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Lipidni status trkačkih konja nakon fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta i trajanja

dc.creatorJović, Slavoljub
dc.creatorStevanović, Jelka
dc.creatorBorozan, Sunčica
dc.creatorDimitrijević, B.
dc.creatorPopović, Tamara
dc.creatorBlagojević, Miloš
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to determine the effects of physical activity on the lipid status in racehorses in a gallop race and a forty-kilometre endurance ride. Two groups of healthy 3-5-year-old full-blooded racehorses were assessed. The first one ran a 2 400-m gallop race, which is considered a short-lasting, intense physical activity; lipid status was assessed prior to, and 48 and 72 h after the race. The second group ran a forty-kilometre endurance ride, which is a long-lasting moderate physical activity; the lipid status was assessed immediately before, soon after and 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h after finishing the race. In intense physical activity the parameters of lipid status (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and triglycerides) remained stable at all times assessed in comparison with basal concentrations (p>0.05). Following the long-lasting moderate physical activity a slight, although statistically insignificant (p>0.05), increase in the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and LDL cholesterol was noticed immediately after the endurance ride in comparison to the values before the ride. By contrast, the concentration of LDL cholesterol increased immediately after the gallop race, which was followed by its significant decrease (p lt 0.05) 96, 120 and 144 h after the ride in comparison to the values both before and immediately after the ride. Unlike in the gallop race, immediately after the 40-km endurance ride there was a plummet in triglyceride concentration (p lt 0.01), but was followed by its statistically significant increase (p lt 0.05 and p lt 0.01) at all sampling times in comparison to the value on finishing the ride. In horses which ran the gallop race there was a high positive correlation between the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides before, 72 and 96 h after the race (r = 0.9278, p lt 0.001). In those which ran the endurance ride a high positive correlation between the concentrations of total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol was noticed on finishing the ride (r=0.7395 p lt 0.01), as well as at all sampling times which followed. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the concentrations of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol 72 h (r=0.6843, p lt 0.01) after the ride. Aerobic exercise decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, partly because it is accompanied by the moderate increase in serum concentration of HDL cholesterol, decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which all result in the improvement in lipid profile in horses which completed the endurance ride.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio utvrđivanje efekata fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta tokom galopske trke i endjurans trke, na lipidni status trkačkih konja. U ispitivanju su učestvovali zdravi punokrvni trkački konji, starosti 3-5 godina, podeljeni u dve grupe. Prva grupa trkačkih konja podvrgnuta je kratkotrajnom fizičkom opterećenju visokog intenziteta tokom galopske trke na 2400 m, i lipidni status je određivan pre učešća u trci, 48 h i 72 h posle istrčane trke. Druga grupa trkačkih konja podvrgnuta je prolongiranom fizičkom opterećenju niskog intenziteta tokom endjurans trke na 40km, a lipidni status je određivan pre učešća u trci, neposredno posle istrčane trke, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, 120 h i 144 h posle istrčane trke. Kod fizičkog vežbanja visokog intenziteta parametri lipidnog statusa (ukupni holesterol, HDL-holesterol, LDL-holesterol, slobodni holesterol i trigliceridi) ostaju stabilni u svim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima u odnosu na bazalne koncentracije (p>0,05). Nakon dugotrajnog fizičkog vežbanja niskog intenziteta uočen je blagi porast koncentracije ukupnog holesterola, HDL-holesterola, slobodnog holesterola i LDL-holesterola odmah nakon endjurans trke na 40km u odnosu na vrednosti pre trke, mada dobijeni rezultati nisu pokazali statističku značajnost (p>0,05). Nasuprot njima, koncentracija LDL-holesterola se povećala neposredno nakon trke, a potom se statistički značajano smanjivala u uzorcima uzetim 96 h, 120 h i 144 h nakon trke u odnosu na vrednost pre trke i neposredno nakon trke (p lt 0,05). Za razliku od galopske trke, neposredno nakon endjurans trke na 40 km došlo je do naglog statistički značajnog pada koncentracije triglicerida (p lt 0,01), a potom je u svim narednim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima dokazan njihov statistički značajan porast (p lt 0,05 i p lt 0,01) u odnosu na vrednosti triglicerida neposredno nakon trke. Kod galopske trke ustanovljena je međusobna visoka pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije ukupnog holesterola, koncentracije HDL-holesterola i koncentracije triglicerida pre, 72 h i 96 h posle trke (r = 0,9278, p lt 0,001). Kod endjurans trke ustanovljena je medjusobna visoka pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije ukupnog holesterola i HDL-holesterola neposredno nakon trke (r = 0,7395, p lt 0,01), kao i u svim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima posle endjurans trke. Dokazana je i pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije HDL- holesterola i LDL-holesterola 72 h (r = 0,6843, p lt 0,01) nakon trke. Aerobnim vežbanjem se smanjenje rizik od razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti, delimično usled pratećeg umerenog povećanja serumske koncentracije HDL-holesterola uz redukciju ukupnog holesterola, LDL-holesterola i triglicerida, što sve zajedno rezultira poboljšanjem lipidnog profila krvi konja koji su trčali endjurans trku.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173034/RS//
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectendurance rideen
dc.subjectgallop raceen
dc.subjectlipid statusen
dc.titleLipid status in racehorses following physical activity of various intensity and durationen
dc.titleLipidni status trkačkih konja nakon fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta i trajanjasr
dcterms.abstractЈовић, Славољуб; Стевановић, Јелка; Поповић, Тамара; Борозан, Сунчица; Благојевић, Милош; Димитријевић, Б.; Липидни статус тркачких коња након физичког оптерећења различитог интензитета и трајања; Липидни статус тркачких коња након физичког оптерећења различитог интензитета и трајања;
dc.citation.other63(2-3): 211-226



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