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Koekspresija vimentina i citokeratina u tumorima mlečne žlezde kuja

dc.creatorJović, Slavoljub
dc.creatorMagaš, Vladimir
dc.creatorAleksić-Kovačević, Sanja
dc.description.abstractThis work presents the results of immunohistochemical studies on the distribution of intermediary filamentous proteins vimentin and cytokeratin in bitch mammary gland tumors, which had been previously classified according to the latest WHO-classification (1999). The overall test specimen included 45 bitches of different breeds and age, which resulted in diagnosing 27 malignant neoplasms, 11 benign neoplasms, and 3 hyperplastic-dysplastic changes, while 4 test specimens were taken from healthy bitches. The commonest malignant neoplasms were: simple adenocarcinoma (13 cases) and complex adenocarcinoma (7). Among the benign neoplasms the ones that dominated were benign mixed tumors (8 cases). Vimentin was expressed on neoplastic proliferative suprabasal myoepithelial cells of simple adenocarcinomas; on resting, spindleshaped and star-shaped myoepithelial cells of complex adenocarcinomas; on cartilage cells of carcinomas in the mixed tumor and benign mixed tumors; on osteoid cells of osteosarcoma; and on myofibroblasts of simple adenocarcinomas, complex adenocarcinomas, carcinomas in the mixed tumor and benign mixed tumors, and connective tissue fibres of fibrosarcoma. The expression of cytokeratin was noticed on canalicular and alveolar lumen epithelium of simple adenocarcinomas; on epithelial cells of complex adenocarcinomas, carcinomas in the mixed tumor, mutinous carcinomas, fibrosarcoma and of osteosarcoma; on resting and starshaped myoepithelial cells of complex adenocarcinomas and carcinomas in the mixed tumor; as well as on spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells of carcinomas in the mixed tumor. Proliferative suprabasal myoepithelial cells of simple adenocarcinomas showed the co-expression of vimentin and cytokeratin, and so did the resting and spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells of complex tubular adenocarcinomas, whereas in complex solid adenocarcinomas the coexpression was also shown on star-shaped myoepithelial cells. The coexpression of vimentin and cytokeratin was found on resting myoepithelial cells of benign mixed tumors, simple and complex adenomas, and mammary gland hyperplasia; on spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells of benign mixed tumors, complex adenomas and myoepithelial solid adenomas; and on star-shaped myoepithelial cells of benign mixed tumors.en
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu su prikazani rezultati imunohistohemijskog ispitivanja distribucije intermedijernih filamentoznih proteina vimentina i citokeratina u tumorima mlečne žlezde kuja, koji su klasifikovani prema najnovijoj WHO-klasifikaciji iz 1999. godine. Ispitivani uzorak obuhvatio je 45 kuja različite rase i starosti, pri čemu je dijagnostikovano 27 malignih tumora, 11 benignih tumora i 3 benigne promene, dok su 4 kontrolna uzorka bila poreklom od zdravih kuja. Najzastupljeniji maligni tumori bili su prost adenokarcinom (13 slučajeva) i kompleksni adenokarcinom (7 slučajeva), a među benignim tumorima dominirali su benigni mešoviti tumori (8 slučajeva). Vimentin je bio eksprimiran na neoplastičnim proliferisanim suprabazalnim mioepitelnim ćelijama prostih adenokarcinoma, zatim mirujućim, vretenastim i zvezdastim mioepitelnim ćelijama kompleksnih adenokarcinoma, na hrskavičnim ćelijama benignih i malignih mešovitih tumora, a na osteoblastima osteosarkoma, miofibroblastima prostih adenokarcinoma, kompleksnih adenokarcinoma, malignih i benignih mešovitih tumora, i vezivno-tkivnim vlaknima fibrosarkoma. Ekspresija citokeratina uočena je na alveolarnom i duktalnom epitelu prostih adenokarcinoma, epitelnim ćelijama kompleksnih adenokarcinoma, malignih i benignih mešovitih tumora, mucinoznih adenokarcinoma, fibrosarkoma i osteosarkoma, mirujućim i zvezdastim mioepitelnim ćelijama kompleksnih adenokarcinoma i malignih mešovitih tumora i vretenastim mioepitelnim ćelijama malignih mešovitih tumora. Koekspresiju vimentina i citokeratina pokazuju proliferisane suprabazalne mioepitelne ćelije prostih adenokarcinoma, mirujuće i vretenaste mioepitelne ćelije kompleksnih tubularnih adenokarcinoma, dok je u kompleksnim solidnim adenokarcinoma koekspresija ispoljena i na zvezdastim mioepitelnim ćelijama. Koekspresija vimentina i citokeratina otkrivena je na mirujućim mioepitelnim ćelijama benignih mešovitih tumora, prostih i kompleksnih adenoma i žlezdane hiperplazije; vretenastim mioepitelnim ćelijama benignih mešovitih tumora, kompleksnih adenoma i mioepitelnih solidnih adenoma; i zvezdastim mioepitelnim ćelijama benignih mešovitih tumora.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectmammary gland tumorsen
dc.subjectexpression ofvimentinen
dc.subjectexpression of cytokeratinen
dc.titleCo-expression of vimentin and cytokeratin in bitch mammary gland tumorsen
dc.titleKoekspresija vimentina i citokeratina u tumorima mlečne žlezde kujasr
dcterms.abstractAлексић-Ковачевић, Сања; Магаш, Владимир; Јовић, Славољуб; Коекспресија виментина и цитокератина у туморима млечне жлезде куја; Коекспресија виментина и цитокератина у туморима млечне жлезде куја;
dc.citation.other57(2-3): 247-255



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