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Vlijanie selena i blokatorov dejodinazy na ves juvenil'nyh krys

dc.creatorMilanović, Svetlana
dc.creatorJovanović, Ivan B.
dc.creatorBjelica, Jelena
dc.creatorJoksimović, Srđan
dc.creatorStefanović, Srđan
dc.creatorRadović, Magdalena
dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.creatorValčić, Olivera
dc.creatorGvozdić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractIn this work there was investigated the influence of selenium and deodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weight during three months. The experiment was carried out on 64 rats divided into eight groups with eight individual animals per group. Following groups were formed: 1. Se+PTU-IA- (control group), 2. Se+PTU+IA+, 3. Se+PTU+IA-, 4. Se+P-TU-IA+, 5. Se-PTU-IA-, 6. Se-PTU+IA+, 7. Se-PTU+IA- and 8. Se-PTU-IA+. The groups labeled (Se+) were selenium adequate and they were fed with food that contained 0.334 mg Se/kg. The groups labeled (Se-) were selenium deficient and obtained food with 0.031 mg Se/kg. As deiodinases blockers there were used propylthiouracil (PTU+) in a dose of 150 mg/L of drinking water and iopanoic acid (IA+) in a dose of 6 mg/100 g TM intraperitoneally. Body weight of experimental rats was measured every seven days. After three weeks of treatment there were taken blood samples of animals from all experimental groups and following parameters were determined: selenium concentration in blood, thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) in blood plasma. Analysis of the samples showed that the animals from the groups treated with PTU had lower body weight in regard to the control group, as well as lower concentration of T3 and T4 in plasma. Selenium deficient rats had lower average body weight compared to the selenium adequate ones after three weeks, but there were no differences in thyroid hormones concentration. The lowest average body weight was noticed in selenium deficient rats groups treated with PTU.en
dc.description.abstractU okviru ogleda je ispitivan uticaj selena i blokatora dejodinaza na telesnu masu juvenilnih pacova tokom tri nedelje. Ogled je izveden na 64 pacova podeljenih u osam grupa od po 8 jedinki. Formirane su sledeće grupe: 1. Se+PTU-IA- (kontrolna grupa), 2. Se+PTU+IA+, 3. Se+PTU+IA-, 4. Se+PTU-IA+, 5. Se-PTU-IA-, 6. Se-PTU+IA+, 7. Se-PTU+IA- i 8. Se-PTU-IA+. Grupe sa oznakom (Se+) su bile selenadekvatne i dobijale su hranu koja je sadržala 0,334 mg Se/kg hrane. Grupe sa oznakom (Se-) su bile selendeficitne i dobijale su 0,031 mg mg Se/kg hrane. Kao blokatori dejodinaza su korišćeni propiltiouracil (PTU+) u dozi od 150 mg/L vode za piće i jopanoična kiselina (IA+) u dozi od 6 mg/100g t.m. intraperitonealno. Telesna masa oglednih pacova je merena svakih sedam dana. Nakon tri nedelje tretmana uzeti su uzorci krvi životinja iz svih oglednih grupa i određivani su sledeći parametri: koncentracja selena u punoj krvi, tiroksin (T4), trijodtironin (T3) i tireostimulirajući hormon (TSH) u krvnoj plazmi. Analiza je pokazala da su jedinke iz grupe tretiranih sa PTU imale nižu telesnu masu u odnosu na kontrolnu, kao i nižu koncentraciju T3 i T4 u plazmi. Selendeficitni pacovi su nakon tri nedelje imali nižu prosečnu telesnu masu u odnosu na selenadekvatne, ali nisu uočene razlike u koncentraciji tireoidnih hormona. Najniža prosečna telesna masa zabeležena je kod selendeficitnih grupa pacova tretiranih sa
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31050/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31003/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectiopanoic aciden
dc.subjectbody weighten
dc.subjectjopanoična kiselinasr
dc.subjecttelesna masasr
dc.titleThe influence of selenium and deiodinases blockers on juvenile rats body weighten
dc.titleVlijanie selena i blokatorov dejodinazy na ves juvenil'nyh krysru
dc.titleUticaj selena i blokatora dejodinaza na telesnu masu juvenilnih pacovasr
dcterms.abstractЈоксимовић, Срђан; Гвоздић, Драган; Милановић, Светлана; Јовановић, Иван; Кировски, Данијела; Стефановић, Срђан; Валчић, Оливера; Бјелица, Јелена; Радовић, Магдалена; Утицај селена и блокатора дејодиназа на телесну масу јувенилних пацова; Утицај селена и блокатора дејодиназа на телесну масу јувенилних пацова;
dc.citation.other68(1-2): 3-9

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