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Retrospektivna analiza mezenhimskih tumora kože i mekih tkiva pasa

dc.creatorAleksić-Kovačević, Sanja
dc.creatorKukolj, Vladimir
dc.creatorJelesijević, Tomislav
dc.creatorJovanović, M.
dc.description.abstractOut of the total number of 632 tumor specimens obtained from dogs of different breeds over the period of last 66 months, cutaneous tumors were diagnosed in 211 cases, i.e., in 123 (58.3%) male dogs and 88 (41.7%) bitches, aged on average 7 years. Among the total number of 211 skin tumors 32 types of cutaneous neoplasms were diagnosed, with epithelial and melanocytic tumors being the most predominant (58.3%), followed by hematopoietic tumors (22.3%) and mesenchymal tumors of the skin and soft tissues (19.4%). Cutaneous hematopoietic tumors comprising the total of 47 cases and mesenchymal tumors of the skin and soft tissues (41 cases) were subjected to detailed histological analysis, as well as immunohistochemical analysis if necessary, and the tumors were classified based on the most recent WHO classification of cutaneous neoplasms. The large number of cutaneous hematopoietic tumors is the result of a large number of mastocytomas and histiocytomas. These tumors were benign in 14 (29.79%) cases, while the remaining 33 (70.21%) were malignant. Out of the total number of canine tumors examined based on the biopsy and section materials over the last five years at the Department of Pathology, skin tumors and mammary gland tumors were proved to be the two largest groups diagnosed in 33.4% and 36% of cases, respectively.en
dc.description.abstractOd ukupno 632 neoplazme pasa različitih rasa, pregledanih u poslednjih 66 meseci, tumori kože dijagnostikovani su u 211 slučajeva i to kod 123 (58,3%) mužjaka i 88 (41,7%) ženki, prosečne starosti od 7 godina. Od ukupno 211 tumora kože, ustanovljena su 32 tipa neoplazmi, od kojih su najzastupljeniji bili epitelni i melanocitni tumori kože (58,3%), zatim hematopoezni tumori (22,3%) i mezenhimski tumori kože i mekih tkiva (19,4%). Kutani hematopoezni tumori, zastupljeni u 47 slučajeva i mezenhiski tumori kože i mekih tkiva (41 slučaj), podvrgnuti su detaljnoj histološkoj analizi i po potrebi imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjima i klasifikovani prema najnovijoj WHO klasifikaciji kutanih neoplazmi. Veliki broj kutanih hematopoeznih tumora je posledica brojnih mastocitoma i histiocitoma. Ovi tumori su bili benigni u 14 (29,79%) slučajeva, a preostalih 33 slučajeva (70,21%) su bili maligni tumori. Od ukupnog broja tumora pasa ispitanih u okviru biopsijskog i sekcionog materijala u proteklih pet godina na Katedri za patologiju, tumori kože i tumori mlečne žlezde predstavljaju dve najčešće grupe neoplazmi koje dijagnostikovane u 33,4%, odnosno 36% sluč
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.titleRetrospective analysis of canine mesenchymal tumors of skin and soft tissuesen
dc.titleRetrospektivna analiza mezenhimskih tumora kože i mekih tkiva pasasr
dcterms.abstractЈовановић, М.; Јелесијевић, Томислав; Aлексић-Ковачевић, Сања; Кукољ, Владимир; Ретроспективна анализа мезенхимских тумора коже и меких ткива паса; Ретроспективна анализа мезенхимских тумора коже и меких ткива паса;
dc.citation.other55(5-6): 521-529

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