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Study of chosen parameters of pigs' meatness from a farm slaughtered at the "Koteks" sloughterhouse in Surčin

dc.creatorĐokić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorKarabasil, Nedjeljko
dc.creatorBaltić, Milan Ž.
dc.creatorKilibarda, Nataša
dc.creatorJovanović, Srđan
dc.description.abstractMesnatost svinja određena je prema Pravilniku o kvalitetu zaklanih svinja i kategorizaciji svinjskog mesa (Sl.list SFRJ br 2/85, 12/85 i 24/86). Podaci o mesnatosti obrađeni su na 82 svinje. Kao parametar mesnatosti trupova uzeti su i podaci dobijeni obradom polutke (tzv.“cepane“ lopatice) do tzv. „francuske“ obrade namenjene maloprodaji. Količina mesa u trupovima zaklanih svinja sa farme najvećeg dobavljača svinja klanice „Koteks“ u Surčinu, izražena u procentima, bila je od 38,44 posto do 45,53 posto, odnosno, u proseku 43,12±1,67 %. Prosečna masa trupa bila je 74,06±5,80 kilograma, masa glave 3,90±0,08 kilograma, odnosno zastupljenosti u masi trupa 5,26 posto, masa neobrađene slanine 16,20±0,66 kilograma (21,83 posto), sala 1,00±0,03 kilograma (1,35 posto), nogica 1,33±0,03 kilograma (1,75 posto), čvrstog masnog tkiva sa kožom (but, plećka) 1,76±0,21 kilograma (2,37 posto), čvrstog masnog tkiva sa kožom 7,42±0,61 kilograma (10,02 posto), gronika 1,71±0,04 kg (2,31 posto), mesnih obrezaka („ficla“) 1,27±0,03 kilograma (1,71 posto), repova 0,30±0,01 kilograma (0,04 %) i „francuske“ obrade 39,88±3,74 kilograma (53,84 posto). Kako u mesnatost trupa nije uračunato mišićno tkivo potrubušine za koje se smatra da čini i preko 7 posto od mišića trupa to se može zaključiti da je prosečna količina mesa u trupu ispitivanih svinja izražena u procentima preko 50 posto. Delovi trupa (polutki) dobijeni obradom do „francuske“ obrade se koriste za preradu, a sama „francuska“ obrada se dalje obrađuje po zahtevu kupca i namenjena je maloprodaji ili se raseca i obrađuje za sopstvene potrebe prerade.sr
dc.description.abstractProduction of pork meat has a long tradition in Serbia. The overall trend of preferring meat pork, which has started in the early sixties, was followed by Serbia as well, hence the large number of meat pigs present in Serbia nowadays. The relationship between „fattened“ pigs and „meaty“ pigs during 2007 was 1: 1.48 and in 1990 the relationship was 3:1. For meaty pigs are interested not only the producers, but consumers as well. The interest of the producers to grow meaty pigs is not stimulated enough. Sadly, pigs are nowadays paid by the kg and not by the percentage of present carcass meat. The aim of this work was to study the chosen parameters of meatiness in the carcasses from the pig farm „Koteks“ in Surčin. The meatiness was defined by the legislation (Sl.list SFRJ br 2/85, 12/85 i 24/86). Data relative to the meatiness of 82 pigs are given. The data relevant are given by the „French “dressing of carcasses aimed for the retail market. The quantity of meat present in the halves of slaughtered pigs from the „Koteks“ farm in Surcin, expressed in percentages, was from 38.44% to 45.53%. On average, was 43.12 ± 1.67%. The average mass of the carcass was 74.06 ± 5.80 kg; the mass of the head was 3.90 ± 0.08 kg, thus its relative presence within the carcass was 5.26%. The mass of the bacon was 16.20 ± 0.66 kg (21.83%), lard 1.00 ± 0.03kg (1.35%), feet 1.33 kg ± 0.03 kg, firm fatty tissue with skin (shoulder and thigh) 1.76 ± 0.21 kg (2,37 %), firm fatty tissue with skin 7.42 ± 0.61 kg (10.02 %), lower neck 1.71 ± 0.04 kg (2,31 %), meaty cut-offs („ficla“) 1.27 ± 0.03 kg (1,71%), tails 0.30 ± 0.01 kg (0.04 %) and „French cut“ 39.88 ± 3.74 kg(53.84 %). As in the overall carcass meatiness the muscle tissue of the abdominal wall, which is considered to make up over 7% of the carcass muscle mass, it can be concluded that the average quantity of meat in the studied pigs was over 50%. Parts of the trunk (halves) tailored by the “French” method are used for further processing and the half itself is further tailored on request of the customer.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesasr
dc.sourceMeđunarodno 55. savetovanje industrije mesa - Meso i proizvodi od mesa - bezbednost, kvalitet i nove tehnologije, Tara, 15 - 17. jun, 2009sr
dc.subjectodabrani parametrisr
dc.subjectmesnatost svinjasr
dc.subjectchosen parameterssr
dc.subjectmeatiness of pigssr
dc.titleIspitivanje odabranih parametara mesnatosti svinja sa jedne farme zaklanih u klanici "Koteks" u Surčinusr
dc.titleStudy of chosen parameters of pigs' meatness from a farm slaughtered at the "Koteks" sloughterhouse in Surčinsr
dc.description.otherZbornik kratkih sadržajasr



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