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Digitalna morfometrijska studija ekstrasulkusne površine girusa cinguli čoveka

dc.creatorSpasojević, Goran
dc.creatorMalobabić, Slobodan
dc.creatorStojanović, Zlatan
dc.creatorJandrić, Slavica
dc.creatorĐorđević, Milena
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. The frequency of different morphological types and extrasulcal (visible) surface area of the cingulate gyms, were measured and analyzed in order to obtain more precise data about morphology, right/left and sex differences in the human brain. Material and methods. The study included 42 brains (84 hemispheres) from persons of both sexes and of different age (26 males, 16 females, 20-65 years old), without neuropathological changes. After fixation in 10% formaline (3-4 weeks) and removal of meninges the brains were photographed under standard conditions by digital camera. Following determination of morphological type, regions of interest of cingulate gyrus were determined in stereotactic system system of coordinates and the extrasulcal surface was measured by digital AutoCAD planimetry. Results and discussion. Three basic morphological types of cingulate gyrus were found: the continuous type (34.5%), segmented type (35.7%) and double paralel type (29.8%). There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of morphological types related to the side (right/left) or sex (p>0.05). The area of extrasulcal cortex of cingulate gyrus was statistically significantly (p lt 0.O5) larger on the left hemispheres (for 1.13 cm) than on the right (left: 14.58 cm; right: 13.45 cm. The extrasulcal surface of the left cingulate gyrus was significantly larger (p0.05) in males (males 15.9 cm: females - 13.6 cm), while for the right cingulate gyrus this difference was not significant. Conclusion. Morphometry indicated sex and right/left differences of extrasulcal surface area of the human cingulate gyrus. However, the morphological analysis itself did not indicate corresponding differences, suggesting complexity of the problem of sex dimorphism and of right/left asymmetries in the domain of limbic cortex.en
dc.description.abstractAnaliza morfoloških tipova i ekstrasulkusne (vidljive) površine girusa cinguli obuhvatila je 42 mozga (84 hemisfere) odraslih (26 muškaraca i 16 žena, 20-65 godina). Po fiksiranju 10% formalinom i disckciji vršena je morfološka tipizacija. Standardizovana digitalna AutoCAD planimetrija ekstrasulkusne površine girusa cinguli vršena je u koordinatnom sistemu interkomisuralne linije. Opisali smo tri morfološka tipa girusa cinguli: kontinuirani (34,5%), segmentirani (35,7%) i dvostruki paralelni tip (29.8%). Nema statistički značajnih razlika u učestalosti ovih tipova girusa cinguli prema strani (desna/leva) ili polu osoba (p>0.05). Ekstrasulkusna površina girusa cinguli na levim (14,58 cm2) statistički je značajno veća (p lt 0,05) nego na desnim hemisferama (13,45 cm2). Takođe je signifikantno veća (p lt 0,05) ekstrasulkusna površina levog girusa cinguli muškaraca (15,9 cm2) nego žena (13,6 cm2), dok za desnu vijugu razlika nije bila signifikantna. Iako sama morfološka analiza to nije pokazala. digitalna planimetrija ekstrasulkusne površine girusa cinguli pokazala je polne i desno-leve morfometrijske
dc.publisherDruštvo lekara Vojvodine Srpskog lekarskog društva, Novi Sad
dc.sourceMedicinski pregled
dc.subjectGyrus Cinguli + anatomy and histologyen
dc.subjectSex Characteristicsen
dc.subjectBody Patterningen
dc.subjectGirus cinguli + anatomija i histologijasr
dc.subjectPolne karakteristikesr
dc.subjectTelesna tipizacijasr
dc.titleDigital morphometric study of the extrasulcal surface of the cingulate gyrus in manen
dc.titleDigitalna morfometrijska studija ekstrasulkusne površine girusa cinguli čovekasr
dcterms.abstractЈандрић, Славица; Ђорђевић, Милена; Спасојевић, Горан; Малобабић, Слободан; Стојановић, Златан; Дигитална морфометријска студија екстрасулкусне површине гируса цингули човека; Дигитална морфометријска студија екстрасулкусне површине гируса цингули човека;
dc.citation.other63(1-2): 51-56

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