Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs
Parenteralna ishrana pasa i mačaka
Inadequate diet combined with disease, injury or stress increases the metaobolic activity of patients to above the normal activity at rest. Sick or injured patients that are incapable of the intake of food and use nutritive matter through the digestive tract are indicated for parenteral feeding. Prior to the application of parenteral nutrition itself, it is necessary to carry out a series of clinical and laboratory analyses in order to determine which patients should actually be treated in this way. In order to determine the parenteral nutritive requirements, the veterinarian must assess the nutritive requirements of the patient, and on these grounds determine the type of solution that will be applied. It is very difficult to determine the precise requirements, so that certain relations are used in practice between the individual nutritive components that are based on the average requirements of these animal species. For parenteral nutrition, solutions are applied that are based on dex...trose or glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In the course of the application of parenteral feeding, constant monitoring of the patient is necessary in the form of clinical examinations and laboratory tests.
Neadekvatna ishrana u kombinaciji sa bolešću, povredom ili stresom povećava metaboličku aktivnost pacijenta iznad normalne pri mirovanju. Bolesni ili povređeni pacijenti koji nisu u stanju da uzimaju hranu i koriste hranjive materije preko digestivnog trakta indikovani su za parenteralnu ishranu. Pre same primene parenteralne ishrane potrebno je izvršiti niz kliničkih i laboratorijskih analiza kako bismo odredili pacijente kod kojih je ona stvarno indikovana. Za određivanje parenteralnih nutritivnih potreba veterinar mora da proceni potrebe pacijenta za hranljivim materijama, na osnovu čega će se odrediti i vrsta rastvora koja će se primeniti. Egzaktne potrebe je veoma teško odrediti, te se u praksi koriste određene relacije između pojedinih hranjivih sastojaka koje počivaju na prosečnim potrebama ovih vrsta životinja. Za parenteralnu ishranu koriste se rastvori na bazi dekstroze ili glukoze, aminokiselina, lipida, vitamina mikro i makro elemenata. Tokom primene parenteralne ishrane ne...ophodna je stalna kontrola pacijenta u vidu kliničkih pregleda i laboratorijskih analiza.
parenteral feeding / dog / cat / metabolic requirements / parenteralna ishrana / pas / mačka / metaboličke potrebeSource:
Veterinarski Glasnik, 2008, 62, 3-4, 207-216Publisher:
- Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
Fakultet veterinarske medicineTY - JOUR AU - Jovanović, Milan S. AU - Andrić, Nenad PY - 2008 UR - AB - Inadequate diet combined with disease, injury or stress increases the metaobolic activity of patients to above the normal activity at rest. Sick or injured patients that are incapable of the intake of food and use nutritive matter through the digestive tract are indicated for parenteral feeding. Prior to the application of parenteral nutrition itself, it is necessary to carry out a series of clinical and laboratory analyses in order to determine which patients should actually be treated in this way. In order to determine the parenteral nutritive requirements, the veterinarian must assess the nutritive requirements of the patient, and on these grounds determine the type of solution that will be applied. It is very difficult to determine the precise requirements, so that certain relations are used in practice between the individual nutritive components that are based on the average requirements of these animal species. For parenteral nutrition, solutions are applied that are based on dextrose or glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In the course of the application of parenteral feeding, constant monitoring of the patient is necessary in the form of clinical examinations and laboratory tests. AB - Neadekvatna ishrana u kombinaciji sa bolešću, povredom ili stresom povećava metaboličku aktivnost pacijenta iznad normalne pri mirovanju. Bolesni ili povređeni pacijenti koji nisu u stanju da uzimaju hranu i koriste hranjive materije preko digestivnog trakta indikovani su za parenteralnu ishranu. Pre same primene parenteralne ishrane potrebno je izvršiti niz kliničkih i laboratorijskih analiza kako bismo odredili pacijente kod kojih je ona stvarno indikovana. Za određivanje parenteralnih nutritivnih potreba veterinar mora da proceni potrebe pacijenta za hranljivim materijama, na osnovu čega će se odrediti i vrsta rastvora koja će se primeniti. Egzaktne potrebe je veoma teško odrediti, te se u praksi koriste određene relacije između pojedinih hranjivih sastojaka koje počivaju na prosečnim potrebama ovih vrsta životinja. Za parenteralnu ishranu koriste se rastvori na bazi dekstroze ili glukoze, aminokiselina, lipida, vitamina mikro i makro elemenata. Tokom primene parenteralne ishrane neophodna je stalna kontrola pacijenta u vidu kliničkih pregleda i laboratorijskih analiza. PB - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd T2 - Veterinarski Glasnik T1 - Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs T1 - Parenteralna ishrana pasa i mačaka VL - 62 IS - 3-4 SP - 207 EP - 216 DO - 10.2298/VETGL0804207J ER -
@article{ author = "Jovanović, Milan S. and Andrić, Nenad", year = "2008", abstract = "Inadequate diet combined with disease, injury or stress increases the metaobolic activity of patients to above the normal activity at rest. Sick or injured patients that are incapable of the intake of food and use nutritive matter through the digestive tract are indicated for parenteral feeding. Prior to the application of parenteral nutrition itself, it is necessary to carry out a series of clinical and laboratory analyses in order to determine which patients should actually be treated in this way. In order to determine the parenteral nutritive requirements, the veterinarian must assess the nutritive requirements of the patient, and on these grounds determine the type of solution that will be applied. It is very difficult to determine the precise requirements, so that certain relations are used in practice between the individual nutritive components that are based on the average requirements of these animal species. For parenteral nutrition, solutions are applied that are based on dextrose or glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In the course of the application of parenteral feeding, constant monitoring of the patient is necessary in the form of clinical examinations and laboratory tests., Neadekvatna ishrana u kombinaciji sa bolešću, povredom ili stresom povećava metaboličku aktivnost pacijenta iznad normalne pri mirovanju. Bolesni ili povređeni pacijenti koji nisu u stanju da uzimaju hranu i koriste hranjive materije preko digestivnog trakta indikovani su za parenteralnu ishranu. Pre same primene parenteralne ishrane potrebno je izvršiti niz kliničkih i laboratorijskih analiza kako bismo odredili pacijente kod kojih je ona stvarno indikovana. Za određivanje parenteralnih nutritivnih potreba veterinar mora da proceni potrebe pacijenta za hranljivim materijama, na osnovu čega će se odrediti i vrsta rastvora koja će se primeniti. Egzaktne potrebe je veoma teško odrediti, te se u praksi koriste određene relacije između pojedinih hranjivih sastojaka koje počivaju na prosečnim potrebama ovih vrsta životinja. Za parenteralnu ishranu koriste se rastvori na bazi dekstroze ili glukoze, aminokiselina, lipida, vitamina mikro i makro elemenata. Tokom primene parenteralne ishrane neophodna je stalna kontrola pacijenta u vidu kliničkih pregleda i laboratorijskih analiza.", publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd", journal = "Veterinarski Glasnik", title = "Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs, Parenteralna ishrana pasa i mačaka", volume = "62", number = "3-4", pages = "207-216", doi = "10.2298/VETGL0804207J" }
Jovanović, M. S.,& Andrić, N.. (2008). Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs. in Veterinarski Glasnik Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd., 62(3-4), 207-216.
Jovanović MS, Andrić N. Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs. in Veterinarski Glasnik. 2008;62(3-4):207-216. doi:10.2298/VETGL0804207J .
Jovanović, Milan S., Andrić, Nenad, "Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs" in Veterinarski Glasnik, 62, no. 3-4 (2008):207-216, . .