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Vanadijum u ishrani živine

dc.creatorŽivkov-Baloš, Milica
dc.creatorLjubojević, Dragana
dc.creatorJakšić, Sandra
dc.creatorMihaljev, Željko
dc.creatorPelić, Miloš
dc.creatorPetrović, Tamaš
dc.creatorŠefer, Dragan
dc.description.abstractVanadium (V) is essential element for poultry nutrition. Relatively low level of V ( lt 10 μg/kg of feed) is known to reduce both growth in chicks and Haugh unit value of eggs. The National Research Council (NRC) recommends the presence of very low levels of V in poultry diets, with the maximum tolerance level (MTL) being 10 mg/kg. Excessive vanadium in poultry diets has been shown to be detrimental to egg production, interior quality of eggs (albumen height), body weight and feed consumption. There is little information on the content of V in feedstuffs. Phosphates are known to be the cause of excessive V in various types of poultry diets. The objective of this study was to obtain information about the content of vanadium in phosphates and poultry feed. The samples were prepared by microwave wet digestion. Content of V was determined by the method of coupled plasma with mass spectrometry on the Agilent ICP-MS 7700. The concentrations of vanadium determined in the examined samples were above the minimum recommended levels for poultry feed, still not exceeding the maximum tolerable values.en
dc.description.abstractVanadijum (V) je esencijalni element u ishrani živine. Relativno niski nivoi V ( lt 10 mg) smanjuju porast pilića i vrednosti Haugh-ovih jedinica jaja. The National Research Council (NRC) preporučuje veoma niske nivoe V u hrani za živinu, pri čemu je za maksimalni nivo tolerancije utvrđena vrednost od 10 mg/kg. Višak vanadijuma u ishrani živine ispoljava štetne efekte u proizvodnji jaja, negativno utiče na unutrašnji kvalitet jaja, telesnu masu živine i efikasnost iskorišćavanja hrane. Podaci o sadržaju V u hrani i hranivima za životinje su oskudni, ali zna se da fosfatna mineralna hraniva često sadrže visoke koncentracije ovog elementa. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se dobiju informacije o sadržaju vanadijuma u hranivima i hrani za živinu. Uzorci hrane za životinje su pripremljeni mikrotalasnom digestijom, a sadržaj V je određen metodom indukovano kuplovane plazme sa masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS). Koncentracije vanadijuma u ispitivanim uzorcima bile su iznad minimalnih preporučenih nivoa u ishrani živine, ali nisu prelazile maksimalne tolerantne vrednosti za živinu za ovaj element.en
dc.publisherNaučni institut za veterinarstvo "Novi Sad", Novi Sad
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31084/RS//
dc.sourceArhiv veterinarske medicine
dc.subjectpoultry feeden
dc.subjecthrana za živinusr
dc.titleVanadium in poultry nutritionen
dc.titleVanadijum u ishrani živinesr
dcterms.abstractПетровић, Тамаш; Јакшић, Сандра; Живков-Балош, Милица; Михаљев, Жељко; Љубојевић, Драгана; Пелић, Милош; Шефер, Драган; Ванадијум у исхрани живине; Ванадијум у исхрани живине;
dc.citation.other10(1): 85-92



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