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Uporedna analiza mesnatosti trupova i odabranih parametara kvaliteta mesa brojlera

dc.contributor.advisorBaltić, Milan Ž.
dc.contributor.otherTeodorović, Vlado
dc.contributor.otherMarković, Radmila
dc.contributor.otherMirilović, Milorad
dc.contributor.otherIvanović, Snežana
dc.creatorGlamočlija, Nataša
dc.description.abstractThe research within this dissertation concerned the analysis of the trend in poultry meat production in Serbia, a comparative analysis of carcass meatiness (warm and cold carcass weight, the weight and proportion of the main parts in carcass weight, proportion of bones and skin in valuable parts of carcass), the selected meat quality parameters (chemical and physical) of broilers of different provenances and from different farms in Serbia due to differences in genetic, diet and housing conditions. In the last 25 years, the total meat production as well as poultry meat production in Serbia has been significantly reduced. In Serbia the most common provenance of broilers is Cobb and then Ross and Hubbard. In this period has been reduced the proportion of poultry meat production in total meat production. Average warm and cold carcass weight of broilers were within all three broiler provenances in most cases significantly different. It was found that the average carcass weight of provenance Cobb was significantly higher than provenance Ross or Hubbard. Carcass weight loss of examined groups of broilers was highly variable, which is primarily a result of different cooling technologies. The average weights of main carcass parts (breast, drumstick with thigh) within three provenances were in most cases significantly different. Broilers of Cobb provenance had significantly higher breast weight compared to provenance Ross and Hubbard. There was no significant difference in drumstick with thigh weight among three different provenance. The average proportion of breast weight in total carcass weight had the following descending order: Cobb > Ross > Hubbard and for drumstick with thigh weight: Hubbard > Ross > Cobb. The highest average weight as well as the largest proportion of meat in the breast and in drumstick with thigh was found in broilers of provenance Cobb, then Ross, and at least in broilers of provenance Hubbbard...en
dc.description.abstractIstraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije odnosila su se na analizu trenda u proizvodnji živinskog mesa u Srbiji, zatim uporednu analizu mesnatosti trupova (masa trupova pre i posle hlađenja, masa i zastupljenost osnovnih delova u masi trupa, ispitivanja zastupljenosti mesa kostiju i kože u vrednijim delovima trupa), odabranih parametara kvaliteta mesa (hemijski i fizički) brojlera različitih provenijencija i sa različitih farmi u Srbiji obzirom na razlike u genetskoj osnovi, razlike u ishrani, u uslovima držanja. U poslednjih 25 godina ukupna proizvodnja mesa pa i proizvodnja živinskom mesa u Srbiji je znatno smanjena. U Srbiji je u tovu brojlera najzastupljenija provenijencija Cobb, zatim Ross i Hubbard. U ovom periodu smanjeno je i učešće proizvodnje živinskog mesa u ukupnoj proizvodnji mesa. Prosečne mase trupova brojlera kako pre tako i posle hlađenja su se unutar sve tri ispitivane provenijencije brojlera u većini slučajeva poređenja statistički značajno razlikovale. Utvrđeno je da je prosečna masa trupova provenijencije Cobb bila statistički značajno veća od prosečnih masa trupova brojlera provenijencije Ross, odnosno Hubbard. Kalo hlađenja ispitivanih grupa brojlera bio je veoma varijabilan što je, pre svega, rezultat različite tehnologije hlađenja trupova. Prosečne mase važnijih delova trupa (grudi, batak sa karabatakom) unutar ispitivane tri provenijencije bile su u većini slučajeva poređenja statistički značajno različite. Brojleri provenijencije Cobb imali su statistički značajno veću masu grudi od mase grudi provenijencije Ross odnosno, Hubbard. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između prosečnih masa bataka sa karabatakom brojlera tri različite provenijencije. Prosečno učešće mase grudi u masi trupa imalo je sledeći opadajući niz: Cobb > Ross > Hubbard a mase bataka sa karabatakom: Hubbard > Ross >
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet veterinarske medicine
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31034/RS//
dc.subjectmeat qualityen
dc.subjectprinos mesasr
dc.subjectkvalitet mesasr
dc.titleComparative analysis of carcass meatiness and selected meat quality parameters of broilersen
dc.titleUporedna analiza mesnatosti trupova i odabranih parametara kvaliteta mesa brojlerasr
dcterms.abstractБалтић, Милан Ж.; Теодоровић, Владо; Марковић, Радмила; Мириловић, Милорад; Ивановић, Снежана; Гламочлија, Наташа; Упоредна анализа меснатости трупова и одабраних параметара квалитета меса бројлера; Упоредна анализа меснатости трупова и одабраних параметара квалитета меса бројлера;



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