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Vlijanie teplovogo stressa na metaboličeskij status korov

dc.creatorHorvat, Jože
dc.creatorŠamanc, Horea
dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.creatorVujanac, Ivan
dc.description.abstractIt is considered that high air temperature and humidity during the summer are the main factors which adversely affect both the health and production-reproductive performance of high yielding dairy cows. The resulting heath stress leads to a series of changes in endocrine regulation of homeostasis. The changes in hormonal status reflect in some way to the indicators of metabolic status of the cows. The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of heat stress on metabolic status of cows. The experiment was carried out on 20 cows of Holstein-Friesian breed during the summer, in the period from 18th to 45th day of lactation. During the performance of the experiment, the value of heat index (THI) was determined hourly and then the value of average morning (from 10 pm the previous day to 9 am the current day), afternoon (from 10 am to 9 pm the current day) and all-day THI was calculated. Blood sampling was carried out on the 1st, 2nd, 8th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 25th, 29th and 37th day of the experiment, in the morning and the afternoon. On the basis of hourly THI values, whole experimental period was divided into three periods: period A during which the cows were exposed to a extreme high heat stress (THI≥78) at least 7 hours in 24 hours; period B during which the cows were exposed to a moderate heat stress (72≥THI≤78) at least 7 hours in 24 hours; period C during which the cows were not exposed to a heat stress (THI≤72) in 24 hours. The average daily THI in period A (73,25±0,89) was significantly higher (p lt 0,01, individually) in regard to period B (71,45±0,96) and period C (65,41±2,09). THI was significantly higher in the period B than in the period C (p lt 0,01). Significantly lower blood glucose value (p lt 0,05) during the afternoon period in the cows exposed to the extreme heat stress (3,02±0,31 mmol/L) in regard to the morning period (3,14±0,41 mmol/L) points to the fact that in such conditions, metabolism redirects to use of glucose as an energy source because in that way less thermal energy is produced than during decomposition of fatty acids. Concentration of most important metabolic profile parameters in blood (cholesterol, triglycerides, total proteins, albumin, urea, total bilirubin, calcium, inorganic phosphorus as well as AST and ALT activity) did not vary significantly under the influence of heat stress. The exception was ionic calcium concentration which, under the conditions of extreme heat stress, was on the lower limit of physiological values (1.17±0.16 mmol/L).en
dc.description.abstractDanas se smatra da visoka spoljna temperatura i povišena vlažnost vazduha u toku leta predstavljaju glavne činioce koji nepovoljno utiču na zdravlje i proizvodno-reproduktivne sposobnosti visokomlečnih krava. Nastali toplotni stres dovodi do niza promena u endokrinoj regulaciji homeostaze. Promene u hormonalnom statusu preslikavaju se na neki način i na pokazatelje metaboličkog statusa krava. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita uticaj toplotnog stresa na metabolički status krava. Ogled je izveden na 20 krava Holštajn-frizijske rase tokom letnjeg perioda u periodu od 18. do 45. dana laktacije. Tokom perioda izvođenja ogleda određivana je vrednost 'satnih' toplotnih indeksa (THI) a zatim izračunata vrednost prosečnih jutarnjih (od 22h prethodnog, do 9h tekućeg dana), popodnevnih (od 10h do 21h tekućeg dana) i celodnevnih THI. Uzorkovanje krvi je izvršeno 1., 2., 8., 11., 14., 18., 25., 29. i 37. dana ogleda, u jutarnjem i popodnevnom periodu. Na osnovu vrednosti satnih THI ceo ogledni period je podeljen na tri perioda: period A u kome su krave bile izložene izrazitom toplotnom stresu (THI≥78) najmanje 7 sati u toku 24h; period B u kome su krave bile izložene umerenom toplotnom stresu (72≥THI≤78) najmanje 7 sati u toku 24 sata; period C u kome krave nisu bile izložene toplotnom stresu (THI≤72) u toku 24 sata. Prosečni dnevni THI u periodu A (73,25±0,89) bio je značajno veći (p lt 0,01, pojedinačno) u odnosu na period B (71,45±0,96) i period C (65,41±2,09). THI u periodu B bio je značajno viši nego u periodu C (p lt 0,01). Značajno niža vrednost glukoze (p lt 0,05) u popodnevnom periodu kod krava izloženih izrazitom toplotnom stresu (3,02±0,31 mmol/L) u odnosu na jutarnji period (3,14±0,41 mmol/L), ukazuje da se u takvim uslovima metabolizam preusmerava na korišćenje glukoze kao izvora energije jer se pri tome stvara manje toplotne energije nego pri razlaganju masnih kiselina.Koncentracija najvažnijih parametara metaboličkog profila u krvi (holesterola, triglicerida, ukupnih proteina, albumina, uree, ukupnog bilirubina, kalcijuma, anorganskog fosfora kao i aktivnost AST i ALT) nije značajno varirala pod uticajem toplotnog stresa. Izuzetak je koncentracija jonskog kalcijuma koja je u uslovima izrazitog toplotnog stresa bila na samoj donjoj granici fiziološke vrednosti (1,17±0,16 mmol/L).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31003/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectheat stressen
dc.subjectmetabolic profileen
dc.subjecttoplotni stressr
dc.subjectmetabolički profilsr
dc.titleThe influence of heat stress on metabolic status of cowsen
dc.titleVlijanie teplovogo stressa na metaboličeskij status korovru
dc.titleUticaj toplotnog stresa na metabolički status kravasr
dcterms.abstractШаманц, Хореа; Вујанац, Иван; Хорват, Јоже; Кировски, Данијела; Влијание теплового стресса на метаболическиј статус коров; Утицај топлотног стреса на метаболички статус крава; Утицај топлотног стреса на метаболички статус крава;
dc.citation.other68(3-4): 141-150



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