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Mutageni efekti hormona

dc.creatorĐelić, Ninoslav
dc.creatorĐelić, Dijana
dc.description.abstractThere is a widely accepted view that the endogenous substances, including hormones, do not have any mutagenous effect when present in the usual physiological concentrations. However, beside relative stability and permanence of the genetic material, its changeability is also needed to provide for the biological evolution. Thus, it is possible to expect that certain reactions, due to the complexity of the mechanism of the signal transduction under the effect of hormones, still lead to the creation of reactive derivatives able to inter-react with the DNA molecules thus encouraging the emergence of mutations. This paper gives a survey of the exploration of the hormones' genotoxic effects in various test-systems, namely, from the bacteric through the cell cultures and experiments in vivo upon laboratory guinea-pigs, up to the determination of the mutagenous effects in the people that were treated by hormones. The steroid hormones' effects are described in detail in the literature while, on the other hand, there is not sufficient knowledge yet about possible changes of the genetic material under the influence of the non-steroid hormones. The examinations of the steroid hormones geonotoxicity in the bacterial systems have mainly given negative results. In more complex eukaryotic systems in vitro and in vivo most of the steroid hormones manifest mutagenous effects, though the result may vary depending one the type of cell or the biological species used in the experiment. As for the non-steroid hormones, though they have been studied less, it seems that they do not mostly express mutagenous effects. Today it is clear that the steroid hormones (especially estrogen) are completely cancerigenic and that they are capable of encouraging the process of cancerogenesis both by inducing covalent simulating the cell division (tumor promoters).en
dc.description.abstractŠiroko je prihvaćeno gledište da endogene supstance, uključujući hormone, nemaju mutagene efekte kada su prisutni u uobičajenim fiziološkim koncentracijama. Međutim, pored relativne stabilnosti i stalnosti genetičkog materijala, potrebna je i njegova promenljivost da bi postojala biološka evolucija. Stoga je moguće očekivati da izvesne reakcije, usled kompleksnosti mehanizama transdukcije signala pod dejstvom hormona, ipak dovode do stvaranja reaktivnih derivata sposobnih da interreaguju sa molekulima DNK i potpomognu nastanak mutacija. U ovom radu dat je pregled istraživanja genotoksičnih efekata hormona u različitim test-sistemima: od bakterijskih, preko kultura ćelija, in vivo eksperimenata na laboratorijskim životinjama, do utvrđivanja mutagenih efekata kod ljudi tretiranih hormonima. Efekti steroidnih hormona detaljno su opisani u literaturi, dok se nasuprot tome, još uvek nedovoljno zna o mogućim promenama naslednog materijala pod uticajem nesteroidnih hormona. Ispitivanja genotoksičnosti steroidnih hormona u bakterijskim sistemima uglavnom su dala negativne rezultate. U kompleksnijim eukariotskim sistemima in vitro i in vivo većina steroidnih hormona ispoljava mutagene efekte, mada rezultat može da varira zavisno od tipa ćelije ili biološke vrste upotrebljene u eksperimentu. Sto se tiče nesteroidnih hormona, mada su znatno manje proučavani, stiče se utisak da uglavnom ne ispoljavaju mutagene efekte. Danas je jasno da su steroidni hormoni (naročito estrogeni) kompletni kancerogeni sposobni da podstaknu proces kancerogeneze, kako indukcijom kovalentnih oštećenja DNK koja se mogu prevesti u mutacije (tumor inicijatori) tako i putem stimulacije deobe ćelija (tumor promotori).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu - Medicinski fakultet, Niš
dc.sourceActa medica Medianae
dc.titleMutagenous effects of hormonesen
dc.titleMutageni efekti hormonasr
dcterms.abstractЂелић, Нинослав; Ђелић, Дијана; Мутагени ефекти хормона; Мутагени ефекти хормона;
dc.citation.other40(4): 53-67



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