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Respiratorna kapilarioza pasa i mačaka - klinički, parazitološki i epidemiološki značaj

dc.creatorIlić, Tamara
dc.creatorMandić, Maja
dc.creatorStepanović, Predrag
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Sanda
dc.description.abstractRespiratory capillariasis is a disease of domestic and wild carnivores as well as of people, caused by nematode Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, which lives as a parasite in mucosa of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles, rarely in nasal and frontal sinuses of the host. This parasite has either direct or indirect development cycle which includes optional transition hosts - earthworms. Clinical picture is manifested in the form of a very severe respiratory disease, which is accompanied by an increased bronchovesicular sound, sneezing, gasping and chronic dry cough. Despite the fact that this nematode is widespread in all the parts of the world, that it causes a disease followed by a severe clinical picture and has a zoonotic potential as well, it has been insufficiently investigated and moreover from clinical and parasitological aspect it has not been given enough attention so far. The reason for this is the fact that C. aerophila had been considered to be a strain of very low level of pathogenicity causing only sporadic respiratory infections in dogs and cats. The interest of scientific community for this parasitosis increased the moment when its causative agent spread outside the endemic areas. From the standpoint of monitoring and health protection of both carnivores and peorle, knowledge of basic epizootiological and epidemiological characteristics of these nematodes is of crucial importance, having in mind that its prevalence has significantly increased in dogs and cats in the last ten years, both in Europe and worldwide.en
dc.description.abstractRespiratorna kapilarioza je oboljenje domaćih, divljih mesojeda i ljudi, prouzrokovano nematodom Eucoleus aerophilus syn. Capillaria aerophila, koja parazitira u mukozi traheje, bronhija i bronhiola, retko u nazalnim i frontalnim sinusima domaćina. Parazit ima direktan ili indirektan razvojni ciklus, u koji su uključeni fakultativni prelazni domaćini - kišne gliste. Klinička slika se manifestuje u vidu vrlo teškog respiratornog oboljenja, koje je praćeno pojačanim bronho-vezikularnim šumom, kijanjem, hroptanjem i hroničnim suvim kašljem. I pored toga što je rasprostranjena u skoro svim delovima sveta, prouzrokuje oboljenje praćeno teškom kliničkom slikom i poseduje zoonozni potencijal, ova nematodoza nije dovoljno istražena, a sa kliničko-parazitološkog aspekta joj nije posvećeno dovoljno pažnje. Razlog za to je i činjenica, što se dugo smatralo da je C. aerophila vrsta niskog stepena patogenosti i da prouzrokuje respiratorne infekcije pasa i mačaka koje se javljaju sporadično. Interesovanje naučne javnosti za ovu parazitozu se povećalo od onog trenutka, kada se njen uzročnik proširio izvan endemskih područja. Sa stanovišta praćenja i zaštite zdravstvenog stanja mesojeda i ljudi, od izuzetnog je značaja poznavanje osnovnih epizootiološko-epidemioloških karakteristika ove nematodoze, čija se prevalencija značajno povećala u poslednjih deset godina, kod pasa i mačaka kako u Evropi, tako i širom
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectrespiratory capillariasisen
dc.subjectrespiratorna kapilariozasr
dc.titleDog and cat respiratory capilariasis: Clinical, parasitological and epidemiological significanceen
dc.titleRespiratorna kapilarioza pasa i mačaka - klinički, parazitološki i epidemiološki značajsr
dcterms.abstractМандић, Маја; Степановић, Предраг; Димитријевић, Санда; Илић, Тамара; Респираторна капилариоза паса и мачака - клинички, паразитолошки и епидемиолошки значај; Респираторна капилариоза паса и мачака - клинички, паразитолошки и епидемиолошки значај;
dc.citation.other69(5-6): 417-428

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