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Demodikoza pasa na teritoriji grada Niša

dc.creatorStojiljković, Dragoslav
dc.creatorAleksić, Nevenka
dc.creatorKulišić, Zoran
dc.creatorNikolovski-Stefanović, Zorica
dc.creatorMišić, Zorana
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes cases of demodicosis in dogs from the territory of the city of Niš. The objective of the investigations was to learn more about the parameters that can influence the susceptibility of certain dogs to the cause of demodicosis, such as: age, hair length, sex, and seasonal dynamics of the incidence of the disease. It was established following examinations of 76 dogs suspected of demodicosis that they were all infected with the specie Demodex canis. The changes were localized or generalized. In the total number of infected dogs, there was a larger share of males (61.84%) than females (38.16%). The number of dogs diseased with demodicosis was twice higher in shorthaired than in long-haired animals. The most frequently infected were dogs of the Doberman and German Shepherd breeds. The number of male and female animals among short-haired dogs diseased with demodicosis was equal, while there were more males among the long-haired animals. The biggest number of infected animals was in the category of young dogs, up to one year of age, and they accounted for 65.79% of the total number of diseased animals, which shows without any doubt that younger dogs are more susceptible to demodicosis. There were more infected dogs in the period autumn-winter than in the period spring-summer.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu opisani su slučajevi demodikoze kod pasa sa teritorije grada Niša. Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se nešto više sazna o parametrima koji mogu da utiču na prijemčivost određenih pasa prema uzročniku demodikoze kao što su: životno doba, dužina dlake, pol i sezonska dinamika pojavljivanja bolesti. Pregledom 76 pasa suspektnih na demodikozu, ustanovljeno je da su svi bili infestirani vrstom Demodex canis. Promene su bile lokalizovane ili generalizovane. U ukupnom broju infestiranih pasa veći je bio udeo mužjaka (61,84%) nego ženki (38,16%). Broj pasa obolelih od demodikoze bio je dva puta veći kod kratkodlakih u odnosu na dugodlake pse. Najčešće infestirani su bili psi rase doberman i nemački ovčar. Broj muških i ženskih jedinki kod kratkodlakih pasa obolelih od demodikoze bio je ujednačen, dok je kod dugodlakih bio veći broj mužjaka. Najveći broj infestiranih je bio iz kategorije mladih pasa, uzrasta od godinu dana i njihov udeo u ukupnom broju obolelih bio je 65,79 posto, što nesumnjivo ukazuje da su demodikozi podložniji mlađi psi. U periodu jesen-zima bio je veći broj infestiranih pasa nego u periodu proleć
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectDemodex canisen
dc.subjecthair lengthen
dc.subjectseasonal dynamicsen
dc.subjectDemodex canissr
dc.subjectživotno dobasr
dc.subjectdužina dlakesr
dc.subjectsezonska dinamikasr
dc.titleCanine demodicosis in territory of city of Nišen
dc.titleDemodikoza pasa na teritoriji grada Nišasr
dcterms.abstractНиколовски-Стефановић, Зорица; Aлексић, Невенка; Стојиљковић, Драгослав; Кулишић, Зоран; Мишић, Зорана; Демодикоза паса на територији града Ниша; Демодикоза паса на територији града Ниша;
dc.citation.other60(5-6): 397-405

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