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Ispitivanje uticaja zeolita na sadržaj vitamina B6 u mesu brojlera - validacija metode

dc.creatorBasić, Zorica
dc.creatorKilibarda, Vesna
dc.creatorResanović, Radmila
dc.creatorMaksimović, Milan
dc.description.abstractZeolites are crystal, hydrated aluminosilicates of alkali-metal and alkaline-earth-metal cations which possesses 'infinite' three-dimensional crystaline structure, and are characterized with an ability of losing and accepting water and interchanging some of their own constitutional cations. Zeolites are more and more used in veterinary and human medicine. As a dietary supplement, they have been present on the European market since 1998. Zeolite-based products are used to adsorb aflatoxins and prevent aflatoxicosis, as well as appearance of aflatoxins residues in eggs, poultry meat, beef, mutton and pork. The aim of this paper was to determinate, using HPLC method with fluorescent detection, the content of vitamin B6 in meat of poultry fed with: commercial feed for broilers' fattening; commercial feed for broilers' fattening with the addition of 0,2% of zeolite, i.e. to investigate whether the persence of zeolite in feed has any influence on resorption and total vitamin B6 content in poultry meat. For this purpose an experiment on 30 broiler chicken was set. During 6 weeks, control group was fed with commercial broiler chicken fattening mixture, while 0,2% of zeolite was added to the experimental group's commercial mixture. After six weeks vitamin B6 content was determined by ion-pair reverse-phase HPLC method with fluorescence detector, after acid and enzymatic meat samples hydrolysis. Results show that, after adding 0,2% of zeolite to chicken diet, there was no statistically significant difference in vitamin B6 content in meat of experimental group, compared with the control group of broiler chicken. Investigation of zeolite adsorption ability of vitamin B6 gave significant contribution to the studies of the possibilities of its application in poultry production from the aspect of obtaining meat that fulfills all hygienic and nutritional requirements. .en
dc.description.abstractU veterinarskoj i humanoj medicini zeoliti nalaze sve širu primenu. Kao dijetetski suplementi nalaze se na tržištu Evrope od 1998. godine. Preparati na bazi zeolita koriste se radi adsorpcije aflatoksina i sprečavanja aflatoksikoze, kao i pojavljivanja rezidua afl atoksina u jajima i mesu živine, goveda, ovaca i svinja. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ustanovi da li zeolit utiče na resorpciju, odnosno koncentraciju vitamina B6 u mesu nakon njegove primene u ishrani brojlera. U tu svrhu je dizajniran ogled na 30 brojlera. Tokom 6 nedelja brojleri kontrolne grupe hranjeni su komercijalnom smešom za tov brojlera, dok je eksperimentalna grupa brojlera dobijala komercijalnu smešu, uz dodatak 0,2 posto zeolita. Posle toga je određivan sadržaj vitamina B6 u mesu primenom jonoizmenjivačke reverzno-fazne HPLC metode sa fluorescentnim detektorom, nakon kisele i enzimske hidrolize uzoraka mesa. Rezultati ukazuju da se nakon dodavanja 0,2 posto zeolita smešama za ishranu brojlera ne ispoljava statistički značajna razlika u sadržaju vitamina B6 u mesu ogledne u odnosu na meso kontrolne grupe brojlera. .sr
dc.publisherInstitut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd
dc.sourceTehnologija mesa
dc.subjectvitamin B6en
dc.subjectvitamin B6sr
dc.titleInvestigation of zeolites influence on vitamin B6 content in broilers' chicken meat: Method validationen
dc.titleIspitivanje uticaja zeolita na sadržaj vitamina B6 u mesu brojlera - validacija metodesr
dcterms.abstractРесановић, Радмила; Басић, Зорица; Килибарда, Весна; Максимовић, Милан; Испитивање утицаја зеолита на садржај витамина Б6 у месу бројлера - валидација методе; Испитивање утицаја зеолита на садржај витамина Б6 у месу бројлера - валидација методе;
dc.citation.other50(3-4): 201-204



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