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Da li polifenoli mogu da se koriste kao prirodni konzervansi u fermentisanim kobasicama?

dc.creatorNikolić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorĐorđević, Vesna
dc.creatorParunović, Nenad
dc.creatorStefanović, Srđan
dc.creatorĐurić, Spomenka
dc.creatorBabić, Jelena
dc.creatorVasilev, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed at the investigation into the influence of polyphenols on fermented sausages produced with and without nitrite addition, during storage which lasted for 280 days. Three types of sausages were produced and formed the three experimental groups: C-the control-sausages of usual composition containing nitrites; N+P-sausages with nitrites and polyphenols; and P-nitrite-free sausages with added polyphenols. The proximate chemical composition of all groups was in the range with that of dry fermented sausages. P sausages contained 0.3 mg nitrites per kg, while C and N+P contained 54.8 mg/kg and 52.2 mg/kg, respectively. Polyphenol-enriched sausages had significantly lower peroxide and TBARS values than C sausages. In all sausages lactic acid bacteria counts reached 8.9-9.9 log cfu/g, but decreased during storage to 4.3-4.8 log cfu/g at the end of the storage period. Micrococcaceae counts remained stable: 3.5-3.9 log cfu/g. In P and N+P sausages a significantly lower number of Pseudomonadaceae was observed than in the control. The lightness of C and P sausages was similar (L=50.2 and L=49.5, respectively), while N+P sausages were darker (L=42.5). C and N+P sausages had similar redness (a∗=14.5 and a∗=13.2, respectively) and yellowness (b∗=5.9 and b∗=6.4, respectively), but the values which correspond to redness and yellowness were lower in P sausages (a∗=8.0 and b∗=4.6). Sensory characteristics of all products were found to be very similar. The flavour of polyphenol-enriched sausages was considered to be better. The most dominant polyphenol in sausages was kaempferol-3-O-glucoside followed by quercetin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, catechin and syringic acid. Nitrite-free polyphenol-enriched sausages reached the same shelf life as conventional sausages containing nitrites did, which is a promising result implying that polyphenols might be used as natural preservatives and nitrite substitutes. Simultaneous use of nitrite and polyphenols is questionable due to their interactions which should be further studied.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja polifenola na fermentisane kobasice proizvedene sa ili bez dodatka nitrita za vreme skladištenja od 280 dana. Proizvedena su tri tipa kobasica, od kojih su formirane tri eksperimentalne grupe: C - kontrolna grupa – kobasice uobičajenog sastava koje sadrže nitrite, N+P - kobasice sa nitritima i polifenolima i P - kobasice bez nitrita koje sadrže polifenole. Hemijski sastav svih grupa kobasica bio je u opsegu uobičajenom za fermentisane suve kobasice. P kobasice sadržale su 0,3 mg/kg nitrita, dok su C i N+P sadržale 54,8 mg/kg, odnosno 52,2 mg/kg. Kobasice obogaćene polifenolima imale su značajno manji peroksidni i TBARS broj nego C kobasice. Broj mlečno-kiselinskih bakterija dostigao je 8,9-9,9 log cfu/g, ali je u toku skladištenja opao na 4,3-4,8 log cfu/g posle 280dana u svim grupama kobasica. Broj Micrococcaceae bio je konstantan (3,5-3,9 log cfu/g). Kod P i N+P kobasica utvrđen je značajno niži broj Pseudomonadaceae. C i P kobasice bile su približno jednako svetle (L=50,2,odnosnoL=49,5) dok su N+P kobasice bile tamnije (L=42,5). C i N+P kobasice imale su sličan intenzitet crvne (a*=14,5 odnosno a*=13,2) i žute boje (b*=5,9 odnosno b*=6,4) ali su ove vrednosti bile niže kod P kobasica (a*=8,0 i b*=4,6). Senzorske karakteristike svih proizvoda bile su približno jednako ocenjene. Nešto bolja aroma utvrđena je od kobasica kojima su dodati polifenoli. Najdominantniji polifenol u kobasicama bio je kempferol-3-O-glukozid, a pored njega, bili su utvrđeni kvercetin, luteolin-7-O-glukozid, katehin i siringinska kiselina. Kobasice bez nitrita obogaćene polifenolima postigle su istu održivost kao i uobičajene kobasice koje sadrže nitrite, što predstavlja ohrabrujuće rezultate za mogućnost upotrebe polifenola kao prirodnog konzervansa i zamene za nitrite. Simultana upotreba nitrita i polifenola nije pouzdana zbog interakcija između polifenola i nitrita, što bi trebalo da bude detaljnije istraženo u budućnosti.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31034/RS//
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectfermented sausage
dc.subjectshelf life
dc.titleCan Polyphenols Be Used as Natural Preservatives in Fermented Sausages?en
dc.titleDa li polifenoli mogu da se koriste kao prirodni konzervansi u fermentisanim kobasicama?sr
dcterms.abstractБабић, Јелена; Николић, Aлександра; Ђорђевић, Весна; Паруновић, Ненад; Стефановић, Срђан; Ђурић, Споменка; Василев, Драган; Да ли полифеноли могу да се користе као природни конзерванси у ферментисаним кобасицама?;



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