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Arteria subclavia i njene grane u malog zelenog majmuna (Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus)

dc.creatorBlagojević, Zdenka M.
dc.creatorBlagojević, Miloš
dc.creatorNikolić, Zora Č.
dc.creatorDrekić, Dmitar
dc.creatorMrvić, Verica
dc.creatorĐelić, Dijana J.
dc.creatorZorić, Zoran
dc.description.abstractWithin experimental, human and veterinary medicine, more and more attention has been paid to experimental animals. One of them being the small green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus). The small green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus) has a shod muzzle, small teeth, and is mostly of gray-greenish color; the lower pan of its neck, chest, belly and inner sides of its thoracic limbs being whitish. Its total length is about 110 cm, the tail being 50 cm long. On its head, on both sides, there are white hairs directed towards the neck, reminiscent of whiskers. The monkeys have large buccal sacs. The extremities and tail are more gray than the rest of the body. The skin of the face, ears and fore limbs is black. The digits are very long, whilst the thumb short. Cell cultures from the small green monkey are used for the cultivation of poliovirus in the manufacture of vaccines against poliomyelitis. In addition, kidney cultures from the same monkey serve for detection of the virus in biological material. This was the main reason that prompted us to undertake a study of one part of the monkey's cardiosvascular system and thus contribute to a better understanding of the structure of its body.en
dc.description.abstractA. subclavia sinistra malog zelenog majmuna se direktno odvaja od luka aorte a A. subclavia dextra se odvaja od Truncus brachiocephalicus-a zajedničkim stablom sa A carotis communis dextra. A. subclavia sinistra et dextra su krvni sudovi koji vaskularišu levi i desni prednji ekstremitet, prednji deo grudnog koša i kaudalni deo vrata. Od A. subclavia odvajaju se: A. vertebralis, A. scapularis dorsalis, A. thoracica interna, zajedničko stablo za A. cervicalis superficialis i A. suprascapularis i Truncus costocervicalis. A. vertebralis i A. carotis interna su glavni krvni sudovi koji dovode arterijsku krv u mozak. A. vertebralis daje grane za duboke vratne mišiće (ramimusculares), kao i grane za kičmenu moždinu (ramispinales). Spajanjem leve i desne kičmene arterije (A. vertebralis sinistra et dextra) nastaje A. basilaris cerebri. A, scapularis dorsalis daje grane za vaskularizaciju M. serratus ventralis i za mišiće i kožu grebena leđa. A. thoracica interna daje rami intercostales ventrales koji anastomoziraju sa završnim granama dorzalnih međurebarnih arterija (A. intercostales dorsales). Zajedničko stablo za A. cervicalis superficialis i A. suprascapularis se odvaja na istom mestu od A subclavia gde i A thoracica interna, ali se pruža na suprotnu stranu od A. thoracica interna. A. cervicalis superficialis daje grane za vaskularizaciju mišića vrata koji leže ventralno od dušnika i za limfne čvorove ovog dela vrata. A suprascapularis vaskulariše mišiće proksimalnog dela ramenjače. Truncus costocervicalis je zajedničko stablo za A. intercostalis suprema, A. cervicalis profunda i A. transversa
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 1843
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectCercopithecus aethiops sabeusen
dc.subjectsubclavian arteryen
dc.titleThe subclavian artery and its branches in the small green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus)en
dc.titleArteria subclavia i njene grane u malog zelenog majmuna (Cercopithecus aethiops sabeus)sr
dcterms.abstractБлагојевић, Зденка М.; Благојевић, Милош; Николић, Зора Ч.; Дрекић, Дмитар; Мрвић, Верица; Ђелић, Дијана Ј.; Зорић, Зоран;
dc.citation.other55(2-3): 237-244

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