Fleas and flea control
Buve i kontrola buva
Article (Published version)
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Buve kao hematofagne artropode učestvuju u prenošenju nekih bolesti, kao što su bubonska kuga, mišiji tifus, pegavi tifus, zatim tularemije ili mogu da budu prelazni domaćin pojedinih vrsta cestoda za pse i mačke. Zavisno od vrste domaćina na kojem buve perzistiraju i staništa, preduzimaju se određene mere njihove kontrole, koje mogu da budu sanitarno-higijenske, individualne i tretman staništa. Sanitarno-higijenske mere se uglavnom sastoje u redovnom čišćenju. Individualna zaštita podrazumevaprimenu insekticidnih sredstavaza reimpregnaciju odeće, zaprašivanjeodeće i upotrebu repelentnihpreparata. Tretman staništa se obavlja primenom insekticida iz grupe organofosfata, metil-karbamata, piretroida i organohlornih jedinjenja, uređajima za raspršivanje i zaprašivanje. Osim navedenihjedinjenja za suzbijanje buva koriste se i preparati na bazi imidakloprida, fipronila i inhibitora rasta (IGRs)i razvoja (IDIs) insekata. Kod kućnih ljubimaca kontrola buva se sprovodi merama individualne zašti...te i tretmanom staništa.
Fleas as hemeatophagous arthropodes take part in the spreading of certain diseases such as bubonic plague, murine typhus, tick-borne typhus, tularaemia, or can be transitory hosts for certain species of cestodes for dogs and cats. Depending on the type of host on which fleas persist and the habitat, measures that can be taken to control them can be only sanitary-hygiene, individual, or treatment of the habitat. Sanitary-hygiene measures mostly consist of regular cleaning. Individual protection implies the use of insecticides for re-impregnating clothing, spraying clothing and the use of repellents. Treatment of habitats comprises the use of insecticides of the group of organophosphates, metyl-carbamates, pyrethroids and organo-chlorine compounds, instruments for dusting and spraying. In addition to these compounds, preparations based on imidaclopride, fipronyl and inhibitors of insect growth (IGRs) and development (IDIs) are also used.Flea control in household pets is implemented using... measures of individual protection and treatment of their habitats.
fleas / insecticides / repellents / buve / insekticidi / repelentSource:
Veterinarski Glasnik, 2002, 56, 3-4, 177-186Publisher:
- Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, Srbija
Fakultet veterinarske medicineTY - JOUR AU - Dautović, Živomir AU - Knežević, Dragan L. AU - Zdravković, Danilo AU - Katić, Sofija PY - 2002 UR - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1920 AB - Buve kao hematofagne artropode učestvuju u prenošenju nekih bolesti, kao što su bubonska kuga, mišiji tifus, pegavi tifus, zatim tularemije ili mogu da budu prelazni domaćin pojedinih vrsta cestoda za pse i mačke. Zavisno od vrste domaćina na kojem buve perzistiraju i staništa, preduzimaju se određene mere njihove kontrole, koje mogu da budu sanitarno-higijenske, individualne i tretman staništa. Sanitarno-higijenske mere se uglavnom sastoje u redovnom čišćenju. Individualna zaštita podrazumevaprimenu insekticidnih sredstavaza reimpregnaciju odeće, zaprašivanjeodeće i upotrebu repelentnihpreparata. Tretman staništa se obavlja primenom insekticida iz grupe organofosfata, metil-karbamata, piretroida i organohlornih jedinjenja, uređajima za raspršivanje i zaprašivanje. Osim navedenihjedinjenja za suzbijanje buva koriste se i preparati na bazi imidakloprida, fipronila i inhibitora rasta (IGRs)i razvoja (IDIs) insekata. Kod kućnih ljubimaca kontrola buva se sprovodi merama individualne zaštite i tretmanom staništa. AB - Fleas as hemeatophagous arthropodes take part in the spreading of certain diseases such as bubonic plague, murine typhus, tick-borne typhus, tularaemia, or can be transitory hosts for certain species of cestodes for dogs and cats. Depending on the type of host on which fleas persist and the habitat, measures that can be taken to control them can be only sanitary-hygiene, individual, or treatment of the habitat. Sanitary-hygiene measures mostly consist of regular cleaning. Individual protection implies the use of insecticides for re-impregnating clothing, spraying clothing and the use of repellents. Treatment of habitats comprises the use of insecticides of the group of organophosphates, metyl-carbamates, pyrethroids and organo-chlorine compounds, instruments for dusting and spraying. In addition to these compounds, preparations based on imidaclopride, fipronyl and inhibitors of insect growth (IGRs) and development (IDIs) are also used.Flea control in household pets is implemented using measures of individual protection and treatment of their habitats. PB - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, Srbija T2 - Veterinarski Glasnik T1 - Fleas and flea control T1 - Buve i kontrola buva VL - 56 IS - 3-4 SP - 177 EP - 186 DO - 10.2298/VETGL0204177D ER -
@article{ author = "Dautović, Živomir and Knežević, Dragan L. and Zdravković, Danilo and Katić, Sofija", year = "2002", abstract = "Buve kao hematofagne artropode učestvuju u prenošenju nekih bolesti, kao što su bubonska kuga, mišiji tifus, pegavi tifus, zatim tularemije ili mogu da budu prelazni domaćin pojedinih vrsta cestoda za pse i mačke. Zavisno od vrste domaćina na kojem buve perzistiraju i staništa, preduzimaju se određene mere njihove kontrole, koje mogu da budu sanitarno-higijenske, individualne i tretman staništa. Sanitarno-higijenske mere se uglavnom sastoje u redovnom čišćenju. Individualna zaštita podrazumevaprimenu insekticidnih sredstavaza reimpregnaciju odeće, zaprašivanjeodeće i upotrebu repelentnihpreparata. Tretman staništa se obavlja primenom insekticida iz grupe organofosfata, metil-karbamata, piretroida i organohlornih jedinjenja, uređajima za raspršivanje i zaprašivanje. Osim navedenihjedinjenja za suzbijanje buva koriste se i preparati na bazi imidakloprida, fipronila i inhibitora rasta (IGRs)i razvoja (IDIs) insekata. Kod kućnih ljubimaca kontrola buva se sprovodi merama individualne zaštite i tretmanom staništa., Fleas as hemeatophagous arthropodes take part in the spreading of certain diseases such as bubonic plague, murine typhus, tick-borne typhus, tularaemia, or can be transitory hosts for certain species of cestodes for dogs and cats. Depending on the type of host on which fleas persist and the habitat, measures that can be taken to control them can be only sanitary-hygiene, individual, or treatment of the habitat. Sanitary-hygiene measures mostly consist of regular cleaning. Individual protection implies the use of insecticides for re-impregnating clothing, spraying clothing and the use of repellents. Treatment of habitats comprises the use of insecticides of the group of organophosphates, metyl-carbamates, pyrethroids and organo-chlorine compounds, instruments for dusting and spraying. In addition to these compounds, preparations based on imidaclopride, fipronyl and inhibitors of insect growth (IGRs) and development (IDIs) are also used.Flea control in household pets is implemented using measures of individual protection and treatment of their habitats.", publisher = "Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, Srbija", journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik", title = "Fleas and flea control, Buve i kontrola buva", volume = "56", number = "3-4", pages = "177-186", doi = "10.2298/VETGL0204177D" }
Dautović, Ž., Knežević, D. L., Zdravković, D.,& Katić, S.. (2002). Fleas and flea control. in Veterinarski Glasnik Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd, Srbija., 56(3-4), 177-186. https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL0204177D
Dautović Ž, Knežević DL, Zdravković D, Katić S. Fleas and flea control. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2002;56(3-4):177-186. doi:10.2298/VETGL0204177D .
Dautović, Živomir, Knežević, Dragan L., Zdravković, Danilo, Katić, Sofija, "Fleas and flea control" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 56, no. 3-4 (2002):177-186, https://doi.org/10.2298/VETGL0204177D . .