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Uticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i klanične parametre

dc.creatorTokić, Vesna
dc.creatorLazarević, Miodrag
dc.creatorSinovec, Zlatan
dc.creatorBaltić, Milan Ž.
dc.creatorJokić, Živan
dc.description.abstractThe objective of these investigations was to examine the influence of prebiotics based on mannan-oligosaccharides and polysaccharide complexes of micro elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) on production results and abattoir parameters for broilers of the hybrid Arbor Acres. The experiment was performed on 186 chicken divided into three equal groups, it lasted 42 days and was divided into 3 phases. The first phase lasted 21 days, the second 14, and the third seven days. The complete mix for initial fattening of broilers was used from days 1-21, and complete fodder mixes for closing fattening from days 21-35, and on days 35-42 of the experiment. Feeding was ad libitum and the broilers were maintained in a floor system. Broilers fed mixes of standard raw material composition and the usual nutritive values achieved an average daily growth of 49.10 g at an average daily feed consumption of 115.55 g and with food conversion of 2.35, while the yield was 71.90%. The addition of prebiotics based on mannan-oligosaccharides resulted in an increased average daily growth by 14.95% with a lower feed consumption by 2.67% and better conversion by 15.32%, while the yield was approximately the same as in the control group. The use of mixes to which polysaccharide complexes of micro elements have been added (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) resulted in a higher daily growth by 11.43%, with a lower feed consumption by 4.28% and better conversion by 14%. The yield was approximately the same in this group as in the controls. The results realized in these investigations, throughout the experimental period, indicate that the use of the examined additives significantly affected the growth and body mass of chicks and that it is nutritionally and economically justified.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj prebiotika na bazi manan-oligosaharida i polisaharidnih kompleksa mikro elemenata (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) na proizvodne rezultate i klanične parametre kod brojlerskih pilića hibrida Arbor Acres. Ogled je izveden na 186 pilića razvrstanih u tri jednake grupe, trajao je 42 dana i bio podeljen u 3 faze. Prva faza trajala je 21, druga 14, a treća 7 dana. Potpuna smeša za početni tov pilića korišćena je od 1-21 dana, a potpune krmne smeše za završni tov od 21-35 dana, odnosno 35-42 dana ogleda. Ishrana je bila po volji, a pilići su bili u uslovima podnog sistema držanja. Brojleri hranjeni smešama standardnog sirovinskog sastava i uobičajene hranljive vrednosti, ostvarili su prosečan dnevni prirast od 49,10 g pri prosečnoj dnevnoj konzumaciji hrane od 115,55 g i uz konverziju hrane od 2,35 dok je randman bio 71,90%. Dodavanje prebiotika na bazi manan-oligosaharida dovelo je do povećanja prosečnog dnevnog prirasta za 14,95% pri manjoj konzumaciji hrane za 2,67% i boljoj konverziji za 15,32%, dok je randman bio približno isti kao u kontrolnoj grupi. Korišćenjem smeša u koje su dodavani polisaharidni kompleksi mikroelemenata (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) postignuti su veći dnevni prirasti za 11,43%, pri manjoj konzumaciji hrane za 4,28% i boljoj konverziji za 14%. Randman je i u ovoj grupi bio približno isti kao u kontrolnoj. Rezultati ostvareni u ovim istraživanjima, u toku celog oglednog perioda, ukazuju da je upotreba ispitivanih aditiva značajno uticala na prirast i telesnu masu pilića i da ima nutritivno i ekonomsko opravdanje.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectpolysaccharide complexes of micro elementsen
dc.subjectpolisaharidni kompleksi mikroelemenatasr
dc.subjectklanični parametrisr
dc.titleThe influence of different feed additives in broiler diets on productivity and meat yielden
dc.titleUticaj različitih aditiva u ishrani brojlera na proizvodne rezultate i klanične parametresr
dcterms.abstractБалтић, Милан Ж.; Токић, Весна; Синовец, Златан; Јокић, Живан; Лазаревић, Миодраг; Утицај различитих адитива у исхрани бројлера на производне резултате и кланичне параметре; Утицај различитих адитива у исхрани бројлера на производне резултате и кланичне параметре;
dc.citation.other61(5-6): 261-278



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