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Etiopatogeneza i dijagnostika oboljenja centralnog nervnog sistema preživara sa posebnim osvrtom na BSE

dc.creatorRadojičić, Biljana
dc.creatorBojkovski, Jovan
dc.description.abstractIn spite of impressive general progress and achievements, the last decade of the twentieth century was marked by the appearance of a neurogenetative disease in cattle, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), known as the mad cow disease, which the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1997, proclaimed a rare but unfortunately fatal zoonosis. The new variant of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) is a direct parallel with BSE. The mere incidence, and in particular, the spreading of BSE cases in other countries of the European Union (EU), in addition to the United Kingdom (UK), was followed by insufficiently clear and contradictory stands by researchers especially regarding the issue of etiopathogenesis and the possible epidemiological risk of certain tissues originating from ruminants, and which could have significance in the transmission of BSE among humans. Today, it could be said for BSE that it is under active monitoring, or control, which is a result of the implementation of many strict prescribed legislative measures, in particular in EU countries. Countries such as ours - which have not registered a single clinically manifest case of BSE so far and where no BSE was diagnosed in laboratories on brain samples of animals taken from the slaughter line of animals older than 24 months, or animals with neurological syndromes - are obliged to join the BSE monitoring and draw up a risk analysis, both because of the possible evaluation of the epizootiological-epidemiological situation (passive supervision), and because of possible imports and exports of cattle and beef from and to the EU market. Using the model of recognizing other similar diseases of the CNS with a set of analyses (observing the clinical picture for several days recognizing the so-called critical neurological sign, and certain findings in blood, serum, liquor, and urine), it is possible to rule out BSE and evaluate its prevalence. Other CNS diseases in cattle, such as listeriosis chlamydeous sporadic encephalopathy, rabies, and secondary encephalopathies such as the nervous form of ketosis, hepatic encephalopathy hypomagnesiemia, lead poisoning, poisoning with tremorgenic toxins such as saponin or ergotamine, can be found in a certain percentage in our conditions of maintenance of high-yield dairy cows as well. Among CNS diseases diagnosed in sheep, the most frequently diagnosed are listeriosis border disease, congenital hypomyelinogenesis, the looping ill infection gravidity toxemia, some certain toxicoses, cenurosis, and scrape. Methods of so-called quick diagnostics, such as the Western Blot and/or ELISA test enable screening for routine diagnostics and consequently active monitoring of BSE. Even though we have not registered a single case of BSE in our country yet, it is still necessary as soon as possible to make an evaluation of the risk analysis of BSE, using the recognized differential-diagnostic approach, in recognizing the prevalence of BSE in vivo, as opposed to other similar neurological disorders and diseases of the CNS, which are especially important in high-yield dairy cows.en
dc.description.abstractPoslednju deceniju dvadesetog veka i pored impresivnog svekolikog napretka i dostignuća, obeležila je i pojava jedne neurodegenerativne bolesti goveda Bovine spongiform encephaloptahy (BSE) poznate i kao bolest "ludih krava" koju je Svetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) 1997. godine proglasila retkom, ali nažalost, fatalnom zoonozom. Nova varijanta Creutzfeldt-Jakobove bolesti (vCJD) je direktna paralela sa BSE. Samu pojavu, a naročito širenje slučajeva BSE i u drugim zemljama Evropske unije (EU) osim Ujedinjenog kraljevstva (UK), prate nedovoljno jasni i kontradiktorni stavovi istraživača, naročito oko pitanja etiopatogeneze i mogućeg epidemiološkog rizika pojedinih tkiva koja potiču od preživara a koja bi mogla da ima značaj u transmisiji BSE kod ljudi. Danas se za BSE može da kaže da je pod "aktivnim nadzorom", odnosno pod kontrolom, što je posledica primene mnogih strogih, propisanih mera legislative, posebno u zemljama EU. Zemlje kao što je i naša, a koje nisu do sada ustanovile ni jedan klinički manifestan slučaj BSE, niti BSE dijagnostikovan u laboratoriji na uzorcima mozga životinja uzetih sa linije klanja grla starijih od 24 meseca, ili grla sa neurološkim sindromima, dužne su da se uključe u monitoring BSE i sačine "analizu rizika", kako zbog mogućeg sagledavanja epizootiološko-epidemiološke situacije (pasivni nadzor), tako i zbog eventualnog uvoza i izvoza goveda i goveđeg mesa sa i na tržište EU. Po modelu prepoznavanja drugih sličnih oboljenja CNS, setom analiza (posmatranjem kliničke slike nekoliko dana, prepoznavanjem "kritičnog neurološkog znaka" određenim nalazima u krvi, serumu, likvoru i urinu), BSE je moguće isključiti ili proceniti njegovu prevalenciju. Ostala oboljenja CNS kod goveda kao što su listerioza, hlamidiozna sporadična encefalopatija besnilo, te sekundarne encefalopatije kao što su nervna forma ketoze hepatična encefalopatija, hipomagnezijemija, trovanje olovom, trovanje tremorgenim toksinima tipa saponina i ergotamina, u određenom procentu nalazimo i u našim uslovima držanja visoko-mlečnih krava. Od oboljenja centralnog nervnog sistema ovaca najčešće se dijagnostikuju listerioza border bolest, urođena hipomijelinogeneza, lupingill, graviditetna toksemija, neka određena trovanja, cenuroza i skrepi. Metodama takozvane brze dijagnostike kao štoje Western blot i/ili ELISA test, omogućen je "skrining" za rutinsku dijagnostiku, odnosno, za aktivni nadzor BSE. Iako u našoj zemlji još uvek nismo registrovali nijedan slučaj BSE, ipak je potrebno što pre da se sačini procena analize rizika od BSE, koristeći priznati diferencijalno-dijagnostički pristup, u prepoznavanju prevalencije BSE "in vivo", od drugih, sličnih neuroloških poremećaja i oboljenja CNS posebno važnih kod visoko-mlečnih
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectCNS diseasesen
dc.subjectoboljenja CNSsr
dc.titleEthiopathogenesis and diagnostic of central nervous system diseases in the ruminants especially with approach of BSEen
dc.titleEtiopatogeneza i dijagnostika oboljenja centralnog nervnog sistema preživara sa posebnim osvrtom na BSEsr
dcterms.abstractРадојичић, Биљана; Бојковски, Јован; Етиопатогенеза и дијагностика обољења централног нервног система преживара са посебним освртом на БСЕ; Етиопатогенеза и дијагностика обољења централног нервног система преживара са посебним освртом на БСЕ;
dc.citation.issuesupl. 1-2
dc.citation.other59(supl. 1-2): 201-209

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