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Efikasnost eugenola u lečenju šuge svinja

dc.creatorJezdimirović, Milanka
dc.creatorKulišić, Zoran
dc.creatorAleksić, Nevenka
dc.creatorBjelić, Nebojša
dc.creatorIvanović, Saša
dc.description.abstractThe acaricide efficacy, tolerability and safety of the active ingredient of the etheric oil of cloves eugenol was investigated in the treatment of mange in swine, and the obtained results were compared with the results of acaricide efficacy of the synthetic acaricide permethrin, which has been in use for quite a some time. A single application of permethrin in the form of a 1% solution showed maximum efficacy of 62.5%, and after three applications of 75.0% in the treatment of sarcoptes in swine mange. A single application of eugenol in the form of a 10% solution had maximum efficacy of 75.0%, and applied three times an efficacy of 100% in curbing Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis. A single administration of 20% eugenol solution showed maximum efficacy of 87.5%, and applied three times it was 100% efficient in curbing Sarcoptes scabeiei var. suis. The best efficacy in the treatment of sarcoptes mange in swine was achieved with three applications of eugenol in a concentration of 20%. This maximum effect (100%) was obtained already after the second treatment. Eugenol in a concentration of 10% was safe for local application on skin because it does not cause any undesired reactions, while a 20% concentration caused irritation followed by a passing redness and disquiet in a smaller number of treated animals. The results of comparative investigations of acaricide efficacy of permethrin and eugenol demonstrate that there is resistence in Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis to permethrin. The biocide eugenol can safely be recommended for the treatment of sarcoptes mange in swine.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivana je akaricidna efikasnost, podnošljivost i bezbednost aktivnog sastojka eteričnog ulja karanfilića, eugenola, u lečenju šuge svinja i dobijeni rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima akaricidne efikasnosti, već duže vreme korišćenog sintetskog akaricida permetrina. Jednokratno primenjen permetrin u obliku rastvora koncentracije od 1% pokazao je maksimalnu efikasnost od 62,5%, a posle trokratne aplikacije od 75,0% u lečenju sarkoptes šuge svinja. Jednokratno primenjen eugenol u obliku rastvora koncentracije od 10% imao je maksimalnu efikasnost od 75,0%, a trokratno primenjen od 100,0% u suzbijanju Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis. Jednokratno primenjen rastvor eugenola u koncentraciji od 20% pokazao je najveću efikasnost od 87,5%, a trokratno primenjen od 100,0% u suzbijanju sa Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis. Najbolja efikasnost u lečenju sarkoptes šuge svinja je postignuta trokratnom primenom eugenola u koncentraciji od 20%. Ovaj maksimalni efekat (100,0%) dobijen je već posle drugog tretmana. Eugenol u koncentraciji od 10% bio je bezbedan za lokalnu primenu na koži, jer ne prouzrokuje bilo kakve neželjene reakcije, dok u koncentraciji od 20% kod manjeg broja tretiranih životinja izazivao je iritaciju praćenu prolaznim crvenilom i uznemirenošću. Rezultati uporednih ispitivanja akaricidne efikasnosti permetrina i eugenola ukazuju da postoji rezistencija Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis na permetrin. Biocid eugenol sa sigurnošću može da se preporuči u lečenju sarkoptes šuge svinja.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.titleInvestigations of eugenol efficacy in treatment of mange in swineen
dc.titleEfikasnost eugenola u lečenju šuge svinjasr
dcterms.abstractКулишић, Зоран; Aлексић, Невенка; Јездимировић, Миланка; Бјелић, Небојша; Ивановић, Саша; Ефикасност еугенола у лечењу шуге свиња; Ефикасност еугенола у лечењу шуге свиња;
dc.citation.other60(1-2): 33-42



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