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Upotreba fitobiotika u stimulaciji rasta odbijene prasadi

dc.creatorRadulović, Stamen
dc.creatorMarković, Radmila
dc.creatorJakić-Dimić, Dobrila
dc.creatorŠefer, Dragan
dc.description.abstractPhytogene feed additives (phytobiotics) are plant origin compounds used in animal nutrition in order to improve their productivity by improving the production performance of animals, feed properties and the quality of food of animal origin. These additives stimulate animal growth by using their natural and physiological potentials and mechanisms providing conditions for the realization of the genetically projected production volumes. Data on the use of phytobiotics as growth stimulators are incomplete and often very contradictory, especially those related to their impact on the health and performance of weaned pigs. Given the relevance and importance of these issues the feeding trial was organized by the group-control system. The experiment lasted for 40 days and it was divided into two phases of 20 days each. Trial was conducted on 24 piglets, F1 generation of Swedish Landrace and Pietrain, weaned from sows at the age of 35 days. Tests were carried out on piglets, with an average body weight of 8.61±1.59 kg, which were subjected to one of the two feeding treatments immediately after weaning. The control group was fed with a mixture without growth promoters, while the experimental group received a diet containing preparation of phytobiotic (Enviva EO 101, Danisco Animal Nutrition) in the amount recommended by the manufacturer (0.1 kg/t). The mixtures for piglets nutrition were formulated in accordance with the recommendations of the NRC (1998), and AEC (1993) and they met the nutritional requirements completely. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health and/or the manifestation of clinical signs of disease. The control group, fed with the diet without added growth stimulators, achieved body weight (25.32±6.31 kg), average daily gain (0.42±0.12 kg), consumption (0.89 kg) and feed conversion (2.119 ) normal for a given race, age and housing conditions. The use of preparation of phytobiotics as growth promoters, led to better production results in regard to the control group, which was based on higher body weight (27.19±4.77 kg), higher average daily gain (0.46±0.09 kg) and better feed conversion (2.043). The use of phytobiotic, as an alternative option in growth stimulation of weaned pigs, has its nutritive, medical and economic justification.en
dc.description.abstractFitogeni dodaci hrani za životinje (fitobiotici) predstavljaju jedinjenja biljnog porekla koja se koriste u ishrani životinja za unapređenje njihove produktivnosti putem poboljšanja proizvodnih rezultata, svojstava hrane, kao i kvaliteta namirnica animalnog porekla. Navedeni dodaci omogućavaju stimulaciju rasta životinja korišćenjem njihovih prirodnih fizioloških potencijala i mehanizama, obezbeđujući uslove za ostvarenje genetski projektovanog obima proizvodnje. Podaci o upotrebi fitobiotika kao stimulatora rasta su nepotpuni i često vrlo kontradiktorni, naročito oni koji se odnose na njihov uticaj na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate. S obzirom na aktuelnost i značaj navedene problematike organizovan je ogled ishrane po grupno-kontrolnom sistemu. Ogled je trajao 40 dana, a podeljen je u dve faze od po 20 dana. Ogledom je izveden na 24 praseta, melezi švedskog landrasa i pietrena, odbijena od krmače u starosti od 35 dana. Ispitivanja su izvedena na prasadima oba pola, prosečne telesne mase 8,61±1,59 kg koja su odmah nakon odbijanja raspoređena u jedan od dva hranidbena tretmana. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena je smešom bez stimulatora rasta, dok je ogledna grupa dobijala hranu sa dodatkom preparata fitobiotika (Enviva EO 101, Danisco Animal Nutrition) u količini preporučenoj od strane proizvođača (0,1 kg/t). Smeše za ishranu prasadi su bile formulisane u skladu sa preporukama NRC (1998), kao i AEC (1993) i u potpunosti su odgovarale njihovim nutritivnim zahtevima. Tokom ogleda nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja i/ ili ispoljavanja kliničkih znakova oboljenja. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena smešama bez dodatog stimulatora rasta postigla je telesnu masu (25,32±6,31 kg), dnevni prirast (0,42±0,12 kg), konzumaciju (0,89 kg) i konverziju hrane (2,119) uobičajenu za datu rasu, starost I uslove držanja. Korišćenjem preparata fitobiotika kao stimulatora rasta postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, zasnovani na većoj postignutoj telesnoj masi (27,19±4,77kg), većem ostvarenom prosečnom dnevnom prirastu (0,46±0,09 kg) i boljoj konverziji hrane (2,043). Korišćenje fitobiotika kao alternativne mogućnosti u stimulaciji rasta prasadi u odgoju ima svoje nutritivno, medicinsko i ekonomsko opravdanje.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectgrowth promotersen
dc.subjectstimulatori rastasr
dc.titleThe use of phytobiotics in growth stimulation of weaned pigsen
dc.titleUpotreba fitobiotika u stimulaciji rasta odbijene prasadisr
dcterms.abstractРадуловић, Стамен; Шефер, Драган; Марковић, Радмила; Јакић-Димић, Добрила; Употреба фитобиотика у стимулацији раста одбијене прасади; Употреба фитобиотика у стимулацији раста одбијене прасади;
dc.citation.other69(1-2): 63-74



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