Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Uticaj zamrzavanja ribe na odabrane parametre kvaliteta dimljenog proizvoda

dc.creatorKilibarda, Nataša
dc.creatorBaltić, Milan Ž.
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Mirjana
dc.creatorKarabasil, Nedjeljko
dc.creatorKiskároly, Ferenc
dc.description.abstractIn the circumstances of small processing facilities for smoked fish production, and a particularly good fishing season, there occurs the necessity for freezing the catch in order to process it and preserve it in this way, at times when the season is not so good. To this end, the goal of our research was to examine the effect of freezing fish on the selected parameters of cold smoked, vacuum-packed trout fillets. To conduct the experiment, two groups of trout were formed: the control one, out of fresh fish, and the experimental one, out of previously frozen fish. In the course of a three week period of smoked fish storage at the temperature of 4ºC the variation of the total number of bacteria, and the total number of lactobacilli were monitored. Also, at the end of processing, the content value of water and salt were determined, as well as the content value of salt in the water phase, and aw value (water activity). By testing the bacteriological status of two groups of products during the storage period, it was determined that the total number of both bacteria and lactobacilli was smaller in the samples produced from frozen fish. The average content value of water and NaCl, as well as the salt content value in the water phase, in the vacuum-packed, smoked fillets produced from frozen fish was statistically, considerably larger than the content value of water, salt, and salt content value in the water phase in the samples manufactured from fresh fish. Our research findings show that using the raw material that was previously frozen for producing smoked fish fillets is not only appropriate, but also recommended.en
dc.description.abstractU uslovima malih preradnih kapaciteta za proizvodnju dimljene ribe nameće se potreba, u sezonama većeg izlova, za zamrzavanjem ribe i njena dalja prerada u vremenu kada je taj izlov mali, ili ga nema. Zbog toga je cilj našeg istraživanja bio da se ispita uticaj zamrzavanja ribe na odabrane parametre kvaliteta hladno dimljenih vakuumiranih fileta pastrmke. Za eksperiment su formirane dve grupe pastrmki: kontrolna od sveže ribe i ogledna od prethodno zamrznute ribe. U toku tri nedelje skladištenja proizvoda dimljene ribe pri temperaturi od 4ºC praćena je promena ukupnog broja bakterija i ukupan broj laktobacila, a na kraju proizvodnje utvrđen je sadržaj vode i soli, izračunat je sadržaj soli u vodenoj fazi i aw vrednost (aktivnost vode). Ispitivanjem bakteriološkog statusa obe grupe proizvoda, utvrđeno je da je i ukupan broj bakterija i ukupan broj laktobacila u uzorcima, tokom skladištenja, bio manji kod uzoraka proizvedenih od zamrzavane ribe. Prosečan sadržaj vode, NaCl, kao i sadržaj soli u vodenoj fazi u vakuumiranim dimljenim filetima proizvedenim od zamrznute ribe bio je statistički značajno veći od sadržaja vode, soli i sadržaja soli u vodenoj fazi u poređenju sa uzorcima proizvedenim od sveže ribe. Rezultati naših istraživanja ukazuju da je opravdano, čak i poželjno, u proizvodnji dimljenih fileta ribe koristiti sirovinu koja je prethodno bila
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectsmoked fishen
dc.titleEffect of fish freezing on selected parameters of smoked product qualityen
dc.titleUticaj zamrzavanja ribe na odabrane parametre kvaliteta dimljenog proizvodasr
dcterms.abstractКискáролy, Ференц; Карабасил, Неђељко; Димитријевић, Мирјана; Балтић, Милан Ж.; Килибарда, Наташа; Утицај замрзавања рибе на одабране параметре квалитета димљеног производа; Утицај замрзавања рибе на одабране параметре квалитета димљеног производа;
dc.citation.other59(2-3): 291-302



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