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Uticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i imunski odgovor

dc.creatorTokić, Vesna
dc.creatorLazarević, Miodrag
dc.creatorSinovec, Zlatan
dc.creatorTokić, A.
dc.description.abstractOur investigations were conducted in order to determine the influence of mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) based prebiotics and polysaccharide microelement complexes on the performance and immune response of Arbor Acre broiler chickens. Total of 186 chickens was included in the study which lasted 42 days. Birds were fed ad libitum three different complete food mixtures (from days 1- 21, 21 - 35 and 35-42) according to the standard fattening procedure. Mixtures for chickens from the first group were supplemented with mannanoligosaccharide based prebiotics and for the birds from the second group with polysaccharide microelement (Fe, Cu, ZN and Mn) complexes. Broilers in the control group had daily weight gain of 49.1 g, daily food consumption of 115.5 g and a feed : gain ratio 2.35. In the group of broilers feed mixtures supplemented with mannan-oligosaccharides, the daily weight gain was higher (+ 14.95%), daily food consumption was lower (- 2.67) and feed : gain ratio was smaller (-15.32%) when compared to the control group. In the group of broilers fed mixtures with polysaccharide microelement complexes, the daily weight gain was also higher (+ 11.43%), daily food consumption was lower (- 4.28) and feed: gain ratio was smaller (-14.0%) when compared to the control group. Following revaccination against NCD, broilers fed MOS based prebiotics had significantly higher titers of antibodies than observed in the other two groups. The highest degree of cutaneous hypersensitivity to PHA was recorded in the group of broilers fed mixtures with polysaccharide microelement complexes.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj prebiotika na bazi mananoligosaharida i polisaharidnih kompleksa mikroelemenata (Fe, Cu, Zn i Mn) na proizvodne rezultate i imunski odgovor brojlera hibrida "Arbor Acres". Ogled je izveden na 186 pilića podeljenih u 3 grupe i trajao je 42 dana. Brojleri su bili hranjeni ad libitum sa tri potpune krmne smeše za tov (1-21 dan, 21-35 i 35-42) u skladu sa potrebama soja. Brojleri hranjeni smešama standardnog sirovinskog sastava i uobičajene hranljive vrednosti (kontrolna grupa) ostvarili su prosečan dnevni prirast od 49,1 g, pri dnevnoj konzumaciji hrane od 115,5 g i konverziju hrane od 2,35. Dodavanje mananoligosaharida potpunim smešama za ishranu tovnih pilića dovodi do povećanja prosečnog dnevnog prirasta za 14,95% pri manjoj konzumaciji hrane za 2,67% i boljoj konverziji hrane za 15,32%. Korišćenjem smeša u koje su dodavani polisaharidni kompleksi mikroelemenata postignuti su veći dnevni prirasti za 11,43%, pri manjoj konzumaciji hrane za 4,28% i boljoj konverziji hrane za 14,0%. Nakon sprovedenog postupka revakcinacije, brojleri hranjeni smešom sa dodatkom manan oligosaharida imali su značajno veći titar antitela na virus NCD u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu i grupu kojoj su dodavani organski vezani mikroelementi. Najveći stepen kožne reaktivnosti na PHA, kao indikator celularne imunološ ke reaktivnosti registrovan je u grupi brojlera hranjenih smešama u koje su dodavani polisaharidni kompleksi mikroelemenata.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectmannan-oligosaccharides (MOS)en
dc.subjectpolysaccharide microelement complexesen
dc.subjectimmune responseen
dc.titleThe influence of different feed additives to performances and immune response in broiler chickenen
dc.titleUticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i imunski odgovorsr
dcterms.abstractТокић, Весна; Токић, A.; Синовец, Златан; Лазаревић, Миодраг; Утицај различитих адитива у исхрани бројлера на производне резултате и имунски одговор; Утицај различитих адитива у исхрани бројлера на производне резултате и имунски одговор;
dc.citation.other57(2-3): 217-229



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