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Savremeni modeli i perspektiva kontrole parazitskih bolesti

dc.creatorPetričević, Saša M.
dc.creatorIlić, Tamara
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Sanda
dc.description.abstractEconomic, social and expert-scientific factors determine activities in connection with the development of the control of parasitic infections in the upcoming period of the 21st century. The primary research activities are directed at studies of the physiological functions of parasites and the ecological relations between the parasite and the host, and all that is undertaken with the objective of securing adequate pharmacotherapy/pharmacoprophylaxis and immunoprophilaxis. As there is a huge expansion in the synthesis of chemical compounds, there is a great number of potential substances for use in the form of a medicine. Along these lines, activities concerning the development of new antiparasitics and/or modification of existing ones are primarily based on securing a quality target spot for its action. Another possibility in the area of research is connected to the problem of resistance of parasites and intensive studies of the biochemical-physiological characteristics of parasites, as well as the development of an active epidemiological-episootiological network for monitoring resistance. In parallel with the development of medicines, the results of investigations of physiological functions of parasites and their mutual relations with their host, are intensely used for the development of immunological control, and the development of vaccines (for example, the development of vaccines for the control of coccidiosis, babesiosis, echinococcosis). The second important approach is related to studies of parasitic zoonoses, the effect of global warming on the epidemiological-episootiological characteristics of parasitic diseases and the selection of resistant animal breeds/hybrids. Animal welfare is also of importance, the perfecting of reliable, rapid and less-costly methods for diagnosing parasitic diseases and the development of in vitro methods for the examination of resistance to antiparasitics.en
dc.description.abstractEkonomski, socijalni i stručno-naučni faktori uslovljavaju aktivnosti vezane za razvoj kontrole parazitskih infekcija, u predstojećem periodu 21.veka. Primarne istraživačke aktivnosti usmerene su ka izučavanju fizioloških funkcija parazita i ekološkog odnosa parazit domaćin, a sve u cilju obezbeđenja adekvatne farmakoterapije/farmakoprofilakse i imunoprofilakse. Kako je sinteza hemijskih jedinjenja u ogromnoj ekspanziji, postoji veliki broj potencijalnih supstanci za primenu u vidu leka. U skladu sa time, i aktivnosti razvoja novih antiparazitika i/ili modifikacije postojećih se zasnivaju prvenstveno na 'obezbeđivanju' kvalitetnog ciljnog mesta delovanja. Druga mogućnost na istraživačkom planu je vezana za problem rezistencije parazita i intenzivno izučavanje biohemijsko-fizioloških karakteristika parazita, kao i razvijanje aktivne epidemiološko epizootiološke mreže za praćenje rezistencije. Paralelno sa razvojem lekova, rezultati ispitivanja fizioloških funkcija parazita i njihovog međusobnog odnosa sa domaćinom, intenzivno se koriste za razvoj imunološke kontrole, odnosno razvoj vakcina (na primer, razvoj vakcina za kontrolu kokcidioze, babezioze, ehinokokoze i sl.). Drugi važan pristup je proučavanje parazitskih zoonoza, uticaja globalnog zagrevanja na epidemiološko-epizootiološke karakteristike parazitskih bolesti i selekcije otpornijih rasa/hibrida životinja. Od značaja je i dobrobit životinja, usavršavanje pouzdanih, brzih i jeftinih metoda za dijagnostikovanje parazitskih bolesti i razvoj in vitro metoda za ispitivanje rezistencije na
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjecttarget spotsen
dc.subjectciljna mestasr
dc.titleContemporary models and prospects of control of parasitic diseasesen
dc.titleSavremeni modeli i perspektiva kontrole parazitskih bolestisr
dcterms.abstractДимитријевић, Санда; Петричевић, Саша М.; Илић, Тамара; Савремени модели и перспектива контроле паразитских болести; Савремени модели и перспектива контроле паразитских болести;
dc.citation.other61(5-6): 337-350

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