gondii — control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):129-132.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.22 .
Betić, Nikola, Branković Lazić, Ivana, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Vasilev, Dragan, Uzelac, Aleksandra, Klun, Ivana, "Toxoplasma gondii — control measures for reducing risks in the pork production chain" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):129-132, . .

Detection of milk fat in dairy products — an alternative approach

Bajčić, Aleksandar; Trbović, Dejana; Vasilev, Dragan; Đorđević, Vesna; Branković Lazić, Ivana; Silađi, Čaba; Petronijević, Radivoj

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Bajčić, Aleksandar
AU  - Trbović, Dejana
AU  - Vasilev, Dragan
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
AU  - Branković Lazić, Ivana
AU  - Silađi, Čaba
AU  - Petronijević, Radivoj
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Milk fat is a highly valuable product, which is why accurate determination of its content in
milk and milk products is very important. The use of the GC-FID method in our study proved
to be very precise, as in the case of other authors, which signifies the importance of using this
method to quantify milk fat. A total of 51 samples of dairy products were analyzed for fatty acid
composition with particular attention to butyric acid. Butyric acid contents were in the range
from 3.4 ± 0.73 in yogurt to 4.60 ± 0.08 in butter. Milk fat was in the range from 98.5 ± 4.77
in yogurt to 115.0 ± 1.73 in butter. Our results were in accordance with those of many other
authors. Development of butyric acid and milk fat analyses in dairy products by GC-FID is essential
for laboratories that must conduct analyses for food production, quality control during
production, and inspection tasks for the import and export of these food products.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Detection of milk fat in dairy products — an alternative approach
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 285
EP  - 288
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.53
ER  - 
author = "Bajčić, Aleksandar and Trbović, Dejana and Vasilev, Dragan and Đorđević, Vesna and Branković Lazić, Ivana and Silađi, Čaba and Petronijević, Radivoj",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Milk fat is a highly valuable product, which is why accurate determination of its content in
milk and milk products is very important. The use of the GC-FID method in our study proved
to be very precise, as in the case of other authors, which signifies the importance of using this
method to quantify milk fat. A total of 51 samples of dairy products were analyzed for fatty acid
composition with particular attention to butyric acid. Butyric acid contents were in the range
from 3.4 ± 0.73 in yogurt to 4.60 ± 0.08 in butter. Milk fat was in the range from 98.5 ± 4.77
in yogurt to 115.0 ± 1.73 in butter. Our results were in accordance with those of many other
authors. Development of butyric acid and milk fat analyses in dairy products by GC-FID is essential
for laboratories that must conduct analyses for food production, quality control during
production, and inspection tasks for the import and export of these food products.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Detection of milk fat in dairy products — an alternative approach",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "285-288",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.53"
Bajčić, A., Trbović, D., Vasilev, D., Đorđević, V., Branković Lazić, I., Silađi, Č.,& Petronijević, R.. (2023). Detection of milk fat in dairy products — an alternative approach. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 285-288.
Bajčić A, Trbović D, Vasilev D, Đorđević V, Branković Lazić I, Silađi Č, Petronijević R. Detection of milk fat in dairy products — an alternative approach. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):285-288.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.53 .
Bajčić, Aleksandar, Trbović, Dejana, Vasilev, Dragan, Đorđević, Vesna, Branković Lazić, Ivana, Silađi, Čaba, Petronijević, Radivoj, "Detection of milk fat in dairy products — an alternative approach" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):285-288, . .

Changes in bacterial status and aw values during the maturation of fermented sausages

Mitrović, Radmila; Janjić, Jelena; Janković, Vesna; Lakićević, Brankica; Milojević, Lazar; Velebit, Branko; Baltić, Branislav

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Mitrović, Radmila
AU  - Janjić, Jelena
AU  - Janković, Vesna
AU  - Lakićević, Brankica
AU  - Milojević, Lazar
AU  - Velebit, Branko
AU  - Baltić, Branislav
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This study presents the results related to changes in aw value and bacteriological status of
fermented sausages during maturation without and with added starter culture, stuffed into a
narrower and wider casing. Values of aw of narrower and wider diameter sausages with and
without added starter cultures decreased during ripening, and were close to values of 0.9.
Enterobacteriaceae in narrower diameter sausages were not detected on day 18, i.e., the end of
the ripening process, and these bacteria were not detected in wider diameter fermented sausages
on day 25 or at the end of ripening (day 35). The increase in the lactic acid bacteria in narrow
and wider diameter sausages without added starter culture was slower than the increase in the
number of these bacteria in sausages with added starter culture.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Changes in bacterial status and aw values during the maturation of fermented sausages
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 106
EP  - 110
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.18
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Radmila and Janjić, Jelena and Janković, Vesna and Lakićević, Brankica and Milojević, Lazar and Velebit, Branko and Baltić, Branislav",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This study presents the results related to changes in aw value and bacteriological status of
fermented sausages during maturation without and with added starter culture, stuffed into a
narrower and wider casing. Values of aw of narrower and wider diameter sausages with and
without added starter cultures decreased during ripening, and were close to values of 0.9.
Enterobacteriaceae in narrower diameter sausages were not detected on day 18, i.e., the end of
the ripening process, and these bacteria were not detected in wider diameter fermented sausages
on day 25 or at the end of ripening (day 35). The increase in the lactic acid bacteria in narrow
and wider diameter sausages without added starter culture was slower than the increase in the
number of these bacteria in sausages with added starter culture.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Changes in bacterial status and aw values during the maturation of fermented sausages",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "106-110",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.18"
Mitrović, R., Janjić, J., Janković, V., Lakićević, B., Milojević, L., Velebit, B.,& Baltić, B.. (2023). Changes in bacterial status and aw values during the maturation of fermented sausages. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 106-110.
Mitrović R, Janjić J, Janković V, Lakićević B, Milojević L, Velebit B, Baltić B. Changes in bacterial status and aw values during the maturation of fermented sausages. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):106-110.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.18 .
Mitrović, Radmila, Janjić, Jelena, Janković, Vesna, Lakićević, Brankica, Milojević, Lazar, Velebit, Branko, Baltić, Branislav, "Changes in bacterial status and aw values during the maturation of fermented sausages" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):106-110, . .

Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021

Baltić, Branislav; Aksentijević, Ksenija; Bogunović, Danica; Starčević, Marija; Mitrović, Radmila; Mrdović, Boris; Janjić, Jelena

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Baltić, Branislav
AU  - Aksentijević, Ksenija
AU  - Bogunović, Danica
AU  - Starčević, Marija
AU  - Mitrović, Radmila
AU  - Mrdović, Boris
AU  - Janjić, Jelena
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In the Serbian market, fish is available from aquaculture (such as carp and trout) and from
fishing (commercial and recreational catch). In the past ten years, from 2012 to 2021, there
has been a decrease in the production of carp due to reduced farming areas, but trout production
has increased. On average, during this period, aquaculture production yielded approximately
5,491 tons of carp and 2,977 tons of trout, while the fish catch averaged around
2,979 tons. The yield per hectare in carp ponds was 800 kg, while in trout ponds, it was
20 kg per square meter. As the demand for fish exceeds the domestic supply, the market is
supplemented with imported fish.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 329
EP  - 333
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.62
ER  - 
author = "Baltić, Branislav and Aksentijević, Ksenija and Bogunović, Danica and Starčević, Marija and Mitrović, Radmila and Mrdović, Boris and Janjić, Jelena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the Serbian market, fish is available from aquaculture (such as carp and trout) and from
fishing (commercial and recreational catch). In the past ten years, from 2012 to 2021, there
has been a decrease in the production of carp due to reduced farming areas, but trout production
has increased. On average, during this period, aquaculture production yielded approximately
5,491 tons of carp and 2,977 tons of trout, while the fish catch averaged around
2,979 tons. The yield per hectare in carp ponds was 800 kg, while in trout ponds, it was
20 kg per square meter. As the demand for fish exceeds the domestic supply, the market is
supplemented with imported fish.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "329-333",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.62"
Baltić, B., Aksentijević, K., Bogunović, D., Starčević, M., Mitrović, R., Mrdović, B.,& Janjić, J.. (2023). Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 329-333.
Baltić B, Aksentijević K, Bogunović D, Starčević M, Mitrović R, Mrdović B, Janjić J. Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):329-333.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.62 .
Baltić, Branislav, Aksentijević, Ksenija, Bogunović, Danica, Starčević, Marija, Mitrović, Radmila, Mrdović, Boris, Janjić, Jelena, "Investigation of the volume of fish production and catch in Serbia from 2012 to 2021" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):329-333, . .

Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs in Serbia

Uzelac, Aleksandra; Betić, Nikola; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Ćirković, Vladimir; Đurković-Đaković, Olgica; Klun, Ivana

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Uzelac, Aleksandra
AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Ćirković, Vladimir
AU  - Đurković-Đaković, Olgica
AU  - Klun, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Toxoplasma gondii is a common zoonotic intracellular parasite in livestock raised for
human consumption and is a public health concern. The mode of transmission is ingestion,
and meat is considered to be a major vehicle for human and animal infection. As
T. gondii is environmentally transmissible, other important vehicles in particular for
animals include vegetation, soil and water. The seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in
pigs is Serbia has been determined in several studies over the past two decades. It has
been established that it varies considerably, primarily based on husbandry, with strictly
to mostly indoor animals having a lower prevalence (below 20%) than animals raised
outdoors, where prevalence exceeds 60%. Experimental data suggests that different
genotypes of the parasite vary in virulence, but the significance of virulence in terms of
pathology and disease manifestations is still being investigated. Genotypes of T. gondii
isolated from pig tissues in Serbia to date are ToxoDB#1 (archetype II) and ToxoDB#2
(archetype III). Archetype II is predominant and, based on historical reports and recent
findings, low to intermediately virulent. The virulence phenotype and mechanisms of
archetype III, however, have not been extensively studied, but recent data suggests that
its virulence may vary considerably. This review will also summarize the current knowledge
regarding the virulence of archetypes II and III and evaluate it in the context of
the pig host.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs in Serbia
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 82
EP  - 88
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.14
ER  - 
author = "Uzelac, Aleksandra and Betić, Nikola and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Ćirković, Vladimir and Đurković-Đaković, Olgica and Klun, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Toxoplasma gondii is a common zoonotic intracellular parasite in livestock raised for
human consumption and is a public health concern. The mode of transmission is ingestion,
and meat is considered to be a major vehicle for human and animal infection. As
T. gondii is environmentally transmissible, other important vehicles in particular for
animals include vegetation, soil and water. The seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in
pigs is Serbia has been determined in several studies over the past two decades. It has
been established that it varies considerably, primarily based on husbandry, with strictly
to mostly indoor animals having a lower prevalence (below 20%) than animals raised
outdoors, where prevalence exceeds 60%. Experimental data suggests that different
genotypes of the parasite vary in virulence, but the significance of virulence in terms of
pathology and disease manifestations is still being investigated. Genotypes of T. gondii
isolated from pig tissues in Serbia to date are ToxoDB#1 (archetype II) and ToxoDB#2
(archetype III). Archetype II is predominant and, based on historical reports and recent
findings, low to intermediately virulent. The virulence phenotype and mechanisms of
archetype III, however, have not been extensively studied, but recent data suggests that
its virulence may vary considerably. This review will also summarize the current knowledge
regarding the virulence of archetypes II and III and evaluate it in the context of
the pig host.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs in Serbia",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "82-88",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.14"
Uzelac, A., Betić, N., Karabasil, N., Ćirković, V., Đurković-Đaković, O.,& Klun, I.. (2023). Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs in Serbia. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 82-88.
Uzelac A, Betić N, Karabasil N, Ćirković V, Đurković-Đaković O, Klun I. Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs in Serbia. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):82-88.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.14 .
Uzelac, Aleksandra, Betić, Nikola, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Ćirković, Vladimir, Đurković-Đaković, Olgica, Klun, Ivana, "Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs in Serbia" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):82-88, . .

Microbiological status of minced meat at retail in Belgrade district

Betić, Nikola; Branković Lazić, Ivana; Milojević, Lazar; Vićić, Ivan; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Parunović, Nenad; Đorđević, Vesna

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Branković Lazić, Ivana
AU  - Milojević, Lazar
AU  - Vićić, Ivan
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Parunović, Nenad
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This study was conducted to determine the microbiological status of 390 beef and pork
minced meat samples collected over three years from 52 retailers in the territory of Belgrade.
The numbers of aerobic colony counts, Escherichia coli, and the presence of Salmonella spp.
are prescribed criteria for this group of meat semi‑products. Salmonella spp. was confirmed
in one sample of minced beef meat (0.8%), while unsatisfactory E. coli counts were only
determined in pork meat samples (2.7%). In 2021, all samples complied with the microbiological
criteria for minced meat The highest occurrence of positive samples was observed
during the III quarter of 2022 (P=0.04) with a frequency of 9.3%. The level of contamination
of minced pork with E. coli bacteria in the same quarter was significantly higher compared to
the II quarter of 2022 (627±75 vs. 292±9 cfu/g, P=0.009). Improvement of process hygiene
and revision of process control, along with permanent education of food staff on the principles
of GMP and GHP, are necessary for maintaining food safety and public health.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Microbiological status of minced meat at retail in Belgrade district
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 460
EP  - 464
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.88
ER  - 
author = "Betić, Nikola and Branković Lazić, Ivana and Milojević, Lazar and Vićić, Ivan and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Parunović, Nenad and Đorđević, Vesna",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This study was conducted to determine the microbiological status of 390 beef and pork
minced meat samples collected over three years from 52 retailers in the territory of Belgrade.
The numbers of aerobic colony counts, Escherichia coli, and the presence of Salmonella spp.
are prescribed criteria for this group of meat semi‑products. Salmonella spp. was confirmed
in one sample of minced beef meat (0.8%), while unsatisfactory E. coli counts were only
determined in pork meat samples (2.7%). In 2021, all samples complied with the microbiological
criteria for minced meat The highest occurrence of positive samples was observed
during the III quarter of 2022 (P=0.04) with a frequency of 9.3%. The level of contamination
of minced pork with E. coli bacteria in the same quarter was significantly higher compared to
the II quarter of 2022 (627±75 vs. 292±9 cfu/g, P=0.009). Improvement of process hygiene
and revision of process control, along with permanent education of food staff on the principles
of GMP and GHP, are necessary for maintaining food safety and public health.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Microbiological status of minced meat at retail in Belgrade district",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "460-464",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.88"
Betić, N., Branković Lazić, I., Milojević, L., Vićić, I., Karabasil, N., Parunović, N.,& Đorđević, V.. (2023). Microbiological status of minced meat at retail in Belgrade district. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 460-464.
Betić N, Branković Lazić I, Milojević L, Vićić I, Karabasil N, Parunović N, Đorđević V. Microbiological status of minced meat at retail in Belgrade district. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):460-464.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.88 .
Betić, Nikola, Branković Lazić, Ivana, Milojević, Lazar, Vićić, Ivan, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Parunović, Nenad, Đorđević, Vesna, "Microbiological status of minced meat at retail in Belgrade district" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):460-464, . .

Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products

Spirić, Danka; Stefanović, Srđan; Silađi, Čaba; Petronijević, Radivoj; Gerić, Tamara; Borjan, Nikola; Stajković, Silvana

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Spirić, Danka
AU  - Stefanović, Srđan
AU  - Silađi, Čaba
AU  - Petronijević, Radivoj
AU  - Gerić, Tamara
AU  - Borjan, Nikola
AU  - Stajković, Silvana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to develop a quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) method suitable for quantification of synthetic food colors, used as additives
or occurring as adulterants in the food or cosmetics industries. Ten colors were validated
in terms of limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, trueness and
applicability. All tested parameters of the validation were within acceptable values, and
the method was comparable to the existing high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC
UV-PDA) method.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 449
EP  - 452
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.86
ER  - 
author = "Spirić, Danka and Stefanović, Srđan and Silađi, Čaba and Petronijević, Radivoj and Gerić, Tamara and Borjan, Nikola and Stajković, Silvana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to develop a quadrupole liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) method suitable for quantification of synthetic food colors, used as additives
or occurring as adulterants in the food or cosmetics industries. Ten colors were validated
in terms of limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, trueness and
applicability. All tested parameters of the validation were within acceptable values, and
the method was comparable to the existing high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC
UV-PDA) method.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "449-452",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.86"
Spirić, D., Stefanović, S., Silađi, Č., Petronijević, R., Gerić, T., Borjan, N.,& Stajković, S.. (2023). Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 449-452.
Spirić D, Stefanović S, Silađi Č, Petronijević R, Gerić T, Borjan N, Stajković S. Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):449-452.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.86 .
Spirić, Danka, Stefanović, Srđan, Silađi, Čaba, Petronijević, Radivoj, Gerić, Tamara, Borjan, Nikola, Stajković, Silvana, "Validation of LC-MS/MS for food colors in foodstuffs and household products" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):449-452, . .

Ensuring the safety of cooked and smoked sausages of a narrower diameter, in a cellulose casing, by heat treatment

Rašeta, Mladen; Branković-Lazić, Ivana; Mrdović, Boris; Simunović, Stefan; Simunović, Sara; Jovanović, Jelena; Becskei, Zsolt

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Rašeta, Mladen
AU  - Branković-Lazić, Ivana
AU  - Mrdović, Boris
AU  - Simunović, Stefan
AU  - Simunović, Sara
AU  - Jovanović, Jelena
AU  - Becskei, Zsolt
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this work is to ensure the safety of finely chopped cooked sausages stuffed in a cellulose
casing, diameter 21 mm. Safety is ensured by thermal treatment of the level of pasteurization
in a chamber under a defined thermal treatment program. By monitoring the temperature
in the product’s thermal center at different control positions in the chamber, temperatures
of 75.26℃–77.11°C were determined with a thermocouple. In doing so, the products spent
8–9 minutes at a temperature higher than 70°C, and 18–20 minutes at a temperature higher
than 55°C. Considering that it is a small diameter product, the heat intensively penetrates to
the thermal center and thus ensures the safety of the product. However, due to the relatively
short time of the heat treatment, the pasteurization values (pv) at the control points were in the
range of 18.3–26 minutes. Therefore, we conclude that ensuring the safety of products with
a narrower diameter is achieved only by controlling the temperature in the thermal center of
the product, and not with pv values. Considering that this sausage is a perishable product,
it is necessary to provide a proper cold chain (0–4℃) after manufacture so that the product
remains suitable for consumption within the period defined in a shelf‑life study.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Ensuring the safety of cooked and smoked sausages of a narrower diameter, in a cellulose casing, by heat treatment
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 453
EP  - 459
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.87
ER  - 
author = "Rašeta, Mladen and Branković-Lazić, Ivana and Mrdović, Boris and Simunović, Stefan and Simunović, Sara and Jovanović, Jelena and Becskei, Zsolt",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this work is to ensure the safety of finely chopped cooked sausages stuffed in a cellulose
casing, diameter 21 mm. Safety is ensured by thermal treatment of the level of pasteurization
in a chamber under a defined thermal treatment program. By monitoring the temperature
in the product’s thermal center at different control positions in the chamber, temperatures
of 75.26℃–77.11°C were determined with a thermocouple. In doing so, the products spent
8–9 minutes at a temperature higher than 70°C, and 18–20 minutes at a temperature higher
than 55°C. Considering that it is a small diameter product, the heat intensively penetrates to
the thermal center and thus ensures the safety of the product. However, due to the relatively
short time of the heat treatment, the pasteurization values (pv) at the control points were in the
range of 18.3–26 minutes. Therefore, we conclude that ensuring the safety of products with
a narrower diameter is achieved only by controlling the temperature in the thermal center of
the product, and not with pv values. Considering that this sausage is a perishable product,
it is necessary to provide a proper cold chain (0–4℃) after manufacture so that the product
remains suitable for consumption within the period defined in a shelf‑life study.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Ensuring the safety of cooked and smoked sausages of a narrower diameter, in a cellulose casing, by heat treatment",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "453-459",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.87"
Rašeta, M., Branković-Lazić, I., Mrdović, B., Simunović, S., Simunović, S., Jovanović, J.,& Becskei, Z.. (2023). Ensuring the safety of cooked and smoked sausages of a narrower diameter, in a cellulose casing, by heat treatment. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 453-459.
Rašeta M, Branković-Lazić I, Mrdović B, Simunović S, Simunović S, Jovanović J, Becskei Z. Ensuring the safety of cooked and smoked sausages of a narrower diameter, in a cellulose casing, by heat treatment. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):453-459.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.87 .
Rašeta, Mladen, Branković-Lazić, Ivana, Mrdović, Boris, Simunović, Stefan, Simunović, Sara, Jovanović, Jelena, Becskei, Zsolt, "Ensuring the safety of cooked and smoked sausages of a narrower diameter, in a cellulose casing, by heat treatment" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):453-459, . .

Examination of the volume of meat production and the value of meat imports to Serbia from 2012 to 2021

Branković Lazić, Ivana; Baltić, Milan Ž.; Simunović, Stefan; Ćirić, Jelena; Baltić, Tatjana; Jovanović, Jelena; Đorđević, Vesna Ž.

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Branković Lazić, Ivana
AU  - Baltić, Milan Ž.
AU  - Simunović, Stefan
AU  - Ćirić, Jelena
AU  - Baltić, Tatjana
AU  - Jovanović, Jelena
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna Ž.
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In the overall meat production, pork accounted for over 50%. The trend in meat production
during the observed period indicates an increase in production volume. The increased
production volume is based on the fact that the slaughtering of cattle and the import of live
animals to Serbia (pigs and poultry) for feeding and slaughtering as live animals from Serbia
have both increased. The crisis in livestock farming in Serbia is evident from the data that
the average value of meat and processed meat products imported and the value of live animal
imports averaged over $US 150 million from 2012 to 2021.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Examination of the volume of meat production and the value of meat imports to Serbia from 2012 to 2021
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 500
EP  - 504
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.96
ER  - 
author = "Branković Lazić, Ivana and Baltić, Milan Ž. and Simunović, Stefan and Ćirić, Jelena and Baltić, Tatjana and Jovanović, Jelena and Đorđević, Vesna Ž.",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the overall meat production, pork accounted for over 50%. The trend in meat production
during the observed period indicates an increase in production volume. The increased
production volume is based on the fact that the slaughtering of cattle and the import of live
animals to Serbia (pigs and poultry) for feeding and slaughtering as live animals from Serbia
have both increased. The crisis in livestock farming in Serbia is evident from the data that
the average value of meat and processed meat products imported and the value of live animal
imports averaged over $US 150 million from 2012 to 2021.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Examination of the volume of meat production and the value of meat imports to Serbia from 2012 to 2021",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "500-504",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.96"
Branković Lazić, I., Baltić, M. Ž., Simunović, S., Ćirić, J., Baltić, T., Jovanović, J.,& Đorđević, V. Ž.. (2023). Examination of the volume of meat production and the value of meat imports to Serbia from 2012 to 2021. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 500-504.
Branković Lazić I, Baltić MŽ, Simunović S, Ćirić J, Baltić T, Jovanović J, Đorđević VŽ. Examination of the volume of meat production and the value of meat imports to Serbia from 2012 to 2021. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):500-504.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.96 .
Branković Lazić, Ivana, Baltić, Milan Ž., Simunović, Stefan, Ćirić, Jelena, Baltić, Tatjana, Jovanović, Jelena, Đorđević, Vesna Ž., "Examination of the volume of meat production and the value of meat imports to Serbia from 2012 to 2021" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):500-504, . .

A Pork Industry in the Backyard: An Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Serbia’s Pigs

Uzelac, Aleksandra; Betić, Nikola; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Ćirković, Vladimir; Djurković-Djaković, Olgica; Klun, Ivana

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Uzelac, Aleksandra
AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Ćirković, Vladimir
AU  - Djurković-Djaković, Olgica
AU  - Klun, Ivana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - As pork is an important source for Toxoplasma gondii infection, we have analyzed T. gondii
genotypes and toxoplasmosis prevalence in pigs in Serbia in the context of production statistics and
economics to assess the specific risk to public health. Genotyping was performed using MnPCRRFLP; T. gondii-specific IgG antibodies were detected using a modified agglutination test (MAT);
and statistical data were extracted from official records and provided by government authorities.
The results indicate that, from 2006 to 2021, the median number of annually slaughtered pigs
was 5.6 million, yet only 36.1% were processed by abattoirs. The remainder were “backyard pigs”
slaughtered on family farms and homesteads. Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in market-weight (MW)
pigs prior to 2006 was 15.2%, and was 15.1% in 2019. The seroprevalence in owned city cats, likely
infected by livestock meat, was 33.2%. ToxoDB#1 was identified in pig tissues. The results indicate
that backyard pigs are the backbone of the industry and provide as much as 60% of the pork in
Serbia. The seroprevalence in pigs and city cats shows that farms are reservoirs for the parasite. Thus,
innovative means of reducing T. gondii infection designed with backyard farmers in mind are needed
to reduce the risk to public health.
T2  - Microorganisms
T1  - A Pork Industry in the Backyard: An Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Serbia’s Pigs
VL  - 11
IS  - 7
SP  - 1857
DO  - 10.3390/microorganisms11071857
ER  - 
author = "Uzelac, Aleksandra and Betić, Nikola and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Ćirković, Vladimir and Djurković-Djaković, Olgica and Klun, Ivana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "As pork is an important source for Toxoplasma gondii infection, we have analyzed T. gondii
genotypes and toxoplasmosis prevalence in pigs in Serbia in the context of production statistics and
economics to assess the specific risk to public health. Genotyping was performed using MnPCRRFLP; T. gondii-specific IgG antibodies were detected using a modified agglutination test (MAT);
and statistical data were extracted from official records and provided by government authorities.
The results indicate that, from 2006 to 2021, the median number of annually slaughtered pigs
was 5.6 million, yet only 36.1% were processed by abattoirs. The remainder were “backyard pigs”
slaughtered on family farms and homesteads. Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in market-weight (MW)
pigs prior to 2006 was 15.2%, and was 15.1% in 2019. The seroprevalence in owned city cats, likely
infected by livestock meat, was 33.2%. ToxoDB#1 was identified in pig tissues. The results indicate
that backyard pigs are the backbone of the industry and provide as much as 60% of the pork in
Serbia. The seroprevalence in pigs and city cats shows that farms are reservoirs for the parasite. Thus,
innovative means of reducing T. gondii infection designed with backyard farmers in mind are needed
to reduce the risk to public health.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Microorganisms",
title = "A Pork Industry in the Backyard: An Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Serbia’s Pigs",
volume = "11",
number = "7",
pages = "1857",
doi = "10.3390/microorganisms11071857"
Uzelac, A., Betić, N., Karabasil, N., Ćirković, V., Djurković-Djaković, O.,& Klun, I.. (2023). A Pork Industry in the Backyard: An Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Serbia’s Pigs. in Microorganisms
MDPI., 11(7), 1857.
Uzelac A, Betić N, Karabasil N, Ćirković V, Djurković-Djaković O, Klun I. A Pork Industry in the Backyard: An Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Serbia’s Pigs. in Microorganisms. 2023;11(7):1857.
doi:10.3390/microorganisms11071857 .
Uzelac, Aleksandra, Betić, Nikola, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Ćirković, Vladimir, Djurković-Djaković, Olgica, Klun, Ivana, "A Pork Industry in the Backyard: An Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Serbia’s Pigs" in Microorganisms, 11, no. 7 (2023):1857, . .

Nutritional strategies to reduce ammonia and carbon dioxide production in intensive livestock production

Krstić, Miljana; Đorđević, Vesna; Ćirić, Jelena; Baltić, Tatjana; Bajčić, Aleksandar; Simunović, Sara; Perić, Dejan

(Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Krstić, Miljana
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
AU  - Ćirić, Jelena
AU  - Baltić, Tatjana
AU  - Bajčić, Aleksandar
AU  - Simunović, Sara
AU  - Perić, Dejan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - of fattening broilers involves raising broilers on farms with a capacity of 5,000 to 50,000
units or more at a density of 0.06 m2 per bird. Modern poultry farms are constructed
with the task of reducing heat loss, i.e. improving energy efficiency, which very often
in combination with reduced ventilation can lead to increased levels of ammonia (NH3),
carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants, and thus adversely affect animal health
and productivity. The speed of gas emissions is influenced by many factors, such as the
composition of feed and the efficiency of feed use (conversion), the quality of the litter
and the microclimatic conditions on the farm. The litter on intensive poultry farms usually
contains 4 to 6% of nitrogen, most of which is in NH3 or NH4
+ form. The mixture
of litter and manure is a storage of nitrogen which is released in the form of ammonia
under appropriate conditions. On the other hand, the main source of carbon dioxide in
livestock is the product of animal respiration, so there is a connection between the levels
of animal metabolism and CO2 production on farms. The production of carbon dioxide in
birds is proportional to their metabolic heat production, and thus to the metabolic body
mass of the bird, which is affected by temperature and activity. The aim of the study
was to examine the effect of a nutritional supplement, Eubiotic, added to broiler feed on
the NH3 and CO2 emissions in a broiler farm. The values of NH3 and CO2 emissions in
the facility for breeding fattening broilers that received Eubiotic in feed were numerically
lower, which can be explained by better digestibility of basic nutrients, primarily
proteins, present in feed.
PB  - Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Nutritional strategies to reduce ammonia and carbon dioxide production in intensive livestock production
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 387
EP  - 391
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.74
ER  - 
author = "Krstić, Miljana and Đorđević, Vesna and Ćirić, Jelena and Baltić, Tatjana and Bajčić, Aleksandar and Simunović, Sara and Perić, Dejan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "of fattening broilers involves raising broilers on farms with a capacity of 5,000 to 50,000
units or more at a density of 0.06 m2 per bird. Modern poultry farms are constructed
with the task of reducing heat loss, i.e. improving energy efficiency, which very often
in combination with reduced ventilation can lead to increased levels of ammonia (NH3),
carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants, and thus adversely affect animal health
and productivity. The speed of gas emissions is influenced by many factors, such as the
composition of feed and the efficiency of feed use (conversion), the quality of the litter
and the microclimatic conditions on the farm. The litter on intensive poultry farms usually
contains 4 to 6% of nitrogen, most of which is in NH3 or NH4
+ form. The mixture
of litter and manure is a storage of nitrogen which is released in the form of ammonia
under appropriate conditions. On the other hand, the main source of carbon dioxide in
livestock is the product of animal respiration, so there is a connection between the levels
of animal metabolism and CO2 production on farms. The production of carbon dioxide in
birds is proportional to their metabolic heat production, and thus to the metabolic body
mass of the bird, which is affected by temperature and activity. The aim of the study
was to examine the effect of a nutritional supplement, Eubiotic, added to broiler feed on
the NH3 and CO2 emissions in a broiler farm. The values of NH3 and CO2 emissions in
the facility for breeding fattening broilers that received Eubiotic in feed were numerically
lower, which can be explained by better digestibility of basic nutrients, primarily
proteins, present in feed.",
publisher = "Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Nutritional strategies to reduce ammonia and carbon dioxide production in intensive livestock production",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "387-391",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.74"
Krstić, M., Đorđević, V., Ćirić, J., Baltić, T., Bajčić, A., Simunović, S.,& Perić, D.. (2023). Nutritional strategies to reduce ammonia and carbon dioxide production in intensive livestock production. in Meat Technology
Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 387-391.
Krstić M, Đorđević V, Ćirić J, Baltić T, Bajčić A, Simunović S, Perić D. Nutritional strategies to reduce ammonia and carbon dioxide production in intensive livestock production. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):387-391.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.74 .
Krstić, Miljana, Đorđević, Vesna, Ćirić, Jelena, Baltić, Tatjana, Bajčić, Aleksandar, Simunović, Sara, Perić, Dejan, "Nutritional strategies to reduce ammonia and carbon dioxide production in intensive livestock production" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):387-391, . .

Influence of feed for horse nutrition on the chemical parameters and fatty acid composition of mare's milk

Nikolić, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Jelena; Đorđević, Vesna; Trbović, Dejana; Sinđić, Milijana; Babić Milijašević, Jelena; Milićević, Dragan

(Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, 2023)

AU  - Nikolić, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Jelena
AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
AU  - Trbović, Dejana
AU  - Sinđić, Milijana
AU  - Babić Milijašević, Jelena
AU  - Milićević, Dragan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this research was to determine the influence of horse feed on selected nutritionally important components of mare’s milk with a focus on fat content: total fat, saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA),
stearic fatty acid, n-3 PUFA, n-6 PUFA, linoleic (LA) and α‑linolenic (ALA) fatty acids.
Also, the chemical parameters of the fatty acid composition of feed for horses (briquettes and
meadow hay) were examined. Research results showed that complete feed contains a higher
crude protein and fat content than hay. In addition, there was a difference in the composition
of fatty acids in the milk of mares fed meadow hay compared to briquettes. Accordingly, the
diet of mares has an influence on the chemical and fatty acid composition of milk, but it is
not the only factor that has an influence.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology
T2  - Meat Technology
T1  - Influence of feed for horse nutrition on the chemical parameters and fatty acid composition of mare's milk
VL  - 64
IS  - 2
SP  - 422
EP  - 426
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.81
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Jelena and Đorđević, Vesna and Trbović, Dejana and Sinđić, Milijana and Babić Milijašević, Jelena and Milićević, Dragan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this research was to determine the influence of horse feed on selected nutritionally important components of mare’s milk with a focus on fat content: total fat, saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA),
stearic fatty acid, n-3 PUFA, n-6 PUFA, linoleic (LA) and α‑linolenic (ALA) fatty acids.
Also, the chemical parameters of the fatty acid composition of feed for horses (briquettes and
meadow hay) were examined. Research results showed that complete feed contains a higher
crude protein and fat content than hay. In addition, there was a difference in the composition
of fatty acids in the milk of mares fed meadow hay compared to briquettes. Accordingly, the
diet of mares has an influence on the chemical and fatty acid composition of milk, but it is
not the only factor that has an influence.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology",
journal = "Meat Technology",
title = "Influence of feed for horse nutrition on the chemical parameters and fatty acid composition of mare's milk",
volume = "64",
number = "2",
pages = "422-426",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.81"
Nikolić, A., Jovanović, J., Đorđević, V., Trbović, D., Sinđić, M., Babić Milijašević, J.,& Milićević, D.. (2023). Influence of feed for horse nutrition on the chemical parameters and fatty acid composition of mare's milk. in Meat Technology
Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology., 64(2), 422-426.
Nikolić A, Jovanović J, Đorđević V, Trbović D, Sinđić M, Babić Milijašević J, Milićević D. Influence of feed for horse nutrition on the chemical parameters and fatty acid composition of mare's milk. in Meat Technology. 2023;64(2):422-426.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2023.64.2.81 .
Nikolić, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Jelena, Đorđević, Vesna, Trbović, Dejana, Sinđić, Milijana, Babić Milijašević, Jelena, Milićević, Dragan, "Influence of feed for horse nutrition on the chemical parameters and fatty acid composition of mare's milk" in Meat Technology, 64, no. 2 (2023):422-426, . .

Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation

Đorđević, Vesna; Mirilović, Milorad; Katanić, Nenad; Janjić, Jelena; Nedić, Drago; Šarčević, Danijela; Baltić, Milan Ž.

(Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology,, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Vesna
AU  - Mirilović, Milorad
AU  - Katanić, Nenad
AU  - Janjić, Jelena
AU  - Nedić, Drago
AU  - Šarčević, Danijela
AU  - Baltić, Milan Ž.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Today's civilization finds itself facing existential problems in the survival of life on planet Earth. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of food production from the moment when humans became hunter-gatherers until today, when there is talk about food security from the aspect of providing sufficient amounts of food for present and future generations. The paper presents the production of food in Serbia since the arrival of Slavic tribes on the Balkan Peninsula up to modern times. The paper also points to the historical development of food production and the necessity for socially responsible behaviour to preserve the resources we have for future generations. © 2022 University of Nigeria, Institute of African Studies. All rights reserved.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology,
T2  - Meat technology
T1  - Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation
VL  - 63
IS  - 1
SP  - 1
EP  - 10
DO  - 10.18485/meattech.2022.63.1.1
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Vesna and Mirilović, Milorad and Katanić, Nenad and Janjić, Jelena and Nedić, Drago and Šarčević, Danijela and Baltić, Milan Ž.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Today's civilization finds itself facing existential problems in the survival of life on planet Earth. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of food production from the moment when humans became hunter-gatherers until today, when there is talk about food security from the aspect of providing sufficient amounts of food for present and future generations. The paper presents the production of food in Serbia since the arrival of Slavic tribes on the Balkan Peninsula up to modern times. The paper also points to the historical development of food production and the necessity for socially responsible behaviour to preserve the resources we have for future generations. © 2022 University of Nigeria, Institute of African Studies. All rights reserved.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology,",
journal = "Meat technology",
title = "Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation",
volume = "63",
number = "1",
pages = "1-10",
doi = "10.18485/meattech.2022.63.1.1"
Đorđević, V., Mirilović, M., Katanić, N., Janjić, J., Nedić, D., Šarčević, D.,& Baltić, M. Ž.. (2022). Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation. in Meat technology
Belgrade : Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology,., 63(1), 1-10.
Đorđević V, Mirilović M, Katanić N, Janjić J, Nedić D, Šarčević D, Baltić MŽ. Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation. in Meat technology. 2022;63(1):1-10.
doi:10.18485/meattech.2022.63.1.1 .
Đorđević, Vesna, Mirilović, Milorad, Katanić, Nenad, Janjić, Jelena, Nedić, Drago, Šarčević, Danijela, Baltić, Milan Ž., "Food production and security in the area of Serbia: historical background and current situation" in Meat technology, 63, no. 1 (2022):1-10, . .

Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum

Nastasijević, Ivan; Glišić, Milica; Milijašević, Milan; Janković, Saša; Mitrović, Radmila; Babić Milijasević, Jelena; Bošković Cabrol, Marija

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Nastasijević, Ivan
AU  - Glišić, Milica
AU  - Milijašević, Milan
AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Mitrović, Radmila
AU  - Babić Milijasević, Jelena
AU  - Bošković Cabrol, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry.
T2  - Animals
T1  - Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum
VL  - 12
IS  - 23
SP  - 3382
DO  - 10.3390/ani12233382
ER  - 
author = "Nastasijević, Ivan and Glišić, Milica and Milijašević, Milan and Janković, Saša and Mitrović, Radmila and Babić Milijasević, Jelena and Bošković Cabrol, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Animals",
title = "Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum",
volume = "12",
number = "23",
pages = "3382",
doi = "10.3390/ani12233382"
Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals
MDPI., 12(23), 3382.
Nastasijević I, Glišić M, Milijašević M, Janković S, Mitrović R, Babić Milijasević J, Bošković Cabrol M. Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals. 2022;12(23):3382.
doi:10.3390/ani12233382 .
Nastasijević, Ivan, Glišić, Milica, Milijašević, Milan, Janković, Saša, Mitrović, Radmila, Babić Milijasević, Jelena, Bošković Cabrol, Marija, "Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum" in Animals, 12, no. 23 (2022):3382, . .

Supplementary information for the article: Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals MDPI., 12(23), 3382.

Nastasijević, Ivan; Glišić, Milica; Milijašević, Milan; Janković, Saša; Mitrović, Radmila; Babić Milijasević, Jelena; Bošković Cabrol, Marija

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Nastasijević, Ivan
AU  - Glišić, Milica
AU  - Milijašević, Milan
AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Mitrović, Radmila
AU  - Babić Milijasević, Jelena
AU  - Bošković Cabrol, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry.
T2  - Animals
T1  - Supplementary information for the article: Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals MDPI., 12(23), 3382.
VL  - 12
IS  - 23
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nastasijević, Ivan and Glišić, Milica and Milijašević, Milan and Janković, Saša and Mitrović, Radmila and Babić Milijasević, Jelena and Bošković Cabrol, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Animals",
title = "Supplementary information for the article: Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals MDPI., 12(23), 3382.",
volume = "12",
number = "23",
url = ""
Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Supplementary information for the article: Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals MDPI., 12(23), 3382. in Animals
MDPI., 12(23).
Nastasijević I, Glišić M, Milijašević M, Janković S, Mitrović R, Babić Milijasević J, Bošković Cabrol M. Supplementary information for the article: Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals MDPI., 12(23), 3382. in Animals. 2022;12(23). .
Nastasijević, Ivan, Glišić, Milica, Milijašević, Milan, Janković, Saša, Mitrović, Radmila, Babić Milijasević, Jelena, Bošković Cabrol, Marija, "Supplementary information for the article: Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijasević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and Lairage Time versus Pork Meat Quality Traits in a Farm–Abattoir Continuum. in Animals MDPI., 12(23), 3382." in Animals, 12, no. 23 (2022), .

Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum

Nastasijević, Ivan; Glišić, Milica; Milijašević, Milan; Janković, Saša; Mitrović, Radmila; Babić Milijašević, Jelena; Bošković Cabrol, Marija

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Nastasijević, Ivan
AU  - Glišić, Milica
AU  - Milijašević, Milan
AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Mitrović, Radmila
AU  - Babić Milijašević, Jelena
AU  - Bošković Cabrol, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry.
T2  - Animals
T1  - Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum
VL  - 12
IS  - 23
SP  - 3382
DO  - 10.3390/ani12233382
ER  - 
author = "Nastasijević, Ivan and Glišić, Milica and Milijašević, Milan and Janković, Saša and Mitrović, Radmila and Babić Milijašević, Jelena and Bošković Cabrol, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The modern pig production chain is increasingly focused on biosecurity, quality, and safety of meat and is associated with many challenges impacting world meat markets, such as animal disease outbreaks and sanitary restrictions, trade regulations and quality requirements. To overcome such challenges and assure more consistent pork meat quality (and safety), there is a need to develop an effective and reliable monitoring system in a farm–abattoir continuum that can be based on selected biomarkers. This study assessed interrelations of selected stress and inflammation biomarkers (acute phase proteins (APP)) between farm biosecurity score versus pork meat quality traits after two different lairage periods. Briefly, the maximum recorded levels of stress hormones (436.2 and 241.2 ng/mL, for cortisol and Chromogranin A (CgA), respectively) and APP (389.4 and 400.9 μg/mL, Pig Major Acute Proteins (MAP) and Haptoglobin (Hp), respectively) at four commercial farms were within the recommended threshold values. Cortisol and APP were negatively correlated to the internal and total biosecurity scores of farms. The increase of level of both sets of biomarkers was found at bleeding (after transportation and lairage period), but with lower values after long (18–20 h) versus short (1–3 h) lairage lay-over time. In general, negative correlation was confirmed between stress and inflammation biomarkers and carcass/meat quality traits. The farm total biosecurity level significantly affected chilling yield, meat temperature, and a* value. Pig-MAP emerged as a good biomarker with a promising potential for assessment and anticipation of broad aspects in the pork meat chain. It can be used for detection of failures in the pig production system and might be incorporated in certification programs for the pork meat industry.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Animals",
title = "Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum",
volume = "12",
number = "23",
pages = "3382",
doi = "10.3390/ani12233382"
Nastasijević, I., Glišić, M., Milijašević, M., Janković, S., Mitrović, R., Babić Milijašević, J.,& Bošković Cabrol, M.. (2022). Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum. in Animals
MDPI., 12(23), 3382.
Nastasijević I, Glišić M, Milijašević M, Janković S, Mitrović R, Babić Milijašević J, Bošković Cabrol M. Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum. in Animals. 2022;12(23):3382.
doi:10.3390/ani12233382 .
Nastasijević, Ivan, Glišić, Milica, Milijašević, Milan, Janković, Saša, Mitrović, Radmila, Babić Milijašević, Jelena, Bošković Cabrol, Marija, "Biosecurity and lairage time versus pork meat quality traits in a farm-abattoir continuum" in Animals, 12, no. 23 (2022):3382, . .

Efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of viruses on raspberries

Velebit, Branko; Milojević, Lazar; Baltić, Tatjana; Grković, Nevena; Gummalla, Sanjay; Velebit, Marina; Škoko, Ines; Mojsova, Sandra; Putnik, Predrag

(Elsevier, 2022)

AU  - Velebit, Branko
AU  - Milojević, Lazar
AU  - Baltić, Tatjana
AU  - Grković, Nevena
AU  - Gummalla, Sanjay
AU  - Velebit, Marina
AU  - Škoko, Ines
AU  - Mojsova, Sandra
AU  - Putnik, Predrag
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In this study, the effectiveness of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in inactivating murine norovirus (MNV/human norovirus surrogate) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) on aerosol-inoculated dark red Willamette raspberries was explored. Pulsed positive corona discharge system fed by synthetic air was used for the production of CAP. Raspberries were treated for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 min at 25 W. Application of CAP enabled a 4 log10 infectivity reduction in <5 min for MNV and approximately 10 min for HAV (from starting level of 6.91 and 7.84 log10 PFU/mL, respectively). Viral genome copies reduction of 3.18 log10 for MNV and 4.32 for HAV were found from starting level of 5.76 and 6.47 log10 gc/μL, respectively. CAP treatment did not result in significant degradation of fruit color, an important quality attribute. The study demonstrated CAP as an efficient post-harvest decontamination method to reduce viral load in raspberries without significantly affecting its quality parameters. Industrial relevance: Due to the fast-processing paces required in the raspberry industry, it is difficult to assure the complete microbiological safety of this fruit. Cold atmospheric plasma is a practical, environmentally-friendly, non-thermal tool for the effective reduction of microbial pathogens. The model developed in this study demonstrated that CAP treatment of fresh raspberries not only inactivated hazardous enteric viruses in a short time (10 min) but also unaffected fruit color stability. The simplicity of described CAP design and low-cost inputs (air and electricity) enable the commercial application of inexpensive plasma chambers for continuous surface decontamination of large volumes of raspberries without bringing processing to a standstill.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies
T1  - Efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of viruses on raspberries
VL  - 81
SP  - 103121
DO  - 10.1016/j.ifset.2022.103121
ER  - 
author = "Velebit, Branko and Milojević, Lazar and Baltić, Tatjana and Grković, Nevena and Gummalla, Sanjay and Velebit, Marina and Škoko, Ines and Mojsova, Sandra and Putnik, Predrag",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In this study, the effectiveness of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in inactivating murine norovirus (MNV/human norovirus surrogate) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) on aerosol-inoculated dark red Willamette raspberries was explored. Pulsed positive corona discharge system fed by synthetic air was used for the production of CAP. Raspberries were treated for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 min at 25 W. Application of CAP enabled a 4 log10 infectivity reduction in <5 min for MNV and approximately 10 min for HAV (from starting level of 6.91 and 7.84 log10 PFU/mL, respectively). Viral genome copies reduction of 3.18 log10 for MNV and 4.32 for HAV were found from starting level of 5.76 and 6.47 log10 gc/μL, respectively. CAP treatment did not result in significant degradation of fruit color, an important quality attribute. The study demonstrated CAP as an efficient post-harvest decontamination method to reduce viral load in raspberries without significantly affecting its quality parameters. Industrial relevance: Due to the fast-processing paces required in the raspberry industry, it is difficult to assure the complete microbiological safety of this fruit. Cold atmospheric plasma is a practical, environmentally-friendly, non-thermal tool for the effective reduction of microbial pathogens. The model developed in this study demonstrated that CAP treatment of fresh raspberries not only inactivated hazardous enteric viruses in a short time (10 min) but also unaffected fruit color stability. The simplicity of described CAP design and low-cost inputs (air and electricity) enable the commercial application of inexpensive plasma chambers for continuous surface decontamination of large volumes of raspberries without bringing processing to a standstill.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies",
title = "Efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of viruses on raspberries",
volume = "81",
pages = "103121",
doi = "10.1016/j.ifset.2022.103121"
Velebit, B., Milojević, L., Baltić, T., Grković, N., Gummalla, S., Velebit, M., Škoko, I., Mojsova, S.,& Putnik, P.. (2022). Efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of viruses on raspberries. in Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies
Elsevier., 81, 103121.
Velebit B, Milojević L, Baltić T, Grković N, Gummalla S, Velebit M, Škoko I, Mojsova S, Putnik P. Efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of viruses on raspberries. in Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 2022;81:103121.
doi:10.1016/j.ifset.2022.103121 .
Velebit, Branko, Milojević, Lazar, Baltić, Tatjana, Grković, Nevena, Gummalla, Sanjay, Velebit, Marina, Škoko, Ines, Mojsova, Sandra, Putnik, Predrag, "Efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma for inactivation of viruses on raspberries" in Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 81 (2022):103121, . .

Characterization and nutritional assessment of traditional dairy products from the Zlatibor region, Republic of Serbia

Milićević, Dragan; Krešić, Greta; Vranić, Danijela; Lešić, Tina; Nedeljković-Trailović, Jelena; Janković, Saša; Pleadin, Jelka


AU  - Milićević, Dragan
AU  - Krešić, Greta
AU  - Vranić, Danijela
AU  - Lešić, Tina
AU  - Nedeljković-Trailović, Jelena
AU  - Janković, Saša
AU  - Pleadin, Jelka
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional properties of raw milk, cheese and a traditional creamy dairy product called kajmak originating from the Zlatibor region in Serbia. Chemical composition, minerals, fatty acid (FA) profile, lipid quality indices, and the dietary intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA), cholesterol, salt and sodium were investigated in three sampling sessions during the period June-September 2019. All chemical properties of raw milk, cheese and kajmak differed significantly (P<0.05), except lactose, salt and total proteins. Palmitic acid (C16:0) was present in the highest share, followed by oleic (C18:1 cis-9) and myrstic (C14:0) acids, with no significant differences (P>0.05) between products. Among the FAs, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) were determined, and mean values of total FAs ranged from 0.16% in raw milk and kajmak to 0.31% in cheese. The recommended values for the lipid quality indices were not obtained for the analysed products. Despite a high sodium content, the tested dairy products can be considered valuable sources of calcium, chromium, zinc and selenium. In the future, additional efforts should be employed in product modification with the aim of optimising nutritional value and to obtain the protect designation of origin.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustvrditi nutritivna svojstva sirovog mlijeka, sira i kajmaka proizvedenih po tradicionalnim recepturama podrijetlom s područja Zlatibora u Republici Srbiji. U tu su svrhu nakon tri uzorkovanja u razdoblju od lipnja do rujna 2019. ispitivani: kemijski sastav, minerali, profil masnih kiselina (MK), indeksi kvalitete lipida, prehrambeni unos zasićenih masnih kiselina (ZMK), kolesterola, soli i natrija. Sirovo mlijeko, sir i kajmak su se značajno razlikovali (P<0,05) po svim kemijskim svojstvima, osim u udjelu laktoze, soli i ukupnih bjelančevina. U istraživanju profila masnih kiselina, najveći udio ustvrđen je za palmitinsku (C16:0), oleinsku (C18:1 cis-9) i miristinsku (C14:0) kiselinu, bez značajnih razlika (P>0,05) među proizvodima. Među MK ustvrđena je konjugirana linolna kiselina (KLK), sa srednjim vrijednostima ukupnih MK u rasponu od 0,16 % u sirovom mlijeku i kajmaku do 0,31 % u siru. U analiziranim proizvodima za indekse kvalitete lipida nisu određene preporučene vrijednosti. Unatoč visokom udjelu natrija, analizirani mliječni proizvodi mogu se smatrati dragocjenim izvorima kalcija, kroma, cinka i selena. Potreban je nastavak budućih istraživanja modifikacije ovih proizvoda s ciljem optimizacije njihove hranjive vrijednosti i zaštite oznakom izvornosti.
T2  - Veterinarska Stanica
T1  - Characterization and nutritional
assessment of traditional dairy
products from the Zlatibor
region, Republic of Serbia
T1  - Karakterizacija i nutritivna ocjena tradicionalnih mliječnih proizvoda s područja Zlatibora u Republici Srbiji
VL  - 53
IS  - 1
SP  - 17
EP  - 32
DO  - 10.46419/VS.53.1.11
ER  - 
author = "Milićević, Dragan and Krešić, Greta and Vranić, Danijela and Lešić, Tina and Nedeljković-Trailović, Jelena and Janković, Saša and Pleadin, Jelka",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional properties of raw milk, cheese and a traditional creamy dairy product called kajmak originating from the Zlatibor region in Serbia. Chemical composition, minerals, fatty acid (FA) profile, lipid quality indices, and the dietary intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA), cholesterol, salt and sodium were investigated in three sampling sessions during the period June-September 2019. All chemical properties of raw milk, cheese and kajmak differed significantly (P<0.05), except lactose, salt and total proteins. Palmitic acid (C16:0) was present in the highest share, followed by oleic (C18:1 cis-9) and myrstic (C14:0) acids, with no significant differences (P>0.05) between products. Among the FAs, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) were determined, and mean values of total FAs ranged from 0.16% in raw milk and kajmak to 0.31% in cheese. The recommended values for the lipid quality indices were not obtained for the analysed products. Despite a high sodium content, the tested dairy products can be considered valuable sources of calcium, chromium, zinc and selenium. In the future, additional efforts should be employed in product modification with the aim of optimising nutritional value and to obtain the protect designation of origin., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustvrditi nutritivna svojstva sirovog mlijeka, sira i kajmaka proizvedenih po tradicionalnim recepturama podrijetlom s područja Zlatibora u Republici Srbiji. U tu su svrhu nakon tri uzorkovanja u razdoblju od lipnja do rujna 2019. ispitivani: kemijski sastav, minerali, profil masnih kiselina (MK), indeksi kvalitete lipida, prehrambeni unos zasićenih masnih kiselina (ZMK), kolesterola, soli i natrija. Sirovo mlijeko, sir i kajmak su se značajno razlikovali (P<0,05) po svim kemijskim svojstvima, osim u udjelu laktoze, soli i ukupnih bjelančevina. U istraživanju profila masnih kiselina, najveći udio ustvrđen je za palmitinsku (C16:0), oleinsku (C18:1 cis-9) i miristinsku (C14:0) kiselinu, bez značajnih razlika (P>0,05) među proizvodima. Među MK ustvrđena je konjugirana linolna kiselina (KLK), sa srednjim vrijednostima ukupnih MK u rasponu od 0,16 % u sirovom mlijeku i kajmaku do 0,31 % u siru. U analiziranim proizvodima za indekse kvalitete lipida nisu određene preporučene vrijednosti. Unatoč visokom udjelu natrija, analizirani mliječni proizvodi mogu se smatrati dragocjenim izvorima kalcija, kroma, cinka i selena. Potreban je nastavak budućih istraživanja modifikacije ovih proizvoda s ciljem optimizacije njihove hranjive vrijednosti i zaštite oznakom izvornosti.",
journal = "Veterinarska Stanica",
title = "Characterization and nutritional
assessment of traditional dairy
products from the Zlatibor
region, Republic of Serbia, Karakterizacija i nutritivna ocjena tradicionalnih mliječnih proizvoda s područja Zlatibora u Republici Srbiji",
volume = "53",
number = "1",
pages = "17-32",
doi = "10.46419/VS.53.1.11"
Milićević, D., Krešić, G., Vranić, D., Lešić, T., Nedeljković-Trailović, J., Janković, S.,& Pleadin, J.. (2022). Characterization and nutritional
assessment of traditional dairy
products from the Zlatibor
region, Republic of Serbia. in Veterinarska Stanica, 53(1), 17-32.
Milićević D, Krešić G, Vranić D, Lešić T, Nedeljković-Trailović J, Janković S, Pleadin J. Characterization and nutritional
assessment of traditional dairy
products from the Zlatibor
region, Republic of Serbia. in Veterinarska Stanica. 2022;53(1):17-32.
doi:10.46419/VS.53.1.11 .
Milićević, Dragan, Krešić, Greta, Vranić, Danijela, Lešić, Tina, Nedeljković-Trailović, Jelena, Janković, Saša, Pleadin, Jelka, "Characterization and nutritional
assessment of traditional dairy
products from the Zlatibor
region, Republic of Serbia" in Veterinarska Stanica, 53, no. 1 (2022):17-32, . .

Seroprevalence, Direct Detection and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs in Serbia, and Influence of Biosecurity Measures

Betić, Nikola; Karabasil, Nedjeljko; Djurković-Djaković, Olgica; Ćirković, Vladimir; Bobić, Branko; Branković Lazić, Ivana; Djordjević, Vesna; Klun, Ivana

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Betić, Nikola
AU  - Karabasil, Nedjeljko
AU  - Djurković-Djaković, Olgica
AU  - Ćirković, Vladimir
AU  - Bobić, Branko
AU  - Branković Lazić, Ivana
AU  - Djordjević, Vesna
AU  - Klun, Ivana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Consumption of Toxoplasma gondii contaminated pork is a major risk factor for human infection. We thus conducted a cross-sectional survey on the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in a representative sample of slaughter pigs from throughout Serbia and examined the influence of farm biosecurity-related risk factors on infection. In addition, direct detection of the parasite (by mouse bioassay) or its DNA was performed in the hearts of a subset of seropositive sows. The overall seroprevalence in the sample of 825 pigs as determined by the modified agglutination test (MAT) was 16.5%. Older age and inadequate rodent control were independent infection risk factors for pigs. In a subset of 581 pigs with complete biosecurity-related data, in addition to older age, smallholders’ finishing type farms (as opposed to farrow-to-finish), multispecies farming, and origin from Western and Central and South-Eastern Serbia (vs. the Northern region), all increased the risk of infection, while the absence of disinfection boot-dips in front of each barn and Belgrade district origin (vs. the Northern region) were associated with a 62% and 75% lower risk of infection, respectively. Evidence of viable parasites was obtained in 13 (41.9%) of the 31 bioassayed sow hearts, of which by isolation of brain cysts in seven, by detection of T. gondii DNA in an additional four, and by serology in another two. Recovery of brain cysts mostly (5/7) from sows with a MAT titre of ≥1:100 indicates the risk for consumers. These results highlight the public health risk from pork consumption and point to mandatory use of professional rodent control services, abstaining from multispecies farming, keeping disinfection boot-dips clean and freshly refilled, as well as strict implementation of zoo-hygienic measures on smallholders’ farms as specific farm biosecurity measures needed for its reduction.
T2  - Microorganisms
T1  - Seroprevalence, Direct Detection and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs in Serbia, and Influence of Biosecurity Measures
VL  - 10
IS  - 5
SP  - 1069
DO  - 10.3390/microorganisms10051069
ER  - 
author = "Betić, Nikola and Karabasil, Nedjeljko and Djurković-Djaković, Olgica and Ćirković, Vladimir and Bobić, Branko and Branković Lazić, Ivana and Djordjević, Vesna and Klun, Ivana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Consumption of Toxoplasma gondii contaminated pork is a major risk factor for human infection. We thus conducted a cross-sectional survey on the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in a representative sample of slaughter pigs from throughout Serbia and examined the influence of farm biosecurity-related risk factors on infection. In addition, direct detection of the parasite (by mouse bioassay) or its DNA was performed in the hearts of a subset of seropositive sows. The overall seroprevalence in the sample of 825 pigs as determined by the modified agglutination test (MAT) was 16.5%. Older age and inadequate rodent control were independent infection risk factors for pigs. In a subset of 581 pigs with complete biosecurity-related data, in addition to older age, smallholders’ finishing type farms (as opposed to farrow-to-finish), multispecies farming, and origin from Western and Central and South-Eastern Serbia (vs. the Northern region), all increased the risk of infection, while the absence of disinfection boot-dips in front of each barn and Belgrade district origin (vs. the Northern region) were associated with a 62% and 75% lower risk of infection, respectively. Evidence of viable parasites was obtained in 13 (41.9%) of the 31 bioassayed sow hearts, of which by isolation of brain cysts in seven, by detection of T. gondii DNA in an additional four, and by serology in another two. Recovery of brain cysts mostly (5/7) from sows with a MAT titre of ≥1:100 indicates the risk for consumers. These results highlight the public health risk from pork consumption and point to mandatory use of professional rodent control services, abstaining from multispecies farming, keeping disinfection boot-dips clean and freshly refilled, as well as strict implementation of zoo-hygienic measures on smallholders’ farms as specific farm biosecurity measures needed for its reduction.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Microorganisms",
title = "Seroprevalence, Direct Detection and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs in Serbia, and Influence of Biosecurity Measures",
volume = "10",
number = "5",
pages = "1069",
doi = "10.3390/microorganisms10051069"
Betić, N., Karabasil, N., Djurković-Djaković, O., Ćirković, V., Bobić, B., Branković Lazić, I., Djordjević, V.,& Klun, I.. (2022). Seroprevalence, Direct Detection and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs in Serbia, and Influence of Biosecurity Measures. in Microorganisms
MDPI., 10(5), 1069.
Betić N, Karabasil N, Djurković-Djaković O, Ćirković V, Bobić B, Branković Lazić I, Djordjević V, Klun I. Seroprevalence, Direct Detection and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs in Serbia, and Influence of Biosecurity Measures. in Microorganisms. 2022;10(5):1069.
doi:10.3390/microorganisms10051069 .
Betić, Nikola, Karabasil, Nedjeljko, Djurković-Djaković, Olgica, Ćirković, Vladimir, Bobić, Branko, Branković Lazić, Ivana, Djordjević, Vesna, Klun, Ivana, "Seroprevalence, Direct Detection and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs in Serbia, and Influence of Biosecurity Measures" in Microorganisms, 10, no. 5 (2022):1069, . .

Nalaz Pseudomonas aeruginosa kod zapaljenja pluća prasadi

Zdravković, Nemanja; Ninković, Milan; Radanović, Oliver; Savić, Božidar; Marjanović, Đorđe; Savić Radovanović, Radoslava

(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, 2021)

AU  - Zdravković, Nemanja
AU  - Ninković, Milan
AU  - Radanović, Oliver
AU  - Savić, Božidar
AU  - Marjanović, Đorđe
AU  - Savić Radovanović, Radoslava
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Prisustvo bakterija vrste Pseudomonas aeruginosa u mikrobiološkim analizama
pluća prasadi predstavlja bitan nalaz. Organizam životinja u farmskim uslovima nije
posebno osetljiv na P. aeruginosa, a način širenja ove bakterije, koja je uslovni patogen
svinja, ukazuje na propuste u zootehničkim merama i prvenstveno usmerava pažnju
na napajanje, ishranu tečnom hranom i sudovima za snabdevanje životinja. Respiratorni
problemi kod svinja svih proizvodnih kategorija, nanose velike ekonomske štete
povećanjem konverzije hrane, produžavanjem tova, povećanjem troškova lečenja i uginućem
obolelih životinja. Pojava pneumonija je najčešće posledica mešanih virusnih i
bakterijskih infekcija, uz sadejstvo stresa i predisponirajućih faktora, a P. aeruginosa se
uglavnom pojavljuje kao sekundarni infektivni agens. Veoma bitan faktor je i očekivana
osetljivost ove bakterije na antibiotike, odnosno intrizična neosetljivost na veći broj antibiotika
koji se rutinski koriste za rešavanje problema bakterijske etiologije kod svinja.
Većina β laktamskih antibiotika, tetraciklini i sulfonamidni prepaparati su u samom
početku isključeni kao mogući lekovi. Rezolucija procesa je moguća uz pravovremenu
dijagnostiku i epizotiološko sagledavanje problema.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo
C3  - 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021
T1  - Nalaz Pseudomonas aeruginosa kod zapaljenja pluća prasadi
SP  - 133
EP  - 137
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zdravković, Nemanja and Ninković, Milan and Radanović, Oliver and Savić, Božidar and Marjanović, Đorđe and Savić Radovanović, Radoslava",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Prisustvo bakterija vrste Pseudomonas aeruginosa u mikrobiološkim analizama
pluća prasadi predstavlja bitan nalaz. Organizam životinja u farmskim uslovima nije
posebno osetljiv na P. aeruginosa, a način širenja ove bakterije, koja je uslovni patogen
svinja, ukazuje na propuste u zootehničkim merama i prvenstveno usmerava pažnju
na napajanje, ishranu tečnom hranom i sudovima za snabdevanje životinja. Respiratorni
problemi kod svinja svih proizvodnih kategorija, nanose velike ekonomske štete
povećanjem konverzije hrane, produžavanjem tova, povećanjem troškova lečenja i uginućem
obolelih životinja. Pojava pneumonija je najčešće posledica mešanih virusnih i
bakterijskih infekcija, uz sadejstvo stresa i predisponirajućih faktora, a P. aeruginosa se
uglavnom pojavljuje kao sekundarni infektivni agens. Veoma bitan faktor je i očekivana
osetljivost ove bakterije na antibiotike, odnosno intrizična neosetljivost na veći broj antibiotika
koji se rutinski koriste za rešavanje problema bakterijske etiologije kod svinja.
Većina β laktamskih antibiotika, tetraciklini i sulfonamidni prepaparati su u samom
početku isključeni kao mogući lekovi. Rezolucija procesa je moguća uz pravovremenu
dijagnostiku i epizotiološko sagledavanje problema.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo",
journal = "32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021",
title = "Nalaz Pseudomonas aeruginosa kod zapaljenja pluća prasadi",
pages = "133-137",
url = ""
Zdravković, N., Ninković, M., Radanović, O., Savić, B., Marjanović, Đ.,& Savić Radovanović, R.. (2021). Nalaz Pseudomonas aeruginosa kod zapaljenja pluća prasadi. in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021
Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo., 133-137.
Zdravković N, Ninković M, Radanović O, Savić B, Marjanović Đ, Savić Radovanović R. Nalaz Pseudomonas aeruginosa kod zapaljenja pluća prasadi. in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021. 2021;:133-137. .
Zdravković, Nemanja, Ninković, Milan, Radanović, Oliver, Savić, Božidar, Marjanović, Đorđe, Savić Radovanović, Radoslava, "Nalaz Pseudomonas aeruginosa kod zapaljenja pluća prasadi" in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021 (2021):133-137, .

Primena doksiciklina kod farmskih životinja

Ivanović, Saša; Ćupić, Vitomir; Borozan, Sunčica; Dobrić, Silva; Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana; Savić, Mila; Bečkei, Žolt; Borozan, Nevena

(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, 2021)

AU  - Ivanović, Saša
AU  - Ćupić, Vitomir
AU  - Borozan, Sunčica
AU  - Dobrić, Silva
AU  - Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana
AU  - Savić, Mila
AU  - Bečkei, Žolt
AU  - Borozan, Nevena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Doksiciklin je polusintetski strukturni izomer oksitetraciklina i zajedno sa mino¬ciklinom spada u drugu generaciju tetraciklinskih antibiotika. Poseduje širok spektar antimikrobnog dejstva koji obuhvata brojne grampozitivne, gramnegativne bakterije i mikoplazme. Molekul doksiciklina je u odnosu na starije predstavnike tetraciklina više¬struko puta lipofilniji, zbog čega ima bolju prodornost u mikroorganizme, a samim tim bolju in vitro i in vivo antimikrobnu aktivnost. Takođe, karakteristika visoke liposolu¬bilnosti obezbeđuje doksiciklinu i odlične farmakokinetičke osobine. Apsorpcija iz dige¬stivnog trakta je brza i gotovo potpuna (preko 90%), a to omogućava primenu relativ¬no niskih peroralnih doza i minimalizuje neželjene efekte na gastrointestinalni trakt. Za razliku od tetraciklina i oksitetraciklina, prisustvo hrane u digestivnom traktu ma¬nje utiče na resorpciju doksiciklina. Visok stepen lipofilnosti doksiciklina, pored osta¬log, doprinosi i visokom volumenu njegove distribucije i značajnom vezivanju za prote¬ine plazme, što rezultira dugim poluvremenom eliminacije. Posle resorpcije, doksiciklin visoke koncentracije postiže u jetri, bubrezima, plućima, slezini, žuči i kostima. Prolazi hematoencefalnu barijeru i u cerebrospinalnoj tečnosti postiže približno 30% koncen-tracije u plazmi. Doksiciklin se iz organizma izlučuje urinom i fecesom. Značajno svoj¬stvo vezano za eliminaciju, po kome se razlikuje od ostalih tetraciklina je, da doksiciklin nema potencijal akumulcije u organizmu čak i kod bolesti bubrega, odnosno smanjene glomerularne filtracije. Kao i ostali tetraciklini, doksiciklin inhibiše sintezu bakterijskih proteina vezivanjem za 30S subjedinicu bakterijskih ribozoma. Indikovan je za terapiju i metafilaksu brojnih infekcija, a kod farmskih životinja pre svega za infekcije respira¬tornog sistema svinja (Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Bor¬detella bronchiseptica, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae), brojlerske živine (Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Escherichia coli) i teladi (Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, Mycoplasma bovis). Ciljne vrste životinja dobro podnose te¬rapijske doze doksiciklina, a bez znakova toksičnosti, donekle i prekoračenje preporu¬čenog dozno-vremenskog režima. Iako je zbog višedecenijske i masovne primene došlo do smanjenja aktivnosti doksiciklina prema respiratornim patogenima, kliničke studije i dalje dokazuju njegovu dobru terapijsku efikasnost.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo
C3  - 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9–12. septembar 2021
T1  - Primena doksiciklina kod farmskih životinja
SP  - 113
EP  - 124
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ivanović, Saša and Ćupić, Vitomir and Borozan, Sunčica and Dobrić, Silva and Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana and Savić, Mila and Bečkei, Žolt and Borozan, Nevena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Doksiciklin je polusintetski strukturni izomer oksitetraciklina i zajedno sa mino¬ciklinom spada u drugu generaciju tetraciklinskih antibiotika. Poseduje širok spektar antimikrobnog dejstva koji obuhvata brojne grampozitivne, gramnegativne bakterije i mikoplazme. Molekul doksiciklina je u odnosu na starije predstavnike tetraciklina više¬struko puta lipofilniji, zbog čega ima bolju prodornost u mikroorganizme, a samim tim bolju in vitro i in vivo antimikrobnu aktivnost. Takođe, karakteristika visoke liposolu¬bilnosti obezbeđuje doksiciklinu i odlične farmakokinetičke osobine. Apsorpcija iz dige¬stivnog trakta je brza i gotovo potpuna (preko 90%), a to omogućava primenu relativ¬no niskih peroralnih doza i minimalizuje neželjene efekte na gastrointestinalni trakt. Za razliku od tetraciklina i oksitetraciklina, prisustvo hrane u digestivnom traktu ma¬nje utiče na resorpciju doksiciklina. Visok stepen lipofilnosti doksiciklina, pored osta¬log, doprinosi i visokom volumenu njegove distribucije i značajnom vezivanju za prote¬ine plazme, što rezultira dugim poluvremenom eliminacije. Posle resorpcije, doksiciklin visoke koncentracije postiže u jetri, bubrezima, plućima, slezini, žuči i kostima. Prolazi hematoencefalnu barijeru i u cerebrospinalnoj tečnosti postiže približno 30% koncen-tracije u plazmi. Doksiciklin se iz organizma izlučuje urinom i fecesom. Značajno svoj¬stvo vezano za eliminaciju, po kome se razlikuje od ostalih tetraciklina je, da doksiciklin nema potencijal akumulcije u organizmu čak i kod bolesti bubrega, odnosno smanjene glomerularne filtracije. Kao i ostali tetraciklini, doksiciklin inhibiše sintezu bakterijskih proteina vezivanjem za 30S subjedinicu bakterijskih ribozoma. Indikovan je za terapiju i metafilaksu brojnih infekcija, a kod farmskih životinja pre svega za infekcije respira¬tornog sistema svinja (Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Bor¬detella bronchiseptica, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae), brojlerske živine (Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Escherichia coli) i teladi (Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, Mycoplasma bovis). Ciljne vrste životinja dobro podnose te¬rapijske doze doksiciklina, a bez znakova toksičnosti, donekle i prekoračenje preporu¬čenog dozno-vremenskog režima. Iako je zbog višedecenijske i masovne primene došlo do smanjenja aktivnosti doksiciklina prema respiratornim patogenima, kliničke studije i dalje dokazuju njegovu dobru terapijsku efikasnost.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo",
journal = "32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9–12. septembar 2021",
title = "Primena doksiciklina kod farmskih životinja",
pages = "113-124",
url = ""
Ivanović, S., Ćupić, V., Borozan, S., Dobrić, S., Ćupić Miladinović, D., Savić, M., Bečkei, Ž.,& Borozan, N.. (2021). Primena doksiciklina kod farmskih životinja. in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9–12. septembar 2021
Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo., 113-124.
Ivanović S, Ćupić V, Borozan S, Dobrić S, Ćupić Miladinović D, Savić M, Bečkei Ž, Borozan N. Primena doksiciklina kod farmskih životinja. in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9–12. septembar 2021. 2021;:113-124. .
Ivanović, Saša, Ćupić, Vitomir, Borozan, Sunčica, Dobrić, Silva, Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana, Savić, Mila, Bečkei, Žolt, Borozan, Nevena, "Primena doksiciklina kod farmskih životinja" in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije,Zlatibor, 9–12. septembar 2021 (2021):113-124, .

Primena antimikrobnih lekova kod riba

Ćupić, Vitomir; Ivanović, Saša; Borozan, Sunčica; Prevendar Crnić, Andreja; Mujezinović, Indira; Žugić, Gordana; Velev, Romel; Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana

(Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, 2021)

AU  - Ćupić, Vitomir
AU  - Ivanović, Saša
AU  - Borozan, Sunčica
AU  - Prevendar Crnić, Andreja
AU  - Mujezinović, Indira
AU  - Žugić, Gordana
AU  - Velev, Romel
AU  - Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U poslednje vreme, proizvodnja ribe je dramatično porasla širom sveta i zauzima
sve veći udeo (a time i značaj) u ukupnoj proizvodnji hrane animalnog porekla. Da bi
se osigurala ovako velika proizvodnja, treba umanjiti štetni uticaj brojnih faktora spoljašnje
sredine, a pre svega stresova, drastičnih promena u temperaturi, mikroorganizama,
kao i različitih hemijskih supstancija, koje mogu itekako ugroziti život ribe. Od
svih nabrojanih faktora, poseban problem predstavljaju infektivne bolesti, uzrokovane
bakterijama. Većina bakterija, koje uzrokuju bolesti riba su normalni stanovnici vodenih
sistema i obično ne uzrokuju bolesti, odnosno (kao takve) ne predstavljaju problem.
Međutim, kada su ribe izložene stresu, sa jednim od već navedenih faktora (promena
temperature, loš kvalitet vode, nedavni transport ili rukovanje), mogu ugroziti imunski
sistem jedinke, a usled toga favorizovati rast bakterija, čime se svakako povećava rizik
za nastajanje bolesti.
Za lečenje bakterijskih infekcija koriste se antimikrobni lekovi koji su veoma korisni
i imaju veliki značaj u upravljanju zdravljem riba. Većina autora tvrdi da su antimikrobni
lekovi samo „alat“, a ne i „magijski meci“, kako ih je još odavno nazvao Pol Erlih.
Sposobnost antimikrobnih lekova da pomognu u uklanjanju infektivnih bolesti riba, zavisi
od više faktora. Pitanja na koja je potrebno dati odgovore su: a) Da li je zaista prisutna
bakterijska infekcija? b) Da li su identifikovane bakterije osetljive na izabrani antibiotik?
c) Da li je lek pravilno doziran i primenjen u odgovarajućim intervalima? i d)
Da li su dodatni stresovi uklonjeni ili smanjeni?
Pored toga, treba istaći da antimikrobni lekovi, sami po sebi, ne leče infekcije riba.
Ovi lekovi zapravo samo kontrolišu rast populacije bakterija kod riba dovoljno dugo da
ih potom imunski sistem ribe može eliminisati.
U ovom radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike najvažnijih antimikrobnih lekova,
koji se koriste u lečenju bolesti riba.
PB  - Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo
T2  - 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije, Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021
T1  - Primena antimikrobnih lekova kod riba
SP  - 245
EP  - 257
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ćupić, Vitomir and Ivanović, Saša and Borozan, Sunčica and Prevendar Crnić, Andreja and Mujezinović, Indira and Žugić, Gordana and Velev, Romel and Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U poslednje vreme, proizvodnja ribe je dramatično porasla širom sveta i zauzima
sve veći udeo (a time i značaj) u ukupnoj proizvodnji hrane animalnog porekla. Da bi
se osigurala ovako velika proizvodnja, treba umanjiti štetni uticaj brojnih faktora spoljašnje
sredine, a pre svega stresova, drastičnih promena u temperaturi, mikroorganizama,
kao i različitih hemijskih supstancija, koje mogu itekako ugroziti život ribe. Od
svih nabrojanih faktora, poseban problem predstavljaju infektivne bolesti, uzrokovane
bakterijama. Većina bakterija, koje uzrokuju bolesti riba su normalni stanovnici vodenih
sistema i obično ne uzrokuju bolesti, odnosno (kao takve) ne predstavljaju problem.
Međutim, kada su ribe izložene stresu, sa jednim od već navedenih faktora (promena
temperature, loš kvalitet vode, nedavni transport ili rukovanje), mogu ugroziti imunski
sistem jedinke, a usled toga favorizovati rast bakterija, čime se svakako povećava rizik
za nastajanje bolesti.
Za lečenje bakterijskih infekcija koriste se antimikrobni lekovi koji su veoma korisni
i imaju veliki značaj u upravljanju zdravljem riba. Većina autora tvrdi da su antimikrobni
lekovi samo „alat“, a ne i „magijski meci“, kako ih je još odavno nazvao Pol Erlih.
Sposobnost antimikrobnih lekova da pomognu u uklanjanju infektivnih bolesti riba, zavisi
od više faktora. Pitanja na koja je potrebno dati odgovore su: a) Da li je zaista prisutna
bakterijska infekcija? b) Da li su identifikovane bakterije osetljive na izabrani antibiotik?
c) Da li je lek pravilno doziran i primenjen u odgovarajućim intervalima? i d)
Da li su dodatni stresovi uklonjeni ili smanjeni?
Pored toga, treba istaći da antimikrobni lekovi, sami po sebi, ne leče infekcije riba.
Ovi lekovi zapravo samo kontrolišu rast populacije bakterija kod riba dovoljno dugo da
ih potom imunski sistem ribe može eliminisati.
U ovom radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike najvažnijih antimikrobnih lekova,
koji se koriste u lečenju bolesti riba.",
publisher = "Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo",
journal = "32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije, Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021",
title = "Primena antimikrobnih lekova kod riba",
pages = "245-257",
url = ""
Ćupić, V., Ivanović, S., Borozan, S., Prevendar Crnić, A., Mujezinović, I., Žugić, G., Velev, R.,& Ćupić Miladinović, D.. (2021). Primena antimikrobnih lekova kod riba. in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije, Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021
Beograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo., 245-257.
Ćupić V, Ivanović S, Borozan S, Prevendar Crnić A, Mujezinović I, Žugić G, Velev R, Ćupić Miladinović D. Primena antimikrobnih lekova kod riba. in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije, Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021. 2021;:245-257. .
Ćupić, Vitomir, Ivanović, Saša, Borozan, Sunčica, Prevendar Crnić, Andreja, Mujezinović, Indira, Žugić, Gordana, Velev, Romel, Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana, "Primena antimikrobnih lekova kod riba" in 32. Savetovanje veterinara Srbije, Zlatibor, 9 – 12. septembar 2021 (2021):245-257, .