Приказ резултата 3880-3899 од 5228

      Residues of enrofloxacin and its main metabolite ciprofloxacin in broiler chickens [1]
      Resistance to anthelmints: Distribution, detection and prophylactic measures [1]
      Resistance to antibiotics in lacid acid bacteria: Strain Lactococcus [1]
      Resistance to controlled thermal stress and tolerance to sperm cryopreservation of two groups of boars [1]
      Resistance to erythromycin of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans [1]
      Respiratorna kapilarioza kućnih mačaka - klinički osvrt [1]
      Respiratorna kapilarioza pasa i mačaka - klinički, parazitološki i epidemiološki značaj [1]
      Respiratorne infekcije goveda – najčešći uzroci i mogućnosti za rešavanje problema [1]
      Respiratorno oboljenje mačaka [1]
      Respiratory capillariosis in domestic cats - a clinical review [1]
      Response of adult honey bees treated in larval stage with prochloraz to infection with Nosema ceranae [1]
      Response of the hypothalamic - gonadal system in juvenile rats after administration of progesterone to pregnant mothers [1]
      Resting and dobutamine stress test induced serum concentrations of brain natriuretic peptide in German Shepherd dogs [1]
      Restrictive nutrition and compensatory growth of broilers: Impact on growth production results and carcass characteristics [1]
      Restriktivna ishrana brojlera- uticaj na proizvodne rezultate i kvalitet mesa [1]
      Results of analysis of red blood cells in cows and sheep in areas exposed to attack using depleted uranium ammunition [1]
      Reticulocyte response in paired blood samples of Babesia canis infected young and adult dogs [1]
      Retki slučaj intraorbitalnog stranog tela sa znacima penetracije rožnjače, koji su u početku ukazivali na anteriorni uveitisretki slučaj intraorbitalnog stranog tela sa znacima penetracije rožnjače, koji su u početku ukazivali na anteriorni uveitis [1]
      Retraction notice to “Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and selected meat quality traits of two strains of Pekin duck reared in intensive vs semi-intensive housing systems” [Animal 15(2) (2022) 100087] [1]
      Retraction to Fumagillin-induced chromosome aberrations in mouse bone-marrow cells (Arch Biol Sci., 62, 1 (2010) 47-55) DOI:10.2298/ABS1001047S [1]