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Efekat davanja različite količine kolostruma na koncentraciju imunoglobulina G u serumu novorođene teladi napajane različitom količinom kolostruma

dc.creatorFratrić, Natalija
dc.creatorStojić, Velibor
dc.creatorJanković, Dušan
dc.creatorŠamanc, Horea
dc.creatorGvozdić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to investigate the influence of added natural mineral adsorber zeolite (clinoptilolite) to the colostrum on the degree of absorption of colostral IgG in 60 Holstein newborn calves fed different amounts of colostrum during the first two days of life. Calves were divided in four groups: 1) experimental group I received 0.75L of colostrum with 5g/L of clinoptilolite in 12h intervals (0.75+); 2) experimental group II received 1.5L of colostrum with 5g/L of zeolites in 12h intervals (1.5+); 3) control group I received 0.75L of colostrum in 12h intervals (0.75-); 4) control group II received 1.5L of colostrum in 12h intervals (1.5-). In blood sera from experimental group I, concentrations of IgG were 15.79±6.53 g/l; 21.81 ±9.29 g/L and 20.30±8.64 g/L respectively 6, 24 and 48 hours after birth. IgG concentrations in the sera of experimental group II were 22.21 ±8.79 35.20±8.43 and 30.51 ±9.86 respectively 6, 24 and 48 hours after birth. In the blood sera of the first control group concentrations of IgG were 9.89±4.97; 18.07±5.32 and 15.84±4.92 respectively 6, 24 and 48 hours after birth. IgG concentrations of the second control group were 14.53±7.19 25.39±11.57 and 22.88±8.63 respectively 6, 24 and 48 hours after birth. The statistical significance of the difference in mean IgG concentrations between experimental group I and the first control group was high after 6 (p lt 0.05) hours after birth. In this groups, the difference was not statistically significant 24 and 48 hours after birth. The statistical significance of the difference in levels of IgG between the experimental group II and the second control group was high after 6 (p lt 0.001), 24 (p lt 0.01) and 48 (p lt 0.05) hours. It can be seen that the absorption rate of colostral IgG in calves from the experimental groups I and II was approximately 40% higher than in the respective control groups. The mean concentrations of IgG in the colostrum samples used to feed the calves were almost equal during the observed period. Agarose-gel electrophoresis of serum proteins 48 hours after birth showed in the gamma electrophoretic zone a more intesively colored fraction for the treated animals compared to the analogous fraction on the electrophoresogram of serum proteins in the control group. Imunoglobulin G concentrations in the sera of calves who received 0.75 I of colostrum with clinoptilolite were almost equal to imunoglobulin G concentrations in the sera of calves who received 1.51 of colostrum at 6 hours after birth (this effect is present at 24 and 48 hours after birth). It can be seen that calves which received an insufficient amount of colostrum with clinoptilolite had the same concentrations of serum IgG compared to the calves which received the full ration of colostrum. The data from this investigation show that a concentration of 5 g/l of clinoptilolite based mineral adsorber in the colostrum leads to a significantly higher degree of absorption of colostral IgG in newborn calves.en
dc.description.abstractU ogledu je ispitivan uticaj mineralnog adsorbera na bazi klinoptilolita na stepen resorpcije IgG kod 60 novorođene teladi napajane različitom količinom kolostruma. Telad su bila podeljena u četiri grupe: 1) prva eksperimentalna grupa napajana je sa 0,75 L kolostruma u intervalima od 12 sati i tretirana klinoptilolitom (0,75+), 2) druga eksperimentalna grupa napajana je sa 1,5 I kolostruma u intervalima od 12 sati i tretirana klinoptilolitom (1,5+), 3) prva kontrolna grupa teladi napajana je sa 0.75 L kolostruma u intervalima od 12 sati (0,75-), 4) a druga kontrolna grupa teladi napajana je sa 1.5 L kolostruma u intervalima od 12 sati (1,5-). Uzorci krvi uzeti su odmah nakon rođenja a zatim 6., 24. i 48. sata života. Između teladi koja su primila dvostruko manju količinu kolostruma (0,75 I) sa zeolitom i bez zeolita statistički značajna razlika u koncentraciji IgG (p lt 0,05) utvrđena je samo u 6-om satu nakon rođenja, dok u ostalim satima (24 i 48 sati) nije bilo statistički značajne razlike. Između teladi koja su primala pun kolostrum (1,5 I) sa zeolitom i bez zeolita statistički značajna razlika u koncentraciji IgG utvrđena je u svim ispitivanim vremenima: 6-og sata (p lt 0,001), 24-og sat (p lt 0,01) i 48-og sata (p lt 0,05). Pokazalo se da je u uzorcima uzetim 6, 24 i 48 sati posle rođenja prisustvo IgG otkriveno u značajno većoj koncentraciji kod grupe teladi koja je dobijala kolostrum sa zeolitom nego bez njega. Koncentracija IgG u serumu teladi koja su dobijala pola (0,75 L) kolostruma sa zeolitom jednaka je koncentraciji IgG u serumu teladi koja su dobijala pun (1,5 L) kolostrum bez zeolita (u 6-om satu). Taj trend je uočljiv i u ostalim satima (24 i 48 sat). Ovi rezultati jasno ukazuju da se davanjem dvostruko manje količine kolostruma sa zeolitom postiže nivo koncentracije IgG u krvnom serumu kao da je dat pun kolostrum (bez zeolita). Dobijeni rezultati jasno ukazuju da prisustvo mineralnog adsorbera u kolostrumu koji sadrži vise od 90% klinoptilolita značajno povećava stepen resorpcije kolostralnih imunoglobulina G kod novorođene
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 1816
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectnewborn calvesen
dc.titleThe effect of a clinoptilolite based mineral adsorber on concentrations of immunoglobulin G in the serum of newborn calves fed different amounts of colostrumen
dc.titleEfekat davanja različite količine kolostruma na koncentraciju imunoglobulina G u serumu novorođene teladi napajane različitom količinom kolostrumasr
dcterms.abstractГвоздић, Драган; Стојић, Велибор; Фратрић, Наталија; Јанковић, Душан; Шаманц, Хореа; Ефекат давања различите количине колострума на концентрацију имуноглобулина Г у серуму новорођене телади напајане различитом количином колострума; Ефекат давања различите количине колострума на концентрацију имуноглобулина Г у серуму новорођене телади напајане различитом количином колострума;
dc.citation.other55(1): 11-21



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