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Značaj različitih serotipova Listeria monocytogenes u pogledu osetljivosti prema bakteriocinima mlečnokiselinskih bakterija

dc.creatorDimitrijević, Mirjana
dc.creatorTeodorović, Vlado
dc.creatorBaltić, Milan Ž.
dc.creatorKarabasil, Nedjeljko
dc.description.abstractIn this study the sensitivity of various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes towards five lactic bacteria bacteriocins was investigated, at two incubation temperatures (37oC for 24 h and 4oC for 12 days); six serotypes were indentified in 50 clinical/human isolates of L. monocytogenes and eight among 48 isolates from foodstuffs. This microorganism was found in many foodstuffs in numerous studies during the last decade. Among the methods for typing Listeria, the greatest attention has been dedicated to serological typing which defines the basic characteristics of Listeria antigens. Namely, it is well known that bactericideal or bacteriostatic effects of bacteriocins are not only expressed towards closely related bacterial species, but also towards less closely related Gram positive bacteria, such as L. monocytogenes. Bacteriocins can be eventually added to food, with the aim of decreasing the risk of listeriosis to the minimum. It was discovered that the bacteriocins, originating from Lactococcus UW and Lactobacillus sake 148 did not express inhibitory effects on any Listeria serotypes, while those bacteriocins originating from Lactobacillus sake 265, Pediococcus 347 and Lactobacillus sake 706 had a listericidal effect towards almost every assessed serotype. The highest bactericid effect was expressed by bacteriocin towards serotypes 4c and 4, at 37oC after 24h incubation and towards serotypes 1/2b and 4b after 12 days incubation at 4oC. Thus, the incubation temperature and time influenced the inhibitory effects of bacteriocins.en
dc.description.abstractU cilju identifikacije izvora infekcije u epidemiološko-epizotoološkim istraživanjima, razvijene su brojne tehnike tipizacije Listerija u hrani. Od svih metoda tipizacije, najveća pažnja se posvećuje serološkoj tipizaciji kojom se definišu osnovne karakteristike antigena Listerija. Poznato je baktericidno ili bakteriostatsko dejstvo bakteriocina ne samo prema srodnim bakterijskim vrstama, već i prema manje srodnim Gram pozitivnim bakterijama kao što je L. monocytogenes, te bi se oni eventualno mogli dodavati u hranu u cilju smanjenja opasnosti od pojave listerioze na minimum. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja osetljivosti različitih serotipova Listeria monocytogenes prema pet bakteriocina mlečnokiselinskih bakterija na dve temperature inkubacije (37 oC/24 h i 4 oC/12 dana). Od 50 kliničkih humanih izolata izdvojeno je 6 serotipova, dok je od 48 izolata poreklom iz namirnica animalnog porekla ustanovljeno 8 serotipova. Ustanovljeno je da bakeriocini poreklom od Lactobacillus sake 148 nisu ispoljili inhibitorni efekat ni prema jednom serotipu listerija, dok su bakteriocini poreklom od Lactobacillus sake 265, Pediococcus 347 i Lactobacillus sake 706 imali listericidni efekat skoro prema svim ispitivanim serotipovima. Bakteriocini su ispoljili najveći inhibitorni efekat prema serotipovima 4c i 4, pri inkubaciji od 37 oC/24h i prema serotipovima 1/2b i 4b, pri inkubaciji na 4 oC/12 dana. Takođe je ustanovljeno da je temperatura inkubacije uticala na inhibitorne efekte
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectinhibition zoneen
dc.subjectlactic acid bacteria bacteriocinsen
dc.subjectListeria monocytogenesen
dc.titleDifferent sensitivity of various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocinsen
dc.titleZnačaj različitih serotipova Listeria monocytogenes u pogledu osetljivosti prema bakteriocinima mlečnokiselinskih bakterijasr
dcterms.abstractКарабасил, Неђељко; Теодоровић, Владо; Балтић, Милан Ж.; Димитријевић, Мирјана;
dc.citation.other54(2-3): 201-208



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