Značaj vakcinacije u prevenciji stafilokoknih mastitisa krava
Importance of vaccination in prevention staphylococcal mastitis
Vakanjac, SlobodankaMaletić, Milan
Pavlović, Miloš
Obrenović, Sonja
Bojkovski, Jovan
Magaš, Vladimir
Article (Published version)
Show full item recordAbstract
Zapaljenje vimena ili mastitis kod krava je akutno ili hronično zapaljenje izvodnih
kanala, parenhima ili intersticijuma jedne ili više četvrti vimena krava. Mastitis
se definiše kao odgovor mlečne žlezde na prisustvo mikroorganizama. Mastitisi
predstavljaju veliki zdravstveni i ekonomski problem u zapatima visokomlečnih
krava, a mogu se javiti u kliničkoj formi (klinički mastitis) sa raširenošću 1–3% i u
subkliničkoj formi (subklinički mastitis) sa raširenošću više od 30%. Staphylococcus
aureus izaziva teške akutne mastitise veoma često sa promenom opšteg stanja, ali i
subkliničke forme mastitisa. Terapija ovog mastitisa ne daje uvek zadovoljavajuće
rezultate, pa je vakcinacija jedan od mogućih pristupa u rešavanju ovog problema.
Stafilokoke su veoma slabi antigeni, što dodatno onemogućava i otežava pronalazak
efikasne vakcine. U literaturi su opisani različiti pristupi pripreme vakcine protiv
mastitisa izazvanog S. aureusom. Vakcina može da sadrži inaktivisane bakterije
S.... aureus, alfa i beta toksoide, proteina A i fibronectin-binding protein kao moguće
antigene u aktivaciji aktivnog imunološkog odgovora. Imunizovanje mlečne žlezde
gde se kao antigen koristi inkorporisan lizat S. aureus u biodegradabilne parikule koje
imaju funkciju stimulacije produkcije i opsonizacije antitela, još je jedan od načina
pripreme vakcine. Vakcina pripremljena od ekstracelularne komponente S. aureus
SA2H (slime associated antigen complex SAAC) pokazala je zadovoljavajuće rezultate.
Noviji pristupi pripremi vakcine ukazuju da se kao antigen može koristiti clamping
faktor A (ClfA) Staphylococcus aureusa, kao i deo membrane površinskog proteina koji
se zove rTRAP (rekombinantni Target RNAIII Activating Protein) koji je sastavni deo
proteina 167 AA patogenih sojeva stafilokoka. Imunoprofilaksa omogućava moderan
pristup u rešavanju mastitisa izazvanih sa S. aureus, smanjenu upotrebu antibiotika u
terapiji, a samim tim i smanjeno odbacivanje mleka zbog rezidua antibiotika.
Inflammation of the udder and mastitis in cows is an acute or chronical inflammation
duct, parenchymal or interstitial one or more udder quarters. Mastitis is defined as the
response of the mammary gland in the presence of microorganisms. Mastitis represent
a major health and economic problem in herds of high yielding dairy cows but may
occur in clinical form (clinical mastitis) the prevalence of 1-3% and in the subclinical
form (sub-clinical mastitis) and the prevalence of more than 30%. Staphylococcus
aureus causes severe acute mastitis often with a change in general condition, as well
as subclinical mastitis. Treatment of mastitis does not always produce satisfactory
results, but vaccination is one of the possible approaches to solving this problem.
Staphylococci are very poor antigens, which further prevents and hinders the present
invention effective vaccines. In the literature are described different approaches to
the preparation of a vaccine against mastitis caused by... S. aureus. The vaccine may
also comprise inactivated S. aureus, beta and alpha toxoid, protein A and fibronectinbinding
protein as a possible antigen in the activation of the active immune response.
Immunization of the mammary gland which is used as an antigen is incorporated in the
lysate of S. aureus biodegradable microspheres which is beneficial for production and
stimulation of opsonization of an antibody is one of the ways of preparing vaccines.
The vaccine was prepared from the extracellular components of S. aureus SA2H (slimeassociated
antigen complex SAAC) showed satisfactory results. Recent approaches in
the preparation of vaccines indicate that the antigen can be used as a clamping factor
A (ClfA) of Staphylococcus aureus, as well as part of the membrane protein called
rTRAP (recombinant Target RNAIII Activating Protein) which is a constituent part
167 AA protein of pathogenic strains of staphylococci. Immunoprophylaxis to modern
approach to the solution of mastitis caused by S. aureus, reduced use antibiotics in
therapy, and reduced rejection milk because of the antibiotic residues.
mastitis / vakcina / Staphylococcus aureus / vaccinesSource:
Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, 2017, 17, 2, 170-181Publisher:
- Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“
Fakultet veterinarske medicineTY - JOUR AU - Vakanjac, Slobodanka AU - Maletić, Milan AU - Pavlović, Miloš AU - Obrenović, Sonja AU - Bojkovski, Jovan AU - Magaš, Vladimir PY - 2017 UR - https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2158 AB - Zapaljenje vimena ili mastitis kod krava je akutno ili hronično zapaljenje izvodnih kanala, parenhima ili intersticijuma jedne ili više četvrti vimena krava. Mastitis se definiše kao odgovor mlečne žlezde na prisustvo mikroorganizama. Mastitisi predstavljaju veliki zdravstveni i ekonomski problem u zapatima visokomlečnih krava, a mogu se javiti u kliničkoj formi (klinički mastitis) sa raširenošću 1–3% i u subkliničkoj formi (subklinički mastitis) sa raširenošću više od 30%. Staphylococcus aureus izaziva teške akutne mastitise veoma često sa promenom opšteg stanja, ali i subkliničke forme mastitisa. Terapija ovog mastitisa ne daje uvek zadovoljavajuće rezultate, pa je vakcinacija jedan od mogućih pristupa u rešavanju ovog problema. Stafilokoke su veoma slabi antigeni, što dodatno onemogućava i otežava pronalazak efikasne vakcine. U literaturi su opisani različiti pristupi pripreme vakcine protiv mastitisa izazvanog S. aureusom. Vakcina može da sadrži inaktivisane bakterije S. aureus, alfa i beta toksoide, proteina A i fibronectin-binding protein kao moguće antigene u aktivaciji aktivnog imunološkog odgovora. Imunizovanje mlečne žlezde gde se kao antigen koristi inkorporisan lizat S. aureus u biodegradabilne parikule koje imaju funkciju stimulacije produkcije i opsonizacije antitela, još je jedan od načina pripreme vakcine. Vakcina pripremljena od ekstracelularne komponente S. aureus SA2H (slime associated antigen complex SAAC) pokazala je zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Noviji pristupi pripremi vakcine ukazuju da se kao antigen može koristiti clamping faktor A (ClfA) Staphylococcus aureusa, kao i deo membrane površinskog proteina koji se zove rTRAP (rekombinantni Target RNAIII Activating Protein) koji je sastavni deo proteina 167 AA patogenih sojeva stafilokoka. Imunoprofilaksa omogućava moderan pristup u rešavanju mastitisa izazvanih sa S. aureus, smanjenu upotrebu antibiotika u terapiji, a samim tim i smanjeno odbacivanje mleka zbog rezidua antibiotika. AB - Inflammation of the udder and mastitis in cows is an acute or chronical inflammation duct, parenchymal or interstitial one or more udder quarters. Mastitis is defined as the response of the mammary gland in the presence of microorganisms. Mastitis represent a major health and economic problem in herds of high yielding dairy cows but may occur in clinical form (clinical mastitis) the prevalence of 1-3% and in the subclinical form (sub-clinical mastitis) and the prevalence of more than 30%. Staphylococcus aureus causes severe acute mastitis often with a change in general condition, as well as subclinical mastitis. Treatment of mastitis does not always produce satisfactory results, but vaccination is one of the possible approaches to solving this problem. Staphylococci are very poor antigens, which further prevents and hinders the present invention effective vaccines. In the literature are described different approaches to the preparation of a vaccine against mastitis caused by S. aureus. The vaccine may also comprise inactivated S. aureus, beta and alpha toxoid, protein A and fibronectinbinding protein as a possible antigen in the activation of the active immune response. Immunization of the mammary gland which is used as an antigen is incorporated in the lysate of S. aureus biodegradable microspheres which is beneficial for production and stimulation of opsonization of an antibody is one of the ways of preparing vaccines. The vaccine was prepared from the extracellular components of S. aureus SA2H (slimeassociated antigen complex SAAC) showed satisfactory results. Recent approaches in the preparation of vaccines indicate that the antigen can be used as a clamping factor A (ClfA) of Staphylococcus aureus, as well as part of the membrane protein called rTRAP (recombinant Target RNAIII Activating Protein) which is a constituent part 167 AA protein of pathogenic strains of staphylococci. Immunoprophylaxis to modern approach to the solution of mastitis caused by S. aureus, reduced use antibiotics in therapy, and reduced rejection milk because of the antibiotic residues. PB - Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“ T2 - Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske T1 - Značaj vakcinacije u prevenciji stafilokoknih mastitisa krava T1 - Importance of vaccination in prevention staphylococcal mastitis VL - 17 IS - 2 SP - 170 EP - 181 DO - 10.7251/VETJ1702170V ER -
@article{ author = "Vakanjac, Slobodanka and Maletić, Milan and Pavlović, Miloš and Obrenović, Sonja and Bojkovski, Jovan and Magaš, Vladimir", year = "2017", abstract = "Zapaljenje vimena ili mastitis kod krava je akutno ili hronično zapaljenje izvodnih kanala, parenhima ili intersticijuma jedne ili više četvrti vimena krava. Mastitis se definiše kao odgovor mlečne žlezde na prisustvo mikroorganizama. Mastitisi predstavljaju veliki zdravstveni i ekonomski problem u zapatima visokomlečnih krava, a mogu se javiti u kliničkoj formi (klinički mastitis) sa raširenošću 1–3% i u subkliničkoj formi (subklinički mastitis) sa raširenošću više od 30%. Staphylococcus aureus izaziva teške akutne mastitise veoma često sa promenom opšteg stanja, ali i subkliničke forme mastitisa. Terapija ovog mastitisa ne daje uvek zadovoljavajuće rezultate, pa je vakcinacija jedan od mogućih pristupa u rešavanju ovog problema. Stafilokoke su veoma slabi antigeni, što dodatno onemogućava i otežava pronalazak efikasne vakcine. U literaturi su opisani različiti pristupi pripreme vakcine protiv mastitisa izazvanog S. aureusom. Vakcina može da sadrži inaktivisane bakterije S. aureus, alfa i beta toksoide, proteina A i fibronectin-binding protein kao moguće antigene u aktivaciji aktivnog imunološkog odgovora. Imunizovanje mlečne žlezde gde se kao antigen koristi inkorporisan lizat S. aureus u biodegradabilne parikule koje imaju funkciju stimulacije produkcije i opsonizacije antitela, još je jedan od načina pripreme vakcine. Vakcina pripremljena od ekstracelularne komponente S. aureus SA2H (slime associated antigen complex SAAC) pokazala je zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Noviji pristupi pripremi vakcine ukazuju da se kao antigen može koristiti clamping faktor A (ClfA) Staphylococcus aureusa, kao i deo membrane površinskog proteina koji se zove rTRAP (rekombinantni Target RNAIII Activating Protein) koji je sastavni deo proteina 167 AA patogenih sojeva stafilokoka. Imunoprofilaksa omogućava moderan pristup u rešavanju mastitisa izazvanih sa S. aureus, smanjenu upotrebu antibiotika u terapiji, a samim tim i smanjeno odbacivanje mleka zbog rezidua antibiotika., Inflammation of the udder and mastitis in cows is an acute or chronical inflammation duct, parenchymal or interstitial one or more udder quarters. Mastitis is defined as the response of the mammary gland in the presence of microorganisms. Mastitis represent a major health and economic problem in herds of high yielding dairy cows but may occur in clinical form (clinical mastitis) the prevalence of 1-3% and in the subclinical form (sub-clinical mastitis) and the prevalence of more than 30%. Staphylococcus aureus causes severe acute mastitis often with a change in general condition, as well as subclinical mastitis. Treatment of mastitis does not always produce satisfactory results, but vaccination is one of the possible approaches to solving this problem. Staphylococci are very poor antigens, which further prevents and hinders the present invention effective vaccines. In the literature are described different approaches to the preparation of a vaccine against mastitis caused by S. aureus. The vaccine may also comprise inactivated S. aureus, beta and alpha toxoid, protein A and fibronectinbinding protein as a possible antigen in the activation of the active immune response. Immunization of the mammary gland which is used as an antigen is incorporated in the lysate of S. aureus biodegradable microspheres which is beneficial for production and stimulation of opsonization of an antibody is one of the ways of preparing vaccines. The vaccine was prepared from the extracellular components of S. aureus SA2H (slimeassociated antigen complex SAAC) showed satisfactory results. Recent approaches in the preparation of vaccines indicate that the antigen can be used as a clamping factor A (ClfA) of Staphylococcus aureus, as well as part of the membrane protein called rTRAP (recombinant Target RNAIII Activating Protein) which is a constituent part 167 AA protein of pathogenic strains of staphylococci. Immunoprophylaxis to modern approach to the solution of mastitis caused by S. aureus, reduced use antibiotics in therapy, and reduced rejection milk because of the antibiotic residues.", publisher = "Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“", journal = "Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske", title = "Značaj vakcinacije u prevenciji stafilokoknih mastitisa krava, Importance of vaccination in prevention staphylococcal mastitis", volume = "17", number = "2", pages = "170-181", doi = "10.7251/VETJ1702170V" }
Vakanjac, S., Maletić, M., Pavlović, M., Obrenović, S., Bojkovski, J.,& Magaš, V.. (2017). Značaj vakcinacije u prevenciji stafilokoknih mastitisa krava. in Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske Banja Luka : PI Veterinary Institute Republic of Srpska „Dr. Vaso Butozan“., 17(2), 170-181. https://doi.org/10.7251/VETJ1702170V
Vakanjac S, Maletić M, Pavlović M, Obrenović S, Bojkovski J, Magaš V. Značaj vakcinacije u prevenciji stafilokoknih mastitisa krava. in Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske. 2017;17(2):170-181. doi:10.7251/VETJ1702170V .
Vakanjac, Slobodanka, Maletić, Milan, Pavlović, Miloš, Obrenović, Sonja, Bojkovski, Jovan, Magaš, Vladimir, "Značaj vakcinacije u prevenciji stafilokoknih mastitisa krava" in Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske, 17, no. 2 (2017):170-181, https://doi.org/10.7251/VETJ1702170V . .