Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Standardi identiteta kao koncept zaštite imena namirnica animalnog porekla

dc.creatorMijačević, Zora
dc.creatorBulajić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractWith adoption of new technologies, growth of population and focus on health care, new demands were set and the consumers nowadays are expecting food products not only to satisfy the nutritive requirements, but also to have certain functional characteristics; or not to contain components that have a negative effect on health (presence of cholesterol, NaCl, high percentage of saturated fatty acids). After complete substitution of one milk component, a new product is obtained. A change in the traditional composition of a food product has to be clearly declared, so that the consumer would not be misled but have the possibility of choice and self-determination. Many products labeled as imitations, alternatives, low fat cheese, plant-based cheese have emerged on our market lately and yet our law regulations do not offer a possibility of categorization of these food products and, thus, any declaration is impossible. In this paper, the existing standards in the domain of food products of animal origin were considered. These include federal standards (in the USA these were set by Food and Drug Administration), international standards set by Codex Alimentarius Commission and the situation in our country as well, thus, concluding that the demand for regulations (which would lawfully regulate this domain) is entirely justified.en
dc.description.abstractUsvajanjem novih tehnologija, porastom populacije i brigom za zdravlje postavljeni su novi zahtevi, a potrošači očekuju da namirnica ne zadovoljava samo nutritivne potrebe nego da poseduje i određene funkcionalne karakteristike ili pak da nije opterećena komponentama koje negativno utiču na zdravlje (prisustvo holesterola, natrijum hlorida, visok procenat zasićenih masnih kiselina). Potpunom zamenom jedne komponente mleka dobija se nov proizvod. Promena tradicionalnog sastava namirnice mora biti i jasno deklarisana kako potrošača ne bi dovela u zabludu, a ostavila mu mogućnost izbora i samoopredeljenja. Na našem tržištu se u poslednje vreme pojavljuju proizvodi koji nose oznaku imitacija, alternativa, posni sir, biljni sir, a postojeća zakonska regulativa ne daje mogućnost kategorizacije ovih namirnica, a tim ni pravilnog deklarisanja. U radu se razmatraju postojeći standardi u domeni namirnica animalnog porekla, bilo federalni (u slučaju Amerike postavljeni od Food and Drug Administration), ili pak internacionalni standardi uspostavljeni od strane Komisije Codex Alimentarius, kao i situacija u našoj zemlji, te opravdanost zahteva za donošenjem propisa, na osnovu kojih bi se pravno regulisala ova
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad i Savez hemičara i tehnologa, Beograd
dc.sourcePrehrambena industrija - mleko i mlečni proizvodi
dc.subjectstandards of identityen
dc.subjectlabeling protectionen
dc.subjectstandardi identitetasr
dc.subjectzaštita imenasr
dc.titleStandards of identity as a concept of animal origin food products labeling protectionen
dc.titleStandardi identiteta kao koncept zaštite imena namirnica animalnog poreklasr
dcterms.abstractМијачевић, Зора; Булајић, Снежана; Стандарди идентитета као концепт заштите имена намирница анималног порекла; Стандарди идентитета као концепт заштите имена намирница анималног порекла;
dc.citation.other15(1-2): 34-35



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