Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding
Ispitivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u tkivima riba iz otvorenih voda u zavisnosti od načina ishrane
Jovanović, DragoljubОстала ауторства
Šefer, DraganGrdović, Svetlana
Teodorović, Vlado
Baltić, Milan Ž.
Đorđević, Vesna
Докторска теза (Објављена верзија)
Приказ свих података о документуАпстракт
The aim of examination within this doctoral dissertation is determination of the contetn of heavy metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn and As) in the muscle tissue of fish from the Danube (two locations Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes around the city of Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac and Mokri Sebeš) and in various organs of fish (liver, digestive tract and gills) that can serve as an indicator of the safety of fish as food but also as an indicator of environmental pollution. For the purposes of examination from professional fishermen were taken 246 samples of fish meat, as well as 108 samples of fish organs (liver, digestive tract and gills) in two locations of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes with areas of the city of Belgrade. For testing we used the microwave oven and atomic absorption spectrometar. The highest average content of lead, cadmium, mercury, iron and arsenic in samples of fish caught in both place of the Danub...e (Zemun and Grocka), was found in the muscle tissue of carp and bream (omnivores type of fish), copper in the muscle tissue of catfish (carnivorous fish species) while the highest average zinc content was determined in muscle tissue of prussian carp (herbivorous fish species). Between the average content of heavy metals and metalloids in the muscle tissue of herbivorous fish (prussian carp) in the location Zemun and Grocka was a statistically significant difference between all investigated elements (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, iron, zinc and arsenic), provided that the location Grocka determined higher content of lead, mercury, copper, arsenic or in the location Zemun higher content of cadmium, iron and zinc. In muscle tissue omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Grocka average content of lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic was significantly higher than the average content of these elements in muscle tissue of the omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Zemun. The average content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and copper) and metalloids (arsenic) in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in location Grocka was statistically significantly exceeds the average this elements in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in the location with the exception of the average cadmium content (catfish) where there were no statistical differences. The study of heavy metals and arsenic in muscle tissue of fish landed at the site of seven different lakes around Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš and Bečmen) highest average content of mercury and arsenic was found in the muscle tissue of carp (omnivores fish species) from the lake Veliko blato...
Cilj ispitivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn i As) u mišićnom tkivu riba iz Dunava (dve lokacije Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera oko grada Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac i Mokri Sebeš) kao i u različitim organima riba (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) što može da posluži kao pokazatelj bezbednosti ribe kao namirnice ali i kao pokazatelj zagađenja životne sredine. Za potrebe ispitivanja od profesionalnih ribara uzeto je 246 uzoraka mesa ribe, kao i 108 uzoraka organa ribe (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) na dve lokacije reke Dunav (Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera sa područja grada Beograda. Za ispitivanja korišćena je mikrotalasna peć i atomski apsorpcioni spektrometar. Najveći prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive, gvožđa i arsena u uzorcima ribe izlovljene na oba lokaliteta Dunava (Grocka i Zemun), utvrđen je u mišićnom tkivu šarana i deverike (svaštojedna vrsta ribe)..., bakra u mišićnom tkivu soma (mesojedna vrsta ribe), dok je najveći prosečan sadržaj cinka utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu babuške (biljojedna vrsta ribe). Između prosečnog sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u mišićnom tkivu biljojednih vrsta riba (babuška) na lokaciji Zemun i Grocka utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između svih ispitivanih elemenata (olovo, kadmijum, živa, bakar, gvožđe, cink i arsen), s tim da je na lokaciji Grocka utvrđen veći sadržaj olova, žive, bakra i arsena, odnosno na lokaciji Zemun veći sadržaj kadmijuma, gvožđa i cinka. U mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Grocka prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive i arsena bio je statistički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovih elemenata u mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Zemun. Prosečan sadržaj teških metala (olovo, kadmijum, živa i bakar) i arsena u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Grocka bio je statsitički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovh elemenata u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Zemun sa izuzetkom prosečnog sadržaja kadmijuma (som) gde nije uočena statistička značajnost. Ispitivanjem sadržaja teških metala i arsena u mišićnom tkivu riba izlovljenih na lokalitetu sedam različitih jezera oko Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš i Bečmen) najveći prosečan sadržaj žive i arsena je utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu šarana (svaštojedna vrsta ribe) sa lokaliteta Veliko blato...
Кључне речи:
fish / heavy metals / metalloids / nutrition / riba / teški metali / metaloidi / ishranaИзвор:
- Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet veterinarske medicine
Финансирање / пројекти:
- Одабране биолошке опасности за безбедност/квалитет хране анималног порекла и контролне мере од фарме до потрошача (RS-MESTD-Technological Development (TD or TR)-31034)
Fakultet veterinarske medicineTY - THES AU - Jovanović, Dragoljub PY - 2015 UR - UR - UR - AB - The aim of examination within this doctoral dissertation is determination of the contetn of heavy metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn and As) in the muscle tissue of fish from the Danube (two locations Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes around the city of Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac and Mokri Sebeš) and in various organs of fish (liver, digestive tract and gills) that can serve as an indicator of the safety of fish as food but also as an indicator of environmental pollution. For the purposes of examination from professional fishermen were taken 246 samples of fish meat, as well as 108 samples of fish organs (liver, digestive tract and gills) in two locations of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes with areas of the city of Belgrade. For testing we used the microwave oven and atomic absorption spectrometar. The highest average content of lead, cadmium, mercury, iron and arsenic in samples of fish caught in both place of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka), was found in the muscle tissue of carp and bream (omnivores type of fish), copper in the muscle tissue of catfish (carnivorous fish species) while the highest average zinc content was determined in muscle tissue of prussian carp (herbivorous fish species). Between the average content of heavy metals and metalloids in the muscle tissue of herbivorous fish (prussian carp) in the location Zemun and Grocka was a statistically significant difference between all investigated elements (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, iron, zinc and arsenic), provided that the location Grocka determined higher content of lead, mercury, copper, arsenic or in the location Zemun higher content of cadmium, iron and zinc. In muscle tissue omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Grocka average content of lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic was significantly higher than the average content of these elements in muscle tissue of the omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Zemun. The average content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and copper) and metalloids (arsenic) in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in location Grocka was statistically significantly exceeds the average this elements in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in the location with the exception of the average cadmium content (catfish) where there were no statistical differences. The study of heavy metals and arsenic in muscle tissue of fish landed at the site of seven different lakes around Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš and Bečmen) highest average content of mercury and arsenic was found in the muscle tissue of carp (omnivores fish species) from the lake Veliko blato... AB - Cilj ispitivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn i As) u mišićnom tkivu riba iz Dunava (dve lokacije Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera oko grada Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac i Mokri Sebeš) kao i u različitim organima riba (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) što može da posluži kao pokazatelj bezbednosti ribe kao namirnice ali i kao pokazatelj zagađenja životne sredine. Za potrebe ispitivanja od profesionalnih ribara uzeto je 246 uzoraka mesa ribe, kao i 108 uzoraka organa ribe (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) na dve lokacije reke Dunav (Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera sa područja grada Beograda. Za ispitivanja korišćena je mikrotalasna peć i atomski apsorpcioni spektrometar. Najveći prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive, gvožđa i arsena u uzorcima ribe izlovljene na oba lokaliteta Dunava (Grocka i Zemun), utvrđen je u mišićnom tkivu šarana i deverike (svaštojedna vrsta ribe), bakra u mišićnom tkivu soma (mesojedna vrsta ribe), dok je najveći prosečan sadržaj cinka utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu babuške (biljojedna vrsta ribe). Između prosečnog sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u mišićnom tkivu biljojednih vrsta riba (babuška) na lokaciji Zemun i Grocka utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između svih ispitivanih elemenata (olovo, kadmijum, živa, bakar, gvožđe, cink i arsen), s tim da je na lokaciji Grocka utvrđen veći sadržaj olova, žive, bakra i arsena, odnosno na lokaciji Zemun veći sadržaj kadmijuma, gvožđa i cinka. U mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Grocka prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive i arsena bio je statistički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovih elemenata u mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Zemun. Prosečan sadržaj teških metala (olovo, kadmijum, živa i bakar) i arsena u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Grocka bio je statsitički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovh elemenata u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Zemun sa izuzetkom prosečnog sadržaja kadmijuma (som) gde nije uočena statistička značajnost. Ispitivanjem sadržaja teških metala i arsena u mišićnom tkivu riba izlovljenih na lokalitetu sedam različitih jezera oko Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš i Bečmen) najveći prosečan sadržaj žive i arsena je utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu šarana (svaštojedna vrsta ribe) sa lokaliteta Veliko blato... PB - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet veterinarske medicine T1 - Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding T1 - Ispitivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u tkivima riba iz otvorenih voda u zavisnosti od načina ishrane UR - ER -
@phdthesis{ author = "Jovanović, Dragoljub", year = "2015", abstract = "The aim of examination within this doctoral dissertation is determination of the contetn of heavy metals and metalloids (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn and As) in the muscle tissue of fish from the Danube (two locations Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes around the city of Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac and Mokri Sebeš) and in various organs of fish (liver, digestive tract and gills) that can serve as an indicator of the safety of fish as food but also as an indicator of environmental pollution. For the purposes of examination from professional fishermen were taken 246 samples of fish meat, as well as 108 samples of fish organs (liver, digestive tract and gills) in two locations of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka) and seven lakes with areas of the city of Belgrade. For testing we used the microwave oven and atomic absorption spectrometar. The highest average content of lead, cadmium, mercury, iron and arsenic in samples of fish caught in both place of the Danube (Zemun and Grocka), was found in the muscle tissue of carp and bream (omnivores type of fish), copper in the muscle tissue of catfish (carnivorous fish species) while the highest average zinc content was determined in muscle tissue of prussian carp (herbivorous fish species). Between the average content of heavy metals and metalloids in the muscle tissue of herbivorous fish (prussian carp) in the location Zemun and Grocka was a statistically significant difference between all investigated elements (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, iron, zinc and arsenic), provided that the location Grocka determined higher content of lead, mercury, copper, arsenic or in the location Zemun higher content of cadmium, iron and zinc. In muscle tissue omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Grocka average content of lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic was significantly higher than the average content of these elements in muscle tissue of the omnivores fish (bream, barbel, carp) caught on the Danube locations Zemun. The average content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and copper) and metalloids (arsenic) in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in location Grocka was statistically significantly exceeds the average this elements in the muscle tissue of carnivorous fish species (pikeperch, catfish) in the location with the exception of the average cadmium content (catfish) where there were no statistical differences. The study of heavy metals and arsenic in muscle tissue of fish landed at the site of seven different lakes around Belgrade (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš and Bečmen) highest average content of mercury and arsenic was found in the muscle tissue of carp (omnivores fish species) from the lake Veliko blato..., Cilj ispitivanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cu, Fe, Zn i As) u mišićnom tkivu riba iz Dunava (dve lokacije Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera oko grada Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Bečmen, Očaga, Veliko blato, Grabovac i Mokri Sebeš) kao i u različitim organima riba (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) što može da posluži kao pokazatelj bezbednosti ribe kao namirnice ali i kao pokazatelj zagađenja životne sredine. Za potrebe ispitivanja od profesionalnih ribara uzeto je 246 uzoraka mesa ribe, kao i 108 uzoraka organa ribe (jetra, digestivni trakt i škrge) na dve lokacije reke Dunav (Zemun i Grocka) i sedam jezera sa područja grada Beograda. Za ispitivanja korišćena je mikrotalasna peć i atomski apsorpcioni spektrometar. Najveći prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive, gvožđa i arsena u uzorcima ribe izlovljene na oba lokaliteta Dunava (Grocka i Zemun), utvrđen je u mišićnom tkivu šarana i deverike (svaštojedna vrsta ribe), bakra u mišićnom tkivu soma (mesojedna vrsta ribe), dok je najveći prosečan sadržaj cinka utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu babuške (biljojedna vrsta ribe). Između prosečnog sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u mišićnom tkivu biljojednih vrsta riba (babuška) na lokaciji Zemun i Grocka utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između svih ispitivanih elemenata (olovo, kadmijum, živa, bakar, gvožđe, cink i arsen), s tim da je na lokaciji Grocka utvrđen veći sadržaj olova, žive, bakra i arsena, odnosno na lokaciji Zemun veći sadržaj kadmijuma, gvožđa i cinka. U mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Grocka prosečan sadržaj olova, kadmijuma, žive i arsena bio je statistički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovih elemenata u mišićnom tkivu svaštojednih vrsta riba (deverika, mrena, šaran) izlovljene u Dunavu na lokaciji Zemun. Prosečan sadržaj teških metala (olovo, kadmijum, živa i bakar) i arsena u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Grocka bio je statsitički značajno veći od prosečnog sadržaja ovh elemenata u mišićnom tkivu mesojednih vrsta riba (smuđ, som) na lokaciji Zemun sa izuzetkom prosečnog sadržaja kadmijuma (som) gde nije uočena statistička značajnost. Ispitivanjem sadržaja teških metala i arsena u mišićnom tkivu riba izlovljenih na lokalitetu sedam različitih jezera oko Beograda (Rabrovac, Markovac, Grabovac, Očaga, Veliko blato, Mokri Sebeš i Bečmen) najveći prosečan sadržaj žive i arsena je utvrđen u mišićnom tkivu šarana (svaštojedna vrsta ribe) sa lokaliteta Veliko blato...", publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet veterinarske medicine", title = "Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding, Ispitivanje sadržaja teških metala i metaloida u tkivima riba iz otvorenih voda u zavisnosti od načina ishrane", url = "" }
Jovanović, D.. (2015). Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet veterinarske medicine..
Jovanović D. Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding. 2015;. .
Jovanović, Dragoljub, "Determination of heavy metals and metalloids content in the tissue of freshwater fish depending on the type of feeding" (2015), .