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Mogućnost primene dodicin-hidrohlorida u preveniranju mastitisa kod krava

dc.creatorJoksović, Svetlana
dc.creatorĆupić, Vitomir
dc.creatorKatić, Vera
dc.description.abstractThe main approach to curbing mastitis is to prevent the entry of microorganisms from the outer environment into the mammary gland, which is achieved by the use of papilla disinfection following every time of milking. The objective of this work was to examine the antimicrobial activity of the disinfectant dodicin hydrochloride, in fact the preparation that contains this disinfectant (DESU® M), against bacteria, the most frequent causes of mastitis in cows. The efficacy of modified DESU® Mwas examined under laboratory conditions using the quantitative test against the following microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus uberis, under the conditions in the field. The udders of an experimental group of 20 cows of the Holstein-Friesian breed were immersed in a solution of the modified preparation DESU ® M following every time of milking over a period of three months. In the second group of 10 cows of the Holstein-Friesian breed, marked as the control group, no disinfection was applied following the milkings. The preparation DESU® Mexhibited satisfactory antimicrobial efficacy against the most frequent causes (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus uberis) of mastitis in cows under laboratory conditions. With the application of the preparation DESU® M, following every time of milking over a period of three months, the number of somatic cells was reduced by almost one half in comparison with their number at the start of the experiment. No residue of the modified preparation DESU ® M were found in any sample of milk from the experimental group of cows.en
dc.description.abstractGlavni pristup u suzbijanju mastitisa je sprečavanje ulaska mikro-organizama iz spoljašnje sredine u mlečnu žlezdu, a što se postiže primenom dezinfekcije papila posle svake muže. Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se ispita antimikrobna aktivnost dezinficijensa dodicin-hidrohlorida, odnosno preparata koji u sebi sadrži ovaj dezinficijens (DESU® M) protiv bakterija, najčešćih prouzrokovača mastitisa kod krava. Efikasnost modifikovanog DESU® M je ispitivana u laboratorijskim uslovima primenom kvantitativnog testa prema mikroorganizmima: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae i Streptococcus uberis i u uslovima prakse. U I grupi od 20 krava holštajn-frizijske rase papile vimena su uranjane u rastvor modifikovanog preparata DESU ® M posle svake muže u periodu od tri meseca. U II grupi od 10 krava holštajn-frizijske rase, označenoj kao kontrolna grupa, nije se primenjivala dezinfekcija posle muže. Preparatom DESU® M su postignuta zadovoljavajuća antimikrobna efikasnost prema najčešćim prouzrokovačima (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae i Streptococcus uberis) mastitisa kod krava u laboratorijskim uslovima. Primenom preparata DESU® M, posle svake muže u toku od tri meseca, broj somatskih ćelija se smanjio skoro za polovinu, u odnosu na početak ogleda. Ni u jednom uzorku mleka ogledne grupe krava nisu dokazane rezidue modifikovanog preparata DESU® M. .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectpapilla disinfectionen
dc.subjectdezinfekcija papilasr
dc.titlePossibility of application of dodicin hydrochloride in prevention of mastitis in cowsen
dc.titleMogućnost primene dodicin-hidrohlorida u preveniranju mastitisa kod kravasr
dcterms.abstractЈоксовић, Светлана; Катић, Вера; Ћупић, Витомир; Могућност примене додицин-хидрохлорида у превенирању маститиса код крава; Могућност примене додицин-хидрохлорида у превенирању маститиса код крава;
dc.citation.other60(3-4): 207-221



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