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Uporedno ispitivanje osetljivosti i specifičnosti imunoenzimske probe i testa inhibicije hemaglutinacije u serološkoj dijagnostici newcastle bolesti živine

dc.creatorMilić, Nenad
dc.creatorNišavić, Jakov
dc.creatorRadojičić, Marina
dc.creatorŠekler, Marina
dc.creatorMatović, Kazimir
dc.creatorVidanović, Dejan
dc.description.abstractComparative investigations of the sensitivity and specificity of the indirect immunoenzyme probe - iELISA and the hemagglutination inhibition test (HI test) in serological diagnostics of the Newcastle disease in poultry were carried out using samples of blood serum taken from non-vaccinated and vaccinated poultry. A total of 14 samples of blood serum from non-vaccinated poultry were examined using the immunoenzyme probe - iELISA, and nine of these were found to be positive to the presence of specific antigen against the Newcastle disease virus, while two samples were suspect, and no presence of specific antibodies was established in three samples. Examinations of 82 samples of blood serum from vaccinated poultry for the presence of specific antibodies against the Newcastle disease virus established their presence in 80 serum samples, while one sample was suspect and one sample was negative. The values of the titer of specific antibodies in blood serum samples of vaccinated and non-vaccinated poultry established using the hemagglutination inhibition test (HI test) ranged from 1:2 to 1:32.en
dc.description.abstractUporedno ispitivanje osetljivosti i specifičnosti indirektne imunoenzimske probe - iELISA i testa inhibicije hemaglutinacije (HI testa) u serološkoj dijagnostici Newcastle bolesti živine vršeno je korišćenjem uzoraka krvnog seruma nevakcinisane i vakcinisane živine. Primenom imunoenzimske probe - iELISA ukupno je ispitano četrnaest uzoraka krvnog seruma nevakcinisane živine, od kojih je devet bilo pozitivno na prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv virusa Newcastle bolesti, dok su dva uzorka bila sumnjiva, a kod tri uzorka nije ustanovljeno prisustvo specifičnih antitela. Ispitivanjem 82 uzorka krvnog seruma vakcinisane živine na prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv virusa Newcastle bolesti, utvrđeno je njihovo prisustvo kod 80 uzoraka seruma, dok je jedan uzorak bio sumnjiv, a jedan negativan. Vrednosti titra specifičnih antitela u uzorcima krvnog seruma vakcinisane i nevakcinisane živine ustanovljene primenom testa inhibicije hemaglutinacije (HI testa), kretale su se od 1:2 do
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectNewcastle disease virusen
dc.subjectimmunoenzyme probe - iELISAen
dc.subjecthemagglutination inhibition test (HI test)en
dc.subjectvirus Newcastle bolestisr
dc.subjectimunoenzimska proba - iELISAsr
dc.subjecttest inhibicije hemaglutinacije (HI test)sr
dc.titleComparative investigations of sensitivity and specificity of immunoenzyme probe and inhibition hemagglutination test in serological diagnostics of newcastle disease in poultryen
dc.titleUporedno ispitivanje osetljivosti i specifičnosti imunoenzimske probe i testa inhibicije hemaglutinacije u serološkoj dijagnostici newcastle bolesti živinesr
dcterms.abstractНишавић, Јаков; Милић, Ненад; Видановић, Дејан; Шеклер, Марина; Матовић, Казимир; Радојичић, Марина;
dc.citation.other63(1-2): 37-44

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