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Ispitivanje efikasnosti različitih tretmana subkliničkih mastitisa krava izazvanih Staphylococcus aureus-om u zasušnom periodu

dc.creatorVakanjac, Slobodanka
dc.creatorPavlović, Miloš
dc.creatorPavlović, V.
dc.description.abstractMastitis is still the most common disorder which is present in diary cows. Changes in genetics, nutrition and milking equipment affect the incidence of subclinical and clinical forms of mastitis. Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of subclinical and clinical forms of mastitis. In the acute form it can cause malignant mastitis in the form of granulomatous and necrotic changes. Chronic forms of staphylococcal mastitis often develop as subclinical changes. Halting the entrance, the colonization and replication of the pathogen into the udder impose the constant need for regular milk controls and preventive and therapeutic measures in order to decrease the incidence of mastitis. A modern approach in the eradication and control of mastitis is immunoprophilaxis, aimed towards the innovation of new vaccines against the most common causes of mastitis. In this study we have applied the vaccine prepared with S. aureus isolated from milk taken from the experimental farm and the referent capsular strain. The vaccine was applied twice two months before calving in a dose of 5mL. The vaccine contained inactivated S. aureus JR3 bacterial cells in a quantity of 1 x 1010 cfu/mL and 5 mg SM capsule S. aureus 2286 strain. After vaccination of cows in late pregnancy, subclinical mastitis appears at a smaller frequency compared to the three experimental groups. To the first group of cows the antibiotic was applied intramammary, to the second group antibiotics were applied parenterally and intramammary and the third group served as the untreated control.en
dc.description.abstractMastitis je još uvek najučestalije i 'najskuplje' obolenje na mlečnim farmama. Promene u genetici, ishrani, aparatima za mužu i načinu držanja krava utiču na učestalost pojave subkliničkih i kliničkih mastitisa. Staphylococcus aureus izaziva subkliničke i kliničke forme mastitisa, koje mogu u akutnoj formi da izazovu teške, maligne mastitise u vidu granulaomatoznih i nekrotičnih promena. Hronične forme stafilokoknog mastitisa uglavnom prolaze kao subklinički oblici obolenja mlečne žlezde. Sprečavanje prodora patogenog uzročnika u mlečnu žlezdu, njegovo naseljavanje i razmnožavanje, nameću stalnu potrebu za redovnim kontrolama mleka kao i preduzimanje preventivnih i terapijskih mera u cilju smanjenja nastanka mastitisa. Moderan pristup suzbijanju i kontroli mastitisa je imnunoprofilaksa koja je usmerena na pronalaženje efikasnih vakcina protiv nekih najčešćih uzročnika mastitisa. U našem radu koristili smo autohtonu vakcinu koju smo pripremili od S. aureus-a izolovanog iz mleka uzetog sa ogledne farme i referentnog kapsularnog soja S. aureus. Vakcina je dvokratno aplikovana oglednim kravama dva meseca pred telenje u dozi od 5 ml, a sastojala se od inaktivisanih bakterijskih ćelija S. aureus JR3 u količini od 1x1010 cfu/ml i 5 mg SM kapsule soja S. aureus 2286. Nakon dvokratne aplikacije ispitivane vakcine u visokom graviditetu, subklinički mastitisi krava su se pojavljivali u značajno manjem procentu, u odnosu na ostale tri ogledne grupe. Pri tome je jednoj oglednoj grupi krava bio aplikovan antibiotik intramamarno dok su životinjama druge grupe antibiotici bili aplikovani i parenteralno i intramamarno. Treća grupa se sastojala od plotkinja koje nisu bile podvrgnute ni jednom od navedenih
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectS. aureusen
dc.titleTesting the efficiency of different treatments of subclinical Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in cows during the dry perioden
dc.titleIspitivanje efikasnosti različitih tretmana subkliničkih mastitisa krava izazvanih Staphylococcus aureus-om u zasušnom periodusr
dcterms.abstractВакањац, Слободанка; Павловић, Милош; Павловић, В.;
dc.citation.other60(2-3): 227-239

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