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Otpornost na antibiotike kod bakterija izolovanih od riba iz Srbije

dc.creatorAksentijević, Ksenija
dc.creatorAšanin, Jelena
dc.creatorNišavić, Jakov
dc.creatorMarković, Maja
dc.creatorMilanov, Dubravka
dc.creatorMišić, Dušan
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Bacteria isolated from skin, gills, and fish intestines from aquaculture ponds, ornamental fish stores/aquariums and live fish markets were investigated. Materials and Methods. Disk diffusion and E-test were used for susceptibility testing to carbapenems, ureidopenicillins with or without ß-lactamase inhibitor, 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, colistin, fluoroquinolones, and chloramphenicol. PCR was used to detect resistance genes in the bacterial isolates. Results and Conclusions. Among the total number of bacteria tested, regardless of the genus and species, 56.7% of isolates were found to be sensitive to all antibiotics, 23.1% of isolates were resistant to one or two antibiotics, and 20.2% of isolates were resistant to three and up to 16 antibiotics. In A. hydrophila isolated from a guppy (Poecilia reticulata) sampled in an ornamental fish store aquarium, 16S rRNA methyltransferase was confirmed by finding the rmtB gene. Pseudomonas isolates showing phenotypic resistance to carbapenems, ureidopenicillins with or without ß-lactamase inhibitor and 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins were tested and found negative for different resistance genes by PCR (MßL, ESBL, KPC, OXA-23, OXA-24, OXA-40, OXA-58, VIM, IMP, SPM, GIM, NDM, TEM, SHV, CTX-M-1, CTX-M-9, OXA-1, OXA-9 and the AmpC group, as well as single genes, MOXM, CITM, ACCM, EBCM, FOXM, DHAM). Based on E-test results, three Pseudomonas isolates from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were found to be resistant to colistin with MIC values of 4 μg/mL.en
dc.description.abstractUvod. U ovom ispitivanju izolovane su bakterija koje su sastavni deo mikrobioma kože, škrga i creva riba iz različitih sredina (ribnjaci, akvarijumi, riblje pijace). Materijal i metode. Primenom disk difuzionog testa i E testa ispitivano je fenotipsko ispoljavanje rezistencije na karbapeneme, ureidopeniciline sa i bez inhibitora beta-laktamaza, cefalosporine III i IV generacije, aminoglikozide, tetraciklin, kolistin, flurohinolone i hloramfenikol. Prisustvo gena rezistencije vršeno je primenom metode PCR. Rezultati i zaključak. Posmatrano na ukupan broj ispitanih sojeva, bez obzira na rod i vrstu bakterija, 56,7% sojeva je osetljivo na sve antibiotike, 23,1% sojeva je rezistentno na 1 do 2 antibiotikaa 20,2% sojeva je rezistentno na 3 do 16 antibiotika. Kod soja A. hydrophila izolovanom iz akvarijumske ribice gupi nalazom gena rmtBpotvrđeno je prisustvo 16S rRNK metiltransferaze odgovornim za rezistenciju na aminoglikozide. Pseudomonas izolati koji su pokazali fenotipsku rezistenciju na karbapeneme, ureidopeniciline sa i bez inhibitora beta-laktamaza, kao i na cefalosporine III i IV generacije, testirani su i bili negativni na sledeće gene (MßL, ESBL, KPC, OXA-23, OXA-24, OXA-40, OXA-58, VIM, IMP, SPM, GIM, NDM, TEM, SHV, CTX-M-1, CTX-M-9, OXA-1, OXA-9, AmpC grupni kao i pojedinačni geni, MOXM, CITM, ACCM, EBCM, FOXM, DHAM). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata primenom E testa, kod 3 soja iz roda Pseudomonas izolovanih od šarana nađena je rezistencija na kolistin sa dobijenim vrednostima MIK 4 μg/
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31079/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/45017/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectA. hydrophilaen
dc.subjectantimicrobial agentsen
dc.subjectPoecilia reticulateen
dc.subjectA. hydrophilasr
dc.subjectantimikrobna sredstvasr
dc.subjectPoecilia reticulatasr
dc.titleAntibiotic resistance in bacteria isolated from fish in Serbiaen
dc.titleOtpornost na antibiotike kod bakterija izolovanih od riba iz Srbijesr
dcterms.abstractМиланов, Дубравка; Aшанин, Јелена; Aксентијевић, Ксенија; Мишић, Душан; Нишавић, Јаков; Марковић, Маја; Отпорност на антибиотике код бактерија изолованих од риба из Србије; Отпорност на антибиотике код бактерија изолованих од риба из Србије;
dc.citation.other71(1): 24-34



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