Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes
Uticaj dezificijensa na različite sojeve Listeria monocytogenes
Teodorović, RadislavaBugarski, Mirjana
Teodorović, Vlado
Radenković, Brana
Mirilović, Milorad
Article (Published version)
Show full item recordAbstract
The objective of this work was to determine which of the examined disinfectants represents the agent of choice for isolates of L monocytogenes originating from foodstuffs of animal origin and if there are differences regarding sensitivity associated with specific serotypes. Disinfectant A (sodium hypochlorite + phosphates + alkali) did not exhibit a listericidal effect on any examined serotype, while disinfectants B (10 % hydrochloride of 1- dodecyl-1.4.7- triazooctane - 8- carbonic) and C (acidic iodoform with tenside- iodine complex)) exhibited a listericidal effect against most strains. Desinfectant B had the greatest effect at the highest working concentration (2 %) with a very significant difference (p lt 0.01) in comparison with the listericidal effect of disinfectant C. Analysis of the sensitivity of different serotypes of L monocytogenes showed that, despite evident higher or lower sensitivity to disinfectant B, the antigenic structure (seroype) was not related to the sensitivi...ty of the examined strains. However, with disinfectant C, the greatest listericidal effect was exhibited on serotypes 3a and 112b, while it was smaller for other serotypes of L monocytogenes. Statistically very significant differences (p lt 0.01) and significant differences (p lt 0.05) were detected between the mean inhibition zones of most serotypes of L monocytogents. Therefore, the sensitivity of different strains of L. monocytogenes originating from foodstuffs of animal origin to disinfectants can be related to the antigenic structure, actually the serotype (C) or not (disinfectant B).
Cilj ovog rada je da odgovori na dva vrlo značajna pitanja: prvo, koji od ispitivanih dezinficijenasa ispoljava najbolji dezinfekcioni efekat na sojeve Listeria monocytogenes, poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla i drugo, da li u pogledu osetljivosti L monocytogenes prema ispitivanim dezinficijensima postoje razlike uslovljene serotipskom pripadnošću. Dezificijens A (natrijum hypochlorit+phosphati+alkalija) nije ispoljio listericidni efekat ni prema jednom ispitivanom serotipu, dok su dezificijensi B (10% hydrochloride 1-dodecil-1,4,7-triazooctan-8-carbonska kiselina) i C (kiseli iodoform satensid-iodnim kompleksom) ispoljili listericidni efekat prema većem broju sojeva. Dezificijens B ispoljio je najviši baktericidni efekat pri najvišoj radnoj koncentraciji sa statistički vrlo značajnom razlikom (p lt 0,01) u odnosu na listericidni efekat dezificijensa C. Analizom rezultata osetljivosti različitih sojeva Listeria monocytogenes utvrđeno je da i pored evidentne ispoljene osetljivosti... listerija prema dezificijensu B, antigensa struktura odnosno, serotip nema većeg značaja u pogledu osetljivosti ispitivanih sojeva. Medutim dezificijens C, najveći listericidni efekat ispoljio je prema listerijama serotipa 3a i 1 /2b, dok je prema ostalim serotipovima bio manji. Između aritmetičkih sredina zona inhibicije većine serotipova, utvrđene su statistički vrlo značajne razlike (p lt 0,01), odnosno značajne razlike (p lt 0,05). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je osetljivost različitih sojeva L monocytogenes poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla bila ispoljena prema dezinficijensu B, kao i da osetljivost listerija prema ispitivanim dezinficijensima zavisi od njihove antigenske strukture odnosno serotipske pripadnosti.
Listeria monocytogenes / disinfectants / serotypisation / sensitivitySource:
Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 2000, 50, 1, 43-50Publisher:
- Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
Fakultet veterinarske medicineTY - JOUR AU - Teodorović, Radislava AU - Bugarski, Mirjana AU - Teodorović, Vlado AU - Radenković, Brana AU - Mirilović, Milorad PY - 2000 UR - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/134 AB - The objective of this work was to determine which of the examined disinfectants represents the agent of choice for isolates of L monocytogenes originating from foodstuffs of animal origin and if there are differences regarding sensitivity associated with specific serotypes. Disinfectant A (sodium hypochlorite + phosphates + alkali) did not exhibit a listericidal effect on any examined serotype, while disinfectants B (10 % hydrochloride of 1- dodecyl-1.4.7- triazooctane - 8- carbonic) and C (acidic iodoform with tenside- iodine complex)) exhibited a listericidal effect against most strains. Desinfectant B had the greatest effect at the highest working concentration (2 %) with a very significant difference (p lt 0.01) in comparison with the listericidal effect of disinfectant C. Analysis of the sensitivity of different serotypes of L monocytogenes showed that, despite evident higher or lower sensitivity to disinfectant B, the antigenic structure (seroype) was not related to the sensitivity of the examined strains. However, with disinfectant C, the greatest listericidal effect was exhibited on serotypes 3a and 112b, while it was smaller for other serotypes of L monocytogenes. Statistically very significant differences (p lt 0.01) and significant differences (p lt 0.05) were detected between the mean inhibition zones of most serotypes of L monocytogents. Therefore, the sensitivity of different strains of L. monocytogenes originating from foodstuffs of animal origin to disinfectants can be related to the antigenic structure, actually the serotype (C) or not (disinfectant B). AB - Cilj ovog rada je da odgovori na dva vrlo značajna pitanja: prvo, koji od ispitivanih dezinficijenasa ispoljava najbolji dezinfekcioni efekat na sojeve Listeria monocytogenes, poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla i drugo, da li u pogledu osetljivosti L monocytogenes prema ispitivanim dezinficijensima postoje razlike uslovljene serotipskom pripadnošću. Dezificijens A (natrijum hypochlorit+phosphati+alkalija) nije ispoljio listericidni efekat ni prema jednom ispitivanom serotipu, dok su dezificijensi B (10% hydrochloride 1-dodecil-1,4,7-triazooctan-8-carbonska kiselina) i C (kiseli iodoform satensid-iodnim kompleksom) ispoljili listericidni efekat prema većem broju sojeva. Dezificijens B ispoljio je najviši baktericidni efekat pri najvišoj radnoj koncentraciji sa statistički vrlo značajnom razlikom (p lt 0,01) u odnosu na listericidni efekat dezificijensa C. Analizom rezultata osetljivosti različitih sojeva Listeria monocytogenes utvrđeno je da i pored evidentne ispoljene osetljivosti listerija prema dezificijensu B, antigensa struktura odnosno, serotip nema većeg značaja u pogledu osetljivosti ispitivanih sojeva. Medutim dezificijens C, najveći listericidni efekat ispoljio je prema listerijama serotipa 3a i 1 /2b, dok je prema ostalim serotipovima bio manji. Između aritmetičkih sredina zona inhibicije većine serotipova, utvrđene su statistički vrlo značajne razlike (p lt 0,01), odnosno značajne razlike (p lt 0,05). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je osetljivost različitih sojeva L monocytogenes poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla bila ispoljena prema dezinficijensu B, kao i da osetljivost listerija prema ispitivanim dezinficijensima zavisi od njihove antigenske strukture odnosno serotipske pripadnosti. PB - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd T2 - Acta Veterinaria-Beograd T1 - Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes T1 - Uticaj dezificijensa na različite sojeve Listeria monocytogenes VL - 50 IS - 1 SP - 43 EP - 50 UR - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_134 ER -
@article{ author = "Teodorović, Radislava and Bugarski, Mirjana and Teodorović, Vlado and Radenković, Brana and Mirilović, Milorad", year = "2000", abstract = "The objective of this work was to determine which of the examined disinfectants represents the agent of choice for isolates of L monocytogenes originating from foodstuffs of animal origin and if there are differences regarding sensitivity associated with specific serotypes. Disinfectant A (sodium hypochlorite + phosphates + alkali) did not exhibit a listericidal effect on any examined serotype, while disinfectants B (10 % hydrochloride of 1- dodecyl-1.4.7- triazooctane - 8- carbonic) and C (acidic iodoform with tenside- iodine complex)) exhibited a listericidal effect against most strains. Desinfectant B had the greatest effect at the highest working concentration (2 %) with a very significant difference (p lt 0.01) in comparison with the listericidal effect of disinfectant C. Analysis of the sensitivity of different serotypes of L monocytogenes showed that, despite evident higher or lower sensitivity to disinfectant B, the antigenic structure (seroype) was not related to the sensitivity of the examined strains. However, with disinfectant C, the greatest listericidal effect was exhibited on serotypes 3a and 112b, while it was smaller for other serotypes of L monocytogenes. Statistically very significant differences (p lt 0.01) and significant differences (p lt 0.05) were detected between the mean inhibition zones of most serotypes of L monocytogents. Therefore, the sensitivity of different strains of L. monocytogenes originating from foodstuffs of animal origin to disinfectants can be related to the antigenic structure, actually the serotype (C) or not (disinfectant B)., Cilj ovog rada je da odgovori na dva vrlo značajna pitanja: prvo, koji od ispitivanih dezinficijenasa ispoljava najbolji dezinfekcioni efekat na sojeve Listeria monocytogenes, poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla i drugo, da li u pogledu osetljivosti L monocytogenes prema ispitivanim dezinficijensima postoje razlike uslovljene serotipskom pripadnošću. Dezificijens A (natrijum hypochlorit+phosphati+alkalija) nije ispoljio listericidni efekat ni prema jednom ispitivanom serotipu, dok su dezificijensi B (10% hydrochloride 1-dodecil-1,4,7-triazooctan-8-carbonska kiselina) i C (kiseli iodoform satensid-iodnim kompleksom) ispoljili listericidni efekat prema većem broju sojeva. Dezificijens B ispoljio je najviši baktericidni efekat pri najvišoj radnoj koncentraciji sa statistički vrlo značajnom razlikom (p lt 0,01) u odnosu na listericidni efekat dezificijensa C. Analizom rezultata osetljivosti različitih sojeva Listeria monocytogenes utvrđeno je da i pored evidentne ispoljene osetljivosti listerija prema dezificijensu B, antigensa struktura odnosno, serotip nema većeg značaja u pogledu osetljivosti ispitivanih sojeva. Medutim dezificijens C, najveći listericidni efekat ispoljio je prema listerijama serotipa 3a i 1 /2b, dok je prema ostalim serotipovima bio manji. Između aritmetičkih sredina zona inhibicije većine serotipova, utvrđene su statistički vrlo značajne razlike (p lt 0,01), odnosno značajne razlike (p lt 0,05). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je osetljivost različitih sojeva L monocytogenes poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla bila ispoljena prema dezinficijensu B, kao i da osetljivost listerija prema ispitivanim dezinficijensima zavisi od njihove antigenske strukture odnosno serotipske pripadnosti.", publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd", journal = "Acta Veterinaria-Beograd", title = "Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes, Uticaj dezificijensa na različite sojeve Listeria monocytogenes", volume = "50", number = "1", pages = "43-50", url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_134" }
Teodorović, R., Bugarski, M., Teodorović, V., Radenković, B.,& Mirilović, M.. (2000). Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes. in Acta Veterinaria-Beograd Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 50(1), 43-50. https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_134
Teodorović R, Bugarski M, Teodorović V, Radenković B, Mirilović M. Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes. in Acta Veterinaria-Beograd. 2000;50(1):43-50. https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_134 .
Teodorović, Radislava, Bugarski, Mirjana, Teodorović, Vlado, Radenković, Brana, Mirilović, Milorad, "Effect of disinfectants on different strains of Listeria monocytogenes" in Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 50, no. 1 (2000):43-50, https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_veterinar_134 .