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Koncept zaštite imena namirnica životinjskog porekla

dc.creatorMijačević, Zora
dc.creatorBulajić, Snežana
dc.description.abstractThe currently valid regulations (Official Gazette 26/2002) define the requirements for the quality of milk and milk products. The same legislature defines also the concept of composite products, that is, products in which part of the fat or proteins have been substituted with fat or proteins of different origin. A composite product must include the term composite in its name, and the part of the declaration which lists the contents of total proteins and fat must specify the part of plant proteins and fat in total proteins and fat of milk products. With the growth of the population and the concern for health, new requirements have been set, and consumers expect a food article to meet not only the nutritive requirements, but also to have certain functional characteristics, or that it is not burdened with components which have a negative effect on health (the presence of cholesterol, sodium chloride, a high percentage of saturated fatty acids). The complete substitution of one milk component results in a completely new product. A change in the traditional composition of a certain food article must be clearly declared, so as not to confuse consumers and to provide them with the possibility of choice. In our market, there have lately appeared products that are marked as imitations, alternatives, diet cheese, vegetable cheese. Modified products which do not meet the traditional identity standards must be marked as imitations, in case they are nutritionally inferior with respect to the traditionally standardized food articles, or as substitutes or alternatives, in the event that they are a nutritive equivalent to the traditional food articles. The lack of legal regulations for this category of product leads to the irregular declaration of such products, and consequently provides false information about the characteristics of such articles to the consumer. It is necessary to regulate this area with the respective laws in order to protect the consumer.en
dc.description.abstractPrema važećem propisu [1] definisani su zahtevi kvaliteta za mleko i proizvode od mleka. U istom pravilniku definisan je i pojam kompozitnih proizvoda, tj. proizvoda kod kojih je deo masti ili belančevina zamenjen mastima i belančevinama drugog porekla. Kompozitni proizvod u naslovu mora da ima oznaku kompozitni i u delu deklaracije koja govori o sastojcima, označene ukupne proteine i masti i udeo biljnih proteina i masti u ukupnim proteinima i mastima proizvoda od mleka. Porastom populacije i brigom za zdravlje postavljeni su novi zahtevi, a potrošači očekuju da namirnica ne zadovoljava samo nutritivne potrebe, nego da poseduje i određene funkcionalne karakteristike ili da nije opterećena komponentama koje negativno utiču na zdravlje (prisustvo holesterola, natrijum-hlorida i visok procenat zasićenih masnih kiselina). Potpunom zamenom jedne komponente mleka dobija se nov proizvod. Promena tradicionalnog sastava namirnice mora da bude i jasno deklarisana kako proizvođača ne bi dovela u zabludu, a ostavila mu mogućnost izbora i samoopredeljenja. Na našem tržištu se u poslednje vreme pojavljuju proizvodi koji nose oznaku imitacija, alternativa, posni sir i biljni sir. Modifikovani proizvodi koji ne zadovoljavaju tradicionalne standarde identiteta moraju da se označe kao imitacije, u slučaju da su nutritivno inferiorni u odnosu na tradicionalnu standardizovanu namirnicu, odnosno kao supstitucije ili alternative, u slučaju da su nutritivno ekvivalentni tradicionalnoj namirnici. Nepostojeća pravna regulativa za ovu kategoriju proizvoda dovodi do nepravilnog deklarisanja takvih proizvoda i time neminovno daje pogrešnu informaciju potrošaču o karakteristikama takve namirnice. Radi zaštite potrošača neophodno je da se zakonski reguliše ova oblast.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectconcept of protection of food articlesen
dc.subjectkoncept zaštite namirnicasr
dc.titleConcept of protection of food of animal originen
dc.titleKoncept zaštite imena namirnica životinjskog poreklasr
dcterms.abstractБулајић, Снежана; Мијачевић, Зора; Концепт заштите имена намирница животињског порекла; Концепт заштите имена намирница животињског порекла;
dc.citation.other59(1-2): 167-175



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