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Izolacija Candide albicans i Citrobacter freundii iz duboko zamrznutog semena bika

dc.creatorMaletić, Milan
dc.creatorVakanjac, Slobodanka
dc.creatorNedić, Svetlana
dc.creatorMagaš, Vladimir
dc.creatorĐurić, Miloje
dc.description.abstractMicrobiological examination of semen as part of health control of bulls is of great importance for the success cattle reproduction. Deep-frozen semen ofbulls should be free of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and controlled production of seed should allow out. According to the OIE recommendations unfrozen dose of semen should not contain more than 5000 cfu / ml of saprophytic microorganisms. According to the Law of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia, Article 115 (Traffic reproductive material) it is prohibited to trade, import and export of seeds for artificial insemination, ova and fertilized eggs containing pathogens of animals or more bacteria than allowed, or that their biochemical, biophysical and morphological properties are not eligible for reproduction. Clear limits of number and types of allowed saprophytic microorganisms in deep- frozen semen is not listed. Microbiological analysis included a sample of 351 semen ofbulls in pure culture was isolated Candida albicans in 9 samples, Citrobacter freundii in 5 samples, while other samples were free of microorganisms. Infection with Candida albicans are well described in the literature, and it is known that can cause mastitis, endometritis and abortion in cows. Citrobacter freundii is known as a cause of nosocomial infection of respiratory, urinary tract and blood in humans. It was stated that 29% of opportunistic infections in humans are caused by these microorganisms. In veterinary medicine, infection with Citrobacter freundii have been described in dogs, laboratory animals, fish and turtles. It is known that Citrobacter species can cause abortions and mastitis in cows, but literature data on the effect of pathogen Citrobacter freundii on cows reproductive health are low. Isolation of this organism from the semen ofbulls has not been described in the available literature. On the basis of our recommendations and OIE Veterinary Act, and the little available literature on infections (especially C freundii) it is recommended that the deep-frozen bull semen is unusable for arteficial insemination.en
dc.description.abstractMikrobiološki pregled semena kao deo zdravstvene kontrole bikova od velikog je zna;aja za uspeh reprodukcije goveda. Duboko zamrznuto seme bikova treba da bude slobodno od patogenih, kao i od uslovno patogenih mikroorganizama, što kontrolisana proizvodnja semena treba da omogući. Prema OIE preporukama otopljena doza semena ne treba da sadrži više od 5000 cfu/ml saprofitskih mikroorganizama. Prema Zakonu o veterinarstvu Republike Srbije, članu 115 (Promet reproduktivnog materijala) “Zabranjen je promet, uvoz ili izvoz semena za veštačko osemenjavanje, jajnih ćelija i oplođenih jajnih ćelija koji sadrži uzročnike bolesti životinja ili veći broj bakterija od dozvoljenog ili koji svojim biohemijskim, biofizičkim i morfološkim svojstvima ne ispunjavaju uslove za reprodukciju”. Jasna granica broja i vrste dozvoljenih saprofitskih mikroorganizama u duboko zamrznutom semenu nije navedena. Mikrobiološkom analizom obuhvaćen je 351 uzorak duboko zamrznutog semena bikova, u čistoj kulturi je izolovana Candida albicans u 9 uzorka, Citrobacter freundii u 5 uzoraka, dok su ostali uzorci bili slobodni od mikroorganizama. Infekcije krava sa Candida albicans su dosta opisane u literaturi, i poznato je da može da izazove mastitise, endometritise i pobačaje kod krava. Citrobacter freundii je poznat kao uzročnik nozokomijalnih infekcija respiratornog, urinarnog trakta i krvi ljudi. Navedeno je da je 29% oportunističkih infekcija kod ljudi izazvano ovim mikroorganizmom. U veterinarskoj medicini infekcije sa Citrobacter freundii su opisane kod pasa, laboratorijskih životinja, riba i kornjača. Poznato je da Citrobacter vrste mogu izazvati mastitise i pobačaje krava, ali literaturni podaci o patogenom delovanju Citrobacter freundii na reproduktivno zdravlje krava su oskudni.Izolacija ovog mikroorganizma iz duboko zamrznutog semena bikova nije opisana u nama dostupnoj literaturi. Na osnovu preporuke OIE i našeg Zakona o veterinarstvu, a zbog malo dostupne literature o infekcijama (posebno C. freundii) data je preporuka, da je duboko zamrznuto seme bika neupotrebljivo za veštačko
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectfrozen bull semenen
dc.subjectC. freundiien
dc.subjectC. albicansen
dc.subjectzamrznuto seme bikasr
dc.subjectC. freundisr
dc.subjectC. Albicanssr
dc.titleIsolation of Candida albicans and Citrobacter freundii from deep frozen semen of bullsen
dc.titleIzolacija Candide albicans i Citrobacter freundii iz duboko zamrznutog semena bikasr
dcterms.abstractНедић, Светлана; Ђурић, Милоје; Малетић, Милан; Вакањац, Слободанка; Магаш, Владимир; Изолација Цандиде албицанс и Цитробацтер фреундии из дубоко замрзнутог семена бика; Изолација Цандиде албицанс и Цитробацтер фреундии из дубоко замрзнутог семена бика;
dc.citation.other21(3-4): 81-86

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