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Maligna kataralna groznica (Coryza gangraenosa bovum)

dc.creatorSpasojević, Filip
dc.creatorUzelac, Đorđe
dc.creatorMilosavljević, Zlatko
dc.creatorVujanac, Ivan
dc.description.abstractMalignant catarrhal fever is a disease of cattle and other ruminants, which most often has a lethal outcome. The disease occurs sporadically and is very difficult to control. At a private mini cattle farm, the occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever was suspected on the grounds of anaemnestic data and results of clinical examinations. The owner said that, in addition to cattle, he also breeds sheep in a separate facility, but said these animals had not been in contact with the diseased cow. In the course of the disease, the characteristic symptoms developed so that the clinical diagnosis set earlier was subsequently confirmed. In addition to constantly elevated body temperature, changes in the eyes were observed very soon (congested blood vessels and capillaries of the white sclera with keratitis on both sides). In addition to photofobia and a copious discharge from the nasal cavities, the discharge was at first seromucous and later became mucopurrulent. In the later course of the disease, there was progressive loss of weight and exhaustion of the animal. Since therapy included, in addition to other medicines, also a glucocorticosteroid preparation, the animal aborted its fetus on the fifth day. A pathological-anatomical examination did not reveal any changes on the fetus. In spite of the applied therapy, the medical condition deteriorated from day to day, and the animal expired on the eighth day of the disease.en
dc.description.abstractMaligna kataralna groznica je oboljenje goveda i drugih preživara, koje se najčešće završava uginućem. Bolest se pojavljuje sporadično i veoma se teško kontroliše. Na privatnoj mini-farmi goveda na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka i rezultata kliničkog pregleda postavljena je sumnja na malignu kataralnu groznicu. Vlasnik je izjavio da pored goveda u posebnom objektu gaji ovce, ali kako je on naveo one nisu bile u kontaktu sa obolelom životinjom. U toku bolesti je došlo do razvoja karakterističnih simptoma tako da je prethodno postavljena klinička dijagnoza potvrđena. Pored stalno povišene telesne temperature, veoma brzo su uočene i promene na očima (kongestija krvnih sudova i kapilara beonjača sa obostranim keratitisom). Pored fotofobije i obilnog suženja, iz nosnih otvora slivao se u početku seromukozan, a kasnije i mukopurulentan iscedak. U kasnijem razvoju bolesti došlo je do progresivnog mršavljenja i iscrpljenosti životinje. Pošto je u terapiji, pored drugih lekova, korišćen preparat glukokortikosteroida, životinja je petog dana pobacila plod. Patološkoanatomskim pregledom nisu uočene promene na plodu. Uprkos primenjenoj terapiji, zdravstveno stanje životinje se pogoršavalo iz dana u dan i osmog dana bolovanja ona je
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectmalignant catarrhal feveren
dc.subjectmaligna kataralna groznicasr
dc.titleMalignant catarrhal fever (Coryza gangraenosa bovum)en
dc.titleMaligna kataralna groznica (Coryza gangraenosa bovum)sr
dcterms.abstractМилосављевић, Златко; Вујанац, Иван; Спасојевић, Филип; Узелац, Ђорђе;
dc.citation.other62(1-2): 105-110



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